Universe Asunder: A Multiverse RP (Rules, Signup, and OOC)

That I had trouble with. I didn't see much to work with,so I dropped Abel into the scene after the fusing of the multiverse,and then investigate the exploding warehouse.
No, they can just start off in the multiverse. Should you wish to have a short flashback, go ahead. But considering Kristjan has had enough time to join the legion ( or whatever I'mma call it ) and help in making the Planet Buster prototype... it's been at least a month or two since the merger.

As for the Uchiha siblings, I'd have to recommend replacing the Kirin jutsu. Not even because it's too powerful... but because I don't ever see you being able to use it.it requires a lot of setup to actually use, if you recall. If you really want it, then fine. But I honestly doubt it would ever be useable.

That... and are they heroes or villains?
I think I'll keep Kirin. It is Haru's trump card so I don't expect him to use it every fight. If there are thunder clouds in the sky when Haru fights then it will be easy to use. I have included The great fire dragon technique as well just in case he feels the need to set kirin up. It doesn't take that long to gather thunder clouds with a few powerful fire techniques (5 minutes at the most, maybe less if Dai has been using fire juts us as well.)

Haru will always be a villain. Dia has potential to become good but will most likely follow his brother.
5 Minutes is a LONG time in a play-by-post fight, so that's why I advise against it. But if you really want to keep it, then I'll not object. As for them being villians, I'll update the roster when I got on at a computer.
Hey this thing is still accepting right?

I kinda want to join, and I might have a friend that will be joining with me.


....So, yeah.
Oops, just saw the "accepting" in the link xD

That was very unobservant of me.


Thanks, though.
1. Tefu did I just accidently click? Little thingy in the bottom right corner of each post.

2. Yeah, we're still accepting players.
Five minutes is a long time for any battle for sure, but I think I will make it work. It is a pretty epic technique so I wouldn't mind if I only ever use it once.
I said you could have it. Calm down. And now, all current players who haven't posted, need to post...

... and am I to understand from your post that you plan on your characters starting their own war? If so... all I really have to say is "Good Luck with that." Because the heroes will hate them because they're bad... and the villains will hate them because they're a rival group.
Beta said:
I said you could have it. Calm down.
I wasn't trying to be aggressive. I was just letting you know I was going for it so there wasn't any confusion. As to the war I was assuming that the Uchihas would join the legion not start their own group. Haru and Dai don't really know what's going on, or what the legion is. Their plan is to draw attention to themselves so as to meet other powerful people. Eventually someone from the legion will notice them. Haru might see it as "his" war, but no one really owns a war in the long run.
Name: Zaborg

Alias: The Lightning Rider, Experiment XENO-0001Z

Age: 28 in Human years 3 in cat years

Race: Xenomorph

Gender: Male


He doesn't believe in whether he is evil or good. He is more if anything neutral amongst the two groups, only seeking to protect his new home no matter what the cost. Zaborg doesn't work well with others, an rather prefers working alone since that's where he can show his true full potential. He considers himself a lone wolf believing that everything he has obtained was mainly because of him, and that he needs nobody to aid him. Because he focuses mainly on his time, he is rather unreliable when things have to be done by a certain time. Zaborg however is extremely intelligent when it comes to reading his opponents and pin pointing their weaknesses and blind spots. Along from that, he is also book and street smart which he uses to aid himself. When in battle he prefers to end things quickly in thinking that if he gives his opponent a chance to turn the tables on him, that they will do it within a heartbeat. Because he is a lone wolf, he doesn't take orders from anybody unless it is somebody he has recognized as his superior. Since he spent most of his time living alone he has no social skills, and just tends to be the antisocial or shy one in the room. He has tendencies of being emotionless at times, this only happen in a primal instinct state, in which he uses instincts to take down the opponent. The downside to this though, is that his intelligence is greatly diminished, turning him into a lucid electric beast, who will basically attack anyone. He can also blow a fuse quite easily so you might want to think about what you say before saying anything, let alone to him.

