Unearthly [Inactive]


Little Wanderer
Ashmorne submitted a new role play:

Unearthly - In a post-apocalyptic Americas, races once thought to be fiction reside with humans.

The year is 2325. The setting is the post-apocalyptic area once known as the United States, known a vast expanse of controlled cities, old city ruins, and teeming wasteland.

After the final World War in 2075, the earth's counsels and governments failed. That's when the humans of this planet found out that they were not alone. Unearthly beings inhabited realms unseen by humans, hidden from the eyes of men...kept secret to protect their...
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All the time, consistently without fail..., with the exception of nighttime, it looked always like dusk in this sector. She could see it the landscape from the broken hole in the wall. The sky looked streaky, the ash from past years decorating the air with pale yellow dust. Avani adjusted the pack slung across her shoulders as she locked her doors. She walked through the the old abandoned hotel's hallways...her home. She hopped over bits of rubble, lightbulbs flickering in the hallway. She adjusted her combat boots after dusting the dirt of her pants.

Stepping the daylight, she squinted her eyes in the harsh but dull sunlight. She made her way to the coffee bar down the street here in Olde Seattle City. The coffee bar and cafe, called Red Grounds, sat rustically in the vintaged sector of the city. Red Ground was interesting in the sense that it also sold alcohol after 4 pm every day. She opened the door, readying herself for the night shift as she greeted a co-worker. Throwing her long hair into a quick ponytail and adjusting her black V-neck, she made her way behind the counter. Flicking on the espresso machines, and setting up the bottles of liquor, she sighed to herself inaudibly. Her brother was gone at training, leaving her alone for the night. How she dreaded going back to the broken building home. Tonight was a new night, yes. She just had to get through it.
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Ajax is hanging upside down from tree, rapier in hand. He had been waiting there for about four hours because he didn't want to waste the bullets. Finally, he saw a big, fat hare beneath him and he shook for a moment with anticipation. He unfolded his legs and pounced rapier first into the creature. It squirmed for a moment, then ceased to move at all. He took his kill over to his campfire, skinned it and took out all of its organs and put them in his bait box. He began to roast it on his makeshift rotisserie.
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Ven's long fingers lifted one of the mugs from her tray, setting it down in front of a customer. She placed the rest of the mugs in his friends' hands, smiling politely. The men paid for their drinks, and the Naga slithered back around the counter. Her forked tongue flickered out from between her lips, and slight hiss escaping with her sigh. It was going to be a long night, since one of her co-workers had been winked at by a hunter. It was Ven's job to deter that kind of stuff, what with her heavy coils and semi-masculine looks and all.

Her pupils narrowed into slits, eyelids drooping. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, either. Ven rested her chin in one hand, surveying the patrons in the pub. A yawn slipped from her mouth, the jaw-cracking kind. The Naga settled down on a stool behind the counter, which was more of a cone-shaped block of wood made specially to support her weight. Her tail curled loosely around the base.

This was going to be a boring shift.
After finishing his meal, Ajax looked up at the stars for a moment and realized the direction that he had to go into in order to get to town. He realized that it shouldn't be more than a half mile walk, although he was pretty sure that it was closer to a quarter mile. He packed up his things and then smothered the fire. He walked the tail in utter darkness and silence. Ajax feared nothing that could come out and attack him. In his heart he believed that there was nothing in the forest scarier than him. His boots made a light crunching sound on top of the leaves as he walked, but other than that, there was total silence in the woods. This was his element, this is what he knows best, so he went silently and confidently into the night.
The sun was all but set. The water colors that splashed across the sky had darkened and become a deep violet swallowed up among the grey clouds that grouped up about, looked like rain.

Donnie stood in the mouth of an alleyway ridden with old newspapers and empty soda cans while puffing away at a Marlboro with it's filter ripped off, he dropped the nub of a but and stomped it out before turning into the light of the street lamps. He went across the road zipping his jacket up, faded brown leather with a brass zipper he had won in a bet before prison, a little semi-rundown looking bar was on the corner and he needed a drink.. probably not but he sure as hell wanted one.

Don had been out for almost a week now and Sal still hadn't come knocking but he would, Donnie could hope otherwise but that was bullshit and he knew it, it made him nervous like a kid on his first date except you don't bring a .357 snub nose on a first date. Usually. He kept it in a shoulder holster so it was only noticeable if he stretch or you looked closely.

