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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

asriel dreemurr

the prince of monsters

Howdy! this is the first ever role play im making, so don't judge too harshly ^__^


oc's are accepted, but at lest put 3 sentences for the back story.

characters from the actual game are accepted, just say you wold like to be that character. (and maybe provide the picture?)

Please don't be rude.

this is simple role play, so their is no limit to how many sentences or paragraphs you cant put!

(head to the BB code guide if you want to make the fourm look a lot more interesting!)
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Kira pushed around a pen on the glass counter for her shop. her humming bird came and rested on her shoulder. "hey there zipper" she said to the humming bird, in which the humming bird replied with a tweet. she petted the little humming bird's head and it slept on her shoulder.
Papyrus had taken a slight break from his calibration of his puzzles, which he would usually redo after every time it was solved. It was always interesting when he came back to see that his puzzle had been solved by someone, made him always rather cheerful about it. He had decided he would head to his brother's other post in Waterfall to see how things were going there, possibly catch him being lazy or such. Then he would make sure to meet with Undyne after, as he regarded that it was nearly the time he would normally have a meeting with her. Then after he could shortly return to his puzzles before cooking lessons at Undyne's house. The normal schedule that he enjoyed, he couldn't help wondering who was finishing all his puzzles, he just guessed that it was other monsters that were just passing through and that was it.

He headed through the mist on the way from Snowdin to Waterfall, it wasn't long before he saw his brother's post. He cleared his throat to get ready to say something in regard to his brother's behaviour. The normal, was what he was guessing. His scarf settling against his back as he walked slower, he needed to make sure that his brother was actually there before he spoke. He didn't want to look like dumb, talking to someone that wasn't even there.
zipper woke up, and nudged Kira "what is it buddy?" she said as she took the little humming bird off her shoulder. the little humming bird then flew to the humming bird feeder, which was empty. "oh, your hungry. don't worry buddy, ill refill it." she got up and went upstairs to the kitchen where she maid some sugar water. she then went down back stairs with the sugar water and filed up the feeder. "their ya go buddy." she said, and the little bird drank some of the water.
Sans: Snas yawned and stood up at his post, he turned and saw papyrus, " Oh, hey Papyrus... What's up" he said, walking out from behind his post and examined the snow on top of the post, "do you have BONE to pick with me" he said holding back a chuckle

Floyd: waited in the ruins for his dad to come back, where he stood at attention. His father did come and croaked something intelligible and began to hop further into the ruins, " Where are we going dad?" He asked respectfully, his dad didnt answer and continued to hop, they hopped in silence until they were in a room he had never seen before, it was a strange dark room with a beam of light gently shining on a patch of green grass, Floyd had never seen grass before and felt it with his little webbed hands, he smiled, "why are we here today?" He asked his father again, his dad was already charging an attack at his son's soul, he dodged and used a much weaker one of his own with much struggling, he barely managed to hit one HP of his father's soul. He sighed and turned away from his father's mild disappointment. His father croaked and hopped away to find something, Floyd looked at the grass and wondered why it would be here in the ruins...

(@Soyxmilk )
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"So you aren't being lazy." Papyrus muttered to himself, he went over to his brother to make his presence more known. "No, it seems I don't have a bone to pick with you today brother. However, I would like to say that I will be heading to meet Undyne soon enough, and during that time I would like to some recalibrated puzzles of yours when I return. Can you possibly find time for that in your lazy-bone schedule?" Papyrus asked, looking over at his brother's station. He ignored the joke, as he knew that Sans would only enjoy having a reaction from him, as much as it bugged him. The skeleton moved his vision to go look at the surroundings, it seemed like nothing was going wrong and everything seemed fine. He looked back at his brother.
Sans: Sans nodded, "sure thing Papyrus" he turned to walk out of the cave and turned back to Papyrus, "have fun at Undyne's" he said , he walked back to snowdin and immediately went into Grilby's and sat down, "one large" he said to Grilby, he got his bottle of ketchup and glugged it down, he then walked into the shop, " good morning ma'am, one cinabun please..." he smiled.
"oh, ya sure" she disappeared under the counter for a second, then she came back up with a cinabun. "that's 25 gold, i believe." she said as she put the cinabun on the counter.
Papyrus watched his brother leave, then proceeded further into Waterfall to go to where he would normally meet Undyne. Solving a puzzle here and there, they were pretty simple once he had gotten the hang of them. The rock puzzle was really easy, and nothing much went on as he went through Waterfall to the spot where Undyne and him always met up to talk about things that may or may not be different. Arriving at the site, he stood there waiting for Undyne to turn up. He was early, so he didn't suspect her to be there right away, because she definitely could be busy doing something important.

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Sans: sans reached in his pocket and grabbed some gold and put it on the table, "thanks" he said "I was really HOPPING for one of these" he said he waved as he left the shop and looked out to the outside of snowdin, "nah... I will fix the puzzles later" he shrugged
she smiled for a second, then zipper knocked something over "zipper! what did you do?!" she then ran upstairs to find a broken bowl and the little bird hiding in the cabinets "zipper come out now." she said angrily to the little bird, in which it obeyed. "this is the second time this week zipper, you can't keep knocking over bowls and plates like this or we won't have any!" she said to the little bird as she started to pick up the pieces and throw them away.
(@Kiwikat sorry for lateness)

