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Fandom Universe (Multi-verse RP)

theManCalledSting said:
What's currently happening because I don't want Doom to just show up
Currently there are two groups of people in the town, group B have found a dead body and have figured out that the worlds will end in 6 years. There are notes in the town that may help them avoid doom. ATM a person from group A (my char) found someone, and is going to group B to get him fixed up
AnimeLover1116 said:
Currently there are two groups of people in the town, group B have found a dead body and have figured out that the worlds will end in 6 years. There are notes in the town that may help them avoid doom. ATM a person from group A (my char) found someone, and is going to group B to get him fixed up
I just have Doom asking your character what's going on
[Credit to the writer of Kumagawa's wiki, which helped me a lot]

Name: Kumagawa Misogi

[With thrill and risk, I sharpen my nerves. I'm someone who would bet even under the worst circumstances.]

Where they are from: Medaka Box

Age: 18

Gender: male


>Superhuman physiology & tenacity: Kumagawa's most frightening trait is his tenacity; no matter how many times he is beaten down, he always gets back up, mostly because of his history of losing at everything, meaning he can easily shrug off any kind of beating. Even without his strongest ''Minus'' ability, All Fiction, Kumagawa is capable of bouncing back from injuries that would cripple other humans for months. His strength and speed are also above human levels, as he was capable of fighting from toe to toe with Medaka Kurokami in her normal state, in which she is supersonic and can reduce medium-sized buildings to rubble with a few punches. His durability is high enough for him to survive wall-destroying attacks.

>Combat expert: because he considers himself "the weakest person in the whole world", Kumagawa knows everything about the weaknesses of the human body, and can easily defeat multiple opponents by targeting their weak points. However, Kumagawa can't use this knowledge on ''people without weaknesses'' (such as Medaka Kurokami, or Najimi Ajimu). Kumagawa's weapons of choice appear to be many large screws that he can make appear in his hands, regardless of what Minus ability he has. He can throw these screws with great accuracy.

>Imagination manifestation: Kumagawa can use his force of will to make most of the objects he imagines become real, and control them. Kumagawa generally uses this ability to generate and manipulate screws of various shapes and sizes. Using his gloomy mindset, Kumagawa can also create a horrific magical sword from his imagination, capable of slaying magical beasts (above other things). These objects and the damage they cause will disappear overtime, though.

>Lack of presence: Kumagawa erases his "aura" by using All Fiction. Because of this, people no longer feel his presence.

#His ''Minus'' abilities (powers born from negativity):

>>All Fiction- this ability allows him to deny aspects of reality; to make (almost) anything become nothing/nonexistent. He initially couldn't return anything he has erased with this ability, until he acquired ''Non Fiction''. His ability can even do things like reversing his own death (this ability also has a passive function: Kumagawa is automatically resurected, whenever he dies, no matter how serious the injuries are), as well as the death of others,making the time of his movements become zero, and move instantaneously (infinite speed), eliminating the colors of the world, erasing a person's senses, or negating the damage done to an object/being. He claims he needs to be careful or else the entire world would become nothing. This ability has a flaw though: many conceptual powers are a very good counter for it. Example: All Fiction cannot erase the ''damage'' caused by an ability which only gives ''the illusion'' of being hurt simply because it's just an ''illusion'' or ''fake damage''(although it should be noted that he can find his way around it).

  • Unskilled- an ability which he gained from the nigh-omnipotent Ajimu Najimi, which can weaken or invert his own abilities each time he wishes to do so. While it seems useless, Kumagawa was able to use it creatively, by combining it with All Fiction, creating two new sub-powers:

    April Fiction- an ability literally made with 'April Fools' in mind, which limits the time an item is erased to three minutes before retuning to normal. Not particularlly useful in battle (maybe on very specific occasions), but used by Kumagawa when he wants to play his little mind games.
  • Non Fiction- with this he can ''undo things that have already been undone''. In other words, bring back what he had erased from existence.

