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Fandom Universe (Multi-verse RP)

apoliseno said:
I really don't see a problem with that. Normal humans can sometimes do better things than super-powered anime protagonists.
theManCalledSting said:

I mean... these guys... are scary... and humans can deal with them... they're a bigger threat than GlaDOS
Yeah im a DR who fan so I know about the angels...but I didn't reject the character, I just asked a question ppl...Aren't I allowed to ask questions before judgement?
Yeah I love Axel too! I really hope someone will join as Xion! Because AkuShi is my favorite pairing! I hope I can make that a reality, maybe
Sheaon13 said:
Yeah I love Axel too! I really hope someone will join as Xion! Because AkuShi is my favorite pairing! I hope I can make that a reality, maybe
well feel free to pair with anyone here, it's kind of a crack ship for anyone in here IF they want lol
Universe from: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Name: Dio Brando

Alias/nicknames: DIO, Lord Dio

Age: Over 100

Species: Vampire

Gender/sexuality: Male/bisexual (it was confirmed by Araki)

Personality: Dio is consistently manipulative and violently domineering, apparently lacking much conscience or empathy.

In addition to his wit and intelligence, it is suggested that Dio has accumulated considerable knowledge as a result of a passion for reading; he is introduced doing so as a youth, and several times later in the library of his Egyptian mansion; and once more while speaking with Enrico Pucci.

Dio particularly in his later parts of existence is typically pragmatic; he will normally not attack anything or anybody unless provoked, not because of kindness or morals, but because of it being inconsequential, not worthy of attention, or does not impede him. Even when trying to remove an obstacle, he will first try persuading people to work for him, and only fight them if they oppose.

Araki personally considers Dio to be technically bisexual. He remarked that Dio can and will openly offer himself to either sex using any method, as long as the person suits his present desires. Since he is selfishly interested in their capabilities, however, Araki commented that Dio is the type who is incapable of loving another person wholeheartedly.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.192c0145e9a3b5bb0b3baf58c44b6f85.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.gif.192c0145e9a3b5bb0b3baf58c44b6f85.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: Dio was born the son of Dario Brando, an alcoholic and abusive father who he secretly despised - in part for having caused pain to his mother. On Dario's deathbed, he told Dio of his encounter with George Joestar twelve years prior, instructing Dio to go to the Joestar house and use his wiles to become wealthy. He was then adopted into the Joestar household and subsequently began undermining his new adoptive brother Jonathan at every opportunity. Dio was resolute to shatter Jonathan's spirit and take his place as the favored son, even going so far as to arrange for Jonathan's dog, Danny, to be burned to death.

Seven years later, both boys attend Hugh Hudson Academy, where Dio intends to graduate as a top law student. During that seven-year span, he had acted brotherly and friendly toward Jonathan to lull the latter into a false sense of security. Dio's plans to take over the Joestar household are discovered by Jonathan, who comes to realize that not only had Dio poisoned his biological father to death, he was doing the same to his adoptive father, all to take the Joestar estate for his own.

Determined not to be stopped and understanding the potential to enjoy power over all things instead of just the Joestar estate, Dio plans to subtly kill Jonathan by using the mysterious Stone Mask the latter had been researching. However, during a live experiment, Dio realizes that the mask is not a torture or killing device; it is capable of turning the wearer into a nearly unstoppable vampire. The man he had tested the mask on nearly kills him, but he is saved by a timely sunrise which obliterates his attacker. Returning to the Joestar estate, Dio is confronted by the recently-returned Jonathan, a recovered George, and an ensemble of policemen set to arrest him for attempted murder. Cornered and with nothing left to lose, Dio wears and activates the Stone Mask (by stabbing George, who prevented the knife from reaching Jonathan) and becomes a vampire himself. The policemen shoot him repeatedly, sending him crashing through a window. Though he is at first presumed dead, he soon reappears and attacks those present.

In the battle between him and Jonathan which ensues, the Joestar mansion is set aflame and Dio ends up impaled on a statue of the goddess of love. The combination of such a severe injury and the surrounding flames overpowers Dio, who seemingly burns away to a mere skeleton. However, a few days later when Wang Chan visits the charred remains of the house to find items to sell for profit, Dio resurfaces and drains his blood while vowing vengeance against Jonathan.

Dio, now with burns across his face and body, turns Wang Chan into a vampire and the pair hunt down others to become Dio's underlings - Jack the Ripper Bruford, Tarkus and Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham, among others. With these, he continues his fight against Jonathan et al. In his climatic battle with Jonathan, Dio's lower body is destroyed and he severs his head to prevent the Ripple from taking his life. He decides to kill Jonathan and take over the latter's body, ultimately managing to kill him while on a boat sailing the Atlantic Ocean. Together, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and Dio succeeds in removing Jonathan's head and taking over his lower body (giving Dio the same star birthmark as the members of the Joestar family). However, he remains there inside his specially-prepared casket until 1983, when divers salvage the casket.

Dio's casket is recovered off the coast of Africa by fishermen, who are implied to have been killed by him shortly after. Dio then seems to travel a great deal, ranging from Egypt to Japan. Around July-August of 1984, he impregnates a Japanese woman who goes on to give birth to Giorno Giovanna. The following year, he meets Enya Gail and gains a stand power (The World) as a result of the Bow and Arrow. Later that same year, he encounters Polnareff and brainwashes him.