The bar smelled of cherry wood and stale smoke, he kind of liked it. There was a girl working the bar, she had kind of narrow face with cheek bones that protruded slightly and a slight droop to her entire frame that spoke of a long night. Donnie crossed the bar and sat down on a ripped and sewed cushion top stool,

"Hey how's it going? Could I get a double of jack.. if you have that sweet stuff, the uh.. honey shit.. uhm.. Tennessee Honey that's the one," He spoke more than he thought about it, he really wanted some of this weird cinnamon whiskey he tried once when he was a courier, he couldn't remember the name though.
The day was turning into dusk, and one elf was running at a pace that can only be attributed to that of fear. A fear of imminent doom and death. His fears were of course justified, considering who was hunting him. This elf was a priest actually, a priest for the religion of elves, and one Salah ad-Din had tracked down. They were just on the outskirts of Olde Seattle City, and as the elf ran, so came a man with a white turban, a green robe and one blade shaped like the moon, the man did not expect to outrun the poor elf but instead outsmarted him, by making sounds of panting in on direction he forced the elf to run into another direction, one that lead to a dead end, a waterfall. Soon both of them had reached such a waterfall, and the elf in total fear had fallen on his knees, shuddering and begging for mercy. No emotion was on the face of the human.

"Please sir for the love of the Gods show mercy!" pleaded the elven priest, one response came, a calm voice, Arabic in accent.

"I will show you mercy sir but it will come from my God Allah, all you must do is say these three words," he proclaimed, the elf in fear of death asked over and over again what those three words be, the response? 'Allah u akbar, God is great'. The elf did say these words, though knowing his sacrilegiousness, he only muttered them.

"May Allah have mercy upon you when you reach para-" he was interrupted by the screams of help from the elf as he realized he was going to be killed, but before two syllables could be pronounced, the blade shaped of the moon had moved in a boomerang's fashion, one severed head fell into the water, the body arranged in a crescent, this was the way of the legendary killer. After that he had gone into town, walking at a peaceful pace, not too far into town, a bar was open, but he chose to stay away from the alcoholics, but another place was open, a place that sold coffee it seemed.

'Red Grounds hmm? I feel this will be more suited for me.' He proudly opened the door, outside of the coffee shop was a poster saying:

Wanted: For Class F Murder, Class B Property Damage

Salah ad-Din, or Saladin.

Dangerous Criminal!

Below that there was a rough sketch of a bulky huge man who wore a turban that was orange, a tunic that was white with a green star and clean shaven face, an obvious wrong description. One thing was right though, the moonblade upon the sketch's back. That and a coin on the chest of the man.

As he opened the door he walked to the seat near the hostess of the shop, it seems like she was just getting the machines turned on, he couldn't blame her. The place has probably just opened.

"Ma'am may I have a cup of water, I have been trekking in the woods and I am very thirsty." he sounded like a decent enough fellow, his accent was still strong, but not as carelessly strong as with the elf.
(I promise i'm better than this. I just suck at introduction posts. Once the story goes along, and Bella's (My OC) characterisation starts to emerge, i'll get better. I know it's long, and jumpy and disorganised, but when I get carried away, I can't stop lol. Try to read all of it please! It's influential to the entirety of the plot i've picked up from the overview. Don't hate me!)

"I do not have time for your insolence!" Lord Lucifer Echo Hades, The head of the Hades family, leader of the OverArchists and the proclaimed father of the young Lord Aidoneus Locke Lucifer Hades and his younger sister, Lady Belladonna Iodine Lucretia Hades shouted, startling Bella from her daze.

She was attending one of the many top secret meetings out of her home territory of the Noctis Imperium realm of Unearth for her father's rebellious group, the OverArchists. And Lord Lucifer was outraged.
"Tell me, why is it that you are the only one of your brigade who survived the attack?" The man now kneeling at her father's feet, with his usually pale face bright red from the slap which he had received just a moment ago. The fledgling whimpered, showing his weakness to authority. "I- I escaped to report it to my Lord, sir." He muttered, although loud enough not to insult Lucifer.

Lord Hades stared down at him with no expression escaping his pale face than his unreadable expression of power.
"Do you not think I would have found out?" Bella's father finally asked. If the fledgling was a human he would be peeing his pants and sweating like a pig. "I-" He whispered, but Lord Hades didn't let him continue. "Do you not think it would have brought your Lord more pride if you had died in battle, even if it was an ambush?" Lucifer asked, now leaning down and grabbed the fledglings chin and lifted him off his feet. Lucifer then asked in this young fledgling's face, "Have you met your maker?" The fledgling shook his head slowly, then quickly as if to get his point across.

Lucifer nodded and softly smiled.
"Say Hello to Satan for me." With that, Lucifer grabbed the fledgling's head and ripped it off from the rest of his body. His spine had completely snapped, and his dead oesophagus and internal organs spilled out on the floor, staining the already dirty cement floor with his thick red blood.

