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Realistic or Modern Unexpectedly Soulmates

Aurora yawned softly and blushed at his words. She put her seatbelt on before laying her head back against the seat. She closed her eyes, yawning again, and started humming a soft lullaby. Giggling softly, she continued humming as they pulled off and soon fell asleep with her head on his shoulder before they arrived at her house
Pulling up to the apartment He realized she didn't give him the keys and he didn't wanna wake her. "Go to my apartment please." The driver did as he was asked. Once at the uptown apart he smiled and slowly an carefully carried her like a princess. He went into the elevator and headed to his apartment on the 16th floor. The door man helpped him with the door and said "Night sir." he walked and placed her on a king size bed. very soft bed smiling he removed her shoes and the jacket. covering her in the silk sheets. he closed the doors. and went to the sofa. he laid there for a moment thinking about his actions. but he didn't wanna leave her in a spot he didn't know. He slept fairly well, the next morning he made coffee and sat on the ledge of the balcony window. eating breakfest. Awaiting for Aurora to awake.
(Crap! Sorry! I've been so busy and I completely forgot about this!)

Aurora slowly woke up as the sun hit her eyes. Opening them, she took one glance around before shoot up into a sitting position and starting to shake uncontrollably. The thought of being in someone else's home scared her since she didn't know who's home she was in. Tearing up, her mind roamed back to when her father was so mad that he had her kidnapped. Thankfully that didn't last long. She started to cry as she brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, still shaking.
(Ish okay :) )

He was on his balcony and heard the crying and he fell off it and made a loud noise, his plate of food hitting him. square in the face, he wiped a bit off and that of a way to make her relax. He didn't wanna burst in there. He grabbed his Guitar and played a harmonica beat through the speakers then began to play the guitar and to sing while slowly opening the door. (moon dance - august rush.)