>>Book Maker- Kumagawa's original Minus. Book Maker requires Kumagawa to generate a special screw; a slotted pan head screw (with a ''-'' on it), as opposed to the Philips screws (with a ''+'' on them) that he usually wields. When Book Maker is activated, the screw stretches to the length of a sword. When he stabs someone with the screw, it brings that person to Kumagawa's level: body, spirit, technique, intellect, and talent; all fall to match Kumagawa. Despite the fact that the screw needs to pierce the victim to take effect, the damage done to the body is nearly zero. It does, however, make that person be filled with negativity. As a side effect, the victim's hair also turns white, though the original color is restored once Book Maker's effect wears off and the screw dissolves. It also works as a seal of sorts, preventing people from using their powers if they are ever hit (on the other hand, if the one being stabbed is an extremely powerful entity, then they will still be able to use a very small amount of their powers).

  • Leg Eating Forest- a special technique created with the use of Book Maker. Kumagawa covers the floor with flat end screws, forcing both himself and his opponents to balance on top of them. Though the screws are not sharp, the weight alone can still cause heavy damage should someone fall. However, in truth, all the screws are Book Maker screws; their heads are buried so that his opponent cannot distinguish them from his other screws.






Crush (in your universe if any): Mogana Kikaijima (future wife)

Likes: winning (although he claims that he never wins), screws, breaking the 4th wall, teasing people

Dislikes: losing, being opressed, bullying


#The limitations of his immagination manifestation, All Fiction and Book Maker (all mentioned in the Abilities section and highlighted with red).

#His own personality and way of thinking- Kumagawa considers himself a loser, and no matter how much stronger he is than his opponent, Misogi will always subconsciously start off with the idea that he will lose (even if deep down, he wants to win). He also holds back when using his Minus abilities, most of the time. That is either because if he isn't careful, he could erase existence itself (as stated by himself), or because he'd rather try to win while using those particular abilities as little as possible. On the other hand, he usually stops holding back once he considers that he ''lost''. Ironically, the sole fact that he couldn't hold back in a fight is also a reason for Kumagawa to feel that he lost, as he wants to defeat others without working hard for it.

Personality: Described as a "Born Loser" who failed at everything, who lost to everyone at everything, which in turn made him stronger than everyone. He was always negative, and could hurt people as easily as you and I breathe. His need to destroy was as strong as one's need to eat. He was the type that seriously contemplated killing every human on the face of the planet, himself included. His personality changed in a positive way with time and by meeting the right people. Deep down Kumagawa is not a bad guy and despite his intensely negative attitude, his intentions appear to be ultimately good - Kumagawa wants to create an equal world and fight for the oppressed , but he has a rather unusual way of doing things.

[Do you think it's cool not to smile? If you go through life like that though, you wouldn't notice. You can't be close to being a Minus like that. Even if things don't go the way you want them to. Even if you lose. Even if you don't win. Even if you look like an idiot. Even if you're walked on. Even if you're kicked. Even if you're sad. Even if you're bitter. Even if you're tired of it all. Even if it hurts. Even if it's hard. Even if you're weak. Even if you aren't right. Even if you're humble. Through all of that, we Minus always laugh.]- Kumagawa speaking to Kei Munakata.

"I want to beat them. Even though I'm not cool, or strong, or just, or beautiful, or cute, or pretty, I want to beat the cool, strong, just, beautiful, cute, and pretty people. Even though I wasn't blessed with talent, even though I'm stupid and have a bad personality, have bad grades, am misguided and am a good for nothing, I want to beat the talented, smart, likeable, overachieving people. I want to beat those with friends when I can't have friends. I want to beat the people who work hard when I can't work hard. I want to beat the the victorious people when I can't win. I want to beat the happy people when I'm miserable. Even if I'm hated, even if I'm despised, even if I'm useless, I want to prove that I'm better than the main characters!"- Kumagawa (true self) speaking to Ajimu Najimi.

Backround: Kumagawa was born a Minus,which unlike Abnormals, Not Equals or Language Users obtain their powers because of negativity. Minuses together with the other three categories mentioned above are the only types of supernatural beings that exist in the Medaka Box Universe. Abnormals are generally positive, Not Equals are simply overwhelming asthey have many abilities , both positive and negative and Language Users use Styles (abilities based on communication;they primarily achieve different effects through manipulation of language) for battle.

Kumagawa considered himself a ''Born Loser'' and always said that he could never truly win against someone, despite his overwhelming powers and skills. He was always negative and desired ''justice'' in an unusual and dark way, until a series of events involving Najimi Ajimu, Medaka Kurokami and a few other people changed his way of seeing things to a certain degree. He is currently helping people around the world in any way he can. His friends and familly have no idea where he currently is because he destroyed his cellphone and made sure to be untrackable, for now at least.

