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Fandom Undertale, the next step


Chocolate eater
Simply it's about what happened after undertale true Pasifist run!

I'll let the characters ship theyre self though i would like to have a Toriel/Sans relationship!
( Oh well. It's kinda long. )

*The sound of the dim glowing water trickling from the stalagmites filled the caves. Beautiful rushing water was everywhere and there was even waterfalls on top of it. No wonder they called it 'Waterfall'. A child, a human no less, sat at the edge of one of the waterfalls. She hadn't been lucky like Frisk usually was. They had fallen somewhere off in the beginning of Waterfall. Now they say alone, scared. Who wouldn't be scared? You fall into a place you don't know and you can't even remember the first letter of your name, I think anyone would be terrified*
Sans packs up his telescope,wondering and recalling all the good times he had looking at the ''stars''. He had enjoyed the quietness of the falls and gave a small chuckle at the memory,he hoisted the scope up*

*The child sat still. They had a brown soul- Patience. They waited. They needed help. They didn't know who would help them but they just waited. That's what their mother told them to do "If you're in a pickle, wait and mommy will find you". You had to remember they were still a young child.*

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