Universe Asunder: A Multiverse RP (Rules, Signup, and OOC)


RPN's Most Hated
The Universe as we know it... ceases to exist. The numerous universes that exist via the omniverse theory have proven to be true, and have even begun to merge. Science scrambled to try and tell us how, but could only come up with a non-scientific reasoning...

The various beings of immense power... Goku... Superman... Magneto... etc... all radiated such immense amounts of energy that they drew their respective universes closer and closer together, until they merged with one another. Odd, to be sure.. but as good an explaination as any. And unfortunately... with the merger of the universes, both heroes AND villians were brought into the multiverse.

Thankfully enough, the heroes have put aside some differences and formed anew the Justice League... to combat the more powerful than ever Legion of Doom. And this is where our story begins... a group of heroes are meeting together to discuss the new rumor of a "Planet Buster" weapon being developed by the Legion.

You may use Canon characters if you like, but I also encourage Original Creations as well.

IC Thread is up






Appearance: (( Pic please ))


Gear and/or Weapons:




1. Don't be an asshole. A bit of argueing is alright, as is friendly debate. But if things start getting heated, take it to PMs.

2. Don't argue with GMs too much. If you disagree with a ruling, say so and say why. I will re-evaluate my opinion and may reconsider my stance. If I say something is final, however... do not continue to debate it.

3. This is not a single-para RP. Minimum 2-paras per post please. An occasional single paragraph will be acceptable if something is particularly tough to respond to... but let people know in the OOC if something needs more for you to reply to. Perhaps edits could be made.

4. Please try to remain active. Give notice if you'll be gone for more than two days. If you are gone for four or more days, your character will be puppeted. If you are gone for more than 8, they will likely be killed.

5. Collabs are encouraged. They're fun. :3

6. Have fun. Don't spam GIFs. No Lemon Party. Thor is best Avenger.

(( Violation of the rules will result in a warning. Further violations will likely result in a ban. ))

Abel Dimitri Rewanz played by Riddle78

Samurai Jack played by Ninbinz

Maka Albarn and Soul Evans played by Ceros

Kristjan Steindorsson played by Beta

Megabyte played by Riddle78

Eden Ogi played by Mitaku

Zaborg played by Purcible261

Raekon Blueflame played by Ceros

Riyoshi Nihoma played by backlash

The Joker played by TheFallOfitAll

What... it's the f***ing Joker. He gets his own thing.
As a foreword,The Incredible Hulk is the best Avenger,because you can't beat The Incredible Hulk,only fight him to a standstill. He sorta took the condensed power of a million supernovas to the chin and laughed it off.

Name: Abel Dimitri Rewanz

Alias: The Wild Corpse

Age: He died at 25,which awakened his Spark. After that,he quickly stopped counting.

Race: Zombie Planeswalker,human base.

Gender: Male,like it means anything.

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That cape is,instead,a tabbard made of the skin of an unfortunate Leonin. The skin of the Leonin's head serves as a hood.

Personality: Abel is determined,and gleefully exploits any advantage given...And considering his Chromatic Affinity,he'll be able to make his own. His sense of morality is nonesxistant,at least,a morality that others can understand,anyways. He refuses to let his enemies live,and will kill them as soon as he gets what he needs from them,if he needed anything in the first place.

Gear: His armour is the most obvious asset he has. It is black with a reflective sheen,and utterly indestructible and impossible to even scratch or dent,as it's made of Darksteel. He also has an empty scabbard on his right hip. Where the sword it,no one knows,but he says that the abandoned it because "It doesn't discriminate."

Abilities: Abel is a Planeswalker. Planeswalkers,as a whole,are extremely powerful mages,and are functionally ageless. They possess sufficient magic power and knowledge to walk between different planes of existance,hence their title. Each Planeswalker has a Chromatic Affinity,a preferred set of Colours of Mana to cast with. Abel's is Red,Green,and Black,which represent Chaos and Impulse,Nature and Strength,and Death and Ambition,respectively. These spells can range from enchantments,effect spells,or summoning something. Planeswalkers draw their Mana from the world around them. Abel,however,is a bit of a runt among Planeswalkers,and can only draw mana while under duress,like in combat.

Background: Abel came from Mirrodin--Rather,New Phyrexia,these days. He fled the plane when it became obvious that the Phyrexians had the upper hand,thinking that it would be best to not be infected by the Phyrexians that seemed to crawl from every shadow. He wandered the planes,simply observing the conflicts that arose in them,taking particular entertainment from the drama in Innistrad. However,he never made himself known. With the sundering of the multiverse,Abel felt compelled to act. When all universes became one,he quickly aligned himself with those that sought to protect the multiverse from destruction,for his own non-altruistic reasons. He can be heard muttering,on occasion,the phrase "I hope I won't need the Worldslayer..."

