Undying Love(1x1)


Elder Member
'This can't be possible...why am I even here right now? I should be dead..right? Why are all these people screaming for and why am I laying on the ground? It's giving me a headache..my body hurts too..wait..is that my leg over there..?'

Lily was coming home from school one day like she always does, skipping the same route she took everyday, humming her favorite song until she saw a little girl standing in the middle of the street crying for her mother but from the moment Lily jumps in the street to push the little girl out the way from an on coming truck, her life changed forever. She was hit by the truck at full speed, her blood, guts, and limbs everywhere, but she's not dead.

A little side notes: Please, please, please use more than a one-liner reply, I want to make this thread work but won't be able too if I'm just getting short replies. Cursing is allowed and this is a romance thread with some humor so keep that in mind. Please be active as well, it's no fun having to wait three weeks for a reply(Am I right? :3 ) If you're no longer interested in this thread then private message me. That's all I got!

Character Sheet:











My Character:

Name: Lilica Harts

Nickname: Lily

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human? Unknown

Grade: Senior

Personality: Lily is a very bubbly character. She enjoys laughing and talking with friends, she's very active and likes to run around and do stuff. Her hobbies contain of reading, listening to music, cooking and baking, swimming, and star gazing. She's very shy and awkward when it comes to boys so she tries to keep her distance from them.

Bio: When Lily was five her father died in a car accident which left her and mother heart broken. Her mother soon remarried to a famous baseball player and they packed up and moved to the city but soon her step-father was traded to another team out of state so Lily quickly talked her mother into letting her stay in the city and live on her own. After Lily's so called 'death' she can now sense supernatural things and can see dead people. Some of those dead people are good and just want to go to the other side in peace but the others are evil spirits who refuse to leave the living world and causes a lot of trouble for the humans. Now Lily makes it her personal mission to get rid of all the evil spirits and demons who harm humans.

Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/anime-school-girl.jpg.21f3f62ed89a9f66e818bf3a52fd0058.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/anime-school-girl.jpg.21f3f62ed89a9f66e818bf3a52fd0058.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Lily is still getting used to being able to die and come back to life. It's still a bit painful when she does die but she quickly heals and comes back to life in thirty minutes top. She has to eat a lot to keep her heart bumping long enough to last her for a week.



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Name: Orion (Sounds like o-Rye-en so it sounds like O Ryan pretty much -_- ') Lacerne

Nickname: Ryan

Age: 17 (He's been 17 for 5 years)

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire (Originally human, but was attacked by a demon/pureblood vampire)

Grade: 12th (Senior)

Personality: Orion is mature granted he is technically 22 years old. He is fairly friendly, but like to keep people at a distance so they do not find out his secret. He has great self control for a newborn vampire, and he feeds less than regularly, starving himself for the benefit of others. He likes to read, and seeing that he doesn't sleep he does well in school. Photography is a favorite of his, and he personally loves art. He avoids sports because of his unfair advantage, and he is a part of the "Go home club" at school. He gets great scores on tests because of all the time he has to study, but he purposely doesn't get everything right so he ca avoid suspicion.

Bio: Orion lived with his parents happily. He went to middle school and highschool in a different city. One night, when he was walking home from school, he was attacked by a monster. He was murdered brutally, and was found the day later. Police reports were filed and they closed the murder case as him being mauled and eaten by a rabid animal. He was buried only a few days later. He awoke in a coffin, afraid, and thirsty. Scared to death, he banged on it. His new-found strength splintered the coffin and dirt collapsed in on him. He screamed and yelled for help, but no one was in the graveyard to help him. He dug himself out, somehow, despite the dirt collapsing in on him. He received many cuts from the digging and he watched astonished as he healed. Afraid, he went to his parents house, only to find them mourning in front of a picture of him. Realizing he was different and that he couldn't return, he left heartbroken. He moved to the next city when he realized the monster he became. He worked with his powers and survived with barely feeding off others and starving himself. He spent the next 5 years working hard, saving up money and renting a apartment by himself. He sent himself back to school to learn (using his manipulation powers to enroll), and during the night time (cause he doesn't sleep) he studied more and more.

Other: Evil seem to flow off him with those who can sense supernatural because he was infected by a demon (pureblood vampire); but honestly, he hasn't jeopardized anyone's life tremendous. He does feed on human blood because his body won't accept anything else, not even animal blood. He does not sleep.

Vampire Skills: (Pros & Cons)

He can manipulate people's mind to a certain extent (clearly not yours or any of the character).

He is weaker in the sunlight, but he won't burst into flames.

During the day, if he hasn't eaten (drank blood) in a while, he is prone to pass out.

He can heal, but he needs to feed to heal.

Can't enter houses without invites.

Holy items weaken him further.

He will go into a "sleep" if he is drained of blood, and he cannot leave that state until he eats.

He can disappear into shadows, and he has increased strength and speed during the night.

