Unforgettable Train Ride


The Dark Poetry Mistress
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Roselina hummed as she paced back and forth in an empty train car. "The other guests should be arriving soon.~ * She mused to herself before placing on a masquerade mask. "This shall be oh so much fun." She giggled softly before twirling around in amusement. She admits she is a tad bit hyper at the moment but the feeling will pass once others arrive. A man steps onto the same train car. "M'am. Others shall be arriving soon." She turned around and smiled. "I know.~ Isn't it exciting? Think they'll get used to being around me for a spell?~ " The man chuckled softly. "Anything is possible, milady. I shall go make sure the preparations are truly completed." She giggled a bit as she twirled around again. "Alright then. Shoo, shoo~" The man chuckled again as he exited the train car.
Jasmine got on the train. She was wearing a tanktop, sweater, and ripped jeans. Her hair was down and she just stared at the girl who was happy. "Don't need to get so worked up.. it's just a train ride." Jasmine chuckled. She plugged her iPod on to her sweater and then put the earphones connected to the sweater in her ear. Layed back on a chair she looked out the window. "They better serve sweets in this train.." she murmured
Dan entered the train car, and surveyed his surroundings immediately. Fancy tables, comfy chairs, a chandelier on each car and some menus. Each train car had a different section. Like most of the train was a diner, and the other five cars were a lounge, a computer room, the conductors room, the kitchen, and one other place Dan didn't know about. A few other guests were already on the train. However Dan wasn't here for eating. Some of these people were important members of society. His CIA mission to gather intelligence in Syria was cut short for a bit for him to protect these people. Of course he would never specifically point out that he was in the CIA, so his cover story was a 'Train Marshal'.

Dan looked down at a teenage girl. She was happy, and excited. The CIA agent nodded at the girl and sat down. When the waiter came, he was going to order a hot cup of Chai tea.

This place seems perfect for an attack. I don't understand why they didn't get an FBI agent to do it, Dan thought. Well, it seemed obvious actually. Dan was one of the top CIA field agents in America, so of course the made him do this.
Miranda got on the train. She tripped over her leg and fell down. "Owww...." She groaned and looked up. It was so fancy she didn't know that she could afford for this train. Forgetting the price she got up and looked around. "Am I on the wrong train?" She said looking down at her ticket. It's right. She was hungry but she is out of money. She saw a waiter and ran to her. "Can i get a job here please?" She asked. ((It's ok ^^))
Roselina grinned a bit before calming down a bit. "True. But anything could happen on a train." She chuckled softly. Now she was perfectly calm though on the inside was a different story. But she could handle being calm...for now. "Excuse me please." She nodded her head before moving to another train car, closer to the front. She may or may not have had a prank or two planned.
Aiden frowns as he sees Roselina, he was perfectly cotent to be sitting alone. He slinks down into his seat "Please please please don't sit next to me.." he whispers to himself and hides his face behind his notebook. It's not that he doubted she would be nice to meet, but it was the fact that he was scared to talk to new people "I don't know how I let myself get talked into this." he frows. His roommate needed the apartment for a while so him and his girlfriend can do what ever. In the words of his roommate 'You like movies and stuff so much why not practically be part of one.' Aiden sighs and shakes his head "What an idiot."
Dan looked at Aiden. The boy was nervous, or something. It seemed too quiet, and Dan was getting hungry. He finally got his Chai tea and asked Aiden something.

"Hey kid. You okay?" the CIA agent asked.
Wondering when the train will start, Jasmine got up and took out her soccer ball. She started practicing her heading. She pulled out her box of Pocky and ate them. She started bouncing her soccer ball on her head. Failing miserably, the ball kept falling. She got frustrated and just kicked the ball and it hit the chandelier which broke about 5 light bulbs. "Oops.. sorry" She said.
Aiden looks up at the man and shakes his head. he looks back down at his notebook hoping the man would go away. He continues drawing. A crazy vision of a dream escaping from his pen. It was a girl that looked a lot like Roselina laughing and smiling, but she also looked very devious like she just pulled a prank on some one and is laughing about it.
Getting the job, she had put on the apron and started serving. Going to Aiden's table she politely asked "would you like a cup of coffee?" She smiled sweetly and offered coffee cake too. "If you don't want anything, don't be afraid to say no. Would you like some coffee too?" She asked turning to Dan.
Rummaging through a bag, Roselina hummed softly. After a few moments, she returned to the original train car, a smile gracing her features. "I hope the train starts soon." She glanced up at the chandelier before giggling softly. "I'm sure our host won't mind. After all, he or she payed for our tickets, I presume." Her eyes flickered over to Aiden. Her smile softened as she made her way over to him. "Hello."
Dan narrowed his eyes. He never liked coffee, and something was suspicious. Not about these people. Then the CIA agent looked at Miranda. She was very pretty, and it would be hard to say no in a polite manner.