As a Planeswalker,Abel has memorized many spells,and can call upon them at will. The following list are all of the spells Abel has at his disposal. However,due to the nature of magic,he may only cast one "charge" of any one spell once a minute.

Red Mana Spells

-Pyretic Ritual,four charges.

-Seething Song,two charges.

-Geosurge,two charges.

-Summon Fire Servant,three charges.

-Lighning Bolt,four charges.

-Goblin Grenade,four charges.

-Summon Goblin Arsonist,four charges.

-Summon Goblin Guide,two charges.

-Shivan Meteor,one charge.

-Pyroclasm,two charges.

-Banefire,one charge.

-Summon Bogarden Hellkite,two charges.

--Total Red Mana Spells: 31/50

--Total Spells: 31/50

Colourless Mana Spells and Artifact Spells

-Mox Lotus,one charge.

-Summon Emrakul,the Aeons Torn,one charge.

-Mycosynth Lattice,one charge.

-Darksteel Forge,one charge.

--Total Colourless Mana and Artifact Spells: 4/50

--Total Spells: 35/50

Green Mana Spells

-Giant Growth,two charges.

-Creeping Corrosion,one charge.

-Summon Molder Beast,one charge.

-Summon Engulfing Slagwurm,two charges.

-Summon Plated Slagwurm,two charges.

--Green Mana Spells: 8/50

--Total Spells: 43/50

Black Mana Spells

-Doom Blade,four charges.

-Summon Lim-Dûl the Necromancer,one charge.

-Summon Kjeldorian Dead,one charge.

-Summon Blind Creeper,one charge.

--Total Black Mana Spells: 7/50

--Total Spells: 50/50

The Pyromancer's Ultimatum

-Spend two posts without casting,to gather two mana.

-Spend the mana to cast a Pyretic Ritual,which gives three Red mana.

-Spend two of the previous three mana to cast another Pyretic Ritual.

-And again...

-And again.

-Spend the six profit mana on two Seething Songs,each costing three mana,and giving five Red mana,for a total of ten.

-Spend eight of the previous mana to cast two Geosurges,each costing four and giving seven Red mana,totaling fourteen. On top of the two profit mana from the Seething Songs,there is now sixteen mana.

-Mana from Geosurge may only be spent on artifacts and creatures. Use fifteen of the mana to summon three Fire Servants,using the Geosurge mana first.

-Use the final mana to cast Lightning Bolt for intensely magnified offensive output.

The Emrakul Ultimatum

-Follow The Pyromancer's Ultimatum until after the casting of the Geosurges.

-Summon Emrakul,the Aeons Torn instead of Fire Servants.

-Spend the remaining Red mana on a Goblin Arsonist.

-Emrakul grants an immediate post. Draw mana,use it to cast Goblin Grenade,using the Goblin Arsonist as the sacrifice.

-Unleash Emrakul.

Death Sentence

-Follow the Pyromancer's Ultimatum until after the Geosurges are cast.

-Cast Mox Lotus instead of the Fire Servants.

-Draw infinite mana from the Mox Lotus,and use that and the one remaining Red mana to cast Banefire.

-Banefire,now impossible to avoid or counter,causes infinite damage to it's target.

Magic Gateway

-Spend two post without casting.

-Cast Pyretic Ritual

-And cast it again...

-And again...

-And again.

-Cast Mycosynth Lattice.

These are hardly all the combos that can be performed. This is just a small handful of what I cooked up,and more probably exist that I haven't cooked up yet. Remember,while many of these combos are extremely powerful,they take time to set up. As a rule of thumb,if Abel spends a post without casting,disengage or risk death.

Planeswalkers are more than mere mages. They can cast certain spells without mana input,but rather with their own life force. Abel's personal spells are...

Empower: Abel may,once per minion,sacrifice a minion and then reanimate it as a Black zombie,in addition to it's other types and colours,abilities intact. The minion has either doubled strength or durability. This is indefinite.

Minor Drain: Abel draws on a sudden surge of two Black or Green mana.

Greater Drain: Abel may cast any spell instantly so long as he has the mana to cast it until the engagement ends.

Abel must empower himself several times before he can use his greater drain.

This site,The Gatherer,is a great place to go to search up these spells.
Name: Kristjan Steindorsson

Appearance Age: Early 20's

Age: 596

Gender: Male

Race: Espada/Arrancar

Theme Song: Bullet For My Valentine - Your Betrayal

Aspect of Death: Betrayal


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Personality: Kristjan is generally critical of things. He points out the flaws in anything he notices that has a flaw. He loves nothing more than to break the body and mind of his foes and will only end the fight once the enemy is broken to his satisfaction.