Bella sighed and rolled her eyes. 'Always the theatrical one, Father' Bella thought as she averted her eyes, like a good Lady would. Bella shifted her weight on the small, old rotten bench her father's guards were able to find in the abandoned human warehouse in which they were using to hold this meeting between Lucifer and his warlords. Because she was Lucifer's daughter, she automatically has the right to, and because she's a female, she was the only one sitting on the only seat they could find while the males in the room stood in their terrifying military stances of power, save for Lucifer.

Apparently, one of Lucifer's warlords had received a new fledgling in his ranks, and was stupid to trust him in leading a brigade that was supposed to raid a few cities. Although, from word of mouth they were ambushed and killed by the rival liberation group, The Integraters, save for the extremely foolish fledgling that was now murdered by Lucifer himself.

Lucifer sighed and wrung his hands, even though there wasn't a drop of blood on them. He then gestured for someone to collect the body and get it out of his way. Bella's elder brother, Aidoneus clenched his jaw, and watched with a cold, heard gaze toward the bloody mess. Bella noticed and kelted him (Kelting is telepathy), '''What's wrong? Can't hold your stomach?''' He slightly shook his head and mentally answered, '''Something about the attack that fledgling mentioned... and the fact that out of all the loyal soldiers, Kain chose an ignorant fledgling.''' Bella slightly frowned, considering she was in company. '''Would the brigade that were murdered have survived if not for that fact?''' She mentally asked. Aidoneus mentally shrugged. '''Like I said, something about this doesn't make sense, and I think father already knows''' Bella slightly nodded, '''Either way, more people are going to die today.''' Aidoneus slightly smiled and agreed, '''Yes, of course.'''

"Kain!" Lucifer called forth one of his most accomplished and experienced warlords. Bella softly smiled. 'He's in deep shit' she thought. Kain was the one that trusted in the fledgling in the first place. If Aidoneus was right of his suspicions about the whole ordeal being out of the ordinary, Kain had some explaining to do.

The large Kain stepped forth from the group of warlords standing off to the side and addressed Lucifer in his overly deep voice as he bowed in front of him,
"My lord" Lucifer nodded but didn't acknowledge him by letting him ease. He kept him there quietly assessing him from above Kain with a look of distaste ... an unemotional distaste. "Explain to me, why you let a mere fledgling, a fairly new born vampire lead an mission? Albeit the brigade he led was also full of inexperience fledglings, this mission was not fit for them." Kain registered his question and answered without a second thought. "I thought it was a perfect opportunity to show his worth, My Lord"

Bella thought it was as he anticipated this from Kain. Why? She didn't know the man more than the frequent council meetings and house parties. There was another time ... on her brother's birthday... No, even as they had secretly engulfed each other in lustful kisses - more so him - he didn't express his intentions. And she stopped him before things went farther than making out. Could it be her brother's hunch? Usually her family's instincts were correct, but neither of them knew what this uneasiness meant. Now that she thought about it... Kain was fairly new to the warlord company, and had grown rather close with her family...

Aidoneus also seemed to come to the revelation that Kain may or may not have ulterior motives to his reasoning for joining her father's loyal, bloodthirsty army full of rebels, or for lack of better words, 'liberators'. Aidoneus stood straighter, and kept his hard stare on Kain, in case he decided to try something. Bella slightly smiled. Lucifer was very skilled and extremely powerful. Even if Kain were to try something, he would be quickly defeated by Lucifer, no doubt.

Lucifer nodded, as if understanding Kain's reasons. But, Bella and Aidoneus both knew this was not the case. He was deciding weather to go on with his lies, If they were lies at all, or simply address his faults and wait for further action, hopefully drawing information as well. Lucifer glanced over to Bella and Aidoneus who were positioned a meter (A Yard = 3 Feet) to his right. After about 2 seconds from gazing at them, as if probing for information, he turned back to Kain who still hadn't eased his bowed position. Was it false respect? They all knew Kain was hiding his intensions, but what was the question.

'''I told him''' Aidoneus kelted Bella. She slightly nodded, confirming her thought that Lucifer will take this information into account and realise things were escalating quickly. She glanced at Kain, who seemed to be smiling. Why?

"Who is your maker, Kain?" Lucifer finally asked, gazing around the room for any hints concerning the answer. Kain frowned. He didn't expect that. He looked up with a question on his face, just to get smacked by Lucifer. "Who are you?! You are not loyal to me. Why risk an important mission concerning our hold on Earth, and risk our people's safty?" Kain coughed up blood, and shook his head. From just one smack, Lucifer had already badly bruised Kain's face. Although, it was already slowly healing. "Your mission was to raid a village on Earth, and slaughter them for their blood. But, with the convience of the 'ambush', this was never achieved. Care to explain?" Lucifer continued as Kain caught his breath.