In 1987, he first meets Enrico Pucci while hiding in a church waiting for the sun to set. July of that year, he goes on to encounter Avdol in Egypt and around the same time, his stand is first able to stop time. In August, he meets Kakyoin while the latter is vacationing in Egypt and fights and brainwashes him as well.

The awakened Dio Brando, now referred to as simply "DIO", begins his next moves within the later months of 1987. For most of part 3, DIO is off-screen and in the shadows, and the question of exactly what his stand "The World" does is a mystery. DIO's ambition is to create a perfect world for him and his servants. In the interim, he seeks to drain for himself the blood of the Joestar lineage, which will help him to fully fuse with Jonathan's body and take better control of The World.

Despite his knowledge that Joseph and allies are looking for him, he doesn't make any effort to go confront them himself and instead is occasionally shown lounging around his mansion reading or feeding on unknown girls. In fact, judging by the flashbacks shown in part 6, DIO spends a fair amount of time philosophizing in his mansion with Pucci while the protagonists battle their way toward him. Even with being part 3's main antagonist, DIO only plays a key role toward the end.

He first appears as a reclining figure with a shadowed face reading a book when Hol Horse reports on the defeat of Alessi and Mariah. Dio questions Hol Horse about his inability to fight, which makes the cowboy turn against Dio. Dio surprises him with his power, leaving a fearful Hol Horse to return to his side. The next time Dio is seen is when Vanilla Ice comes to inform him of Telence T. D'Arby's defeat. When Vanilla volunteers his life to complete DIO's assimilation of Jonathan's body and subsequently slices off his own head, DIO utilizes his own blood to revive Vanilla as a vampire. After Vanilla's defeat, DIO's face is revealed for the first time when he confronts Polnareff on a set of stairs. He toys with Polnareff for a while but when it becomes clear that Polnareff won't rejoin his ranks, DIO prepares to kill him - only to be interrupted by Joseph, Jotaro and Kakyoin breaking down a wall and flooding the stairs with sunlight.

DIO then flees to higher ground. With the sun setting, the protagonists split up into two groups and DIO follows Joseph and Kakyoin, who have commandeered a truck. DIO does much the same by taking over a limousine and forcing the senator inside, Wilson Phillips, to act as a chauffeur. During the car chase, DIO is attacked by Kakyoin's Hierophant Green but comes out unscathed thanks to The World, which he uses to counterattack. In order to get close enough to Joseph and Kakyoin's truck, DIO launches the senator at them, thus resulting in their truck crashing into a building. He then follows them as they use their stands to flee across the rooftops, and ends up battling Kakyoin in the process. Kakyoin is able to use his Stand to make a barrier from which DIO can't escape without getting hurt. DIO uses The World to stop time and destroy the barrier, punching Kakyoin through the stomach and back. Before dying, Kakyoin realizes the nature of The World's time-stop power and uses his last strength to give Joseph a message. DIO wastes no time in catching up to and attacking Joseph, who is able to pass Kakyoin's message to Jotaro before he is also killed by DIO's Stand.

After a long and bloody battle between DIO and Jotaro, the latter is able to stop time just before DIO drops a steamroller on him, and wounds DIO's leg. Jotaro plans to keep on breaking DIO's leg whenever it regenerates until the sun comes up and kills him. DIO, determined not to lose, squirts some blood out of his leg and into Jotaro's eyes. He then attempts to escape but to no avail. In the end, Jotaro lands a punch which connects with a kick from DIO. The kick connects at approximately the same point on The World's leg as where DIO broke his. Because injuries to a stand and its user echo each other, this is where The World's own structure was weakest. Jotaro's hand breaks but DIO's upper body starts to crumble, and his head shatters. Jotaro and doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation are able to do a blood transfusion between Joseph's body and the lower half of DIO's body. The transfusion is able to revive Joseph, and later they lay DIO's remains in the middle of the Sahara Desert to evaporate with the rising sun.

Companions: None

Enemies/rivals: Joestar/Kujo bloodline, Hamon users, Stardust Crusaders

Friends/family: Dario Brando (dead), mother (dead), brainwashed minions

Weapons: A lot of knives

Gear/gadgets: Nothing

Skills/talents: Dio is excellent at manipulating others into doing what he wants so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty, even commanding respect from the dirtiest of Stand users. If being an asshole is a skill, then he is a master of it. He excelled at hand-to-hand combat due to experience with boxing at a young age on top of knowledge of martial arts.

Powers/abilities: Becoming a Vampire as a young adult, Dio displays a broad range of fantastic, supernatural abilities; explained as expressions of the full potential of the human body.

Inhuman Strength: Dio attains massive strength as a Vampire, allowing him feats such as forcibly walking on walls and single-handedly deflecting attacks such as Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash. After absorbing Joseph's blood he is powerful enough to drop a steamroller on Jotaro.

Enhanced Senses: Demonstrated when placing his head on the ground to hear Jotaro's heartbeat, Dio appears to have senses beyond human level.

Regeneration: Dio can regenerate his body faster than fire can consume it. His incredible vitality is maintained by consuming human beings (or their blood), which he commonly does by piercing them with his fingers. Like all JoJo vampires, Dio sucks blood through tentacles in his fingers and has been seen at least once drinking blood from an unnamed girl. His body is able to live even after having vital body parts amputated and he can also control his detached body part

"Space Splitting Eye Spiked Surprise": Dio is able to pressurize liquid in his eyeballs and then create small openings in his pupils, eventually creating two fluid jets (referred to by Straizo as "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes") powerful enough to slice stone.