His 'Tools of Trade' if that's the correct term, while Limited are useful and also powerful. The serrated, long fangs, and his sharp tail are made out of bone, but are more durable and stronger than metals from that of earth. These weapons are sharp enough to cut their way through solid steel and even diamond. His carapace is stronger than what weapons he uses in close combat which allows him to repel most to all physical attacks. The only weak spots are the flesh parts of his body which are mainly his underbelly and throat.

His abilities while limited at the moment, are very powerful. With the electricity generating organs, he can set off an electrical discharge of more than 36,000,000 volts of electricity. When this alone is not enough though, he utilize a common ability amongst Xenomorphs which was enhanced, which allows him to secrete an acid from special glands in his mouth in large quantities which can range from an aerosol form to a liquid form. The acid is so potent that when contact is made with skin it corrodes it way through it. It is also powerful enough to melt through certain fibers and steels. This acid base is also located in his blood stream. The jewel located on his head can be used to create a near blinding flash which makes great for an escape when necessary or for dimly lit areas. He is also very quick and agile, not only on land, but in water also. Plus, he has self regenerative abilities which allow him to regrow certain parts of his body.

Unlike most Xenomorphs which come from Xenomorph Prime, Zaborg was made as an experiment, to further the evolution of Xenomorphs. Before the capture of said race, Xenomorphs were a viscous species intent on two things. Serving their queen and killing. Scientists who discovered said race either died with their discoveries or died when trying to capture a specimen. But after the successful capture of a Xenomorph their way of replication was unknown. And so the only thing there was to try at the time, was gene splicing which proved unsuccessful. And after the experiment failed due to an outbreak of the captured aliens, the scientists were slaughtered.

Years later, the groups several survivors, decided to try the plan again, but with more fiercer intentions after studying the species for extended periods of time. They found, that the queen was the only one able to spawn said beings by the process of eggs. Which in reality spawned a whole new being altogether, but through that being spawned the said being. But, through the eggs, it was found, that the Face Hugger (Name given to being by humans.) could be controlled by selecting a said host. (Ex. Black Panther) Through that, the Face Hugger would then implement the Xenomorph hatchling into the body of the host in which it would be implanted to the chest of said being. Through that being, the hatchling would gain both traits from Xenomorphs and said host. Being that Zaborg's host was a Black Panther, he gained traits from both Xenomorph and Black Panther. (Mainly said posture.) But during the experiment, the experiment escaped. (Experiment being the Black Panther.)

After it was thought that the being was tranquilized, the hatchling at this point had taken control of what little strength the panther had left to give. Using the host as an asset, the hatchling was able to save up enough strength to snap out of the temporary paralysis and escape by means of escape pod. (Also through the doing of the hatchling being able to control the weak creatures feeble mind.) Through this, the pair crash landed in the jungles of the Amazon, where Zaborg had finally hatched or 'busted' from the panther's chest. (Thus the name of larval stage of being given by the human 'Chest Buster') Though at first survival seemed dim for poor Zaborg, he managed to live off of the host even after busting out of the chest by means of devouring the host from the inside out. Eventually though, after several days of restricted air flow and food Zaborg had needs to fill, so he tore out some wires that connected to the door and waited as the capsule had finally ejected the door, releasing the small panther like alien being.

But, finding food would be hard, the jungle was vast and at the time Zaborg was not. But after finding a viable food source (Electric Eels) Zaborg managed to gain immunity towards electricity, rendering the eels ability useless, and making it easier for him to eat them. But due to the overeating of electric eels, he had developed special organs just like the eels, which generated electricity. Along with that, he gained webbing on his limbs which allowed him to be able to maneuver in water more easily. Through this, he found a viable food source and a new way to hunt, by means of sneak attack. But before he had knew it he was the next thing on the list for hunters, so he escaped by means of boat, by sneaking onto a cruise ship, and eventually landed himself in Florida.

