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Fandom uncharted | main


energy remains
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Twelve years have come and gone since the last Avatar, Avatar Korra, has passed on. Only three days after the news of her death spread amongst the nations and Republic City, a strange rumbling started that could be felt between the southern-most regions of the Fire Nation and the northern edges of the land of the southern Air nomads. By the end of the day a strange thing was discovered in the sea between the two lands, a large thing. Two more days passed after the initial sightings before the Fire Nation sent ships to investigate, aboard each vessel was an airbender who could fly between the ships for communication just in case radios failed. Another day passed and there was silence, not a single ship had reported back to the Fire Nation and the Southern Air Temple reported that no airbenders had reported back to their temple either. By morning of the next day, a single airbender appeared on the shore of the Fire Nation's southern beaches, they were quickly attended to and after care and rest, the airbender reported that the strange thing on their horizon was land. A new continent.

The airbender also reported that two of the four ships disappeared in a fog that rolled in as they grew closer to the beach of the land, apparently the radios all malfunctioned at the same time. The two remaining airbenders took to the sky to search for signs of the two missing ships, but could not see past the fog and did not want to get lost in it. Both of the remaining ships had made landfall, though the first was dragged unto the sand and sank into the earth only moments after they had anchored. The same thing happened to the last ship, though the airbender was able to escape just narrowly and used their remaining strength and energy to try to report back to the Fire Nation. Upon learning these things, travel to this new land was forbidden , though this would not be the last of the world's troubles after losing their Avatar.

Five years passed after the Uncharted Land appeared and no new Earth Avatar had been identified. The world was growing restless and anxious, weary of the new continent and afraid for their lost Avatar. Their worries were only made more concrete when a terrifying and chaotic storm began to encircle the new continent, taking out any patrols that had been stationed there to keep on eye on the happenings of this new land. The storm has lasted since that day, a terrible swirling and dangerous thing that takes out whatever enters its path without prejudice. It seems almost alive, and the nations fear that only one thing can stop it; the Avatar, but even after 12 long years, none has been identified.

The leaders of the world fear that their Avatar may be somehow lost on this new continent, and that to assuage the strange and terrible happenings of this uncharted land they must be found.

10 AM, Republic City - City Hall | A tense, terrible silence filled the air of the hall, pressure building from the quiet. Sitting in a semi-circle facing a map of the world were the nation's leaders, both those of the Republic City council and those of the individual nations. Fire Lord Dosu looked the sternest and most concerned of them all, a deep frown etched into his already jagged features as he stared at the map, arms crossed. Sho Pei, the youngest amongst them, give a quick sigh and leaned back in his chair, "The newest reports state that the storm has grown in size. My airbenders are afraid of it, only a few dare get anywhere close enough to it to get a truly good look at what's going on in those clouds." The young man stated, sharp yellow eyes moving over each of the leaders present.

"I don't blame them. We have no idea what dangers the storm actually presents, and I don't blame them for not wanting to take the risk to find out." Dosu rumbled.

"Be that as it may, we need to know. The people deserve to know. Additionally, my contacts in Ba Sing Se have returned no word of luck with regards to finding the Avatar." Mei Huong added, throwing a pointed glance over towards the Earth Nation representative. She, like everyone on the council, and likely the rest in attendance, had expected to be graced by the presence of the Earth King, but instead he had opted to send a representative in his stead. The woman seated where he ought to be shifted uncomfortably under Mei Huong's gaze, though she said nothing in response to Mei's report.

Mei sighed and looked back towards the map, pointing at the new blip that graced its surface. "We've already discussed this matter in the past, but it seems more and more likely that our Avatar is on that wretched mass of land, are we agreed?" She asked, motioning with her hand towards all others seated around the map. Everyone nodded and grumbled their agreement. "Right. So now we must decide what to do about this. We must send a party to investigate the island, all those in favor?" She raised her own hand and looked around the hall to see most hands raised, though two seemed hesitant. "Against?" She asked, looked around again. One hand raised, the other seemed to be abstaining.