Vaporization Freezing Technique (????? Kikareit?h??): A freezing ability enabling Dio to freeze his own body parts and transfer this over to other objects or beings. It is able to cancel out the Hamon by freezing the blood in the user's body.

Fusion: By fusing different species, Dio can create half-man half-beast creatures. He can even fuse himself with another living beings to take control of them.

Spores: In Part I: Phantom Blood, Dio's powers are more bio-organic, but for the most part in Part III he only utilizes the "evil implants" - a parasite that brainwashes Polnareff and Kakyoin. A vampires cells can spawn Evil Implants generated from hair and insert it in the brains of living beings to control them. If someone tries to take out the spore, it will grow tentacles in a attempt to kill both the host and the one trying to remove it. If the vampire wants, he can give permission to someone to activate the spore's tentacles anytime he wants if close to it.

Hypnosis: This ability was used twice on Jack The Ripper and Poco respectively. In the case of the former, Dio hypnotized Jack to convince him to join as a servant, allowing Dio to drain his blood and turn him into a zombie. Poco was manipulated to lure Jonathan into a trap, though his consciousness returned after being subjected to Jonathan's hamon.

Teleportation: Dio also shows the ability to disappear by fading into darkness, though this may have been a result of the use of his Stand (see below).


All of this, however, is at the expense of having a body sustained by sheer willpower alone, rather than vital energy. A sufficiently powerful vital force - specifically, sunlight or the Hamon force - will negate the sustaining force's presence and disintegrate the long-unliving body. ?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.3279706f59e54325c7c35e0206cacb2b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.3279706f59e54325c7c35e0206cacb2b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dio's humanoid Stand is The World; facilitating melee attack roughly equal in its immense force and speed to Jotaro's Star Platinum. About a year after gaining his Stand, Dio discovered that it is capable of stopping time. At first, he could only do this for a very short amount of time but, by the end of Part III, he is able to stop time for a maximum of 9 seconds. This duration would have continued to develop had Dio not been defeated. When stopping time, Dio gives the impression that he is teleporting or moving at impossible speed.

The ability is best known for Dio's activation and cancellation phrases THE WORLD, Time, stop! (??

??????! ?????! Za Warudo! Toki yo Tomare!?) and Time resumes. (?????? Toki wa Ugokidasu?).




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apoliseno said:
Universe from: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Name: Dio Brando

Alias/nicknames: DIO, Lord Dio

Age: Over 100

Species: Vampire

Gender/sexuality: Male/bisexual (it was confirmed by Araki)

Personality: Dio is consistently manipulative and violently domineering, apparently lacking much conscience or empathy.

In addition to his wit and intelligence, it is suggested that Dio has accumulated considerable knowledge as a result of a passion for reading; he is introduced doing so as a youth, and several times later in the library of his Egyptian mansion; and once more while speaking with Enrico Pucci.

Dio particularly in his later parts of existence is typically pragmatic; he will normally not attack anything or anybody unless provoked, not because of kindness or morals, but because of it being inconsequential, not worthy of attention, or does not impede him. Even when trying to remove an obstacle, he will first try persuading people to work for him, and only fight them if they oppose.

Araki personally considers Dio to be technically bisexual. He remarked that Dio can and will openly offer himself to either sex using any method, as long as the person suits his present desires. Since he is selfishly interested in their capabilities, however, Araki commented that Dio is the type who is incapable of loving another person wholeheartedly.


View attachment 205550

Backstory: Dio was born the son of Dario Brando, an alcoholic and abusive father who he secretly despised - in part for having caused pain to his mother. On Dario's deathbed, he told Dio of his encounter with George Joestar twelve years prior, instructing Dio to go to the Joestar house and use his wiles to become wealthy. He was then adopted into the Joestar household and subsequently began undermining his new adoptive brother Jonathan at every opportunity. Dio was resolute to shatter Jonathan's spirit and take his place as the favored son, even going so far as to arrange for Jonathan's dog, Danny, to be burned to death.

Seven years later, both boys attend Hugh Hudson Academy, where Dio intends to graduate as a top law student. During that seven-year span, he had acted brotherly and friendly toward Jonathan to lull the latter into a false sense of security. Dio's plans to take over the Joestar household are discovered by Jonathan, who comes to realize that not only had Dio poisoned his biological father to death, he was doing the same to his adoptive father, all to take the Joestar estate for his own.

Determined not to be stopped and understanding the potential to enjoy power over all things instead of just the Joestar estate, Dio plans to subtly kill Jonathan by using the mysterious Stone Mask the latter had been researching. However, during a live experiment, Dio realizes that the mask is not a torture or killing device; it is capable of turning the wearer into a nearly unstoppable vampire. The man he had tested the mask on nearly kills him, but he is saved by a timely sunrise which obliterates his attacker. Returning to the Joestar estate, Dio is confronted by the recently-returned Jonathan, a recovered George, and an ensemble of policemen set to arrest him for attempted murder. Cornered and with nothing left to lose, Dio wears and activates the Stone Mask (by stabbing George, who prevented the knife from reaching Jonathan) and becomes a vampire himself. The policemen shoot him repeatedly, sending him crashing through a window. Though he is at first presumed dead, he soon reappears and attacks those present.