Kain smiled through his missing teeth and bloody beat up mouth. The look on his face looked like he knew he couldn't get out of this one alive. He knew he would die.
"I ain't telling you shit!" Kain spat, revealing his sliced tongue and busted lips. He should have been healing, but not fast enough. Lucifer smiled, a sinister smile and chuckled to himself. "You are no loyalist. You are no vampire. You are nothing to me." Lucifer answered so evily, his intimidation radiated all around the warehouse. Kain seemed to be unfazed, and continued to smile. "You're right. I ain't no vampire. Just a runt from Seattle. A spy for my real family. Their gonna kick your royal, sorry little ass. I don't care if Satan was your dad or whatever. He's probably got a reserved spot for me anyway." Lucifer frowned, and lifted Kain off the ground and into the air, similarly to what he did with the fledgling.

"Send my regards to the Integrators" He announced, and proceeded to rip Kains throat out with his prolonged, deadly sharp fangs.

Bella gasped, realising the threat was much more organised then her Father might had thought. She was here to discuss plans for the OverArchist's ideals, like most meeting's her father held. But instead, they uncovered a rat in her father's rankings, and a very sneaky, believable one at that. How could she not have seen through it. Of course he was a vampire, so why lie about it? To confuse Lucifer? No... he wasn't a vampire. He never seemed to be affected by the sun, and sometimes he wouldn't regenerate. Could he have been taking a vampiric substance to make him seem like a vampire? No.. the humans couldn't be that advanced... and if he was in fact a vampire, it never occurred to her that others of her Realm were standing up for what they believed in. What did she believe in?

Aidoneus frowned and addressed Lucifer.
"I suggest we leave at once, My Lord. If the Integrators had a spy in the ranks, than that suggests that they are farther in our organisation than was originally intended. With this new revelation, they may be stupid enough to attack us here. " Aidoneus was right. Because of security matters, Lucifer had insisted he wanted to host his meeting in an abandoned warehouse in Seattle, on Earth. Because of their vulnerability, they could be attacked at any moment, even with the heavily armed guards around the area.

Lucifer dropped the dead body aside and nodded, wiping his mouth of the access blood.
"I agree. We leave at once." "But first..." he continued. He turned to his warlords and guards remaining in the room. "Any of you wish to share a secret that I may need to know? If I find out another one of you turn out to be like this man dead on the floor, you will meet his fate." Everyone shook their heads, as if to answer him no, they were completely loyal. They finished this with a kneel and a bow. "We are humbly yours My Lord" They said in union. Lucifer nodded then turned to a messenger boy that had cleaned up the fledgling's remains and burned them outside. "Send him to the Integrators. They will love my gift." Aidoneus frowned. "Are you sure that is wise, My Lord?" Lucifer nodded, "Yes, why? Are you questioning my judgement?" Aidoneus shook his head, "No My Lord. The fact that you are mocking the Humans may lead to war." Lucifer laughed at this, his recognisable evil laugh echoing in the fairly empty warehouse walls. "We are already in a war, my son. Come. We will discuss this further over a glass of 14 year old female. O+ perhaps?" (Refering to the type of human blood) Lucifer stepped over Kain's dead body and lead the way with his body guards, as well as his war lords.

As everyone left, Aidoneus stayed behind.
"What is it?" Bella asked, stepping off the stool and approached her elder brother with worry. He shook his head. "I just do not understand him sometimes."

Bella nodded. "Neither do I. But he is doing it for the best for us and our people." Aidoneus laughed sarcastically, but didn't answer. He seemed not to agree, which confused Bella. She always had thought he loved their father, and wanted to succeed him for the better of their race. But now, he seemed reluctant to do so.

"Come on, let us go" Aidoneus finished and extended his arm for Bella to take. She wrapped her right arm around his left, and let him escort her out of the disgusting warehouse and into the fresh air of a new night.

But as they were settled in sleek black limo's surrounded by guards on motorcycles Bella couldn't help but feel claustrophobic. With the opportunity to be out of her home realm, it was perfect for her to go exploring. Why miss this opportunity to be free?

But her father would never allow it. Not in a million years.

"My Lord, our engine has died. I will need to pull over and repair it." Lucifer's personal body guard, Teary explained from the driver's seat. Lucifer frowned and thought this over. His expression read, 'How convenient.'

