Universe Asunder: A Multiverse RP (Rules, Signup, and OOC)

[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: On the table,that deck would be interesting. However,in the RP,considering how Planeswalker Magic works in it,your deck is hilariously incompetent,sorry to say. The rules of Planeswalker Magic I've hammered down with Bravo are...

-Planeswalkers may only naturally generate one Mana per post. This Mana must be of their Chromatic Affinity. For you,this is Blue or Red.

-Mana does not dissipate between posts. If it did,big spells would be impossible to cast without Mana ramp.

-Planeswalker Spells have a certain number of "Charges",to a maximum of four each,much like the number of each individual card on the table. These charges,once spent,naturally cycle back to the Planeswalker to be cast again after a certain period.

-There is no "Library". A Planeswalker may cast any spell they have memorized if they have the Mana for it.

-Only Instants and spells with Flash may be cast as an interrupt to someone else's post. Anything else must be cast after the fact.

So,some conclusions based on these rules are,

-Without Mana ramp,or a way to stay in the fight without casting,big spells will never be cast.

-Flashback is worthless without Mana ramp or a stockpile of Mana,as by the time you naturally generate the Mana to pay the Flashback cost,the spell would've cycled back into use.

-Draw effects have no place here. You can cast any spell from your list,at any time,so long as the previously mentioned conditions are appropriate.

-With the rules of Planeswalker Magic set as they are,this puts an emphasis on cheap spells and Mana ramp. Red has some potent Mana ramp,but I'm unsure about Blue.

-Something specific. Time Stop would only end the post the moment it's cast,making it exclusively a combo stopper in the RP. Casting it on "your turn" would simply end your post before you could do anything else.

I recommend a total deck reconstruction. You need something that can act quickly in the RP.
[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: Know that minimum of 2-paras per post? Consider this a warning.
Name: T-800 Learning Computer

Alias: Terminator

Age: Unknown

Race: Machine

Gender: Female likeness

Theme Song:

Terminator 2 Orchestral Theme
Appearance: View attachment 13845

Personality: This T-800 is a learning computer, "she" as dubbed by human perception, would learn and react to the environment, and follow basic human behavior. So, basically up to whomever she stumbles upon.(DON'T LET HER NEAR JOKER!) Her programming was messed with by John Conner, so, she will not kill unless commanded, and is very helpful.

Gear and/or Weapons: Whatever weapons her allies may provide her with, or that she may steal.

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: She's resistant to gas, bullets, fire, as it will not effectively harm her robotic endoskeleton. She's rather strong, needs not to breathe. She can run almost indefinitely. It'd be really hard to kill her, unless you exert enough force upon her.

History: The T-800 was created to fight humanity by Skynet, a defense system created by humanity which ended up figuring that humanity's demise would be key to its survival. There have been more advanced versions made, but John Conner ended up winning, and reprogramming select Terminators to ensure his survival. This particular model was sent back in time, but something messed up, and she wound up here. Her purpose is lost to her, as her programming for who to protect was lost to the eons of the multiverse.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]:I did a litte editting to my character,could you go over and see if it is OK?
Name: Raven

Alias: The Mistress of Magic

Age: Unknown, but over fourteen

Race: Demon/Azarathian

Gender: Female

Theme Song: Teen Titans Go:


View attachment 13809View attachment 13810

Personality: She is mostly anti-social, but not completely. She has a vast control over her emotions, as if her emotions go array, so will her powers. Quite, rarely shows emotion, and speaks in a monotone. Often very mature, but easily angered by morons(Beastboy!)

Gear and/or Weapons: None

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: Soul Self: Her powers come from her putting apart of her soul into them.

Levitation: You should know this.

Telekinesis: Same as levitation.

Solid Constructs: She can form solid shapes with her powers.

Dimensional Travel and
Teleportation: Sounds how it is.

Empathy: The ability to sense how others feel.

She's also rather skilled in hand to hand combat. The majority of her powers need the usage of the incantation, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

History: Raven was born on the planet of Azarath, the daughter to demon Trigon, and and non-demon Arella. She was taught of her parentage, pacifism, meditation, and how to ignore the influence of her father. After her mentor's death, she confronted her father against her mentor's wishes. Once she reached fourteen, she sensed her father's powers returning, and fled to Earth. That is where she met the Teen Titans, she had many an adventure with the group, though, staying away mostly, and not allowing people into her room. Her father had returned, powerful, but her and her allies defeated him. After that, Raven became, slightly less anti-social.

When Raven was transported here, her Titans caller had went off, leading her to a warehouse, where she was thus taken down, and kidnapped by the Joker.