In the battle between him and Jonathan which ensues, the Joestar mansion is set aflame and Dio ends up impaled on a statue of the goddess of love. The combination of such a severe injury and the surrounding flames overpowers Dio, who seemingly burns away to a mere skeleton. However, a few days later when Wang Chan visits the charred remains of the house to find items to sell for profit, Dio resurfaces and drains his blood while vowing vengeance against Jonathan.

Dio, now with burns across his face and body, turns Wang Chan into a vampire and the pair hunt down others to become Dio's underlings - Jack the Ripper Bruford, Tarkus and Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham, among others. With these, he continues his fight against Jonathan et al. In his climatic battle with Jonathan, Dio's lower body is destroyed and he severs his head to prevent the Ripple from taking his life. He decides to kill Jonathan and take over the latter's body, ultimately managing to kill him while on a boat sailing the Atlantic Ocean. Together, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and Dio succeeds in removing Jonathan's head and taking over his lower body (giving Dio the same star birthmark as the members of the Joestar family). However, he remains there inside his specially-prepared casket until 1983, when divers salvage the casket.

Dio's casket is recovered off the coast of Africa by fishermen, who are implied to have been killed by him shortly after. Dio then seems to travel a great deal, ranging from Egypt to Japan. Around July-August of 1984, he impregnates a Japanese woman who goes on to give birth to Giorno Giovanna. The following year, he meets Enya Gail and gains a stand power (The World) as a result of the Bow and Arrow. Later that same year, he encounters Polnareff and brainwashes him.

In 1987, he first meets Enrico Pucci while hiding in a church waiting for the sun to set. July of that year, he goes on to encounter Avdol in Egypt and around the same time, his stand is first able to stop time. In August, he meets Kakyoin while the latter is vacationing in Egypt and fights and brainwashes him as well.

The awakened Dio Brando, now referred to as simply "DIO", begins his next moves within the later months of 1987. For most of part 3, DIO is off-screen and in the shadows, and the question of exactly what his stand "The World" does is a mystery. DIO's ambition is to create a perfect world for him and his servants. In the interim, he seeks to drain for himself the blood of the Joestar lineage, which will help him to fully fuse with Jonathan's body and take better control of The World.

Despite his knowledge that Joseph and allies are looking for him, he doesn't make any effort to go confront them himself and instead is occasionally shown lounging around his mansion reading or feeding on unknown girls. In fact, judging by the flashbacks shown in part 6, DIO spends a fair amount of time philosophizing in his mansion with Pucci while the protagonists battle their way toward him. Even with being part 3's main antagonist, DIO only plays a key role toward the end.

He first appears as a reclining figure with a shadowed face reading a book when Hol Horse reports on the defeat of Alessi and Mariah. Dio questions Hol Horse about his inability to fight, which makes the cowboy turn against Dio. Dio surprises him with his power, leaving a fearful Hol Horse to return to his side. The next time Dio is seen is when Vanilla Ice comes to inform him of Telence T. D'Arby's defeat. When Vanilla volunteers his life to complete DIO's assimilation of Jonathan's body and subsequently slices off his own head, DIO utilizes his own blood to revive Vanilla as a vampire. After Vanilla's defeat, DIO's face is revealed for the first time when he confronts Polnareff on a set of stairs. He toys with Polnareff for a while but when it becomes clear that Polnareff won't rejoin his ranks, DIO prepares to kill him - only to be interrupted by Joseph, Jotaro and Kakyoin breaking down a wall and flooding the stairs with sunlight.

DIO then flees to higher ground. With the sun setting, the protagonists split up into two groups and DIO follows Joseph and Kakyoin, who have commandeered a truck. DIO does much the same by taking over a limousine and forcing the senator inside, Wilson Phillips, to act as a chauffeur. During the car chase, DIO is attacked by Kakyoin's Hierophant Green but comes out unscathed thanks to The World, which he uses to counterattack. In order to get close enough to Joseph and Kakyoin's truck, DIO launches the senator at them, thus resulting in their truck crashing into a building. He then follows them as they use their stands to flee across the rooftops, and ends up battling Kakyoin in the process. Kakyoin is able to use his Stand to make a barrier from which DIO can't escape without getting hurt. DIO uses The World to stop time and destroy the barrier, punching Kakyoin through the stomach and back. Before dying, Kakyoin realizes the nature of The World's time-stop power and uses his last strength to give Joseph a message. DIO wastes no time in catching up to and attacking Joseph, who is able to pass Kakyoin's message to Jotaro before he is also killed by DIO's Stand.

After a long and bloody battle between DIO and Jotaro, the latter is able to stop time just before DIO drops a steamroller on him, and wounds DIO's leg. Jotaro plans to keep on breaking DIO's leg whenever it regenerates until the sun comes up and kills him. DIO, determined not to lose, squirts some blood out of his leg and into Jotaro's eyes. He then attempts to escape but to no avail. In the end, Jotaro lands a punch which connects with a kick from DIO. The kick connects at approximately the same point on The World's leg as where DIO broke his. Because injuries to a stand and its user echo each other, this is where The World's own structure was weakest. Jotaro's hand breaks but DIO's upper body starts to crumble, and his head shatters. Jotaro and doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation are able to do a blood transfusion between Joseph's body and the lower half of DIO's body. The transfusion is able to revive Joseph, and later they lay DIO's remains in the middle of the Sahara Desert to evaporate with the rising sun.