"No thank you, Ma'am. Also, if any of you need anything that seriously needs help, go get me. I'm the Train Marshal." Dan said as he held the the fake badge, while his real CIA badge was in his jacket pocket.
Birdy entered the train car, a blood-red avian mask concealed his face. His hands shoved deep in his pockets, grasping papers that have been long forgotten by the male.

The ebony black crow on his shoulder cawed eerily. At that exact moment, Birdy held his finger up to his friend, silencing it instantly," Hush, Potato! Its rude to caw irrevantly!" He scolded. The crow responded by nipping the end of his finger.

"Potato, you son of a gun..." He mumbled, while the bird squaked again.

Birdy sat down in a seat of a car, observing the other passengers.

(yes his crow is named Potato! > :D )
Aiden frowns and thinks to himself 'Oh god. So many people.' he frowns and looks at Rosaline and smiles softly "H-hi." he sets his notebook in his lap. He was shading in some of the drawing of Rosaline. He looks at the three people infront of him "Will you please just leave me alone." he looks at Rosaline "Except for you." he smiles. She was. Intresting. He wanted to see what she was Planning to do. His drawings always came true at some point.
Dan looked at Birdy and narrowed his eyes once more. The bird-tamer looked creepy, as if he would do something. The CIA agent moved forward towards Birdy.

"Hi. I see you have a bird there. Exactly, what do you plan to do with that crow? Entertain us?" Dan asked as he felt around in his shirt for his 50 cal. Smith and Wesson handgun. he wasn't going to use it, but it may be necessary.
Miranda walked over to Birdy. "Welcome to the train~" She sang joyfully. "Please take a seat, and hello little bird." She waved to the bird. "If there is anything you would want to eat for you and your friend, call for me okay?" She smiled. Seeing the broken chandelier, she grabbed a ladder and some light bulbs. She climbed up the ladder and took off the broken light bulbs slowly to avoid any cuts. Unlikely, she had cut her self badly. She didn't care but continued her job. She had put the new light bulbs on. It worked, she smiled and climbed down the ladder.
Jasmine felt ashamed. She walked to Miranda and apologized. Noticing Miranda was bleeding. "That's a big cut. I'm so sorry." Jasmine said feeling guilty. She offered her a strawberry flavored Pocky. "I hope you like this flavor. I don't really enjoy this flavor that much, I enjoy chocolate better. Please take it."
Birdy smiled at Dan, though it wasn't very visible," Hah! I don't plan anything, sir! Potato is simply my traveling companion, nothing less!" He announced, while the crow ruffled its feathers.

He cocked his head, holding out his hand to shake Dan's," Birdy Ofilus, traveling... magician, you might say," he laughed lightly. "Potato is also my manager. He deals with our money," he pointed to the bird on his shoulder.

Potato cawed several more times, in a sinister, eerie way, staring at Miranda right in the eyes. "Caaw!" It called at her, tilting its head a sideways, almost parallel to the ground.
"Do you mind...if I sit down?" Roselina fiddled with a pocket watch in one of her hands. It was only a matter of time before her plan was set in motion. It had something to do with the so-called train marshal. She had a feeling he wouldn't be amused but at the moment, she didn't care all that much. Her mischievous side usually caused trouble.
"Don't worry, it's just a little cut," Miranda lied. The cut was pretty big and she turned to the bird. She walked to him and pulled out the sunflower seeds out of pocket. "Is it okay if your bird eats sunflower seeds?" She poured the sunflower seeds on her good hand and pointed it toward the bird. "Please enjoy," She smiled.
Dan smiled warmly, but kept his cold personality in check. He shook Birdy's hand reluctantly and then sat back down next to Birdy. Wondering if this guy could actually do magic, Dan opened his mouth.

"Magician? Very noble profession. I'm the Train Marshal, here to protect all of you rich snobs. So, perform a trick for me with this," Dan tossed a few jacks on the table, "And I will give you something special: a pass to the night club that is on this train."
Aiden shakes his head "N-not at all." he was a bit flustered. He didn't like new people all that much. Especially if they are female and attractive. He looks at her then returns to his drawing hoping she wouldn't see it. Not yet atleast. His arm seemed to move on its own. Like it was a completely different person's arm. He writes at the top in big black letters 'Misscheif.' he added the second S on purpose so it would say 'Miss' because Rosaline was a girl. He chuckles and at the bottom scribbles in small print. The word fox with a line through it. It was how he signed all his drawings
Roselina smiled before sitting. "Thanks. Might I ask what you're drawing?" She fiddled with the pocket watch a couple times before muttering to herself. "3....2....1." Her eyes glinted with mischief as a bucket of water balloons fell onto the so-called train marshal. She kept a cool and collected composure and attitude. She knew the man wouldn't be happy.

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