While on the cruise ship, he went into hibernation within the air vents, eventually going through some type of 'evolution' in which the adaptation had grown even more throughout his body. After sensing that he had reached land, Zaborg left the air vents and went straight for the docks, eventually making it off the cruise ship and dock altogether, and into the city, where he roamed for food. Eventually though, through many storms who claimed its target through means of striking with lightning, Zaborg had eventually attained the ability to store and at some point eventually replenish the electricity. As so, he became a magnet for thunderstorms of the worst nature. But, unknown to him at the time, the universes were amalgamating. Which only gave him more of a reason to be cautious. He knew what he was, and most ignorant people and some superheroes would find him as a major threat. At one point he came in contact with one of the members from the Legion of Doom; and after fighting the member who tried to force him to join, he quickly fled to his home near the coast.
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Great backstory, fairly solid character, but massive electricity output... combined with Acid and a disintegration-like blast? Pick two of the three. I know they might all fit the character, but a contact acid that can dissolve metals is really potent, as is a blast that is "unstoppable".

I suppose you could tone them both down slightly and they'd be acceptable.

Anyways... *saunters off to view more things*
I changed the ability for the gem to something minor. So, if it's still to much, then I'll just delete the gems ability altogether.
Alright. Looks good. Feel free to post. One thing I'm leery of, but allowing (due to the fact it's unlikely to come up) is the fact that it says his teeth and claws can tear through diamonds.

Just don't overdo it and you'll be fine.
@Gabriel Ryker @Sloth @Ceros @Mitaku [MENTION=3110]n0remac[/MENTION] [MENTION=3869]Purcible261[/MENTION]

So. Thought I'd point this out. We're all in the city,correct? And in that city,a planet busting plasma cannon was fired at a planetary body. My question is why am I the only one to have acted upon this plot thread? We need to interact. The RP will die if we don't. This RP has the great potential to be several levels of awesome. But we need to co-ordinate and work as one through Beta's plot.
Actually my character,Eden is sitting on top of the building next to where the plasma cannon was.She was tasked record data on the heros that showed their faces.Sorry if I worded it wrong,that you couldn't understand it.
Sloth quit RPNation, so Goku ain't here. But as for everyone else, Riddle is correct. And yes, Mitaku was there gathering info for Kristjan and the "Legion" ( still not sure I'll keep the name... )

Additionally... I would prefer if any PvP combat was done by way of a collaborative post.

A collaberative post is a post made using the efforts of two or more players. For example... say Kristjan and Abel were fighting. I would PM my post to Riddle, rather than post it in the thread. He would remove the

tags and then type Abel's reaction and/or counter. This would continue for a few turns back and forth until such time as we saw it sufficient. Then one of us would post it. Usually, a collab is posted by the person who starts it.
hen a collab is going to be done, those DOING the collab usually notify people via the OOC. That way if anyone wants to interject, they can voice that desire and potentially be included in the collab-ing process. There can be as few as two or as many as... ( insert number here ) players in a single collab, but it tends to get silly if there are more than three or four... so keep that in mind. Also, that's why it's rare for collabs to be any longer than three or four posts back and forth ( 6 to 8 combined posts ), to limit the confusion for other players, as well as to avoid the assumptions that it is a massive glory-hogging thing that takes up an entire fight. Thereby allowing others to interject in solo-posts if they so desire.

All in all, a collaberative post is a great way to test your character against another, brainstorm with your fellow players, and develop your skills as a Play-by-Post RPer and even as a Play-by-Post fighter.
Alright,thought we'd get this RP back on track. Bravo,feel free to kill Abel.

Name: Megabyte

Alias: The Trojan Horse

Age: Unknown. Likely less than five years. Cyberspace uses a much smaller timescale.

Race: Computer Virus: Trojan Horse.

Gender: Male

View attachment 12330

The best image I could find. The guy in the back. Tallest humanoid in the series,so he's probably approaching eight feet tall,and weighs in excess of two tonnes,as the ground shakes at his step.

Personality: Cold,calculating,smug,intelligent. Prone to taking direct action if his minions fail.

Gear: Megabyte doesn't need equipment. His skin is as durable,if not more so,than any metal or alloy you could care to name. Furthermore,he has two sets of extendable claws in each hand,one on the fingertips,and one on the knuckles,Wolverine style. He also has tendrils that he can extend from his person.