Companions: None

Enemies/rivals: Joestar/Kujo bloodline, Hamon users, Stardust Crusaders

Friends/family: Dario Brando (dead), mother (dead), brainwashed minions

Weapons: A lot of knives

Gear/gadgets: Nothing

Skills/talents: Dio is excellent at manipulating others into doing what he wants so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty, even commanding respect from the dirtiest of Stand users. If being an asshole is a skill, then he is a master of it. He excelled at hand-to-hand combat due to experience with boxing at a young age on top of knowledge of martial arts.

Powers/abilities: Becoming a Vampire as a young adult, Dio displays a broad range of fantastic, supernatural abilities; explained as expressions of the full potential of the human body.

Inhuman Strength: Dio attains massive strength as a Vampire, allowing him feats such as forcibly walking on walls and single-handedly deflecting attacks such as Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash. After absorbing Joseph's blood he is powerful enough to drop a steamroller on Jotaro.

Enhanced Senses: Demonstrated when placing his head on the ground to hear Jotaro's heartbeat, Dio appears to have senses beyond human level.

Regeneration: Dio can regenerate his body faster than fire can consume it. His incredible vitality is maintained by consuming human beings (or their blood), which he commonly does by piercing them with his fingers. Like all JoJo vampires, Dio sucks blood through tentacles in his fingers and has been seen at least once drinking blood from an unnamed girl. His body is able to live even after having vital body parts amputated and he can also control his detached body part

"Space Splitting Eye Spiked Surprise": Dio is able to pressurize liquid in his eyeballs and then create small openings in his pupils, eventually creating two fluid jets (referred to by Straizo as "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes") powerful enough to slice stone.

Vaporization Freezing Technique (気化冷凍法 Kikareitōhō?): A freezing ability enabling Dio to freeze his own body parts and transfer this over to other objects or beings. [4] It is able to cancel out the Hamon by freezing the blood in the user's body.

Fusion: By fusing different species, Dio can create half-man half-beast creatures. He can even fuse himself with another living beings to take control of them.

Spores: In Part I: Phantom Blood, Dio's powers are more bio-organic, but for the most part in Part III he only utilizes the "evil implants" - a parasite that brainwashes Polnareff and Kakyoin. A vampires cells can spawn Evil Implants generated from hair and insert it in the brains of living beings to control them. If someone tries to take out the spore, it will grow tentacles in a attempt to kill both the host and the one trying to remove it. If the vampire wants, he can give permission to someone to activate the spore's tentacles anytime he wants if close to it.

Hypnosis: This ability was used twice on Jack The Ripper and Poco respectively. In the case of the former, Dio hypnotized Jack to convince him to join as a servant, allowing Dio to drain his blood and turn him into a zombie. Poco was manipulated to lure Jonathan into a trap, though his consciousness returned after being subjected to Jonathan's hamon.

Teleportation: Dio also shows the ability to disappear by fading into darkness, though this may have been a result of the use of his Stand (see below).


All of this, however, is at the expense of having a body sustained by sheer willpower alone, rather than vital energy. A sufficiently powerful vital force - specifically, sunlight or the Hamon force - will negate the sustaining force's presence and disintegrate the long-unliving body. 


View attachment 205549

Dio's humanoid Stand is The World; facilitating melee attack roughly equal in its immense force and speed to Jotaro's Star Platinum. About a year after gaining his Stand, Dio discovered that it is capable of stopping time. At first, he could only do this for a very short amount of time but, by the end of Part III, he is able to stop time for a maximum of 9 seconds. This duration would have continued to develop had Dio not been defeated. When stopping time, Dio gives the impression that he is teleporting or moving at impossible speed.

The ability is best known for Dio's activation and cancellation phrases THE WORLD, Time, stop! (世界

ザ・ワールド! 時よ止まれ! Za Warudo! Toki yo Tomare!?) and Time resumes. (時は動き出す Toki wa Ugokidasu?).


Approved...I would F*** Dio im not kidding.... xD im weird
AnimeLover1116 said:
Approved...I would F*** Dio im not kidding.... xD im weird
Yara yara daze...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.301608455e8f09e8b0601faf0d828bd0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.301608455e8f09e8b0601faf0d828bd0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: The Ultimate Warrior

Where they are from: WWF

Age: Aprox. 31

Gender: Male

Abilities: Post-Spirit Journey, his strength was increased even more than when he wrestled in WWF or WCW. He's knocked wheelchairs several feet in the air, and knocked people several feet away by opening a door. He can also jump around like The Hulk now. No, not Ho Kogan.



Likes: Destrucity, wrestling,

Dislikes: Those who do not contain the spirit of the warrior (Ho Kogan.)

Weakness: He's still a mortal man, and can be hurt on the physical plane. The spirit of the warrior, however, can never die. (that's a metaphor, by the way. he can die.) He is also weak to Voodoo.

Personality He seems to flow with madness (not macho madness, just regular madness), but he is, at his core, a good man.

Background: Hailing from parts unknown, Warrior one day came to the shores of America in search of a place to test his brute strength and barbaric skills. He joined as many wrestling promotions as possible, spending most of his career at WWF before jumping ship and heading to WCW. He stayed there for a while before going on a spirit journey. When he awakened, he found the world had changed. He stayed there to set himself as an example to the next generation of wrestlers.
Name: Nicholas Cage/Nic Cage

Where they are from: Real world

Age: 51

Gender: Male

Abilities: Acting skills, does all of his own stunts so has some agility and endurance.


Crush (in your universe if any): Himself, Alice Kim (wife)

Likes: Acting, jellybeans, bad movies, ghosts, doing his own stunts, Vampires, money, superheroes.