Flowey poked his head out of the soil and looked up at the Froggit. Nothing had shown up here in a while. This Froggit looked especially young and naive, this would at least stave off his boredom for a second . "Howdy, buddy, what brings you here?" He cooed. "My name's Flowey the Flower."
Floyd: Floyd leaped back and gasped, his first instict was run, then fight, but calmed himself down, what would a final froggit do? "H-h-h-hello, flowey.... My name is Floyd Raleigh the second, the son of a final froggit" he said much less confidently than he had hoped, he cleared his throat and bowed, he spoke more clearly, " My most sincere of apologies for intruding your humble patch of soil, I seem to have been separated from my trainer" he said he tried making eye contact with the flower but strangley could not, "your patch of land is quite mystifying however" he said, still trying why he was so nervous around this harmless flower.
"Hey, it's alright, Floyd, no need to be scared." Flowey smiled wide. "Hey, let's be friends, if I had arms I would be shaking your hand." Flowey knew he had to work relatively quickly, monster children were like bear cubs, wherever they are, the parent isn't far behind, and this one was looked after by a Final Froggit. "Hey, you know what, you like to train, yeah? How about you try to dodge my attack, I'm not very good at fighting and I could use practice. My attacks are pretty weak, even for a flower." Chances were, the kid wouldn't buy Friendship Pellets, that kind of thing only worked on magic-less humans. (It's late, last post of the night, see you tomorrow)
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Floyd: he thought for a moment and nodded, " okay, I won't use any of my final froggit stuff... I don't want to hurt you that bad." He said nicely, he braced his soul for the battle.

In the distance, you could hear loud thuds of metal armor as the booming voice of Undyne could be heard, speaking in anger 'And how could these punks easily miss someone that high ranked as him... Huff... So much work to do...' She look rather serious and concerned, even somewhat spooked by something as she walks forward, looking up at Papyrus, speaking up while trying to mask the concern 'Ahh! Papyrus! At least some good news to hear since this darn morning. *Sigh* Anyway... are you ready for your daily training?' - she looks a little bit tired on the first glance, all walking in the heavy armor actually got her at this rate.
Flowey let out a shrill, high giggle. Friendship Bullets surrounded Floyd. "Idiot. What's a kid like you doing in a world like this?" The bullets made a circle around his soul.

Floyd: floyd froze, he did not move an inch, while he froze he thought sadly, "Good, I am glad I die here, better I fall for a trick like this now as a normal froggit then offend the final froggit name" he was at first scared, then became a bit more sad, " welp, that friendship ended quickly" he said sadly. Suddenly his father lunged from the shadows and threw his soul into a pellet, mortality damaging him, leaving him with one health, he glared to his son and croaked furiously, Floyd ran off and looked back at his dad. His dad stumbled up and grabbed a fly, healing him for a bit more HP, he looked flowey in the eye, and began to back off slowly.
Roman stood behind Papyrus with his hands behind his back as usual. He wasn't surprised that he hadn't noticed him follow him, even though he was right behind him the entire time. Even when Undyne showed up and showed nothing to recognize the slightly smaller skeleton, he still kept his smile on his face. However, he was troubled at the news she gave. He stepped forward into view and spoke.

"Excuse me Undyne, but is something the matter? It sounds like something bad has happened."
W. D. Gaster sat, motionless. His location, was not of nothing. No, there was not even the silence of nothingness to fill this place. For the first weeks he just sat and thought on how to fix this.. but genius gave way to madness as the true magnitude of the situation finally sat in. 'I do not exist. Therefore, my thoughts do not exist and are irrelevant,' the former scientist would often think to himself, slowly but surely losing a grip on this twisted non-existence he had become a part of. His mind crumbled, knowing that the world would continue to function normally as if he was never there. 'Impossible.. It was me who brought the Core into existance,' Gaster ranted to his own mind, 'P͔̩̻̰̭l̝͔̥̺̠̦̳e̱̲̬̝ͅa͚̞̲̩̳̣s̰̬ẹ͕̞͚̳̟͚ ̫̗͚̼̹d̮o̻̠͉̟n̟̭̞̮͎͎̠'̰̹̫͇t̥͍ ̻͍̺͍̲̥f̣o͉̭rg̯̖e͕t̼͍͔͈̩̹͕ ̬̩m̜̟͈̟e̠̘.͈͈͉̤͍̯̗' He begged and pleaded to any higher power for help.

He waited for who knows how long.

But nobody came.

Dr. W. D. Gaster snapped. He changed into the thing he is now. He tried to call out, but his speech came out as a jumble of symbols. He simply couldn't comprehend it. He just wanted it all to end..


Gaster turned his head to spot where the sound had come from. A large grey door stood alone in the vast emptiness, slightly opened. With that door, came a small amount of hope for the lost soul. Memories of life came flooding back, and Gaster cautiously stood, and crept toward the door. His slender arm outstretched, he brought his hand to the--

Dark... Darker... Yet Darker...

When Gaster awoke, there was only the white of the snow.
'W-Where am... I?' He struggled to even have coherent thoughts at first. He forced himself to pull his face out of the cold, frozen ground, and observe his surroundings. Trees on both side, for as far as he could see. 'I must find civilization.' He set off, following a small dirt trail, hoping this reality would last. With each step, his mind, and objective, became clearer.
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Sans: sans left the shop and looked outside and froze and tilted his head, "huh..." he said, He noticed a faint outline of something familiar in the snow. He walked over to the figure, he didn't touch it but his eye was flickering. He slowly put the cinabun in his pocket and stepped back, he walked back into the shop and looked a bit more un easy, " I'm might need another cinabun" he said at the counter to no one in particular.



@asriel dreemurr i guess
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she heard the voice. "ill deal with you in a minute" she said to zipper, then she ran down the stairs. she grabbed another cinabun from under the counter. "25 gold please." she panted.

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