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Undying Love (Closed)

Melody nods and then sat down on the edge of their bed and flicked through her book so that he could get on with whatever he was doing.
Melody put her book aside as she watches him, smiling gently.
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Tyson changed into his wolf form and jumped off the chair then onto the bed, nuzzling Melody's side gently with a smile.
Melody pulls him onto her lap and then coos at him gently, she strokes his head and kisses his nose.
Melody puts him beside her and then stood up. She wanders outside with her hands in her pockets, she was always constantly stuck indoors so she decided to go out for a change. She wanders about the endless woods and sat by a stream, lacing her feet in the water.
Melody smiles as he approaches her and she strokes a hand through his fluffy cost of fur. She places her head on his shoulder and reaches up to ruffle his ears gently.
Melody changes form and then curls up in a small ball beside him as she looked up at the sky, the moon was coming out of its peeks. She howls softly as her tails wags back and forth and she turns towards him.
Melody nuzzles him and then her ears pricked up as she heard a light whining noise coming from some bushes, she stood up and then wandered over, confused.
Melody changes form and then makes a parting in the bushes. She soon reveals a small wolf which was curled up by itself, the wolf was injured and was definitely still a cub.
Melody nods and then picks up the small cub, brining it back to the house and laying it down.
Melody began to tend tot the small wolf. She managed to clear all of the injuries. The wolf was just like them, capable of shifting to a human too. This wolf was small and seemed quite cute and beautiful. She was quiet and seemed humble.
Melody smiles at the cute little wolf and then let's her wander over to Tyson, curiously.

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