"I believe that with something this important, something this... dangerous, this council should be unanimous in its decision on this matter. Chief Ekaya, you voted against, the floor is open to you. Fire Lord Dosu, you abstained, we will hear from you after Chief Ekaya." With that said, Mei made a sweeping motion with her hand towards Ekaya, who stood from her seat and looked slowly around at the nations' leaders.

"Let me start by asking something." Ekaya said, crossing her arms as she paced from around her chair into a more central viewing point. "We all agree that this is in fact dangerous, yes?" She paused, waiting to see nods of agreement from her colleagues. "So with that knowledge, why would we willfully toss members of our own nations, our neighbors, our families, at this danger? This danger that we know nothing about?" She paused once more, raking her gaze across every member of the council. "As of this moment, the storm has not gone anywhere. It has hugged the island, battered its shores. What is to say that if we start poking around it that that fact wouldn't change? What if all we do is call this unprecedented danger down upon ourselves?"

The water tribe woman's words full of fear, something that Sho Pei picked up on quickly. "You are afraid, Chief Ekaya. I understand. We are all afraid, I imagine?" He asked from his seat, shrugging his shoulders and looking around the room. "Even so, it appears that every person in this room means to act, in one capacity or another." He said, standing now as well to face Ekaya at eye level. "The simple fact is, Chief Ekaya, that we do not have an Avatar here to save us from our messes, even those we have no active hand in. You appear to be the only one here who doesn't realize this harsh truth. We've done enough waiting around for the appearance of our savior, it is time to take matters into our own hands. I have spoken with the people of my nation, I have heard their concerns, they fear this too, but what they fear more is this council's apparent inability to do anything about it." His words were sharp and pointed, denoting a passion that seemed to flourish more due to his youth.

Chief Ekaya looked at the young man, eyes wide but lips sealed. She felt a pressure like none she'd felt before, it was the first time she came to truly feel the absence of their world's safety net, their savior. After a long moment of silence, Ekaya nodded slowly and sighed, "You are right, however I will not acquiesce with no ideas as to what our scouting party encapsulates. How many people will we send? From which nations? What criteria must they meet? I also require from each and every one of you the acknowledgement that no matter who we send, we may be sending them to their deaths."

Sho nodded to her and looked to Mei, who gave him a curt nod, letting him know to take the floor. "These are good questions. The party will consist of no more than 15 individuals, and it will be comprised of people from all nations, sponsored, or put forth by, members of this council. We will accept no persons under the age of 18, and barring a few exceptions, should be considered master benders, capable of defending not only themselves but the other members of the party." He paused and looked deeply into Ekaya's eyes, for no other reason than to let her know that he meant what he was about to say, "And I, Sho Pei, official representative of the Air Nation and elected member of this council, acknowledge the fact that every single one of these people may die." Other voices followed suit behind him, and to his and everybody's surprise, Fire Lord Dosu stood up and let out a small chuckle.

"Well, Ekaya, old friend. Your mind and mine are quite alike in many ways. You addressed all of the concerns I had regarding this, and you, Sho Pei, have done an excellent job at convincing me. I acknowledge as well, and I change my vote to yes, so long as Ekaya will as well." He gave the water tribe woman a smile and though she did not return it, the mood of the entire room had lifted.

"Fine. I change my vote to yes as well." Her voice was low, though everyone could hear her words. Mei Huong let a small smile grace her lips, though she let it slip away just as quickly.

"Then this council is in agreement. We will adjourn for now, and meet once more in a week with those that we deem ready and worthy of being members of this scouting party. Dismissed."

12 PM, Republic City - Jade Moon Hotel | Fire Lord Dosu stood before the check-in counter of the Jade Moon Hotel, waiting patiently for an attendant to come and speak with him. Behind him, waiting rather patiently, were Sho Pei and Mei Huong, who'd only tagged along because the Republic City Council were paying for the room and and board of all of these people. Several moments of silence filled the time as the council members patience began to grow thin, though a clatter behind a door just behind the counter alerted them that somebody was on their way.