"Very well then. Quickly now. Albeit I would also like to see the land I wish to obtain." He answered, which basically meant yes, but if we're attacked, it's my children's fault, but keep them safe at all costs. Teary nodded and proceeded to pull into a small town just off the Olde Seattle City.

As Teary fixed the engine, Bella and Aidoneus were stuck in the limo alone for Lucifer was accompanying Teary.
"I want to go out..." Bella wondered aloud. "Impossible" Aidoneus countered. Bella nodded, and sighed. Her thoughts were interrupted when Lucifer returned. "The engine has completely fried. It would be easier to run home, but unsafe none the less. I expect to reside here longer until another sort of transportation arrives."

Bella used this opportunity to make her escape. "Father, may I take a walk around this town?" Lucifer raised his eyebrows in surprise and question. "A woman needs to stretch her legs now and again. The recent death has made me feel unsettled and a bit of fresh air will do me some good." Lucifer frowned and was about to shake his head and forbid it before Bella added more, "Father, it is a small town. No harm will come of me if Aidonues accompanies me." Lucifer sighed and turned to Aidoneus. Aidonues sighed and nodded, "She will be safe and back before midnight." After several tension filled minutes, Lucifer nodded. "No feeding, no killing and do not make your selves known. Be back before the moon is at it's highest peak in the night sky." Aidonues nodded as he exited the limo, walked over to the other side and opened the door for Bella. She rejoiced with a giant smile and hugged Lucifer before setting off. "Thank you Father" He didn't answer, but a nod. As she headed into the town, Lucifer mentioned one more thing to Aidoneus. "Integrators will want your head." Aidoneus nodded, understanding his drift and proceeded to lead Bella into the town.

"You just saved my life" Bella exclaimed once they were out of hyper sensitive vampire hearing. Aidoneus slightly smiled and nodded. "Yes, and you owe me." Bella smiled and squeezed his arm. "Come now, i'm your baby sister!" Aidoneus nodded, "And you are an obnoxious pain". Half heartedly Bella answered, jokingly offended, "Hey!" Aidoneus laughed. Just off to the corner of her eye, Bella saw a bar and immediately wanted to go in, even if it did look dodgy. "Let's go in there" She announced and pulled Aidoneus in that direction. He froze and shook his head. "No, not in any circumstances." She frowned. "Why? It's just a bar." He nodded. "Just a bar my ass. It's an Unearth bar. We're not on Earth. If they recognise us, we'll either scare them off or get killed."

She sighed and pointed to an abandonedish hotel across the street. "Let's go in there. Seems interesting." Aidoneus sighed and shook his head. "The same circumstances apply."

Bella frowned and sighed. She wasn't dressed in a the usual ball gown, although she was wearing tight black skinny jeans and a nice red blouse. Aidoneus was wearing tight black skinny jeans, and a nice red suit shirt and black tie. Matching in style, and definitely wouldn't fit in this town of its calibre.

Out of rebellious rage, she unlocked herself from Aidoneu's grasp and escaped inside the bar, unaware of the consequences.

(How was it? Okay?)

Ahh, everything is developing nicely! Traitors in the OverArchists? Nobody expected it! And now it is time for the Integrators to get some moles. But more than that the whiskey in this bar was the best he ever tasted! It had such a nice and strong scent and a luxurious taste too! Hmmm? Is that Bella and Aidon? Ah yes! Their car broke down just now."Hello there, Bella! Aidon!" the look they give me is that of perplexment, they must have forgotten old uncle Nicky. They were nice and honest children. I hope they haven't changed. "It's me! Your dad's old friend, Uncle Nicky." The realization must have dawned upon them, because they both look happy to see me.
Yui was sat inside a bar drinking away for free since she had the bartender warped around her fingers. She was listening around the room and for some reason nobody seemed to mind her tails well she did say it was a cosplay outfit when people where asking but she didn't expect anyone to buy it that easily but they seemed to and she wasn't going to complain about it she then heard someone saying two names she recognized from her time in Noctis Imperium 'royalty here can't be' she thought to herself turning around to face the entrance to see if it was the same people she thought it was.
Avani waved good-bye to her co-worker. The night shift was when the coffee was bought less, and the beers were bought more. Red Grounds was interesting like that, tailoring to so many needs. She stood at the counter, looking through the drawers for receipt tape when two men entered. One, tall, fair-skinned, and slender with dark hair. An Unearthly man, with dark wings protruding from his back. He seated himself at the bar.

"Hey how's it going? Could I get a double of jack.. if you have that sweet stuff, the uh.. honey shit.. uhm.. Tennessee Honey that's the one,"

The other, also tall but bulky, skin a similar color to her own, approached but did not seat himself.

"Ma'am may I have a cup of water, I have been trekking in the woods and I am very thirsty."