For the entirety of the Raven character, refer to this link:
Name: Vazdah

Alias: The Supreme Archfiend

Age: Unknown, all that is known, is that he was born during the Ancient Times.

Race: Archfiend

Gender: Unknown, but is routed more towards Male

Current Appearance:

View attachment 13856

A power hungry entity, he is the embodiment of greed and immortality. He himself isn't about the destruction of life, but just prefers to rule over all unquestionably, only killing those who refuse to submit. He is quite beastly in nature and has a more of a 'tyrant-like' attitude. In which, he basically cares not for the being of others except for himself, and could care less about what happens to others. He considers to work by himself, but, will use others to further his personal goal until he can be rid of them, in which he will dispose of them. He is ruthless in battle, fighting with all his might from the very beginning of a fight. He sees no point in mercy for the weak and believes that if you are under him, then, you are his prey. He tends to show his smart side a lot though, and has tendencies to be very snarky a lot, if not all the time. Although his social skills are obsolete, it doesn't mean he doesn't try to converse with others to the best of his ability.


His skills vary widely from blasts of demonic energy, to bloody vomit. He can fire Demonic Beams from either his mouth or his Central Orb located in his abdomen. He has the ability to conjure up demonic skulls, in which he can send to attack the enemies. The skulls he summons come out in large hordes which burst into flames upon contact, affecting whatever and whoever is within the radius of the flame. Along with that, he can hurl a bloody melange of vomit and other bodily fluids at the enemy. This vomit, corrodes the body if left on for too long, and leaves a lasting effect on the mind, driving the opponent towards madness the longer the fluid is left unattended to. Besides his skills, he controls two heavy, giant, bone-like arms, which can deal heavy damage if caught directly under them. He also has a bladed tail which he can use to slice, skewer, or decapitate.

Vazdah was born from the body and mind of Vigoor in the ancient era, right after Vigoor's defeat by the 13 Dragons. However Vazdah laid dormant, sleeping past the slaying of the Dark Dragon by the Dragon Lineage, only to be awakened by a titanic power struggle. During this time the Evil Deities known as the Four Fiend Rulers fought each other with vast armies for dominion over the regions of earth, and the human whom they enslaved and corrupted into fiends. The massive armies clashing and power unleashed by these conflicts caused the earth to become a hellish world, awakening Vazdah. As Vazdah rose from his slumber, a human philosopher Dagra Dai happened upon Vazdah's midst, and the very evil glare from the Archfiend onto the philosopher was enough to drive the human mad, filling him with immense evil power. It was then that Dagra Dai became the Infernal High Priest, a devil emperor of the Fiends. Vazdah then focused his attention to the battles that stirred his slumber, forcing the fighting Greater Fiend Rulers to submit and unify under his rule.

Under Vazdah's rule, the fiends ruled as the early humans did their bidding, and worshiped them as gods. Humans who refused to submit were massacred, while the humans who submitted suffered. The strong were forced to give up their souls and humanity, becoming fiends, while the weak served and were sacrificed to feed the fiends. It was during this time when the Dragon Lineage took it upon themselves to end the reign of the Evil Deities. They fought for generations, until Vazdah and his servants met their end at the hands of the Dragon Lineage's descendants, the Dragon Ninja. The Greater Fiends were sealed into eternal slumber where they stood, while Vazdah himself was sealed in Mt. Fuji, through a portal that only appears when the earth and hellish realms merge.

Sometime after, a man named Gogohn established the Vigoor Empire, he went to the dark caverns in the Amazons of South America, and built a shrine dedicated to freeing the Archfiend. The ritual required his princess Elizébet and the use of the Demon Statue, but Gogohn died at the shrine before he could awaken the Archfiend.

Many millenniums later, the fall of Vigoor and the Vigoorian Sect of Fiends at the hands of Ryu Hayabusa resulted in a void of power among the Fiends that would naturally be filled by Vazdah and the Vazdah Fiend Sect. Filling in this niche left behind by the disposed Vigoor Emperor, Dagra Dai took his place as ruler of the fiend race and assigned Elizébet with a mission to retrieve the Demon Statue, and awaken the Greater Fiends of Vazdah throughout the world, as only their awakened hearts would allow entrance to monolith gates sealing him deep in the Underworld. With help from the Black Spider clan, Elizébet was able to steal the Demon Statue guarded within the Castle of the Dragon and headed off to complete her mission.