Dislikes: When people file things in the wrong order, bees

Weakness: Despite his acting talent is only human so can get wounded the same way as regular humans.

Personality and background: Nicholas Cage is a bit mental to say the least, while some could argue that this his supposed insanity is really just the characters he plays, Nicholas is known for being "a bit mental" in real life such as buying a motel known for being haunted. He takes up any opportunity to act, no matter how bad.

Cage was born in Long Beach, California, the son of August Floyd Coppola, a professor of literature, and Joy (Vogelsang), a dancer and choreographer. He was raised in a Catholic family. His paternal grandparents were composer Carmine Coppola and actress Italia Pennino, and his paternal great-grandparents were immigrants from Bernalda, Basilicata. Through his father, he is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and of actress Talia Shire, and the cousin of directors Roman Coppola and Sofia Coppola, film producer Gian-Carlo Coppola, and actors Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman.

Cage's two brothers are New York radio personality Marc "The Cope" Coppola and director Christopher Coppola. He attended Beverly Hills High School, which is known for its many alumni who became entertainers. He aspired to act from an early age and also attended UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. His first non-cinematic acting experience was in a school production of Golden Boy. He cites James Dean as the key inspiration for his career, saying: "I started acting because I wanted to be James Dean. I saw him in Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden. Nothing affected me - no rock song, no classical music - the way Dean affected me in Eden. It blew my mind. I was like, 'That's what I want to do'."

Cage received an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance as an alcoholic Hollywood writer in Leaving Las Vegas (1995) before coming to the attention of wider audiences with mainstream films, such as The Rock (1996), Face/Off (1997), Con Air (1997), City of Angels (1998), and National Treasure (2004). He earned his second Academy Award nomination for his performance as Charlie and Donald Kaufman in Adaptation (2002). In 2002, he directed the film Sonny, for which he was nominated for Grand Special Prize at Deauville Film Festival. Cage owns the production company Saturn Films and has produced films such as Shadow of the Vampire (2000) and The Life of David Gale (2003).

Through his performances in The Weather Man (2005), Lord of War (2005), The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009), and Kick-Ass (2010) he earned critical acclaim. Films such as Ghost Rider (2007) and Knowing (2009) were box office successes. Cage has been strongly criticized in recent years for his choice of roles, some of which have been universally panned. However, he recently starred in The Croods and Joe, both of which were warmly received by critics.

Name: Baby sun

Where they are from: OC

Age: 100

Gender: Male

Abilities: As a baby sun, baby sun has fire abilities. When throwing a tantrum, baby sun can shoot fire from it's eyes and mouth.


Crush (in your universe if any): None

Likes: Food, Nicholas Cage movies, Classic Rock and Roll, Adel.

Dislikes: Michael Bay, cruel people

Weakness: It's curiosity and good heart can be exploited

Personality and background: Like most babies, Baby Sun is curious but can be extremely annoying. It loves getting attention of some kind even if this is negative and is known for throwing massive tantrums.

Baby Sun was born 100 years ago under mysterious circumstances. It is believed his powers stem from a sun God such as Helios but this has never been proven. He lived a life of seclusion, entertaining himself with Nicholas Cage movies, Rock and roll and Adel in order to sustain himself. However his peace was broken when scientists from an organization called M.A.D (Miserable And Downers) seeing that Baby Sun had potential for infinite solar energy. Not wanting to be a lab rat, Baby Sun threw a massive tantrum and escaped.

He has been on the run ever since.
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Crenando said:
Name: The Ultimate Warrior
Where they are from: WWF

Age: Aprox. 31

Gender: Male

Abilities: Post-Spirit Journey, his strength was increased even more than when he wrestled in WWF or WCW. He's knocked wheelchairs several feet in the air, and knocked people several feet away by opening a door. He can also jump around like The Hulk now. No, not Ho Kogan.



Likes: Destrucity, wrestling,

Dislikes: Those who do not contain the spirit of the warrior (Ho Kogan.)

Weakness: He's still a mortal man, and can be hurt on the physical plane. The spirit of the warrior, however, can never die. (that's a metaphor, by the way. he can die.) He is also weak to Voodoo.

Personality He seems to flow with madness (not macho madness, just regular madness), but he is, at his core, a good man.

Background: Hailing from parts unknown, Warrior one day came to the shores of America in search of a place to test his brute strength and barbaric skills. He joined as many wrestling promotions as possible, spending most of his career at WWF before jumping ship and heading to WCW. He stayed there for a while before going on a spirit journey. When he awakened, he found the world had changed. He stayed there to set himself as an example to the next generation of wrestlers.

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Name: Nicholas Cage/Nic Cage
Where they are from: Real world

Age: 51

Gender: Male

Abilities: Acting skills, does all of his own stunts so has some agility and endurance.


Crush (in your universe if any): Himself, Alice Kim (wife)

Likes: Acting, jellybeans, bad movies, ghosts, doing his own stunts, Vampires, money, superheroes.

Dislikes: When people file things in the wrong order, bees

Weakness: Despite his acting talent is only human so can get wounded the same way as regular humans.

Personality and background: Nicholas Cage is a bit mental to say the least, while some could argue that this his supposed insanity is really just the characters he plays, Nicholas is known for being "a bit mental" in real life such as buying a motel known for being haunted. He takes up any opportunity to act, no matter how bad.