Picture: As a vampire he has bright red eyes, but he usually wear dark brown contacts to hide them.

"Ahhhhh uuggghh!" The demon groans as it bubbles up and quickly turn into dust. The park falls quite after that and Lily lays on the ground, catching her breath as the process takes over. She looks at her watch. "Only 5 more minutes." She mumbles, coughing up her own blood as she lays there. She killed another one of those demons who's been causing trouble in her area and stalking children to take their souls. She ends up finding the demon in the park in the middle of the night and things got ugly but in the end she sends that demon back to death while her own death process finishes.

"This is the fifth time this week I've died." She mumbles before stand up, wobbling a bit as she starts walking. Her clothes ripped and sprayed with her blood, knowing she looks a mess. As Lily walks through the park she sense something again, an evil spirit that's close by, very close. She creeps through the trees before hiding behind one, sense that the evil spirit is very, very close. 
(Haha just posted)
Orian came to the park because he was restless, well as restless as you could be for someone who didn't sleep. He was tired of staring at the book for days on end, memorizing each and every little detail. He was used to this pattern, but he held a hollow place in his heart. He should have been able to sleep. He shouldn't have to be going to highschool again. He shouldn't have been attacked by some monster, and then wake up to being one too.

He smelt blood, and his stomach coiled in excitement and sickness. He hadn't fed in weeks, and he kept pushing it off for the safety of others. Normally, he's run away, but the scent was strong. Someone was bleeding out, not just a small cut, but it was endangering their life. He let out a groan as his stomach clinched in pain, and he followed the scent to a giant puddle in the middle of the park. Letting out a groan, the smell was getting to him, it swirled around his head, and he couldn't think much. He couldn't locate the main source.
Lily sits back in the shadow behind the trees, groaning a little as the pain from her deep wound start to heal slowly. She takes a deep breath before peeking out behind the tree, seeing a young man that looks around her age wandering around the park and her sense get stronger and knowing well that the evil spirited probably took over his body.

She grabs the gun from the strap attached to her leg. Since she made it her mission to take on evil spirits she visited many people who believe in the spirit world and vowed to help her out. One of those people gave her many weapons that only kill spirits but if she's careless could end up harming the people. She stands up slowly and quickly moves to another tree, getting closer tot he person.
Orion heard the steps of someone getting closer, and his head snapped to the side, staring at a girl with purple hair and blue eyes. His eyes gleamed bright red and his eyes snapped to her leg than the gun. Letting out a ferocious hiss, he took a step forward.

His voice strained, "You need to go get help right now. You are bleeding out. I don't want to hurt you."

His eyes eyed the gun warily, he was not in a good state to get shot, that would increase his blood lust. He fished into his pocket for a phone, and dialed 911. He then threw the phone at her, before clutching his stomach. His fangs slid out, slicing his lips, and he groaned.
Lily quickly raises the gun and shoots at the phone, getting a perfect aim at it as it breaks quickly. She looks down at the phone and pointing her gun back at the guy. "I don't want to hurt you." She states, grabbing her stomach as her body tires to heal and knowing if she stays on her feet any longer she'll be in a sleeping coma for a few days.

"I know this may sound strange and you may not believe me but..there is something inside you." She says slowly, seeing fangs coming out of the guy. She stand up straight and starts taking a few steps towards the guy, her gun still raised. "I have to get that evil spirit out of you, this gun won't hurt you..just the spirit. When you wake up you won't remember a thing." Lily says, her finger on the trigger.
Orion's eyes widened, panic filtering in. If she shot him, he'd automatically attack her on instinct and blood lust. He didn't want to hurt a perfect stranger, and he didn't want to get shot. He got ready to attempt to dodge a bullet, something he hadn't tried before, and something a normal human couldn't do, but he was willing to try.

He put some of his manipulation powers into it but her eyes didn't glaze over like the normal person. His voice quaked and he tried to reason with the girl,, "It isn't a evil spirit. It is me. It isn't something that disappear." If he had to, he would move quickly to disarm her and knock her out, but that was the last thing he wanted to do. Then he would attempt to take her to a hospital.
Lily stands her ground. "I know you're an evil spirit and a monster at that for taking over this persons body and trying to control them." She says, her gun still aimed at the person. She didn't want to hurt anyone but the thought of a evil spirit control someone and using them for their own sick game wasn't helping.

She takes deeper, feeling her body trying to heal but the more she keeps pushing herself the worst it gets as her wound bleeds out more. Her vision starts to get blurry and her stands wobbles. 'I have to get this over with so my body can rest.' Lily lanches forward and tackles the guy down, landing on top of him and points her guy at his chest.
Orion groaned as the she tackled him. Her blood was strong, and he felt sick to his stomach with hunger. He grasped the gun, which burned his hand and threw it across the park. He then flipped them over, so he was on top.

He practically roars in her face, "Are you stupid?!?! You are bleeding out! And for the first and final time, I am not a monster!"