History: In the past, Kristjan was a mighty Icelandic Warrior. His skill with a blade was only surpassed by his skill in bed. One night, however... he went to lay with the wrong woman. As he found out, she was the daughter of a rival Warlord... and was sent there specifically to assassinate him. She did not kill him immediately, as her father instructed... but instead, started a life with the mighty young warlord. In time, Kristjan found out who she was and confronted her. She did not deny it, and told him of the peace her father hoped their union would bring. Kristjan was relieved... and sent word to her father that he wanted to meet and discuss peace.

Peace would be fleeting... and once the rival warlord met with Kristjan, he slipped his daughter orders. She nodded and chatted with her father for a time. Kristjan began the feast, held in his wife and father-in-law's honor, and told everyone to enjoy themselves. That they did. There was drinking, tale-telling, and boasting abound... and it lasted long into the night. Exhausted, Kristjan called his wife and want to bed with her. It was there that she drove her father's family dirk into the chest of her husband. The shock nearly killed him outright, but he managed to cling to life long enough to see his father-in-law enter the room and embrace his wife in a less than wholesome manner. ... he was betrayed by the one woman he let his guard down around...

His hatred and rage consumed him, and his spirit was unable to pass on. It twisted and morphed him into what was called a Hollow... and he began to consume the souls of those he knew in life. The first to fall were his wife and father-in-law, who's souls Kristjan devoured while they lay together in their incestuous union. Next, came his friends and family. They did nothing to stop the takeover of his lands, and were therefore traitors. Then his generals... officers... and eventually most of his vassals and confidants. His hunger for the lives of those who betrayed him was insatiable, however... and he soon began to kill indescriminately.

In time, many decades later... he roamed the wastes of Hueco Mundo, devouring hollows weaker than he. In time, the collected power from those devoured hollows transformed the man into something... else. Something he came to know as a Vasto Lorde. He had gained immense power in the deaths he had caused, and in absorbing so many different minds and souls... even a measure of control over his own pain and anguish. And now, with another war looming... Kristjan bands together with the other "Espada" and sides with new allies. He would show them all his power... and in time, there would be none willing to betray him.

During the war in Hueco Mundo, however... something even more grand than anyone could imagine came to pass. The universes of the cosmos began to merge with one another. At first, the Espada thought this was a great thing. But then they started dying off. It seemed that the energies that were causing the merger were also destroying some of the beings in each realm. Odd, but not without its advantages. One of the Espada used this chance to kill and betray those around him. Being that the energy that fueled Kristjan was that of betrayal, .. when the betrayer came to kill him, Kristjan smiled and ended the backstabber's life in under a minute.

Now that the universes had been united, Kristjan ventured to the world of the living... and was amazed at the fact that everyone could see him. Though he had to admit, this was actually preferable to being invisible. He nodded to himself as he stretched out his senses, trying to pick up on any higher-powered beings nearby. To his amazement, the world was now full of them! In that case, Kristjan would have to be wary. He would need allies... and he would also need a place to lay low should things get hectic.

In time, he met up with another member of the Legion of Doom. ... though he felt many of these beings were beneath him, he certainly did enjoy the thought of a "Planet Buster" weapon. He could almost taste the massive influx of souls into the other world... and how many of them he would consume. Yes... this group was something he would be a part of. Until the time was right, of course...

Arrancar Abilities:

Cero - Kristjan fires a blast of purple energy at his foe in an attempt to harm them. He has been known to use them fairly regularly, due to the low strain they cause on his body. However... this also means that they are not as powerful as one would think. Capable of slaying most beings without supernatural abilities, but generally incaapble of causing much harm to more powerful foes.

Gran Rey Cero - Slashing into his arm, Kristjan infuses reiatsu/reishi through the blood itself and fires off a massive wave of purple and black energy nearly 20 meters across at it's largest. The attack is forbidden within the confines of Los Noches, but unrestricted anywhere else... and Kristjan is fond of using it once his foes show signs of breaking. This attack is incredibly potent due to the sheer amount of blood and raw energy that is poured into it.

Hierro - Kristjan's skin is hardened to an amazing degree, and he needs not fear the blades of his foes. Due to this advantage, only attacks of immense severity can damage Kristjan to the point of causing noteworthy injury.

Sonido - Forcing his energy into his legs, Kristjan can move much faster than a normal being. Though by the standards of some superhuman beings, he is still a bit on the slow side.

Resurreccion Sheet

Name: Duas-Caras (Two-Face)

Sealed Form: View attachment 10568

Release Phrase: Destroy them, body and mind... Duas-Caras.