She smiled at both of them, inclining her head politely. "Of course, I'll have your orders right up,"

She reached beneath the counter and pulled out a plastic cup, filling it with ice water from a pitcher. As she moved, all her mind was thinking about is when she would finally make enough dollars to join the city's University. She could become a medic then. She loved Red Grounds, but being a barista and bartender was not something she could do forever. Sliding the water to the larger man with the accent, she said with a smile "Here you go. Water's free,"

Avani then turned to the Unearthly man as she pulled a bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey from the top shelf, grabbing a glass, she turned to speak to him as it poured.

"It's going good. Thanks for asking. Night's already picking up. How about you?" she asked, dropping a few ice cubes in and setting the glass in front of him.

She got out a dish towel as she waited for him, slinging it over her shoulder as she waited for him to reply.
The winged man drank his whiskey, it was smokey and sweet and he liked just that way.

"Good actually, feels good anyway and I hope it sticks," he gulped it down in two swigs and it burned fierce for some time.

"Yeah the crowd seems a little thin but things should get lively anytime now.." Donnie chuckled a little putting down his glass rimmed with sticky alcohol, he slid it back to the bar maid for another. The barrel of his gun pressed against his hip and the gravity of the amount of people here and what he was doing began to mount, sweat bead started to build on his fore head as he reached behind his waist for the grip of his .357.

"How much do I owe you anyway?" Donnie asked smiling toothily, he was good at that smiling like he meant when it tore him up inside, she looked like a sweet girl too.

The barrel of his gun flashed out faster than you could believe.
Ajax slowed to a stop when he saw a headless corpse in the middle of the trail. He grinned sinisterly and nodded in disaprovement and muttered to himself, "Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy... Tisk, tisk, tisk."He put on a single leather glove and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the elf's wallet and examined his licence. He looked down at the body afterward and realized that it was a kindly priest that had treated him quite well some time ago when he was down on his luck. He remembered that the Priest gave him a substantial amount of silver just to scare a few Kobolds out of his basement. He took the money out of his wallet and put it into his pocket, it wasn't much. Well, not like he's going to need it. He reached over to what remained of his neck and gently peeled off his necklace, with full intention to give that back to his family. He looked up and saw the wanted poster of a human that he didn't recognize in the slightest. Hmm, Saladin. A cold blooded murderer. Could it have been him? Those Sherlock novels that the humans brought over said that there are no such things as coincidences. He looked around the poster for a reward for capture and found nothing. He shrugged, realizing that he wasn't going to be able to hunt him down now, because he needed a job that paid, and paid well. He did another once over of the body and found some copper coins that he put immediately into his coin pouch. He walked on into the town which was very nearby. He walked over to the church and knocked three times on the door. A Half-Orc came to the door and smiled at Ajax,"Hello Ajax, how're you? Is something the matter?" Ajax solemnly lifted up the chain that he took from the Elf priest, handed it to the Half-Orc and said under his breath, "Your friend and I has been murdered. He's decapitated about a tenth of a mile in that direction, and I swear to you, I had nothing to do with it." Ajax pointed in the direction he came. The Half-Orc stuttered over a "Wh-" sound a few times then ran in the direction that he had been pointed in with blistering speed. Ajax shrugged and entered the church. He knew he was gong to regret his action later, but he took all of the money he had taken from the Elf into the poor box along with a few of his own coins. He sighed and left the Church, making sure to lock the door behind him. He leaned up against the side of the building and pondered what to do with the rest of his night. He stared across the street at the bar, wondering if he should just go and have a drink.
In the surprise of it all, the glass slipped from Avani's fingers, shattering on the floor. She turned around all the way slowly. This winged man stood, his revolver pointed at her with a forced grin on his face. Standing expressionlessly, she looked at him unblinkingly, feeling the weight of her Fox Exagon throwing knives against her hip and in her boot.

No, things like this failed to scare her anymore, not with what had happened with her family. Guns, fighting. She had seen it all firsthand, a past that only she and her brother knew about. No. This did not faze her. Guns did not faze her, death did. And she would not die here today. She silently moved her fingers to the knife at her belt, not unsheathing it, just ready, her brother's military training kicking in.

She did not think he would shoot her, his faltering smile told her that. It was so forced, she hoped there had to be some part of him that did not want to kill and rob.

"You owe me $6.75 for the drink," she said quietly, dark eyes fiery and ablaze.

No one, and she meant no one, was going to think she would go down without a fight.
The man with the turban accepted the water and drank it with a smile, he took the cup and threw it away, even though he heard the words of the woman saying that it was free he still gave her a coin. This coin was silver and had a fig tree on it with two swords underneath. It was rounded by an engraving in Arabic and on the back a face with the fifty on it and more Arabic on it. He also gave her a book. It's title also in Arabic.

