Undying Love(1x1)

Orion stared at her, he looked to the old man. "Is she going to be ok?" He had asked it multiple times already, and yet no one answered that. He had to know. If he was going to leave her once more, he had to know she'd be ok.
Arion looks up at Orion as he sits down next to Lily's body, motion for Orion to do that same. "You're asking questions without knowing the answer." The old man says, keeping his eyes on Orion. "What does this girl mean to you? If you can answer that question then I'll give you an answer."
Orion stared at Arion and sat down next to him and Lily, "I don't know much about what exactly she means to me, but I'd give my life for her without a doubt. I'm doing what I think is best for her." His head hurt from all the screaming of the demons, but he controlled them. He stared at Lily with worried eyes. He only knew her for a matter of days, but she already meant the world to him. He knew before that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and if something bad happened, he'd be hurt, but he never expected her to mean this much to him.
Airon rubs his chin. "That was a good enough answer." He says, looking down at Lily. "I can't tell you if she'll be okay or not to be honest my boy. I've seen this happen many of times with spirit walkers like her. Their brains not responding with their bodies which will take her into a very dark resting place, or limbo." Airon says as he looks at Orion.

"It's a state where it's almost like your dreaming but you can't wait up that's for humans but for spirit walkers it's like a world where you see yourself crossing over to the

other side where your soul can finally rest.

That process can take days, months, or even years and if it takes that long her body will decay and rot."
Orion stared at her, "Is there anything I can do? I can't not know. Like I said, she's everything to me." His voice broke, and the demons whispered to him. He roared in anguish and sorrow at them, 'SHUT UP!'
Arion looks at Orion, rubbing his chin. "You look stressed my boy, like something to bothering you." He says calming as he gets up and goes to get himself some tea.

Coming back and handing a cup to Orion. "Tell me everything that that foul women Patricia did to you."
Orion shuddered remembering the shadows clinging to his skin, "She granted me powers, I don't know what the cost is yet. And she gave me... a demon... As screwed up and crazy Patricia is, she has power. If I can use that power to protect Lily, then so be it." Orion held the tea and put it to his mouth, but he could not drink it. He stared at Lily with worried eyes,
"One thing you should start knowing and understanding is to never take power from a demon, not even from a demon like Patricia." Arion says before standing up. "I'm going to go check on Len, finish that tea it should be able to help." He says as he leaves out, leaving Orion alone.
Orion forced the tea down. He knew he'd eventually just throw it back up, but he didn't mind. His eyes focused on Lily, and he almost started crying. His hands covered his face, and he begged silently that Lily would wake up. "Lily, please wake up, I need you to be alive." As much as he wanted to stay, he knew Len would be soon raging at him. Pain wracked his body, and he forced himself up. He couldn't help it as tears spilled over, and he realized this would most likely be the last time he would see her even if she did survive.

They were now on opposite sides, but he would be sure that Lily would not be harmed by Patricia or her lackeys. That was if Lily survived. He knew she would hate him, but he was willing to suffer her wraith if it meant she would survive.
(I'm going to do a time skip!)

One month later..

"Things have started getting a little crazy lately Lil, they shut down school because it got destroyed again by some more of those demons. A lot of shopping stores too and most of down town has became a battle field at night but we're still fighting Lily." Rin says, sitting next to her body. He sighs, cursing at himself for not keep better track of her that night, regretting it every single day.

"Alright, that's enough for the visiting hour, I'm going to need to run some more spells to keep her body from decaying." Arion says as Rin says his good-byes, getting up and leaving. Arion move through his temple, he's been reading every book out there on ways to try to bring Lily back and none helped.

Orion had secretly been checking up on Lily, the battling was getting to him, and he felt the demons in his mind getting stronger every day. He was brinking insanity, and the fact that Lily hadn't come back wasn't helping. The whispers had become talking, and the talking became screaming.

Surprisingly, the demon cat Patricia gave him was a calming source, unlike the demons that probed his mind. He could tell he was morphing into something darker than what he was, and there was nothing he could do about it. He was wondering, 'Would Lily be saved if Patricia turned her into a vampire?' He contemplated that as he moved through the shadows to Arion's temple.

'Your obsession with this girl is unhealthy, Master,' the cat demon said.

"Shut up, Korinia," Orion hissed.

'As you wish,' the cat demon whispered in his mind. The other demons screaming drove him mad, and he barely made it into the temple before all went quiet.
Arion had finish his testing on Lily for the night and left her to rest as the rest of the demon hunters either rested or kept guard in case of another attack as things started getting out of control and the demon army growing stronger.

Lily was still in the same field as before, moving through it mellow field. "It's always sunny here, it's actually making me start missing winter." She says to herself, swinging on a swing that is hanging from a single tree. Lilly missed all of her friends and wonder what they were doing now.

'I bet Len and the squad have already cleaned up the city with evil spirit, Rin probably ate all of my food and Orion...is probably still missing..' She frowns at the thought as she continues swinging but sometime changes in the wind, the air getting thicker than normal and everything around her starts to fade to pitch black. Her eyes open, looking around the dark room, the only light coming from the candle that are lit. She tries to move but can't, feeling her wounds are patched up as she continue looking around. 'I'm in a temple..'
Orion slipped through the shadows next to Lily. His eyes were wide when they saw them awaken, and he scrambled out of there avoiding her from seeing him. Or what was left of him. He had changed over the month that she was gone. He had killed, slaughtered, and lied. The darkness was spreading, and he knew soon he wouldn't last any longer. It was eating his soul, and he knew it.
Lily groan, trying to call for help but can't seem to speak with her mouth dry. She sits up slowly, her body screaming in pain to stop but she continues until she's standing up.

Wobbling until she falls down on the ground, screaming out loudly in pain, her head throbbing the most in pain. Every light in the temple comes out and people start rushing to where she is, Arion coming in first and giving out orders.