Cage was born in Long Beach, California, the son of August Floyd Coppola, a professor of literature, and Joy (Vogelsang), a dancer and choreographer. He was raised in a Catholic family. His paternal grandparents were composer Carmine Coppola and actress Italia Pennino, and his paternal great-grandparents were immigrants from Bernalda, Basilicata. Through his father, he is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and of actress Talia Shire, and the cousin of directors Roman Coppola and Sofia Coppola, film producer Gian-Carlo Coppola, and actors Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman.

Cage's two brothers are New York radio personality Marc "The Cope" Coppola and director Christopher Coppola. He attended Beverly Hills High School, which is known for its many alumni who became entertainers. He aspired to act from an early age and also attended UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. His first non-cinematic acting experience was in a school production of Golden Boy. He cites James Dean as the key inspiration for his career, saying: "I started acting because I wanted to be James Dean. I saw him in Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden. Nothing affected me - no rock song, no classical music - the way Dean affected me in Eden. It blew my mind. I was like, 'That's what I want to do'."

Cage received an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance as an alcoholic Hollywood writer in Leaving Las Vegas (1995) before coming to the attention of wider audiences with mainstream films, such as The Rock (1996), Face/Off (1997), Con Air (1997), City of Angels (1998), and National Treasure (2004). He earned his second Academy Award nomination for his performance as Charlie and Donald Kaufman in Adaptation (2002). In 2002, he directed the film Sonny, for which he was nominated for Grand Special Prize at Deauville Film Festival. Cage owns the production company Saturn Films and has produced films such as Shadow of the Vampire (2000) and The Life of David Gale (2003).

Through his performances in The Weather Man (2005), Lord of War (2005), The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009), and Kick-Ass (2010) he earned critical acclaim. Films such as Ghost Rider (2007) and Knowing (2009) were box office successes. Cage has been strongly criticized in recent years for his choice of roles, some of which have been universally panned. However, he recently starred in The Croods and Joe, both of which were warmly received by critics.

Name: Baby sun

Where they are from: OC

Age: 100

Gender: Male

Abilities: As a baby sun, baby sun has fire abilities. When throwing a tantrum, baby sun can shoot fire from it's eyes and mouth.


Crush (in your universe if any): None

Likes: Food, Nicholas Cage movies, Classic Rock and Roll, Adel.

Dislikes: Michael Bay, cruel people

Weakness: It's curiosity and good heart can be exploited

Personality and background: Like most babies, Baby Sun is curious but can be extremely annoying. It loves getting attention of some kind even if this is negative and is known for throwing massive tantrums.

Baby Sun was born 100 years ago under mysterious circumstances. It is believed his powers stem from a sun God such as Helios but this has never been proven. He lived a life of seclusion, entertaining himself with Nicholas Cage movies, Rock and roll and Adel in order to sustain himself. However his peace was broken when scientists from an organization called M.A.D (Miserable And Downers) seeing that Baby Sun had potential for infinite solar energy. Not wanting to be a lab rat, Baby Sun threw a massive tantrum and escaped.

He has been on the run ever since.
Um im not sure if these even qualify as fandoms...
AnimeLover1116 said:
Um im not sure if these even qualify as fandoms...
I thought it was one OC and one canon character though, but to be honest I only added Cage and Baby Sun for comic relief alone. That might not be everyone's cup of tea though so I understand. I'll make other characters.
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Name: Krampus

Where they are from: German Folklore

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Abilities: Teleportation (is able to travel around the world in one night), super speed, agility, strength, does not age (but can die so isn't considered fully immortal), can summon demonic toys to do his bidding, his mouth and tongue extend and finally he carries around sticks and a sack. The beats the wicked with these sticks and places them into a sack on his back. Where he takes the wicked is unknown.


Crush (in your universe if any): None

Likes: Torturing the wicked, Christmas.

Dislikes: Naughty children, wicked people in general, Santa Clause.

Weakness: Good will, kind people, acts of kindness. These do not harm Krampus but they can cause him to retreat. As as he is technically a demon light magic can irritate him and he can be warded off with the right spells.

Personality and background: Krampus is a somewhat mysterious figure who takes joy in torturing the wicked every Christmas.

Our universe is built upon the number two. In our cells, DNA is composed of two helical threads, matter has its opposite, antimatter. Computers run on a code built on two digits - one and zero. Likewise, religions are built around good and evil, two forces that oppose each other in both action and purpose. God has his counterpart, Satan. Jesus has his opposite, the Anti-Christ. This pattern even shows up in polytheistic religions; Thor has his counterpart, Loki, and the Olympian gods in Greek mythology have their opposites, the Titans.

However, one of our most popular mythological figures, Santa Claus, has lost the tale of his opposite. Called Krampus, this being dealt out punishments to the wicked children of the world. For the particularly nasty children, the Krampus administered the harshest of punishments: abduction and death. Over time, as mankind's command of its realm expanded, our technologies and our own actions took the places that were once held by mythological beings. Nowadays, parents indulge their children with gifts, displacing the old Santa Claus.

However, there exist parents who snap and do unthinkable things to their children. Every year, our news media broadcasts stories of parents who went over the edge. Almost like they were possessed by a demon. With no Santa Claus to reward the righteous, and no punishment for the wicked, both forces are unleashed indiscriminately against good and evil alike. For every naughty child rewarded, a counterbalance must exist.

Yin must have a Yang.