"Did you know I'm a wandering priest? Would you like me to educate you on the peaceful principals of Islam?" he smiled as he said this and opened the book up, English words, luckily enough. He had noticed the winged man by him but chose to ignore it, if he could become focused on something other than all the people he wouldn't la-

Just at that moment the man put his gun up, and right in tune one blade of the moon went behind his neck.

"Sir I cannot let you rob. Thou shall not steal, so please put the gun down and pay for the heathenish drink of yours," suddenly the Qu'raan's words read a bit more clearly, on one page there was one line on it that is of interest.

'Allah said thou shall not steal the fruits of other's labor'
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The women shook for a second. no. maybe half a second then she came at him with something Donnie never expected.

"$6.75? that's outrageous!" he laughed genuinely now just realizing the half-moon blade under his chin.

"Shiiit.. This could have gone a lot better.." he touched the tip of his free hand to the turbin wearer's blade and gently pushed it away while he stepped back.

"Look i'm not trying to cause any problems I just want a little help y'know? some humanity would be nice.." Donnie smiled again jumped against the bar and swinging his arm up shooting twice in an arc hitting a stool and taking out a clock that hung the wall, he jumped the bar and grabbed the girl the arm half dragging and half throwing her against the liquor wall, bottle smashed to the floor spilling their contents everywhere, the barrel of his gun swung wildly now matching the building panic in it's owner. Donnie couldn't go back to prison now.
Ajax shrugged and decided that he really needed the drink. He walked quietly over to the bar, but then realized that he was more hungry than depressed so he went over to the cafe and opened the door to a scene of what he imagined was going to be a murder very soon, and he wanted in. He crossed his arms in front of him and reached into his holsters and pulled a decently sized five shot revolver and a silver rapier. He held the rapier to the odd, large human with a rag on his head and pointed the revolver at what looked to him like a dark angel, but he imagined that he was likely a demon of some kind. He grinned widely and said to nobody in particular, "Nothing personal, gents, but I want to get my facts straight before anything happens here." He looked over to Donnie, who was backing away, "Don't try to run, I imagine that it'll be quite difficult to outrun a bullet, even with those wings of yours." He looked over to the large man wearing a turban, whom now had a rapier positioned directly under his rib cage, then said, still grinning, chuckling a bit now, "This is what you humans would call a 'Mexican Stand Off", correct?"
Avani's gasped as her back hit the wall of alcohol, shelf breaking, shattered glass and liquid going everywhere. She could feel warm blood trickling down her back, where glass had torn the back of her blouse. Another Unearthly entered the bar, wielding a revolver and rapier. He moved deftly, though smaller than the rest. Avani stood up, mentally willing her heart rate to regulate. She saw each man, all with weapons pointed at each other. The winged one, who started all of this, had spoken of humanity.

"Stop. Stop all of this!" She yelled, at all three of them. She cared little of any of it anymore, her tolerance for violence waning thin. Her head whipping towards the dark angel-looking man who began the commotion, her brow furrowed.

"You. If you needed aid, the first course of action could have been asking without threatening to take my damn life," she spat, wiping away a small trickle of blood from her forehead where a bit of glass had cut. "I will not allow anyone's life to be taken HERE,"

Her breath stuck in her throat. Maybe she would die today. Maybe not. But right now, she cared very little.
Ven's eyes widened slightly at the girl who burst in through the door, her tail unwinding in case she needed to stop her. She looked like a vampire, which made the Naga uneasy. Her hand went under the counter, feeling for the knife in one of the compartments. She found it, slithering out from behind the bar.

"May I help you?" An angry vampire was not one to be messed with, and she looked furious. It was Ven's job to defend her customers, and she would do so even if it meant her own life being threatened. Nagas were big, but they were fast, too. And if she needed any help keeping the girl still, there was no doubt she could just grab one of the mugs from the nearby tables and bash her in the head with it.

The vampiress was followed by two men, one looking oddly pleased with himself and somewhat demonic, the other absolutely livid. Ven's fingers tightened around the hilt of the knife, suddenly afraid. She couldn't fight off two vampires and a demon. If that's what he was, that is. The tension in the room felt almost tangible.

Oh my god it's so short but I am braindead right now @A@
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The pale woman Donnie had taken hostage spat harsh words at him and he let go of her, a dwarf or halfing or just a short guy had come in sword and gun ready, now it was a party evidently.