His eyes slitted and his fangs cut his lips. He knew he was a monster, but he didn't want to admit it out loud to himself. It would make it even more true if he did. He was frustrated, starving, and in major pain and this girl was not helping his mental health at all.
Lily yells loudly in pain as she's thrown off him, her gun tossed somewhere around them and she needed to get to it quickly. She clenches her teeth together, trying to ignore the pain.

For someone with an evil spirit he hasn't attacked her yet even in her weak state. She closes her eyes and thinks it through, was she losing her mind and actually tried to attack a human person or was this guy an evil spirited liked she sensed. She takes a deep breath and looks up at the guy. "Fine, if you're not a monster then get off me."
Orion groaned in pain then asked, "If you attack me, I don't know if I'm going to be able to control myself." He stared at her for a long time, trying to see if she was telling the truth, but he didn't know for sure. Willing to take the chance and prove himself, he slowly got off her and backed away as fast as he could. The smell... It was driving him insane.

Groaning, he felt like curling into himself. He watched her carefully though, unsure if she was going to try to attack him again with a hidden weapon. He backed further away, till his back hit the tree and he clutched into it for dear life. It cracked, but stayed standing and he let out another painful moan.
Lily sits up, catching her breath as she looks over at the guy. What's his plan? To live in that person body for a while before sucking the life out of him then moving onto the neck person?

She couldn't figure it out even if she tried. She leans over and coughs up some of her blood, she knew her body wasn't getting any better unless she leaves now. Lily stands up on her shaky legs, slowly reaching behind her and under her jacket she pulls a knife out and toss it at him but completely misses his head by a few inches.

"Damnit!' She cures before her vision goes blank and she falls down on the ground hard. 'I'm dead...again..' her final thought before fully slipping into the underworld of death.
(Hmmmm, ok then.)

Orion practically jumped out of his skin when she started falling, he dove forward and caught her cold body. He heard no pulse and he set into overdrive. 'God, what should I do? I should have just knocked her out and taken her away! Why did she struggle? Dammit! Her life blood is on my head, this is my fault!' his thoughts were flying through his head a mile a minute. He didn't want to leave this city, not again. He had finally restarted school, he wanted to go for once. He groaned, the smell of her blood was now sickening. It smelt stale and dead.

He thought for a while, holding the girl in his arms. Then he fished out his phone and called the police. He groaned and gave them the address, said that there was an accident. He placed her dead body on the ground, and he ran. He ran away like the coward he was. He could have stayed and manipulated the policemen who were bound to show, but he couldn't bare to stand and see the dead body on the ground. With a low moan of pain due to starvation, he ran home, took a shower, and tried to forget everything that happened.
Lily lays still before hearing, or someone talking around her. No, she heard more than one person talking around her and beeping noise. She started hearing a woman crying and she knew well who it was.

Her eyes flew open quickly before she sat up, she looked around the room and knew damn well where she was. The hospital. She groan before falling back on the bed. "Oh my god!" Lily looked up as her her best friend standing over her. Her friend going on and on about how she thought she was dead and that Lily didn't have a heart beat for the pass two days because of the huge cut through her body but Lily quickly says that she just fell and hit her head.

"Wait, what time is it?" Lily ask, rubbing her forehead. "It's 7 in the morning." Her friend says. "Shhiitt!" Lily cures before hoping out the bed, pulling the needles out of her arms and putting on the fresh clean clothes her friend brought for her. "We're going to be late for school and I have a huge project due." The two leave out the hospital and head straight to school, seeing that the bell has already rung for third period.
Orion was in class, but his mind wasn't in it. He kept thinking about the girl who's death was because of him. He may not have physically harmed her, but he didn't do all that he could have. He was still at the brink of starving, refusing to allow himself to feed for the past nights because he allowed her to die. Exhaustion was close, and the scents made his instincts go wild. He felt as he was going insane, and he was very lightheaded.

He watched teacher drone on, and he felt the need to just push the man out of the way and teach the class himself. His tolerance was low, he was starving, he was guilty, and he was angry at himself. He was at the brink of hissing or growling at the teacher when a familiar scent caught him. The scent of stale blood and death. He wanted to puke now, but having not fed as of recently, did not allow him.
"Hurry we're going to be late!" Her friend yells as the run down the empty hallway, everyone seems to be in their classes already but them. "But we're already late" Lily yells back and she curse at these school skirt uniforms.

They both reach the classroom and busts throw the door loudly, causing the teacher to stop what he's doing and everyone in the class looking their way. Lily lets out a nervous chuckle. "Um..hi!" She says smiling but the teacher doesn't look amused so her and her friend make their way to the back of the classroom with two seats open and that's when it hit her, the evil spirit she sensed a few days ago in this room. She quickly takes her seat, knowing she won't be able to react not only because the classroom is filled with inocent people but her body still isn't fully prepared for another attack.

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