Resurreccion Form: View attachment 10567

(( just picture it without a sword, really. ))

Resucceccion Abilities:

Portao de Traicao (Gate of Betrayal): By moving a specific way so that the foe's attack strikes him in the hole within his chest, Kristjan distorts the space around him to return the attack at the attacker... from directly behind them. This works marvelously on attacks from weapons, as well as from techniques with a small area of effect... but is fairly tough to use against massive attacks.

Lamina Traidor (Traitor's Blade): Kristjan intentionally suffers his foe's next attack, and suffers only a portion of the damage intended. Seconds later, the foe is hit with the remainder of the damage that was intended for Kristjan. The downfall of this technique is that Kristjan must ingest a small amount of the foe's blood to establish a life-force link.

Feridas de Tempo (Wounds of Time): Calling upon his aspect of death, Betrayal... Kristjan is able to cause the fabric of time itself to stab his foe in the back. Old wounds open up all over his foe... from small papercuts, to massive gashes that threaten the foes life. This does have a backlash, however... as the flow of time demands that Kristjan also suffers some damage. His Hierro weakens immensely and renders him very vulnerable to attacks for several minutes after using this ability.

Name: Bruce Wayne

Alias: Batman, The World's Greatest Detective, The Dark Knight

Age: 26

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance: Click here.

Personality: Batman, in most of his incarnations, is a dark and brooding hero with a personal vendetta against crime and injustice. Psychologically traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents away from him. He is extremely pessimistic and suspicious, which often makes it difficult for him to trust people other than Alfred, the Robins or the Batgirls.

Despite this, Batman has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his parents. His father was a doctor, while his mother was a crusader against child abuse. Indeed, Batman's oath of vengeance is tempered with the greater ideal of justice. He refrains from killing, as he feels this would not make him any better than the criminals he fights. He is also a very prominent member of the Justice League and the founder of the Outsiders.

To protect his secret identity, Batman has constructed a fake persona he can use in his civilian identity. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is a self-absorbed, irresponsible playboy and philanthropist. Only his closest allies know that this attitude is just an act.

Bat-Suit: Batman's costume is composed of Kevlar and a small percentage of titanium; it is bullet-proof and resistant to most forms of attack (explosions, blunt trauma, falls, etc.) It is also flame-retardant and insulated. The gloves and the boots are reinforced to nullify the impact of punches and kicks. Batman's gauntlets have metallic blades on their sides. The cape is extremely light and can be used to glide long distances. The cowl is composed in small part by lead, which shields Batman's face from identification via x-rays. It has also an infrared viewer and auditory sensors. The cowl is outfitted with security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.) like the utility belt. The mask is also a transmitter-receiver.

Utility Belt and Gadgets: Batman keeps most of his personal field equipment in his iconic yellow utility belt. Over the years, it has produced plastic explosives, nerve toxins, batarangs, smoke bombs, a fingerprint kit, a cutting tool, a grappling hook gun, and a re-breather. Superman also entrusted Batman with a ring made of Kryptonite, should the Man of Steel ever need to be reined in (due to mind-control by a super-villain, etc.).

Batcave and Related Transportation: Click here.

Powers and History: Click here.

Still a work in progress, like a boss.​

Birth Name

: Kakarot

Known as

: Son Goku; The Greatest Martial Artist on The Planet


: 27


​ Saiyan



  • Champion of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. It is unknown to him if the Budokai Tenkaichi still remains after the cosmic event.
  • Sole mortal being to master the art of Kaio-Ken. After the removal of King Kai's existence, Goku is now the only person in the universe to utilize the technique.
  • Prized apprentice of the likes of Roshi, Korin, Kami, and King Kai, of which, only Roshi remains in the multiverse.
  • One of only four known riders of the legendary Flying Nimbus. Of the other three, Gohan, Chi-Chi and Upa, his son and wife are the only ones to remain after the universal merger. It is worthy to note that noone other than Goku and Gohan have actually ridden the nimbus post merger.
  • Following the reality warping, universe fusing event, Goku was the first of the new-found universe's inhabitants to join the pre-established Justice League Unlimited.

Name: Maka Albarn

Age: Exact Age unknown. Is a teen.

Race: Human

Gender: Female.

Personality: Is a bookworm and the top of her class. Sometimes she gets angered easily when someone on her team isn't cooperating.

Abilities/powers: Very good with a scythe. Can sense people's soul wavelengths and tell what kind of person they are. Also, she can resonate her soul wavelength with her partner's (Soul "Eater Evans) to unleash a powerful move known as Witch hunter.


Fandom (Movie,book,game,etc.): Soul Eater

History: Used to go to an academy where meisters and weapons were trained to work in teams and resonate their soul wavelengths, along with Soul, they hunted an enemy who devoured human souls called a Kishin. The Kishin was very powerful, but no match for Soul and Maka.