Well, it's a marvelous night for a Moondance

With the stars up above in your eyes

A fantabulous night to make romance

'Neath the cover of October skies

And all the leaves on the trees are falling

To the sound of the breezes that blow

And I'm trying to please to the calling

Of your heart-strings that play soft and low

And all the night's magic seems to whisper and hush

And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush

He stopped and slowly entered and said "Hey Aurora sorry if i troubled you by bringing you here. It's just you didn't give me the keys as to open your apartment and i didn't wanna wake you up. Can i get you coffee?" he asked as he still had cereal on his head from falling off the balcony
Aurora shot up out of the bed and hugged him tightly, shaking a bit. "Thank god it's you," she sobbed softly as her grip tightened on his neck. She wouldn't say it now but there were too many bad memories with waking up in a strange place.
He watched her reaction and placed the guitar on against the wall and hugged her back, and held her saying "It's okay i won't let anyone harm you." he picked her up and placed her on the bed and said "Come now princess let us get you some breakfest. Smiling as he didn't leave her he sat with her waiting for her to calm down. He smiled and held her till she was ready to let go. "I have eggs bacon cereal pancakes anything you want i can make for you also there is coffee and also juice ice tea. Anything you want princess i'll get." he called her princess as to tease her and make her feel special.
Aurora blushed Aaron he called her princess and smiled finally calming down. "Everything," she said with a wide smile feeling a bit hungry. Very hungry. "Please," she said bit didn't stand up.
He smiled and said "As you wish my lady." he got up and walked to the kitchen preparing everything. smiling as he did he liked cooking as much as music. after an hour he came in with a huge plate and said "Here you are my lady. everything minus the kitchen sink." Smiling he rubbed her head and headed o the shower to get the smell of milk off him. he was done rather quick. he walked out with clothing and went back to the kitchen to clean and mop. after about 15 minutes he walked back in and said "So how was everything." smiling he looked at her his heart thumped and bumped not knowing what he was feeling all he knew was that he was happy with her around. She made his life not feel useless. "So what are your plans i thought we could possibly go to my studio and begin possibly record some songs. if your up to it." he smiled and the door bell rang he walked to answer it walking back to the room he had a box and in that box was a surprise. placing it on the bed he said "Shower is over there, when your ready. come on out." inside the box was a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt. he took a guess at her size. but he figured till she washed her clothing this was the best option. he smiled and walked to the sofa and began playing wth different programs on his computer.
Aurora took the box and opened it, smiling widely. She nodded and stood up, walking over to the shower. She turned the water on and removed her clothes before getting in. Once she got out, she put the clothes on and ran her fingers through her hair, putting it up in a messy bun. Smiling, she walked out to him and shrugged. "There perfect," she said softly as she looked at him.
Looking around she see his apartment was rather big and rather plain, The bedroom kitchen where pretty ice yet the rest was as plain as anything. she would find him removing his shirt and revealing a half angel wing coming down his left side. and there was a another part where the wing looked broken. his back was rather large for what he normally looked like. Since he used clothing a bit bigger for comfort. he turned his head smiling and said "Alrighty." he looked at her and blushed and said "Well then cutie pie. the studio is over here." he placed another shirt as they walk, but she could see a scar on his abs. as he finished covering up a single door led to studio which wasn't big but it had what looked like a professional studio in it. it's own booth for a singer and a huge mixer. Darwin said "Okay so what would you like to sing to. Also you should know this about me. I make chillstep, dubstep, trance and so forth and so. I have a few songs here and there which are not in my comfort zone. So you tell me how i can make your voice and my music the most beautiful thing to leave my studio." He smiled and sat in a big chair there was a sofa big and comfy looking plus a fridge with monsters and water. He sat there spinning wondering what she would like.
((Sorry I haven't replied I've been swamped with school and practice and work. I'll try to reply tomorrow))
Aurora opened the fridge and took out a monster as she listened to him speak. She nodded in understanding and sat down on the couch, growing silent as she began to think about how she would incorporate his chillstep and such with her hard rock. A look of concentration contorted her features as she started writing something down. She stood up and walked over to the mixer and started playing something as she took another sip of her drink. Nodding slightly to the slower beat, she started humming one of her own songs (Bleed It Out~Linkin Park). Smiling slightly, she walked to the other side and put the headphones on before nodding at Darwin, letting him know to start it over.
He smiles and says "Sounds like a plan." he got up and grabbed his own monster. stretching he smiled and began to move the board and said "I hope this works. When your ready to please head in to the booth we have a long day." smiling as she sang he moved the board echoing her voice. he looked like a man. three hours passed and he finished everything. once he was done he looked at her and played it. ([media]