Upholding his sacred duty as a Dragon Ninja, Ryu Hayabusa pursued Elizébet to retrieve the Demon Statue, but Elizébet manged to free the Greater Fiends who quickly overran the human race with their fiendish armies. Not long after Ryu Hayabusa massacred the fiend hordes, killing every fiend he came across and slaying Greater Fiend after Greater Fiend in his pursuit for Elizébet.

Elizébet sent armies of fiends at Ryu Hayabusa, keeping one step ahead of him, until she met up with Dagra Dai at the Archfiend Shrine known as the Temple of Sacrifice, situated deep in the caverns of the Amazon jungles. They performed demonic blood rituals, sacrificing innocents to open the way to the Archfiend at Mt. Fuji on the other side of the world, as the earthly and hellish realms started merging within the Volcano, creating a pathway between realms. Dagra Dai then ordered Elizébet to stay behind and stop Ryu, as he headed off to awaken the Archfiend in hell.

After entering hell and passing the monolith gates sealing the Archfiend, Dagra Dai and his minions commenced a demonic enchantment to awaken the Archfiend. They chanted for hours, but before they could finish Ryu Hayabusa had slain all the hellish denizens in his path and arrived to put a stop to their demonic ritual. Dagra Dai tried to kill Ryu Hayabusa, but after a long hard battle he found himself no match for the Dragon Ninja. In desperation Dagra Dai offered himself as the final sacrifice to awaken Vazdah.

Vazdah absorbed the remaining power of his Infernal Priest and emerged from his slumber. Now awakened, the 50ft tall Vazdah tried to climb his way out of the Underworld through Mt. Fuji, as Ryu rushed up to confront the Evil Deity. Vazdah saw Ryu as a tiny pest obstructing his way towards freedom and world domination, and tried to crush the Dragon Ninja as he climbed. He swiped at Ryu with his hands, blasted large demonic energy beams from his mouth, conjured up demonic skulls, and vomited blood as he was damaged by Ryu. Ryu realizing Vazdah's weak spots, fully charges up his arrows with his essence and shot them at Vazdah's head, and then Vazdah's Central Orb, weakening the Evil Deity. In the aftermath Vazdah had managed to climbed up a few levels, but Ryu Hayabusa stopped him, and the dying Vazdah fell to the bottom of the dormant volcano, lying motionless. With Vazdah dead the gates to hell in Mt. Fuji started to slowly disintegrate as the hellish reality unmerged and dispersed into luminous dots of lights, eventually severing the ties between the earth and demon realm. However during the battle Ryu was wounded on his arm, and while escorting Sonia out of the volcano a drop of blood fell from his arm, dropping past all obstacles and landing on the dead outer carapace of Vazdah. The blood of the Dragon Ninja had an unexpected reaction with the Archfiend, which in turn, had awakened him in his true form.

Vazdah now freed and in his true form, opened his wings and propelled himself at super sonic speeds towards the surface world. Seeing this threat, Ryu quickly healed his arm and jumped hundreds of feet upwards towards Vazdah. On the summit of Mt. Fuji the Dragon Ninja and the Archfiend faced off against each other, with Vazdah out sizing Ryu by a significant factor. However Ryu was armed with two legendary weapons, the heavenly True Dragon Sword and Genshin's evil Blade of the Archfiend. With both a divine and an evil blade, Ryu battles Vazdah who unleashes hell down upon Ryu. The summit of Mt. Fuji lit up with explosions of brilliant lights and rumbled loudly as large energy beams blasted the area to rubble, hellfire meteors rained down and the area illuminated in electrical bolts. In the epic clash Ryu fought back with all his ninja skills, ninpo and swordsmanship, while Vazdah smashed the area, flying around, and blink teleporting to evade attacks. The long and difficult battle drew to a close when Vazdah, weakened by Ryu's relentless attacks started to tire and lower his guard. Ryu seizing this opportunity, brutally finished off the Demonic God in a flash of lightning fast obliteration attacks ending with a deadly ultimate technique to Vazdah's head. Vazdah then exploded as large amounts of energies were released from his death, this second deadly explosion atop Mt Fuji signified the severing of the connection between the earth and demon realm, closing the gate to hell as flying shattered boulders buried the area in rubble and large debris.

Though, many years later, remnants of what was once the Black Spider clan, went on a relentless quest to search for remnants of what was left of the Archfiend, in hopes to possibly revive him, and start from where they left off. So, they had went to the yet again dormant Mt. Fuji, to retain the remnants of their deity in hopes that they may some day continue their plan to rule the world. And with a bit of luck, had found the somewhat corroded skull of the Archfiend, which had lay under a pile of rubble and rock. While his skull remained in tact, the DNA that was there, was too corroded to use, and thus they had to move their experiments onward. This meant that they had to take an alternative instead of just using the strands of DNA that were left. And so they left Mt. Fuji, and left to their vast laboratory where they had captured several fiends of different kinds in which they used for experiments.

