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Undying Love (Closed)

Melody does the same and then pulls away, only to hold his hand again. "Do I still have to sleep in the guest bedroon tonight?" She asks.
Melody nods and smiles. Once the time was getting later, she showered and then got into bed.
Tyson got a shower after Melody and went to bed with Melody. He snuggled up to her on the bed with a smile.
Melody woke up the following morning, her eyes fluttered open as she noticed that she was still curled beside Tyson. She doesn't move from his side, but she stretches her arms gently with a soft whine.
Melody blushes hand smiles at him. "Morning, Tyson" She greets to him in return as she ran a hand through his brown hair, her fingers locking in his strands of hair. She blushes and then sat up, running her hands through her own dark hair as she stretches once more.
Melody smiles and blushes, letting him do this until she reaches out and gets a comb, brushing through her dark had and then getting ready for her bath.
"I'll take a quick shower first." Tyson said and got up, quickly getting ready and went for the shower. A few minutes later, he went out in clean clothes.
Melody was sitting on the edge of their bed with her towel and clothes folded up neatly. She smiles as he wanders out of the bathroom and went in herself, closing the door behind her.
Melody came out after a few minutes, also fully dressed. She went over to the bed and lay beside him.
Melody hugs him back and then shifts to her wolf form and curls up on his lap. She whines with appreciation as she looks up at him and licks underneath his chin gently.
Melody lets him do so and she nuzzles against his chest. She slept until the late afternoon where she woke up, still in her wolf form and curled up in his lap.
Melody wanders over to him and stood by the computer, having a look at what he was doing.
Tyson was coding some things on his computer, looking like a website of sorts. He didn't notice Melody while he worked.

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