Name: Wilson Fisk/Kingpin

Where are they from: Marvel Animated Universe/Spider-man

Age: Assumed 30s or 40s

Gender: Male

Abilities: Wilson Fisk has no superhuman abilities. However, he possesses great physical attributes as he could break Spider-Man's ribs with a simple bear hug and takes down one of Red Skull's robot with bare hands. In his battle with the Daredevil, he was able to overpower the veteran fighter with relative ease. He was able to break free from shackles with minimal effort. Also, it is stated that only 2% of his body mass is made up of fat with 350 pounds of muscle instead. When in restraints capable of holding Rhino and Spider-man Kingpin was able to break free.

He is also a cunning criminal, often using intimidation to get his way.



Crush: None

Likes: Being in control, money, intimidation

Dislikes: Spider-man, Daredevil ladders, electricity, people making fun of his "weight", disloyalty

Weaknesses: Ladders

Personality and background: Fisk is a genius in crime, organization and management, having others (especially super-powered beings) to do his bidding instead of involving himself in his dirty work. Once, he sacrificed his own son, Richard Son for the venture they had jointly committed. Cunning and vengeful.

Moriarty Wilson was a chubby child, made fun of by all the neighborhood children. One day he saw his father robbing a bank. Moriarty was then scooped up in his father's activities until he was arrested.

Moriarty spent years in prison where he made contacts and learned skills. When released, he built his criminal empire bigger and better than all others. He then had his traitorous father killed.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]He did get his own comic book. I think that counts for something.

He's appeared in 3 comic series.

The WWF valliant comics, Warrior, and the WWE Comics as written by Mick Foley.
theManCalledSting said:
I'm sure The Ultimate Warrior counts
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]He did get his own comic book. I think that counts for something.

Crenando said:
He's appeared in 3 comic series.
The WWF valliant comics, Warrior, and the WWE Comics as written by Mick Foley.
Im aware of the comic...I have watched reviews of um his spirit journey...It just threw me off as a fandom. I'm not sure if hed make a good fit was all.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Name: Krampus
Where they are from: German Folklore

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Abilities: Teleportation (is able to travel around the world in one night), super speed, agility, strength, does not age (but can die so isn't considered fully immortal), can summon demonic toys to do his bidding, his mouth and tongue extend and finally he carries around sticks and a sack. The beats the wicked with these sticks and places them into a sack on his back. Where he takes the wicked is unknown.


Crush (in your universe if any): None

Likes: Torturing the wicked, Christmas.

Dislikes: Naughty children, wicked people in general, Santa Clause.

Weakness: Good will, kind people, acts of kindness. These do not harm Krampus but they can cause him to retreat. As as he is technically a demon light magic can irritate him and he can be warded off with the right spells.

Personality and background: Krampus is a somewhat mysterious figure who takes joy in torturing the wicked every Christmas.

Our universe is built upon the number two. In our cells, DNA is composed of two helical threads, matter has its opposite, antimatter. Computers run on a code built on two digits - one and zero. Likewise, religions are built around good and evil, two forces that oppose each other in both action and purpose. God has his counterpart, Satan. Jesus has his opposite, the Anti-Christ. This pattern even shows up in polytheistic religions; Thor has his counterpart, Loki, and the Olympian gods in Greek mythology have their opposites, the Titans.

However, one of our most popular mythological figures, Santa Claus, has lost the tale of his opposite. Called Krampus, this being dealt out punishments to the wicked children of the world. For the particularly nasty children, the Krampus administered the harshest of punishments: abduction and death. Over time, as mankind's command of its realm expanded, our technologies and our own actions took the places that were once held by mythological beings. Nowadays, parents indulge their children with gifts, displacing the old Santa Claus.

However, there exist parents who snap and do unthinkable things to their children. Every year, our news media broadcasts stories of parents who went over the edge. Almost like they were possessed by a demon. With no Santa Claus to reward the righteous, and no punishment for the wicked, both forces are unleashed indiscriminately against good and evil alike. For every naughty child rewarded, a counterbalance must exist.

Yin must have a Yang.

Name: Wilson Fisk/Kingpin

Where are they from: Marvel Animated Universe/Spider-man

Age: Assumed 30s or 40s

Gender: Male

Abilities: Wilson Fisk has no superhuman abilities. However, he possesses great physical attributes as he could break Spider-Man's ribs with a simple bear hug and takes down one of Red Skull's robot with bare hands. In his battle with the Daredevil, he was able to overpower the veteran fighter with relative ease. He was able to break free from shackles with minimal effort. Also, it is stated that only 2% of his body mass is made up of fat with 350 pounds of muscle instead. When in restraints capable of holding Rhino and Spider-man Kingpin was able to break free.

He is also a cunning criminal, often using intimidation to get his way.



Crush: None

Likes: Being in control, money, intimidation

Dislikes: Spider-man, Daredevil ladders, electricity, people making fun of his "weight", disloyalty

Weaknesses: Ladders

Personality and background: Fisk is a genius in crime, organization and management, having others (especially super-powered beings) to do his bidding instead of involving himself in his dirty work. Once, he sacrificed his own son, Richard Son for the venture they had jointly committed. Cunning and vengeful.

Moriarty Wilson was a chubby child, made fun of by all the neighborhood children. One day he saw his father robbing a bank. Moriarty was then scooped up in his father's activities until he was arrested.

Moriarty spent years in prison where he made contacts and learned skills. When released, he built his criminal empire bigger and better than all others. He then had his traitorous father killed.

Both approved

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