"Do not move her yet!!" Arion says loudly as Len gives out orders next as he notice one of the windows to Lily's room was open. "I want everybody to search the ground and find out who or what was in here now!"
Orion sped out of there as fast as he could. Since Lily was awake, they probably were distracted, but it didn't matter. Korinia, the cat demon, ran next to him, and they morphed into a dark mist, speeding through the air. He had to get back to the base, to Patricia. She got impatient when he was gone for to long without saying where he went.
Lily sits up as Arion continues to feed her. She's only been awake for over three hours now and everyone has been helpful. Rin and Len stayed by her, letting her know what happen over the pass month that she was gone and she can feel her heart breaking when she hears what happen to Orion.

"I think you've heard enough for tonight." Arion says, standing up. "You've only just woken up and we don't want you to go back into shock from all of this. But now that you're awake I can try my healing to see you fully on your feet." Arion leaves out, leaving Lily alone as she thinks over everything that they told her. 'No, Orion wouldn't do that...he wouldn't kill those inoccent people..' She thinks to herself.
'She will be mad at you, master,' Korinia said quietly.

"Which one? Patricia or Lily?" Orion said, running his hand through his hair as he walked in the park. The darkness there fueled him, and he felt invincible.

'Does it matter which one? They both will be angry with you. Why do you feel compelled to stay? You wish not to harm these humans nor the hunters, you disagree with Patricia often, and this slowly kills you,' Korinia whispered.

"Lily. I need to protect her from Patricia. Patricia will keep her promise as long as I help her," Orion said absent mindedly.

'She will hate you yet you protect her, you are loyal,' Korinia said.

"I promised her forever, I will not go back on my word," he said slowly. He made his way back to Patricia.
Lily is sitting there when she hear Len and Rin outside of her room. "There's been some activity going on in the park again tonight, well have to go check it out." Len says.

"You don't think it's Patricia's lackey?" Rin ask as Len nods his head. 'Orion..they have to be talking about him..' Surprisingly after resting and eating for a few hours, Lily was able to stand up on her own.

Finding a fresh pair of jeans and shirt for her as she gets dress, grabbing her weapons as she sneaks out of the temple. Following close behind Len and Rin but it's not long until they notice her following them.

"I'm coming with." She states as Rin shakes his head

"Lily you can't come, you're still not healed and one bump to the head could send you back into limbo."

"I don't care, I'm coming." She says, walking in front of them as they make it to the park, her scenes going wild from all of the evil/demon spirit activities.
Orion was going to go back to Patricia, but something told him to stay. The air around him buzzed with power, and Korinia was purring and absorbing as much of the power as she could. She was a demon, of course, and Orion... He was no longer just a vampire, he was on the brink of a change. He did not know what he was morphing into but he knew it would happen. "Patricia can wait, Korinia. Something tells me to stay her," Orion muttered.

'Whatever you decide, master. It is your neck you put on the line,' she whispered.

Orion walked the path to the place where he first met Lily, he felt cold inside. He traced the ground where her body had once laid. Where she had died. His heart clenched painfully, and he almost let out a roar of pain. The demons whispered in his ears, telling him to kill, to hurt, and to break others. He forced them down somehow, and continued to wallow in a pool of self pity.
Len, Rin, and Lily walk through the park quietly, neither one of them making a sound since they know what roams around in here at night. Lily quickly notice the change that has taken place in this park.

It's more dark, cold, and lifeless, like everything has died here.

"Over there." Rin points out and Lily can scenes it, a strong powerful demon. They come closer and Lily stares in shock, seeing that it's Orion. She steps forward, going to go run towards him. "Orion!" She calls out but Len quickly grabbed onto her arm, pulling her back. "What are you doing let me go!" She says, struggling against him.
Orion's eyes widened when he heard Lily's voice. He saw Len holding her back, and he was filled with fury. The air around him crackled, snapped, and popped. He roared at Len his voice deeper and stronger than before, "You idiot!!!! Why did you bring her here! She just awakes, and you bring her to one of the most dangerous places ever!!!" His eyes were dark, instead of their usual red. His pupils widened, almost taking over his red irises. Korinia hissed at the new comers, but Orion motioned for her to be silent.

'They are a threat,' she whispered in his mind.

"Not now, Korinia," he practically growled out, knowing that the others couldn't hear the cat demon, but could hear him. He looked to Lily saying softly, "Lily you need to go back to the temple and rest. It isn't safe here."
Lily looks at Orion, seeing that he looks different, darker, knowing that that demon power is coming from him. "Orion..what are you doing here?" She ask then everything clicking together. "Please don't tell me everything they said was true...you didn't kill all those people did you?" She ask, her voice as her eyes start watering breaking before Rin steps in front of her.

"This place is dangerous because of you and Patricia so you don't you start acting like you really care for Lily when you're out here killing inoccent people!" Rin yells, pointing at Orion. "We know what you are and what you can do some stop your pretending!"
Orion rolled his eyes at Rin and said, "Shut up, you little punk. I care a lot more for Lily then you do, CLEARLY. I am the only one concerned for her safety here. Those people were NOT Lily. I am doing all this for Lily's safety, now just shut up cause you DON'T understand!" Orion stared at Lily with pained eyes, but they went blank quickly. "I can't tell you that I haven't killed people, but it wasn't all me. I'm not the same person I was a month ago. When you were gone, things changed."

'MASTER, the demon dogs are coming!' Korinia warned.

Orion's eyes widened and he spoke to the cat who was growing into a panther like feline, "They shouldn't be coming her, Korinia. It isn't their day to come here!" His eyes locked on Lily, "You need to leave NOW, Lily. The longer Patricia thinks you are sleeping, the more safe you are."

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