Name: Soul "Eater" Evans (Often just called Soul.)

Age: Exact age unknown. He is a teen.

Gender: Male

Race: Human (Transforms into Scythe.)

Personality: Calm and cool. Cares for maka a lot, and would willingly die for her. Is usually always with Maka.

Abilities/powers: Can transform into Maka's scythe. When Maka isn't available he can transform certain parts of his body into that of a scythe (Example: transforming his arm into a scythe blade and using it to attack.)

Weapon: He IS a weapon


Fandom: (Movie,book,game,etc.): Soul Eater

((I had to make two characters because Soul is Maka's weapon. I hope you don't mind.))
I'm familiar with Soul Eater. Therefore, making two characters at one is little trouble. Not to say I discourage players having more than one character. I do not. I just don't want players having more characters than they can handle.
Oh, that's a relief. I didn't see anything in the OP about the Character limit but maybe i read over it or something..
There was nothing about a character limit because there really isn't one. If someone shows they can handle 4 characters, then they are allowed such. If someone can only handle one, then that's their limit. Simple, really.
I would like to join but only if you have a solution for dbz having some of the most over powered characters. Batman is is like a bug compared Son Goku. You could argue that a few characters are on par with Goku....but it would be a heated and lengthy argument.
n0remac said:
I would like to join but only if you have a solution for dbz having some of the most over powered characters. Batman is is like a bug compared Son Goku. You could argue that a few characters are on par with Goku....but it would be a heated and lengthy argument.
Not really a heated and lengthy argument, I can think of several characters off the top of my head in the comics verse that could own Goku.

1. Superman/Equal to Superman Captain Marvel (DC underpowers him like a *****. I blame him being the step-child of the DC Universe.)

2. Galactus

3. Odin Force Thor

4. The Living Tribunal

5. Dr. Fate....maybe

6. The Flash

7. Hal Jordan....maybe. Okay probably not.

8. Darkseid.

I could go on.

Though, I do agree, Batman's a bug to him.

Beta said:
Sloth quit, so Goku isn't gonna be in this. Problem = solved.
What? When the **** did this happen? Don't put words in my mouth, hoe.
When does the rp start?

Name: Grana

Age: 25

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Fandom: Psyren ( Awesome manga)

Appearance: http://psyren.wikia.com/wiki/File:Grana.jpg#Modal

Personality: Grana has no emotions. He gets enjoyment only from fighting. He is lazy and forgetful since there is little that keeps his interest.

Powers: PSI user. Grana is an incredibly powerful psycher.

Telekinesis: This is Grana's strongest ability. He can easily lift objects the size of skyscrapers, assembly large and complex structures in under a minute, and even pull meteors towards earth.

Sun fall: Grana uses telekinesis to concentrate solar rays into one area and releases them all at once to create an extremely powerful beam capable of completely incinerating a normal person. A small beam takes a few seconds to gather. A beam about 20 km in size will take several minutes to collect.

The ring of the sun: Grana concentrates all the sunlight in the sky to one area so the entire sky goes black.

Telekinetic punch: Grana increases the power, speed and range of his physical attacks. A punch can be used as a tong range attack.

Energy shield: Grana creates a disk of energy to deflect or block attacks.

Energy ball: Grana collects a ball of energy up to seven feet in diameter and fires it at his enemy. This has the power to destroy a city block.

Levitation: Grana flies by using telekinesis on himself.

Rise: Rise is the ability to increase ones strength and speed by ridding your mind of mental restraints. Grana is an expert in rise.

History: Grana was born in a lab as an experiment in gene manipulation. Information thirsty psychers studied him for 11 years. As a result Grana never developed emotions. His PSI powers became huge and one day he had enough. The mental restraints put on him were no longer enough and Grana destroyed the lab and slaughtered everyone in it.

Grana formed a group of powerful psychers known as the W.I.S.E. The group made the world a barren wasteland where only the strong could live. It was all part of a plan to create a unified paradise on earth. Grana had little interest in all that crap though. When the plan was revealed to be a hoax Grana put an end to it.

With his companions dead the were few people left in the world who posed any sort of challenge to Grana. Once he defeated those people he planned on ending his life out of sheer boredom. It was then that the universes merged. Grana found himself in a world full of insanely strong foes.