-Infector's Touch: Megabyte can infect anyone he touches,be it with his own hand or tendrils. The result is a grayscaled "zombie" with a bright red pupil. The result is instantaneous.

-Viral Takeover: Megabyte can infect "willing" subjects. In Cyberspace,this is done by accessing the subject's PID's. The physical world equivalent would be accessing their mind. If consent isn't given,he can force his way in,but it takes time. This produces a far more intelligent minion than those produced by the Infector's Touch. Minions produced this way take on a colour scheme similar to his,with green and red eyes.

-Trojan Horse: Megabyte was reprogrammed in the Web. He went from a simple override virus to a Trojan Horse. This manifests as shapeshifting. He must touch the subject with his hand,and the change knocks the victim unconscious for ten minutes or until he changes shape again,whichever comes last.

-Strength: Megabyte was the most physically sound specimen in all of Mainframe,with the sole exception of Frisket. He can easily pick up an APC or tank and flail it around like a child's toy. This extends to other displays of strength,such as jumping.

-Speed: Megabyte's physical prowess also extends to his natural speed. He can outpace cruising subsonic combat aircraft while on foot.

-Endurance: Megabyte is durable. He can shrug off nearly any abuse thrown his way. Powerful dedicated armour piercing attacks (Trident wielded by the amazingly strong Enzo) are almost mandatory,or simple excessive brute force (A punch by the amazingly strong Enzo) will do.

-Intelligence: Megabyte was,beyond all doubt,the most intelligent being in Cyberspace. He'll always find a way to win.

-Viral Evolution: Megabyte can merge with his sister virus,Hexadecimal,to create the next viral generation,an energy absorber known as Gigabyte. However,since Hexadecimal was defragmented,this ability is impossible to put into practice.

Weaknesses: Megabyte is,above all else,very overconfident. This will often lead him to marginalize or outright ignore certain variables that could pose a risk,at his detriment. All of his defeats were caused by different applications of this,most spectacularly him losing a fistfight with Enzo.

History: Megabyte began as Kilobyte. While he was detained by Guardians,about to be deleted,he recieved an upgrade from a User. This caused him to break free of his bonds and delete one of the Guardians overseeing his deletion. Before he could delete the other Guardian,however,he was whisked away to another system,Mainframe. He destabilized the device used to bring him there,obliterating half of the system,splitting him into Megabyte and Hexadecimal in the process. Throughout his time in this system,known as Mainframe,he had succeeded in infecting approximately one tenth of the system and launched numerous campaigns on the system with the intent of taking over and escaping to another system to infect further. During this time,Megabyte had been infected by an entity known as a Web Creature,which turned him into a beastial menace,and merged with Hexadecimal,creating Gigabyte. Gigabyte very nearly destroyed Mainframe,but was split into Megabyte,Hex,and the Web Creature by a quick thinking Guardian. Later,when the Web Creature opened a portal to the Web in Mainframe,he was forced to ally with the rest of the system to repel the invasion. During this time,Megabyte banished the Guardian that always thwarted his plans,Bob,into the Web before closing the portal. This left the system without a competent protector,and so he began a campaign to conquer the system. He was temporarily detained by the system's new protector,Enzo Matrix,but escaped sometime between Enzo's defeat and subsequent departure in a Game Cube. Finally,without a protector,Megabyte conquered Mainframe and reduced it to a blasted warzone,and began to bide his time until Mainframe went back online.

When Enzo Matrix returned from the Games via the Web,Megabyte proceeded to pour his resources into defending his stronghold as he gathered the data needed to create a portal to a new system from the SysAdmin runtime. During this time,he was engaged by the returned Enzo,no longer a naive young boy,but now a very large and very hateful man. During this time,Megabyte sustained his first wounds: A deep dent in his chest,provided by a punch from Enzo,and an open gouge in his stomach,provided by Enzo with AndrAIa's trident. During this time,Megabyte's data mining produced the required data,and he disengaged from the fight,creating the portal he needed to escape Mainframe,which was on the verge of a total system crash. During his fight,Megabyte was severely beaten by Enzo. Megabyte was about to escape to a new system when a hacker changed the destination of the portal to the Web,which is hostile and alien to the beings of Cyberspace,much like deep space to us.

