Universe Asunder: A Multiverse RP (Rules, Signup, and OOC)

[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: I'll re-review it with Riddle's assistance upon completion.
I'm still a newbie to MtG, too. I've played it for a couple of weeks, and I have friends that are pretty good at it. So sorry if there are any inaccuracies.
[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: No offense intended, but I must ask.

If you only JUST started playing something, and know next to nothing about the universe of what you're playing... why would you create a character that draws heavily on the lore from that universe? And you already have Maka/Soul as characters. Are you abandoning them?
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] : No, I just think that it's really fun. If you want me to delete him I will.

Maka and soul aren't being abandoned.. Never said that.
The past is the past. I just wanted this RP to be something where Raekon's goal is to find Angela, and I thought it would be fun to RP a planeswalker. But I dont know.
Aren't you the rp's creator? It's up to you.
[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: Don't get cheeky with me. Yes, I'm the creator. Yes, it's up to me. I'm leaving YOUR character's fate in YOUR hands. Edit or Delete. Not my call. That's on YOU to decide.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] : I wasn't trying to be rude. I am an indecisive person. I've already edited it.
The funny thing is I was going to tell you to "Calm down, bro" xD
[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION]: The lore changes are good,and the fact that your character survived Nicol Bolas' wrath speaks volumes of his luck. I find the Chromatic Affinity of Blue and Red to be very odd,but has some very interesting options available to it,making magickal combat interesting if you think like a psychotic combo player. However,Beta said that you may only draw mana while the character is in duress,like in combat or other fight or flight,life or death situations. Maybe the fusing of the Omniverse somehow altered the nature of mana. I'm also interested with how you'll use the Sword of the Paruns. It only serves as a weapon if you're unable to act,otherwise,it's a defensive tool. From a lore standpoint,you're good.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION],render your judgement.


Seems fine by me, then. Feel free to post now.
Name: Unknown

Alias: Jack

Age:Unknown (somewhere in his 20's or 30's)

Race: Human

Gender: Male


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The Samurai known as Jack has shown much dedication and resolve in his mission. His stoic and fierce countenance belie his kind and generous natures. Despite his obvious drive to complete his ordained mission Jack cannot walk by and Ignore those in distress who require his aid, though it is hard for him to do so he will divert his mission to help those truly in need of it.

Gear and/or Weapons:

Apart from the Kimono and Geta he wears, Jack commonly carries his magic imbued Katana.

Jack also has a number of Shuriken hidden beneath the folds of his clothes.



Just prior to the incident:

Deep underground in the bowels of the earth; where creatures unknown lurk, where the sounds of battle raged. The clink of metal against metal rang clarion throughout the subterranean cavern accompanied by the bubble and his of molten magma flowing below. Two beings battled, their forms silhouetted against the orange glow of the planet's lifeblood. The largest form was ever-changing it's countenance illuminated by the fire of its eyebrows, the Demon Wizard Aku laughed mockingly at his adversary as he struck at him blow after blow, unrelentingly. The smaller warrior was only momentarily visible as his blade struck at Aku, the sparks from each block making his face visible, fierce and unwavering Jack held his ground beads of sweat dotting his body.

The battle lasted for a long time, both warriors refused to give in until they won but the samurai called Jack took the upper hand and began driving his foe backwards towards his doom within the burning river of magma below. Afraid, Aku pushed Jack aside and tore open a portal but Jack was determined not to repeat his past. The samurai lept forward taking hold of Aku as tightly as he could, the demon slipped and they both fell over the edge missing the portal. A final scream of defiance came from Aku as he tried to transform into some winged creature while Jack brandished his mystic katana and stabbed at Aku. He would sacrifice his life to see the end of his foe, for moments they tumbled through the air, time seemed to slow down, as they drew cloer to their doom they were enveloped within a white light.

After the incident:

Jack awoke dazed and confused to find himself lying healthy and hale in an alleyway, the concrete walls surrounding him seemed odd but the truth became obvious to him. He was in a new world but not a world made by Aku, for a moment Jack thought to celebrate the death of his longtime but opposite him, stood the equally dazed demon. Jack unsheathed his sword once more and charged his foe but Aku was too quick and transformed into a bird and flew off cackling as he went. Jack bowed his head, he had lost yet again and it seemed as though his mission was wrought anew in this strange world.

Later Jack had been approached by many who sought his aid, the Legion of Doom had offered little but demanded much, prime among those demands was to work alongside Aku but he scorned their offer. The newly reformed Justice league had also come to seek his aid and membership but jack could not give up his mission to destroy Aku but he acquiesced.

For more info on his past please visit
[MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION]: Samurai jack is legit as hell! Go for it and post ICly.


I have a rule in place in the first post of this signup/OOC.

2-Paragraph Minimum per post.

I can let it slide on occasion, but let's not make it a regular thing.
WIP-let me know if i need to change anything.

Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Alias: The Sage

Age: 30

Race: Shinobi(human)

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/52178900ef10026d7391eaaa62875470/http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r353/portoricanboi/RPC/Boshoku_by_osy057-1.jpg


Gear and/or Weapons: Carries with him, 10 kunai in a holster on his left thigh. One scroll for summoning upon his right side attached to his belt.


Sage mode: Upon activating sage mode, he is granted superior speed, power and chakra reserves. Any jutsu he uses in sage mode tends to replinish Riyoshi’s chakra instead of draining his normal chakra reserves.

False darkness-Raiton • False darkness is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. After forming the needed hand signs , Riyoshi will release a strong bolt of electricity from his mouth. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack.

Sparking electrical needle-Raiton • Sparking electric needle is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. After coming into physical contact with her opponent, Riyoshi will raise his arm into the air. He will then generate a bolt of electricity which will travel through his body into the body of his opponent.

Lightning hound-Raiton • Lightning Hound is a Ninjutsuutilizing the Lightning element. After forming lightning in his hand, Riyoshi will send out a wolf made of lightning to attack his target. Lightning will run from Riyoshi's hand to the wolf itself, limiting its range.

Thunder binding-Raiton • Kaminari Shibari is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. After launching his staff into the air, Riyoshi will form the needed hand seals and cause the staff to break into three equal pieces along its shaft. This tree smaller rods will then implant into the ground in a triangular shape around his opponent. These Raiton infused pieces will then create electrified fields between themselves to form a triangular shaped prison. The field can be penetrated by a more powerful attack.

Lightning edge-Raiton • Raikiri is a Ninjutsu developed by Riyoshi utilizing the Lightning Element. Raikiri allows him to cut through any foe. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Riyoshi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Riyoshi's hand becomes enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack.

After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Riyoshi uses his quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm.

Lightning clone-Raiton • Bunshin is a Ninjutsu that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.

Inescapable hell-Doton • Arijigoku is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seal, Riyoshi will create a conical crater below his opponent. This twisting, sinking pit will pull the target below ground to imprison and suffocate them.

Earthcore shift jutsu-Doton • Chidoukaku is an Earth Element technique used by Riyoshi. After forming the needed hand seals and placing their palm to the ground, Riyoshi can change the height of the targeted region of earth. This allows Riyoshi to use the natural earth surroundings without creating new Doton.

Ultra weighted rock jutsu-Doton • Choukajuugan no Jutsu is an Earth Element technique used by Riyoshi. This large scale version of Kajuugan no Jutsu, allows Riyoshi to increase the weight of the object he touches. When used in conjunction with Kengan no Jutsu, it will greatly increase the power behind his arm. This jutsu can also be cast on other living beings when touching them, to grant them increased striking power.

Ultra lightweight rock jutsu-Doton • Choukeijuugan no Jutsu is an Earth Element technique used by Riyoshi. This large scale version of Keijuugan no Jutsu, allows Riyoshi to decrease the weight of the gigantic object he touches. When used in conjunction with his flying jutsu, he can carry these now light objects through the sky.

Earth wall-Doton • Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.

Earth clone-Doton • Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu that utilizes rock to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Iwa Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Iwa Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural rock state.

Weighted rock jutsu-Doton • Kajuugan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Riyoshi will turn an object touching him into stone. This process increases the weight of the object and can also be used against organic material. When he is elevated, the petrifaction process will cause the material to fall away and crash into the floor below.

Lightweight rock jutsu-Doton • Keijuugan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. This technique allows Riyoshi to decrease the weight of an object he touches. This can allow another ninja to then wield the much lighter object much faster and easier.

Rock fist-Doton • Kengan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seal, the user will encase their forearm in a hard rock. This rock glove will increase the power behind the user's punch. This jutsu can be used in conjunction with Chou Kajuugan no Jutsu to further increase the weight of the blow.

Swamp of the underworld-Doton • Yomi Numa is a Ninjutsu used by the Sage Riyoshi utilizing the Earth element. After forming the needed handseals, a vast swamp can appear beneath his target to sink and kill it.


The world had been free of the bijuu’s for almost 600 years by the time that Riyoshi was born. The world had been through war, peace, treaties were made and broken. The lands had been demolished and scarred from countless battles, time had slowly healed some of the wounds, but there was one that time would never be able to heal. This scar would be the meeting place that would change Riyoshi’s life forever. Through out the ages, The villages around the world still kept training the younger children to be shinobi. With time progressing, and still no sign of bijuu resurfacing, the clans and villages began reaching out for other sources of power. Upon the birth of Riyohsi, the villages have lost the idea of a higher power that might compare to the legendary bijuu.