Through those fiends, they used the bases from fiends which shared similar traits to that of Vazdah, splicing his DNA together with that of the other fiends. And, with much luck, they had made a stronger more powerful strand of DNA. With this, they had intended to inject the DNA into one of the fellow Black Spider clan ninjas, in hopes to possibly transpire an evolution of some sort, but with little luck. The member had turned into just another normal fiend. So, they thought harder, and within the following several years, and much tampering, they had come up with an even better idea. Instead of injecting the strand of DNA into a human, they injected it into a Van Gelf a strong, but low class fiend. Though things took days to change, it was more evident that the Van Gelf had become stronger and more intelligent. It's appearance was also changing. And within time, it broke out of its caged environment, and fled into the vast wilderness. From there, the nomadic demon fed off of wild animals and lost travelers, to sustain its hunger until it eventually reached the dark caverns in the Amazons of South America. From there, the Van Gelf slept, forming a dark fleshy cocoon, which grew and continued to grow for an obscene amount of time.

Several years later, upon the crossing over of the Universes, he was reawakened just like his first time, by the immense power struggle that laid from the vast pool of powerful beings which had inhabited this Universe. And eventually tore his way out of his cocoon, appearing in his incomplete form. He knew that there were far more evil beings out there than before, so he left his dormitory cave to find these beings in hopes being able to reach his true form once again and rule over the world, just had he had planned before. But, with insufficient time to properly recover, he remained half the size of his former glory. A small yet large, 25ft tall.
[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]- I did not destroy the building. Just made the square of land the building sat upon and the building itself sink straight down. The roof is almost level with the ground.
[MENTION=54]backlash[/MENTION] oh. I would assume that there would still have been dirt, etc.

Please delete your numerous duplicate posts if you have not yet done so.
@Beta oops. Sorry.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] I've edited my character's spells.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] Joker's appearance has been updated to where you can see how he looks, and don't need to read. The red version is current version.
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja](Excuse me. Are you still accepting characters by any chance?)

Yes. It says "Accepting", does it not?
I see no point in having there being a Joker, without a Batman. It makes little sense. Young Justice tried it and it didn't do so well. So, here goes my final character until one of them decides to die. Or be Terminated.

Name: Bruce Wayne

Alias: The Batman, The Dark Knight

Age: His late 20's

Race: American, Human.

Gender: Male


Personality: Bruce Wayne is a man with a tragic past that has affected him more than he'll ever let on. He was emotionally scarred when his parents were shot and killed. As Bruce Wayne, he plays the role of playboy rich boy, who has fun and all that, when really, he isn't. When he is the Dark Knight, he's a man who will fight anything, with almost no fear. He also will not kill. He expressly has a desire to not kill.

Gear and/or Weapons: Baterangs, Grappling hooks, Smoke Bombs, tracking devices. The batmobile(Dark Knight Series one) the Bat Bike(Same movies). He's got explosive gel, and many other toys that can be used lethally, but he never will. He also has the Batwing, the flying thing.

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: Batman is a highly skilled detective, and martial artist. He's very smart, and very skilled in fighting. He can pilot many vehicles, can sky dive. He can pick locks.

History: At the age of 8, Bruce Wayne's parents were shot and killed before him. He ended up living with his butler, Alfred, and then ran away. Going to a prison in a distant country, fighting the criminals. he was then contacted by Raj' Al' Ghul, a man whose goal was to destroy Gotham, but Bruce didn't realize that until later. He was trained in the forms of martial arts, and then returned to Gotham city, where he became the Batman. He fought the likes of Joker, Scarecrow, Raj, and more. He was sent here just before he had taken the bomb Bane had in Gotham city to the sea. He has all his tools, and is working on a version of the Batcave.
Mitaku. This is an official Warning.

You've broken the 2-paragraph minimum rule a few times now and I have let it slide. No longer. Once more, and I will be forced to exclude you from this RP. You are now on a probation, of sorts.
TheFallOfitAll i was waiting on people to post in reply to my character. but it seems that when i ask a question to their character, they ignore me. I can post again with my character, but im not sure how to interact with any good character without teleporting and finding a character. If there was a way to contact my character, or a place for me to meet the other good characters, then just let me know.
Well, im not near THAT group i think, but i can always make my character enter sage mode and hone in on the good 'signature' from batman.
Cuz in sage mode, im thinking that the half demon thing will alter his perception of the being. If i met them, i would figure it out.

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