"Sorry love but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," Donnie believe what he said mostly, backing closer to the door to the kitchen, a clean getaway without the money was looking pretty good right now. He looked back at the halfing and the islamic guy or whatever thing he was preaching about and back at the pale woman he had held up, she was bleeding now and actually so was he. Don grabbed bottle of off brand vodka that had not broken and took a swig then offered the bottle to nobody in particular and everybody in the room,

"Come on now gents let's have a drink before we start making headlines," he laughed again more nervously this time and ofr good reason, the revolver stayed up and his nerves stayed taut.
The priest laughed a loud laugh, one that better suited a Sultan or a Caliph than a wandering priest. He stayed still, showing enough respect for the halfling, but he moved his moon blade from a defensive position to an offensive towards the back exit.

"My hardy halfling friend, here we have a thief who needs his hands cut off that's all." he seemed like if this wasn't much of a holdup, a bigger problem was perhaps waiting in this halfling.

"My good vagabond, I don't drink, perhaps you two can drink and I'll drink grape juice, but more on the topic, I can't let a heathen out of my sights when they've sinned once too many times. Please sir, drink yourself drunk and let me cut off your hands and show you the mercy of Allah."
Maka crept down the poorly lit sidewalk, it was getting late now and the hoodlums and creeps and thugs would be out. It had been hot out today, hotter than she had planned for and she was getting dizzy from the walk home so she thought about stopping in for a drink. Not alcohol she was allergic, once she almost passed out after having 2 cups of Bud but hey she learned from her mistakes so now she trekked along passing by a little cafe that seemed to have some sort of calamity going on, it looked a little seedy to be honest. A bar came up before long and by then Maka was spent so she threw open the doors trudging through almost running straight into an older looking man before hitting the bar and realizing she just entered a tense situation,

"Uhm.. water please? maybe.. actually it's okay!" she said on a staccato burst twiddling with one of her long green locks while edging back towards the entrance.
Ajax was a ready, just in general, to kill, to dodge, to roll, ect. He heard the Harpy speak, then to Salah. He was happy that the odd, large man had actually given him a straight answer. He took the rapier away from the so called "Traveling Priest" and pointed it at the thief, putting his gun away. His grin disappeared as he realized that this would be a capture, not a killing. He spoke to Salah, not taking his eyes off of the Harpy, "Please, new ally, may we let this one off with a slap on the wrist?" His pointed ears perked and he listened to the loud heartbeat of the Harpy and the calm one of Salah, seems like I chose the right ally here. He said calmly, "His heart is beating out of his chest, we can take the cash value of what he has broken from the thief and fix this joint. I don't see a need to slice off his hands or anything like that." He heard a girl come in, without turning he said, "Ma'am, you might want to leave this be."I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I arrested him for thievery, right?
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The 'Traveling Priest' laughed once more and took a step towards the harpy, putting his weapon on his left hand and throwing the right one into a fist aiming to smack the harpy straight in the face, but he was still ready to slice him, if the idiot was stupid enough to shoot.

"How about this my clever friend, I'll repay our brave hostess and slap him on the wrist as you say, in return," his voice turned into that of a rock, "the bird will hand me his revolver to pacify the situation, for a while at least, do that for me bird man, for if not for the rouge your hands would fly away, and that would be my merciful side no less." He wasn't worried about the harpy shooting, he would miss for sure, in great fear of missing he would curse himself, and he would slice the revolver and maybe a few fingers off his hand.
Avani's eyes widened as a younger girl with long green locks entered the scene. The girl's distant eyes grew large when she saw the scene.

"Yeah, I think it would be best if you get out while you can," she said, keeping her voice as even as possible.

She turned her eyes to the harpy, feeling a bit of sympathy towards him. She sensed his nervousness in the crack of his voice. Despite her broiling anger, she felt a small sense of something similar to sadness. She could sense his stress. She let out a slow breath. Always, in their society, there was fighting. The Integrator cause was the only one she felt barely began to touch something worth fighting for. Not petty money.

She whipped her head around as the smaller man spoke of robbing the shop. A valid sigh of escaped her lips. This business had taken her time, her sweat, her tears. And then they would so comfortably take a huge chunk of that away from her? No. She would not allow it.

She sunk to the ground behind the counter, sliding her Fox blades from their sheaths. She winced as the broken glass cut into her as she moved. The worst thing that could happen now was death. Or perhaps being taken a hostage. But her mind didn't think about those things right now. She wriggled towards the cash register and the safe hidden below it, her knives held tight between her fingers. The shorter man seemed not to notice her yet, and the harpy and priest engaged in their own conversation. She moved slowly and lithely, the shards of bottle cutting her dark skin. No matter what, alone or with backup, she would fight.
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