1st Note: He will have gotten married to Mogana Kikaijima and conceive a son called Mogami.

2nd Note: In the manga , Kumagawa talks 99% of the time ''betweeen square brackets''(that is when he isn't exactly showing his ''true self''')...so I'll use that in the RP as well (if he gets accepted of course).
Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Rex "Courier 6" Craster

Where they are from: Fallout universe. New Vegas


Gender: male

Abilities: intelligence, extreme marksmanship, highly perceptive in almost all senses.



sort of like this, but skinnier, younger, and with red hair.

Crush (in your universe if any):

Likes: cigarettes, books, technology, and robots

Dislikes: drugs, the song "civilization", the legion.

Weakness: Not an up close fighter preferring to fight from afar with his various guns. while physically strong he's clumsy when fighting hand to hand.

Personality and background: Rex is usually aloof and distant as he is usually thinking over a new device or math problem, but has the capability of altering his outward personality depending on the situation. He is a smooth businessman and personally negotiates for the Mojave's interests. Rex is also probably schizophrenic, but he hides it well with only the occasional outburst of rage and violence. Rex is plagued by the ghosts of his past, mental apparitions of those he's killed or gotten killed.

Bio: Born in the small town called Dust, in what remains of Oregon to a skilled surgeon and a mechanic lived his life peacefully. At least as peaceful as life in the nuclear wasteland can be. Extremely close to his younger sister, Rose, Rex was the prodigy his mother had always hoped for. Under her tutelage, Rex at the age of fourteen could build and maintain an assorted array of robots, fusion reactors, and machinery only seen in the NCR. Unfortunately, one of the pivotal moments of his life take place; the death of everyone he ever loved. His home burning to the ground, his parents lying dead in the dirt, and his beloved Rose taken Rex walked into the wastes and down the road leading towards New Vegas. A road dotted with bodies and pain, guilt and hatred, and love if only for a moment. At the end of the road lies the Mojave and his date with a bullet atop a hill overlooking the lights of New Vegas there he brought the end of Elijah, quelled the fires of the burning man, woke the old knowledge of the Big Empty, and walked the lonesome road of the Divide. After all of that , he beat the legion and stood as it the Mojave's leader and looked to the future.

Name: Veronica Renata Santangelo

Where they are from: Fallout universe


Gender: female

Abilities: excellent hand to hand fighter and one hell of an engineer



Crush (in your universe if any): Christine Royce

Likes: Hand to hand fighting, machines, dresses

Dislikes: anyone especially evil.

Weakness: Naive and tends to rush into battle.

Personality and background:

Veronica was born and raised in the Brotherhood. Her father was a paladin, her mother a scribe. In her youth she fell in love with a woman, but Father Elijah split them up. Because the Brotherhood is not open to outsiders, many of its members felt that it was their duty to procreate and frowned upon same-sex relationships. Later in dialogue, she laments that both of her parents were killed in the same battle defending a position whose name and significance she no longer remembers, saying, "Guess it seemed important at the time."

After following the Brotherhood to the Mojave Wasteland from California, Veronica became disillusioned with their goals. The Mojave Chapter's Elder and her personal mentor, Elijah, had changed the direction of the Brotherhood somewhat by dispatching Scribes to recover beneficial technology instead of just weaponry, but after he abandoned the Brotherhood after their defeat at HELIOS One, his successor, Nolan McNamara, upped stakes and holed up in the Hidden Valley bunker, dispatching scouts only to assess the threat posed by the NCR. She felt that McNamara was too much of an isolationist, and by hiding away and hoarding technology instead of using it to win favor with the people of the Wasteland and attract new recruits, he was just going to "wait in a hole for everyone else to die."

Veronica felt that if the Brotherhood was to survive, things were going to have to change. She began to speak up about her beliefs, questioning the direction the Brotherhood was taking. In order to keep her out of the Brotherhood's hair and to stop her dissent from spreading, the Head Scribe sent her on longer and longer excursions out into the Mojave, allegedly to collect resources. It is on such an excursion that her fateful meeting with the Courier occurs.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
[Credit to the writer of Kumagawa's wiki, which helped me a lot]
Name: Kumagawa Misogi

[With thrill and risk, I sharpen my nerves. I'm someone who would bet even under the worst circumstances.]