Grana learned of a group known as the legion and some mysterious "planet buster". Grana did not care to be part of a plan to destroy the earth, again, but he decides to join anyways. Such a destructive plan would obviously bring strong opponents for Grana to play with. Grana decided he would play loyal to the legion until the plan neared completion then turn against them. "Why destroy the earth?" he though. "With out a place for strong foes to breed I have no reason to live."
Grana is hella OP. Compared to anyone but Goku... and even Goku, I'm having Sloth not be Super Saiyan. Pulling Meteors and concentrating the rays of the sun? Gonna have to say no to those. Same with the turning the sky black. Gonna have to limit that hardcore. The rest of the stuff seems alright. Just don't be a Chardo. <- inside joke.
Super saiyan Goku would beat Grana in my opinion. But if there are no super seiyans then Goku is way toned down. My next character would have been Uchiha Madara in his prime :P he is more op then Grana though. I will make a fruit user from One Piece and post later. Has the rp started? I don't see the oc.
Name: Haruki Uchiha

Alias: Haru

Age: 22

Race: Human Uchiha ninja

Gender: Male

Companions: His brother Daisuke

Appearance: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hikaku_Uchiha#Modal

Personality: Bitter and angry. Haru saw his clan betrayed and slaughtered and never forgave the world for it.

Gear and/or Weapons: Katana

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: Haru was a jounin when he left the village.

Basic Genin techniques: Substitution techniques, clones, transformation.

Various fire jutsus: Uses hand signs and chakra to breath fire of different magnitudes.

Manipulating windmill triple blades: Three shuriken are attached to wire and thrown simultaneously. By utilizing the sharingan to track the opponent's movements Dia pulled on the wire with hands or mouth to make the shuiken wrap around a tree or pole to approach from a different angle.

Snake summoning: Using small amount of blood Haru can summon small to large sized snakes. (Largest being about 100 feet long and able to eat a dump truck). Summoning a large snake usually requires later sacrifices from the summoner.

Various lightning attacks:

Haru can send his lightning chairs into his Katana to make it sharper.

He can fire lightning bolts from hands and make them jump between up to 5 targets. It deals less damage each jump.

Haru can use a huge amount of chakra (more then three quarters) to fire a bolt of lightning into the air. This causes a violent lightning storm to occur. This is Haru's trump card. He must rest for a week after using it.

Sage mode: Haru was taught how to absorb natural energy from the White Snake Sage. When in sage mode Haru has much more chakra and is much stronger.

Sharingan: Fully developed sharingan. Haru is proficient at reading chakra and movements. He can copy other abilities almost perfectly. He can use genjutsu with eye contact.

Chakra levels/stamina: Haru has a large amount of chakra.

History: When the Uchiha clan was massacred Haru's family was at home. There was a commotion outside and his father went to investigate. A few seconds later he came stumbling back in, a gash in his neck, covered in blood. "Haruki! Daisuke!" He rasped with his dying breaths. His sons came to their mangled father and knelt in his blood to listen to his final words. Their mother grabbed a katana and ran to the door. Haru went to follow her but his father whispered no. Haru knelt and looked into his fathers eyes. The nearly dead mans eyes sharingan activated for a brief moment and Haru found himself in a gejutsu.

Two dark figures wearing masks ran through the streets, mercilessly killing men women and child as they went. Houses burned and people screened. Death was all around Haru. A masked man looked directly at him and threw a kuni. Haru glimpsed the mans eyes and saw that he had a sharingan.

The illusion faded. "Live! Avenge our clan," as Haru's father died he thrust his blood lathered hand onto the floor. A summoning seal appeared and a giant snake poofed I to existence and swallowed Haru and Daisuke whole. The last thing Haru saw before the jaws shut was a blast of flame incinerating his mother at the door.

When the snake spat the brothers out they found themselves in Ryūchi Cave. After much thought the White Snake Sage decided to raise the children, as they were two of the 4 known surviving Uchiha. Here Haru and Dai were trained by the snakes, oblivious to the happenings of the outside world.

One day the Snake Sage told the the brothers that it was time for them to leave. The world had changed in unimaginable ways. Parallel dimensions had collided and united. Besides, Haru had learned all he could from the snakes. Huru's brother still had a way to go, but Haru could teach him the rest.

Before leaving the White Sage spoke a few silent words to Haru. "I see great pain and anger in your heart. You have manifested yourself as a entity of revenge. The world is much different now. More strange then you could ever imagine. Those you wished justice upon are now dead. Find a new life for yourself...if not for you then for your brother. He may yet be happy in life."

"A new life?". Haru scoffed. "There is nothing left in life for me! All shall feel my pain. As for Daisuke, he shall help me...alive or dead."

Haru and Dai left. Searching for revenge upon the world.

Name: Daisuke Uchiha

Alias: Dai

Age: 17

Race: Human Uchiha ninja

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kagami_Uchiha#Modal

Personality: Woeful, bitter, and angry like his brother, but not to the same extent. Daily has potential to over come his grief and anger.