During his time in the Web,Megabyte was changed. His physical self visibly degraded,and was reprogrammed into a Trojan Horse. Furthermore,he changed his gears from total domination to revenge against Mainframe. When he returned to Mainframe,disguised as Bob,he played a masterful charade,coming within moments of marrying one of his greatest enemies,simply because the thought of it amused him. He later went on to conquer Mainframe,forcing all uninfected and surviving inhabitants to flee to other systems.

And that is when the Multiverse caved in on itself. Now,Cyberspace didn't exist,and was overwritten by the physical world. With his revenge complete,Megabyte set his sights on his original goal: Dominion of all.
Sorry for being inactive, I was grounded.

Name: Raekon Blueflame

Alias: The sea's inferno.

Age: Unknown, looks like he's in his late teens or early 20s

Race: Planeswalker, looks human.

Gender: Male


Personality: A lot of the time is serious and is a really good fighter. Is less serious when he's around friends. Likes to have fun with his spells.

Gear and/or Weapons: Sword of the Paruns. (Not drawn in the picture)

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: casts spells and summons creatures. He can regenerate 1 red mana or 1 blue mana per post.

Red Spells


Searing Spear x4

Dynacharge x4

Pursuit of Flight x4

Circle of Flame x3

Red Creatures


Galvanoth x1

Tenement Crasher x1

Mindclaw Shaman x1

Firewing Phoenix x1

Scourge of Geier Reach x1

Malignus x1

Blue Spells


Stolen Identity x1

Switcheroo x2

Talrand's invocation x4

Rewind x2

Blue Creatures


Clone x4

Mahamoti Djinn x2

Ludevic's Test Subject x1

Soul Seizer x4

Caller of Gales x4

Red/Blue spells


Fire/Ice x3

Red/Blue Creatures


Hypersonic Dragon x2


History: Raekon used to be a follower of Bolas, but secretly did so. His mentor, Jake, was also a follower of Bolas. One day, Raekon failed an assignment. Nicol Bolas was angered, and stripped away Raekon's dark powers. Bolas summoned many devils and cast many spells, but Raekon managed to escape, with burns on his skin and tattered clothes. Soon, however, he traveled to Ravnica, where he saw fit to become part of the Izzet. His burns healed over time, and his clothes were replaced with different ones. He reunited with an old friend, Angela Pureheart, a mono white angel planeswalker. The day that the multiverse merged into the omniverse, Raekon barely made it into another plane, where he was transported to a strange city. His new mission is to find out what happened to Angela.

Not per three seconds. Per POST, as with Riddle's previous character.

Also, your history has nothing about the Universal Merger in it.

Make some edits to the noted things and approval will be given. Please refrain from posting further in the IC Thread until then.
Bravo,it would be handy for you to add the @ symbol in front of the name of whomever you're addressing in this thread. That way they know they're being poked.

[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: Several problems exist with your character sheet. Every three seconds to get one Red or Blue mana is borderline broken in an RP environment. Blue is the colour of cheap as dirt counterspells,and Red is the colour of cheap as dirt burn. One mana a post is perfect for any Planeswalker character. Furthermore,WHAT sword is your Planeswalker wielding? Planeswalkers don't half-ass anything. That sword is an artifact. Abel used to own Worldslayer. He has the scabbard to prove it. Furthermore,there are lore issues with your post. First and foremost,Nicol Bolas does NOT take apprentices. Nicol Bolas takes slaves and minions,and exercises absolute authority and power over them. If one of his minions have any sort of autonomy,it's because Bolas allowed it and is still keeping a very invasive eye on them. Finally,Niv-Mizzet refuses to directly interact with anyone that cannot inspire him.

And finally,there's Beta's point about you neglecting to mention the merging of the multiverse into the omniverse.
orz sorry. I'll try fixing it P: the part where jake is bolas's apprentice wasn't even my idea. My friend, jake made his own planeswalkers and yeah, we just sort of made our character's stories intertwined. sdfas ill try fixing it

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