Where they are from: Medaka Box

Age: 18

Gender: male


>Superhuman Physiology & Tenacity: Kumagawa's most frightening trait is his tenacity; no matter how many times he is beaten down, he always gets back up due largely because of his history of losing at everything meaning he can easily shrug off any kind of beating. Even without his strongest ''Minus'' ability, All Fiction, Kumagawa is capable of bouncing back from injuries that would cripple other humans for months. His strength and speed are also above human levels, as he was capable of fighting from toe to toe with Medaka Kurokami in her normal state, in which she is supersonic and can reduce medium-sized buildings to rubble with a few punches.

>Combat Expert: Because he considers himself "the weakest person in the whole world", Kumagawa knows everything about the weaknesses of the human body, and can easily defeat multiple opponents by targeting their weak points. However, Kumagawa can't use this knowledge on ''people without weaknesses''. Kumagawa's weapons of choice appear to be many large screws that he can make appear in his hands, regardless of what Minus he has. He can throw these screws with great accuracy.

>Imagination Manifestation: Kumagawa can use his force of will to impose the image of immaterial objects on those around him. This ability allows Kumagawa to impose the mental image of a screw onto others (also when using Book Maker). Using his gloomy mindset, Kumagawa can also create a horrific magical sword from his imagination, capable of slaying magical beasts (above other things).

>Lack of Presence: During the Treasurer's Battle, Kumagawa erases his "aura" with All Fiction. Because of this, people no longer feel his presence.

#His ''Minus'' abilities:

>>All Fiction- this ability allows him to deny aspects of reality; to make anything "nothing". Because of this, he can undo anything that has been damaged, and thus he has no qualms about being destructive. He initially couldn't return anything he has erased with his Minus, until he acquired ''Non Fiction''. His ability can even reverse his own death as well as the death of others. He claims he needs to be careful or else the entire world would become nothing. This ability has a flaw though: many conceptual powers are a very good counter for it. Example: All Fiction cannot erase the ''damage'' caused by an ability which only gives ''the illusion'' of being hurt simply because it's just an ''illusion'' or ''fake damage''(although it should be noted that he can find his way around it).

  • April Fiction- a sub-ability of All Fiction. Kumagawa calls it his ''incomplete complete'' Minus. With this ability he uses a different set of screws with flat end pattern threads. Kumagawa actually mixes his All Fiction with Ajimu's Unskilled (a new skill which he gained from the nigh-omnipotent Ajimu Najimi, which can weaken or invert his own abilities each time he wishes to do so), which limits the time an item is erased to three minutes before retuning to normal.
  • Non Fiction- an upgrade to All Fiction (which was possible because of the Unskilled ability). With this he can ''undo things that have already been undone''.

>>Book Maker- Kumagawa's original Minus. Book Maker requires Kumagawa to use a special screw; a slotted pan head screw (with a ''-'' on it), as opposed to the Philips screws (with a ''+'' on them) that he usually wields. When Book Maker is activated, the screw stretches to the length of a sword. When he stabs someone with the screw, it turns the target into a Minus by bringing that person to Kumagawa's level: body, spirit, technique, intellect, and talent; all fall to match Kumagawa. Despite the fact that the screw needs to pierce the victim to take effect, the damage done to the body is nearly zero; Kumagawa labels Book Maker as an ability that only soils the heart. As a side effect, the victim's hair also turns white, though the original color is restored once Book Maker's effect wears off and the screw dissolves. It also works as a seal of sorts, preventing people from using most of their supernatural powers if they are ever hit.

  • Leg Eating Forest- a special technique created with the use of Book Maker. Kumagawa covers the floor with flat end screws, forcing both himself and his opponents to balance on top of them. Though the screws are not sharp, the weight alone can still cause heavy damage should someone fall. However, in truth, all the screws are Book Maker screws; their heads are buried so that his opponent cannot distinguish them from his other screws.






Crush (in your universe if any): Mogana Kikaijima (future wife)

Likes: winning (although he claims that he never wins), screws, breaking the 4th wall, teasing people

Dislikes: losing, being opressed, bullying


#The limitations of All Fiction (mentioned in the Abilities section and highlighted with red).