[/media] i know you kno the song but i add it for lore purposes.) he alked out and ordered food coming to say "Tai chiense pizza or all of the above. I'm really hungry" he said with a smile.
(sorry been also swamped hope you enjoy)
Aurora smiled and walked out of the booth. She grabbed another monster and sat next to him, listening to it intently. She smiled a bit as she nodded her head to the beat. "I love it," she said as she looked at him. "It's awesome," she added and giggled softly. She took several sips of her monster, occasionally glancing at him.
A smile grew on his face looked at her, he than began to blush and said "Alrighty soo four large pizza's it is." he looked at her and blushed as he called the pizza place. he then sat in the chair and rotated to look at her, smiling and said "So what now?" he asked as he looked deep into her eyes. but it was broken by the sound of his cell phone, getting up he picked it up and began talking to someone. you could almost feel the weight that was put on his shoulders. She yet again is getting in his way, he walked out of the studio and his gaze became cold and distance and he hung up and sighed looking out the balcony and sighed more. That woman why, why is it everytime he begins to get out of his comfort zone was it she needed to come back and shove him back into it. clenching the phone tears ran down his cheeks as he didn't know what to do.
Aurora frowned as she watched him, suddenly feeling as if it was her fault. She looked down, tears quickly coming to her eyes as she hugged her knees close to her. She forced herself to get up and slowly walked out to the balcony, standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry," she managed to say softly between silent sobs as she looked down, pieces of her hair falling in her face.
Darwin turned and looked at her his eyes filled with tears, his hand lifted and touched her cheek and he lightly rubbed it and said "No you have nothing to be sorry about." he move closer and pulled her close and said "You have been like a fresh breeze into my life. So thank you for entering it the way you did." he smiled and let go placing a soft kiss on her forehead. he leaned against the balcony and said "It seems there will be no contract with Rollins label anymore. My ex has made sure of that." he looked up and smiled and said "So it seems for the first time i will need to step back into the lime light and begin get in touch with my contacts an start my own Dj label." he hated being in the lime light you could tell. Though the tears still flowed down his cheeks he looked at her and smiled saying "SO it will be a ruff road ahead of us to get this new cd going. SO let's put everything we have into it." smiling as he tried to cheer her up. Though his tears still came down his cheeks.
Aurora shook her head slightly, instantly becoming angry for some reason. "We'll see about that," she said, a certain coldness evident in her voice. She turned before he could stop her and ran out of the apartment, running downstairs and out the building's front door. In sweats and a tshirt, she ran down the rp street, not caipirinha about bumping people and finally made it to the label headquarters. Panting slightly' she stormed inside, ignoring the woman at the front counter. She barged into his office, instantly grabbing him pay his tie and shoving him against a wall. "You're going to sign him back," she said slowly with venom in her voice.
Rufus was pushed and said "come with me if you will. we will talk about that over here." he dusted himself off and said "Look here." the room had four boxes filled with different metal cd's such as gold platinum diamond. he said "These all belong to him, he has yet to pick on up, he grabs his check leaves heads to his house and does nothing else. After his ex left him for me, we all where good friends. till that happened." he sighed and then said "Aurora if i sign him back what do you think will happen he will stay in his bubble never doing anything but what he does. To be honest yoru the first singer to even meet him in person he normally does everything through e-mails. So tell me do you really want me to sign him back." Darwin mean while sat in his apartment and stared out the balcony wondering what he should do. going to another label would be easy. But what would Aurora want. he thought to himself. "Aurora let me show you something else." he lead her back to his office and played a video on the computer screen and she could see how different he was to now. the video played and Darwin playing to a sold out crowd and him really smiling as he played the song mixing it up and looking back at the camera making funny faces. he looked like such a different person. Meanwhile Darwin realized Rufus could show her how he was and ran out. grabbing his keys and jacket. "Darwin dj name do you know it?" he asked and then said "Knowing him he wouldn't tell you but it's Dj Redfox. one of the top dj's three years ago." the video played on and soon she saw him with the same girl she hit and there was this face of bliss about him. Rufus stopped the video and said "That was three days before she broke up with him. after that Dj Refox disappeared and Dj Chillstep came to be. Darwin is a dubstep master. He is just lost and playing it safe not to be hurt." Rufus then asked "So shall i resign him?"
Aurora watched intently, a small smile on her face. After he had showed her the video, she stared at him with an expressionless face. "Resign him," was all she said before she turned and walked out, slamming the door behind her. Her walked out of the building and back to the apartment complex just as she saw Darwin running out. With no expression, she grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. She led him back inside, her only words being, "Come on DJ Redfox."
Hearing his old Dj name made his shoot open and he shook his head. No No this can't be no no how could rufus do that. he didn't go only grabbing her hand and showed her a text he got from Rufus asking "Shall i resign you? I'll leave it up to you." he looked at the floor as she read the next text which read "No" Darwin looked at the floor only saying one thing to her "What did he show you?" he asked cause he wished to tell her everything slowly about his past and so on. Dj Red fox, soon darwin said "Please......" tears ran down his cheeks should he be this emotional but at the same time. He didn't want her to see him with his x at all. but it seemed she might know so if she did know then he show her everything so she knew about him. No more hiding, no more just dealing with people who you needed to talk to and on your way. he would try one more time to believe in people. and to believe in love.
Aurora shook her head as she pushed him back into his apartment. "He showed me enough," she said softly and sat down in front of him. "He told me enough. I told him to resign you. You just need time," she said softly as she looked down.

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