When Riyoshi was old enough to join the academy, he soared in skill faster then any of the other kids, well except for one. Her name was Akiko. She from that time on, was the star that guided Riyoshi. Her skill in all of the jutsu taught to her, was the benchmark for Riyoshi. He chased after her since the first time he laid eyes upon her. Upon the graduating year, Riyoshi and Akiko were almost tied in skill. When they were sent away to train for their chuunin exams, Riyoshi felt sad as he watched her leave with her parents. He was unsure to when he would ever see her again. Six months went by and upon the return of Riyoshi, Akiko met him by the eastern gate. As he arrived, he seen a girl, whom was no longer the young girl that he remembered. Akiko, was standing at the gate with her long auburn hair flowing in the wind and she wore a long robe. The colors upon the robe were that of her family, and Riyoshi was speechless. He was not at all dressed up to impress, but as she saw him, she smiled. Riyoshi ran over to her and smiled.

Completing the chuunin exams together, they were the top two shinobi from there village and upon the top ten chunnin around the world. Through the years, Riyoshi and Akiko began to date, and become the greatest team of Shinobi. Their team work was unrivaled by any other team, be it two,three, or even four man teams. Upon the graduation to Jounin, Riyoshi and Akiko were soon married. They were soon blessed with a beautiful child, and Riyoshi was proud to be alive. Six months went by and Riyoshi had to leave for a mission. This mission was the turning point in his life. As he arrived back at his village, he seen it ablaze. Running through the village, he searched for his wife and child. Arriving at his house, he witnessed something very disturbing. A man clad in a black robe stood above his family and as he looked over his shoulder and stared at Riyoshi, a smile broke across the man’s face. Anger filled Riyoshi and he leaped at the man, only to be countered with a swift, powerful kick. Riyoshi was thrown hard through the wall and into the streets. Rolling to his feet, Riyoshi got his kunai out of the holster and he looked upon the man. The man stepped out of the building and took in a deep breath.

“You are not able to compete with me. You need power, strive for power, go to this place.” The man spoke out as his body vanished and left a scroll behind.

Riyoshi was enraged at what had just transpired that his grip upon the kunai was intense. Blood dripped from his hands as he slowly approached the scroll. Riyoshi exhaled deeply as he approached the scroll. Putting his kunai away, he reached down and picked up the scroll. Opening up the scroll, his blood streaked across the top of the scroll as his body was summoned away. Appearing upon the summit of a mountain, he looked around to where he was to see a large scroll laying upon a wall and sitting next to it, was a turtle.

“Where am I?” Riyoshi asked out as he still held the scroll in his hand.

“You are upon the mountain of sages. Seeing is how you are holding the legendary scroll of the sage, you are destined to be here.” The turtle replied to Riyoshi as he slowly lifted his head to stare at Riyoshi.

“The mountain of sages, the scroll of the sage? What are you going on about?” Riyoshi was completely confused by this point.

Who was that man, what was going on? Will he find answers? Only time would tell, but as of right now, he was trapped upon this mountain with no way down, no way of telling where in the world he actually was. The only reason to go back home was now lost. Within the next 10 years, Riyoshi studied and trained upon the Mountain of sages, mastering skills long forgotten. Upon his 30th birthday, the entire world began to alter and change as it seemed other worlds began to collide with one another.
@Ceros I don't know if Beta told you,but he's mandating that all Planeswalkers have a spell list posted in the character sheet. He also recommends we cook up three Planeswalker Abilities. Ask Beta for the specifics about "deck" limit,and I reccommend that your Planeswalker Abilities be balanced and make sense for the character's Colours,personality,and spells.
all right, i think that i am completely done with the sheet. If you need anything else, just let me know.

I've added a spell list. My characters and their spells are actually based on my decks. Raekon's is primarily based around Talrand, but I didn't know if having Talrand in the spell list would be contradictory to the lore. Also, I had to leave some other creatures out, such as Niv-Mizzet.
I will pass the list to [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] for review.

Oh, [MENTION=54]backlash[/MENTION]: Your character is approved, if you don't recall.

Post, people... POST!

You have a 50 card "deck" at most. Do be so kind as to note how many of each card you have chosen that your character knows how to case. And note a recharge time as well. For pointers, look to Riddle's sheet on the first page of this OOC.
Name: Joker

Alias: The "Clown Prince of Crime"

Age: 24

Race: White

Gender: Male


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Personality: He's the prankster gone too far. He'll laugh at a lot of things people'd find sick. He loves chaos. He is the AGENT of Chaos.

Gear and/or Weapons:

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And his laughing gas, one kills, the other makes you smile for half an hour. He has two of those pistols, and then a third that has the cliche "BANG!" Flag.

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Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: He's very smart, antithetical. He is a great chemist, making his own laughing gas, and his own gas mask. He can also hold his own in a fight.

History: There isn't much known of the Joker. His past has always been mismashed, or thrown around. The only solid thing is something really bad happened to him, causing the man to lose his mind, and and to see the world as a sick, demented gag. The first evidence of his existence was finding a high school, where the auditorium had everyone inside dead, a smile on there face, and a mysterious gas in the air.

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