#His own personality and way of thinking- Kumagawa considers himself a loser, and no matter how much stronger he is than his opponent, Misogi will always subconsciously start off with the idea that he will lose (even if deep down, he wants to win). He also holds back when using his Minus abilities, most of the time. That is either because if he isn't careful, he could erase existence itself (as stated by himself), or because he'd rather try to win while using those particular abilities as little as possible. On the other hand, he usually stops holding back once he ''loses'' (that is, if he is still alive).

Personality: Described as a "Born Loser" who failed at everything, who lost to everyone at everything, which in turn made him stronger than everyone. He was always negative, and could hurt people as easily as you and I breathe. His need to destroy was as strong as one's need to eat. He was the type that seriously contemplated killing every human on the face of the planet, himself included. His personality changed in a positive way with time and by meeting the right people. Deep down Kumagawa is not a bad guy and despite his intensely negative attitude, his intentions appear to be ultimately good - Kumagawa wants to create an equal world and fight for the oppressed , but he has a rather unusual way of doing things.

[Do you think it's cool not to smile? If you go through life like that though, you wouldn't notice. You can't be close to being a Minus like that. Even if things don't go the way you want them to. Even if you lose. Even if you don't win. Even if you look like an idiot. Even if you're walked on. Even if you're kicked. Even if you're sad. Even if you're bitter. Even if you're tired of it all. Even if it hurts. Even if it's hard. Even if you're weak. Even if you aren't right. Even if you're humble. Through all of that, we Minus always laugh.]- Kumagawa speaking to Kei Munakata.

"I want to beat them. Even though I'm not cool, or strong, or just, or beautiful, or cute, or pretty, I want to beat the cool, strong, just, beautiful, cute, and pretty people. Even though I wasn't blessed with talent, even though I'm stupid and have a bad personality, have bad grades, am misguided and am a good for nothing, I want to beat the talented, smart, likeable, overachieving people. I want to beat those with friends when I can't have friends. I want to beat the people who work hard when I can't work hard. I want to beat the the victorious people when I can't win. I want to beat the happy people when I'm miserable. Even if I'm hated, even if I'm despised, even if I'm useless, I want to prove that I'm better than the main characters!"- Kumagawa (true self) speaking to Ajimu Najimi.

Backround: Kumagawa was born a Minus,which unlike Abnormals, Not Equals or Language Users obtain their powers because of negativity. Minuses together with the other three categories mentioned above are the only types of supernatural beings that exist in the Medaka Box Universe. Abnormals are generally positive, Not Equals are simply overwhelming asthey have many abilities , both positive and negative and Language Users use Styles (abilities based on communication;they primarily achieve different effects through manipulation of language) for battle.

Kumagawa considered himself a ''Born Loser'' and always said that he could never truly win against someone, despite his overwhelming powers and skills. He was always negative and desired ''justice'' in an unusual and dark way, until a series of events involving Najimi Ajimu, Medaka Kurokami and a few other people changed his way of seeing things to a certain degree. He is currently helping people around the world in any way he can. His friends and familly have no idea where he currently is because he destroyed his cellphone and made sure to be untrackable, for now at least.

1st Note: He will have gotten married to Mogana Kikaijima and conceive a son called Mogami.

2nd Note: In the manga , Kumagawa talks 99% of the time ''betweeen square brackets''(that is when he isn't exactly showing his ''true self''')...so I'll use that in the RP as well (if he gets accepted of course).

Oh I know this guy, I never saw the show but he's in J-stars. Accepted

StarKeeper said:
Name: Rex "Courier 6" Craster
Where they are from: Fallout universe. New Vegas


Gender: male

Abilities: intelligence, extreme marksmanship, highly perceptive in almost all senses.



sort of like this, but skinnier, younger, and with red hair.

Crush (in your universe if any):

Likes: cigarettes, books, technology, and robots

Dislikes: drugs, the song "civilization", the legion.

Weakness: Not an up close fighter preferring to fight from afar with his various guns. while physically strong he's clumsy when fighting hand to hand.

Personality and background: Rex is usually aloof and distant as he is usually thinking over a new device or math problem, but has the capability of altering his outward personality depending on the situation. He is a smooth businessman and personally negotiates for the Mojave's interests. Rex is also probably schizophrenic, but he hides it well with only the occasional outburst of rage and violence. Rex is plagued by the ghosts of his past, mental apparitions of those he's killed or gotten killed.