Gear and/or Weapons: 50 exploding notes, a spool of strong fine wire. Summoning tattoos on: right wrist for shuriken, left wrist for kuni, back for giant shuriken.

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.: Dai was a chuunin when he left the village.

Basic Genin techniques: Substitution techniques, clones, transformation.

Various fire jutsus: Not as many as Haru

Snake summoning: Using small amount of blood Dai can summon small to medium sized snakes (medium being slightly larger then a human).

Sharingan: Partially developed sharingan. Dia is proficient at reading chakra, but needs practice reading movements. He can copy other abilities as well, but not perfectly.

Chakra levels/stamina: Dia has relatively low chakra. He uses taijutsu mainly. He still has much to learn though.

History: See Haru
Unless you make a list of jutsu for them, they're outright denied.

As a Jounin, Haru may have 15 Jutsu. As a Chunin, Daisuke may have 10.

Haru may have a single S-Rank Jutsu and no more than 6 A-Rank Jutsu. Dai may have 2 A-Rank Jutsu at most.

Seeing as you use the Naruto Wiki, please use Hyperlinks to show what jutsu your characters have.

Like this. Wind Style: Gale Palm would be [ URL = http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Gale_Palm ] Wind Style: Gale Palm [ /URL ] Just remove the spaces from inside the brackets.

*has run/played in several Naruto RPs in the past, and has a nice character template availible should you like to use it*
Name:Eden Ogi

Alias:Psychic Night




Appearance: View attachment 13723

Personality:Eden looks down on almost everyone,except people who are worthy of her respect,such as Kristjan.Just as he loves to break people down,she enjoys it as well,which is why she is his partner.She will kill anyone in her way,and she will gladly kill her partner if she has too.Eden actually has two alternate personality,Tracy and Lilly.Tracy is a seductive succubus,not literally.She will have sex with you,take your money and kill you.She is much worse than Eden all together.Lilly on the other is hand is quiet,scary,cunning,and persuasive

Gear and/or Weapons:Assortment of weapons,but she usually carries her short blade and dual guns with her.

Powers/Jutsu/Attacks/Skills/Etc.:Martial Arts:She is a master of Taekwondo,Muay Thai,Savate.She mainly applies Taekwondo and Savate in combat

Psychic Energy Manipulation
:This ability is,basically,the equivalent of induced radioactivity.She can user absorb limitless amounts of psionic energy without harm,and emit it at will in small amounts or in a huge blast similar to a small atomic explosion.Extreme use of this ability would cause fatigue.

Low-Level Telekinesis:She can control small things and herself.She can not throw anyone of extreme weight,like the Hulk.She usually uses this for small things,like when she loses her sword or guns.Tracy is actually a mid-level Telekinetic.She can do things Eden can not,such as combustion,lifting cars,,buses,even buildings,and other great feats.

Telepathy:Eden is a high-level Telepath,meaning she is one of the best in her world.With Telepathy she can create illusions,hide her psychic presence,erect a psychic shield,speak with the dark and light side of a person,exchange minds,and many more techniques.Mindscape Transportation is one of the most useful tricks she has,it allows her to teleport any matter into her mind,and back out if needed.This where she keeps most of her weapons.Mind Link and Psychic Construct are two of her most used moves,she uses each of them in combat,especially the latter.Mind Link is usually used for covert op and assassination missions,and she can also use it in a "2 vs" fight.

History:Eden was born into a family of mutants,and could not have been happier.The only problem was where her family called home was in a town full of Anti-Mutant crusaders,so her family was always trying to hide their secret.Some of her family members who had not gained a mutant power were jealous of her and the rest,so they would rat them out.When the campaigners actually started to believe them,they started to hunt them down,causing Eden to lose faith in humanity.After her parents were finally caught and killed she released a huge burst of Psychic energy,that left her fatigue for a while.Her subconscious acted on its own accord,and teleported her into her own mind for a couple of weeks till she was back to full health.When she came back to earth,she found out that her universe and clash and compressed with a bunch of other universes,creating a omniverse.Finding this out,she was ready to fight the new heros of this great new omniverse.


View attachment 13725

Seems legit. Approved. Glad to see more Original Characters. You have been added to the ch Feel free to post, if you like.aracter Roster.
[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] [MENTION=4060]Sloth[/MENTION] [MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION] [MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION]

We have ignition,people. I posted my intro post,so let's see some other posts,shall we?
Name: Haruki Uchiha

Alias: Haru

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Village: Konohagakure

Clan: Uchiha

Family: His brother Daisuke

Rank: Jounin

Chakra nature: Fire, Lightning

Appearance: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hikaku_Uchiha#Modal

Personality: Bitter and angry. Haru saw his clan betrayed and slaughtered and never forgave the world for it.