Bio: Born in the small town called Dust, in what remains of Oregon to a skilled surgeon and a mechanic lived his life peacefully. At least as peaceful as life in the nuclear wasteland can be. Extremely close to his younger sister, Rose, Rex was the prodigy his mother had always hoped for. Under her tutelage, Rex at the age of fourteen could build and maintain an assorted array of robots, fusion reactors, and machinery only seen in the NCR. Unfortunately, one of the pivotal moments of his life take place; the death of everyone he ever loved. His home burning to the ground, his parents lying dead in the dirt, and his beloved Rose taken Rex walked into the wastes and down the road leading towards New Vegas. A road dotted with bodies and pain, guilt and hatred, and love if only for a moment. At the end of the road lies the Mojave and his date with a bullet atop a hill overlooking the lights of New Vegas there he brought the end of Elijah, quelled the fires of the burning man, woke the old knowledge of the Big Empty, and walked the lonesome road of the Divide. After all of that , he beat the legion and stood as it the Mojave's leader and looked to the future.

Name: Veronica Renata Santangelo

Where they are from: Fallout universe


Gender: female

Abilities: excellent hand to hand fighter and one hell of an engineer



Crush (in your universe if any): Christine Royce

Likes: Hand to hand fighting, machines, dresses

Dislikes: anyone especially evil.

Weakness: Naive and tends to rush into battle.

Personality and background:

Veronica was born and raised in the Brotherhood. Her father was a paladin, her mother a scribe. In her youth she fell in love with a woman, but Father Elijah split them up. Because the Brotherhood is not open to outsiders, many of its members felt that it was their duty to procreate and frowned upon same-sex relationships. Later in dialogue, she laments that both of her parents were killed in the same battle defending a position whose name and significance she no longer remembers, saying, "Guess it seemed important at the time."

After following the Brotherhood to the Mojave Wasteland from California, Veronica became disillusioned with their goals. The Mojave Chapter's Elder and her personal mentor, Elijah, had changed the direction of the Brotherhood somewhat by dispatching Scribes to recover beneficial technology instead of just weaponry, but after he abandoned the Brotherhood after their defeat at HELIOS One, his successor, Nolan McNamara, upped stakes and holed up in the Hidden Valley bunker, dispatching scouts only to assess the threat posed by the NCR. She felt that McNamara was too much of an isolationist, and by hiding away and hoarding technology instead of using it to win favor with the people of the Wasteland and attract new recruits, he was just going to "wait in a hole for everyone else to die."

Veronica felt that if the Brotherhood was to survive, things were going to have to change. She began to speak up about her beliefs, questioning the direction the Brotherhood was taking. In order to keep her out of the Brotherhood's hair and to stop her dissent from spreading, the Head Scribe sent her on longer and longer excursions out into the Mojave, allegedly to collect resources. It is on such an excursion that her fateful meeting with the Courier occurs.
Both accepted, Winry would like Veronica :P
AnimeLover1116 said:
Sorry Im late yes ur accepted, I was busy earlier
You know, now that I've read the wiki, this character is extremely overpowered. Impenetrable armor, god like powers, a weapon that would kill a man by merely touching him? That seems a bit too much. At least for me having a mortal human character.
Achilles676 said:
You know, now that I've read the wiki, this character is extremely overpowered. Impenetrable armor, god like powers, a weapon that would kill a man by merely touching him? That seems a bit too much. At least for me having a mortal human character.
which character? and Don't worry the first arc is about to begin thanks to Ultron, it's going to take care of that
AnimeLover1116 said:
which character? and Don't worry the first arc is about to begin thanks to Ultron, it's going to take care of that
Typhus the Traveler. He literally cannot die. He can't even feel pain.
Achilles676 said:
Typhus the Traveler. He literally cannot die. He can't even feel pain.
thats bout to change, but thanks for telling me...I think maybe I was half alseep when I was looking it over
If all it is, that he can't feel pain then that's alright, as long as he can be killed it can work. It may take someones life but if it can be done it's ok. I will watch over his character, if you feel he's god modeing please PM me and I'll look into it