History: When the Uchiha clan was massacred Haru's family was at home. There was a commotion outside and his father went to investigate. A few seconds later he came stumbling back in, a gash in his neck, covered in blood. "Haruki! Daisuke!" He rasped with his dying breaths. His sons came to their mangled father and knelt in his blood to listen to his final words. Their mother grabbed a katana and ran to the door. Haru went to follow her but his father whispered no. Haru knelt and looked into his fathers eyes. The nearly dead mans eyes sharingan activated for a brief moment and Haru found himself in a gejutsu.

Two dark figures wearing masks ran through the streets, mercilessly killing men women and child as they went. Houses burned and people screened. Death was all around Haru. A masked man looked directly at him and threw a kuni. Haru glimpsed the mans eyes and saw that he had a sharingan.

The illusion faded. "Live! Avenge our clan," as Haru's father died he thrust his blood lathered hand onto the floor. A summoning seal appeared and a giant snake poofed I to existence and swallowed Haru and Daisuke whole. The last thing Haru saw before the jaws shut was a blast of flame incinerating his mother at the door.

When the snake spat the brothers out they found themselves in Ryūchi Cave. After much thought the White Snake Sage decided to raise the children, as they were two of the 4 known surviving Uchiha. Here Haru and Dai were trained by the snakes, oblivious to the happenings of the outside world.

One day the Snake Sage told the the brothers that it was time for them to leave. The world had changed in unimaginable ways. Parallel dimensions had collided and united. Besides, Haru had learned all he could from the snakes. Huru's brother still had a way to go, but Haru could teach him the rest.

Before leaving the White Sage spoke a few silent words to Haru. "I see great pain and anger in your heart. You have manifested yourself as a entity of revenge. The world is much different now. More strange then you could ever imagine. Those you wished justice upon are now dead. Find a new life for yourself...if not for you then for your brother. He may yet be happy in life."

"A new life?". Haru scoffed. "There is nothing left in life for me! All shall feel my pain. As for Daisuke, he shall help me...alive or dead."

Haru and Dai left. Searching for revenge upon the world.

Weapons: Katana

Special traits:

Haru has a large amount of chakra.

Sage mode: Haru was taught how to absorb natural energy from the White Snake Sage. When in sage mode Haru has much more chakra and is much stronger.

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: sharingan

Type: Eye

Clan: Uchiha

Description: Fully developed basic sharingan. Haru is proficient at reading chakra and movements. He can copy other abilities almost perfectly. He can use genjutsu with eye contact.


Cannon Jutsu:

Basic Academy techniques: Substitution, clones, transformation.

Katon: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Great Fireball Technique) C rank, short range


Katon: Karyū Endan (Fire Dragon Flame Bullet) B rank, short-mid range


Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Great Fire Dragon Technique) B rank, long range


Kirin S rank, long range


Custom jutsus:

Static Charge A rank, short-mid range: Haruki converts chakra to static electricity and charges his entire body. If the opponent comes to close the current will arc to them causing burn damage and temporary paralysis or muscle spasms.

Chain lightning A rank, mid range: Fires a bolt of lightning from palms or katana. The bolt can bounce between up to six targets.


Snake summoning

Name: Daisuke Uchiha

Alias: Dai

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Village: Konohagakure

Clan: Uchiha

Family: His brother Haruki

Rank: Chuunin

Chakra nature: Fire

Appearance: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kagami_Uchiha#Modal

Personality: Woeful, bitter, and angry like his brother, but not to the same extent. Daily has potential to over come his grief and anger.

Gear and/or Weapons: 50 exploding notes, a spool of strong fine wire.

Special traits:

Chakra levels/stamina: Dia has only medium chakra levels. He uses taijutsu mainly. He still has much to learn though.

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: sharingan

Type: Eye

Clan: Uchiha

Description: Partially developed basic sharingan. Dai is proficient at reading movements, but needs practice reading chakra. He can copy other abilities roughly seeing them once and well after seeing them a few times.


Basic Academy techniques: Substitution, clones, transformation.

Cannon Jutsu:

Katon: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Great Fireball Technique) C rank, short range


Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Sage Fire Technique) C rank, short range


Katon: Haisekishō (Ash Pile Burning) B rank, mid range


Meisaigakure no Jutsu (Hiding with Camouflage Technique) A rank


Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) B rank



Snake summoning: Using small amount of blood Dai can summon small to medium sized snakes (medium being slightly larger then a human).

Summoning tattoos on: right wrist for shuriken, left wrist for kuni, back for giant shuriken.
How would you like us to introduce our characters in the IC thread? By having them in their original world at first?

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