@Barbas @Achilles676
Achilles676 said:
He layed on a grenade while it exploded and lived.
Thats mainly due to his power armor, regeneration, and having extra organs. Besides that's minor when compared to some of the things Khârn did.
Barbas said:
Thats mainly due to his power armor, regeneration, and having extra organs. Besides that's minor when compared to some of the things Khârn did.
Please tone him down a bit, like the regen being a bit slow, or that the armor is special made so finding things in the town to repair it. As long as you show points that he's HAS weakness and someone can take advantage of that if they notice/see it I'll be ok with this
AnimeLover1116 said:
Please tone him down a bit, like the regen being a bit slow, or that the armor is special made so finding things in the town to repair it. As long as you show points that he's HAS weakness and someone can take advantage of that if they notice/see it I'll be ok with this
Space Marine regeneration isn't really that good because it does not heal instantly. As for his armor, it's kind of already decayed because of his service to Nurgle.
Barbas said:
Space Marine regeneration isn't really that good because it does not heal instantly. As for his armor, it's kind of already decayed because of his service to Nurgle.
alright, hes ok then. besides diffrent things will happen during the RP that will change things around once in a while so this guy will be thrown for a loop, like what I posted
Name: Mettaton

Where they are from: Undertale

Age: ???

Gender: He/Him

Abilities: neo form has a gun arm and is more combat oriented than the other two.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/m1.png.49ba7977aab0d1e426d6f7f77a8df237.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/m1.png.49ba7977aab0d1e426d6f7f77a8df237.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/m2.png.78b37d3ba234f22e299522d4cb43e015.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/m2.png.78b37d3ba234f22e299522d4cb43e015.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Mettaton ex, the form that I plan on using mainly)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/m3.png.1e3e5a89b12bb5073bfe648300abccb5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/m3.png.1e3e5a89b12bb5073bfe648300abccb5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Mettaton neo)

Crush (in your universe if any): Papyrus (Unless ships/headcanons are disallowed in which case I apologize)

Likes: Himself, performing, being adored, his legs.

Dislikes: not having an audience, low ratings, hecklers.

Weakness: selfish from being far too into himself.

Personality and background: Mettaton is not only the best superstar from the underground, but he is also the only superstar from the underground. He was a ghost originally and met a scientist in a human appreciation club, they were the only members. She made him a robot body that he used to become a star. He abandoned both family and friend for that.



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Name: Zoe "Hawlett" Bond (OC)/007

Where they are from: 007 Universe

Age: 17

Gender: Female


• Peak Human Strength, Durability and Stamina

• Enhanced Agility - Thanks to her father training, Hawlett now have a near superhuman agility which extended to the point where she could dogde bullets, superior to his fathers

• Stealth ability

• Great Accuracy

• Good Strategist

• Charming Ability

• Futuristic Gadgets - As a agent of the 00 Program, Hawlett have the access to MI6 futuristic Gadgets



Crush (in your universe if any): None

Likes: Peace time, Guns, Cars, Fast Killing

Dislikes: War, Terrorist, Cowards, Unfair players, Torturer,


• Despite having some extended abilities, she's just a normal human, which inexperienced in facing magic or such things

Personality and background:

Being the daughter of the famous MI6 spy James Bond, Hawlett inherited most of her father abilities and gadgets.

She previously grow up just like a normal children aside from the fact that her father is a very famous spy. But it all ends when she was 10, an old organization named SPECTRE which created by her father nemesis started to once again operate. Started from the destruction of the United Nations headquarter, the Incident eventually leads to near World War 3 crisis, which force her father to retake the 007 mantle.

However after James Bond consider himself too old for the job, he trained her to take his mantle in the 00 project with the same codename, 007
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[QUOTE="Rad frog father]Name: Mettaton
Where they are from: Undertale

Age: ???

Gender: He/Him

Abilities: neo form has a gun arm and is more combat oriented than the other two.


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(Mettaton ex, the form that I plan on using mainly)

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(Mettaton neo)

Crush (in your universe if any): Papyrus (Unless ships/headcanons are disallowed in which case I apologize)

Likes: Himself, performing, being adored, his legs.

Dislikes: not having an audience, low ratings, hecklers.

Weakness: selfish from being far too into himself.

Personality and background: Mettaton is not only the best superstar from the underground, but he is also the only superstar from the underground. He was a ghost originally and met a scientist in a human appreciation club, they were the only members. She made him a robot body that he used to become a star. He abandoned both family and friend for that.

Next time tag me so I can get to it quicker, accepted

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