A middle-aged man, dressed in the marbled green uniform of his place of employment, shuffled out from behind the door and gave a small smile at the sight of three patrons at his desk. "Greetings, greetings! Welcome to the Jade Moon Hotel, are you here to check in or do you need to reserve rooms for another day?" He asked, clasping his hands and bowing in greeting.

Dosu looked to Mei who stepped forward and gave the man a curt nod. "Good afternoon, sir. My assistants called this morning at about 8 inquiring as per rooms for 12. They let me know that you would be able to accommodate this request so long as we paid up front for the duration of the stay." She explained. A few moments passed of the man looking slightly confused, though recognition lit up his eyes after awhile.

"Oh, yes, yes! How many nights will you require the rooms for?" He asked. With Mei having taken over the logistical end of this business, Dosu and Sho had wandered over to a quieter part of the lounge area. Mei and the check-in clerk's conversation faded into the background and Dosu took a seat, nearly falling as he plopped too heavily into the chair below him. He readjusted himself, a bit embarrassed at his inelegance, though Sho only smiled at the older man.

"My attendants will be arriving with our motley crew within the next 30 minutes, we shouldn't be waiting for long. Once we check them in and get them settled into their rooms, we will call the council back into meeting, yes?" Dosu asked, gazing up at Sho who decided only to lean against the arm rest of the chair adjacent to Dosu's.

"That's right. I expect they've gotten a quick briefing on why they are here?" Sho asked. Dosu nodded, though in truth he wasn't sure exactly how detailed his attendants would be in that regard. "They really only need the basics at the moment, more details will come during the meeting." Sho tacked on, as if reading Dosu's thoughts.

Note: Welcome and thank you all so much for your patience with me regarding this starter and getting things set up! So some notes regarding what I expect from your first posts: 1. Address how your benefactor recruited you for the party/mission. 2. Address your character's travel to Republic City if applicable, or their whereabouts prior to the meeting if not applicable 3. Your post should end with your character making their way to the hotel, where they can start interacting with each other up until the next GM post, which I will always make sure is clear ^^ I hope everyone has fun and as always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
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"And that's a foul! Not the Wolf Otters' greatest moment. We wish them all the best for the next season, folks!"

Not their greatest moment. More like one of their worst. Yei sighed as she took her position within the dressing room. She couldn't believe that it was all over, everything that she and the others had fought so hard for this season. They had come so close to another cup, yet were so far. It even felt rather discouraging. Would their losing streak, curse, whatever this was continue to haunt them in the next season? At least there was time before then to practice, right? There was nothing to do from here except to strive to be among the very best in the league once again, provided they could. Defeat was never easy to face.

"I'm so blaming Paahu for this defeat. What was going through his head? It's like he was somewhere else!" Whined a voice Yei immediately recognized as belonging to her teammate, Zinna. She shook her head as the taller woman took a seat on the bench across her. Between her now unkempt dark locks the firebender could read the frustration all across her teammate's face. There was a hint of anger mixed in as she spoke, the indication of a spark of passion long extinguished by the reality of defeat. That, at least Yei could understand. The waterbender was one of the newest players, practically a prodigy and suddenly she had been knocked down a notch by a crushing defeat. It could bend even the hardest of egos.

"It was an off game for all of us. Calm your tits, will ya?" Yei responded as she eyed the humbled waterbender. "Now we just need to find something to do the rest of the season, like practice."

"Yea, I suppose." Zinna uttered as she removed the remainder of her uniform and changed into her street clothes. Yei followed suit even as her mind wandered back to the game. What exactly had they done wrong? Had they simply lacked coordination and chemistry, or was one teammate to blame for the disastrous play? Failure was simply not an option and whichever piece of the puzzle had been missing was now crucial to find. She had a reputation to retain. Hell, they all did. They were not going to lose everything they had earned, and simply not to some gang - certainly they played like a band of thugs out on the field. Aggression, rather than style, had seemingly defined the sport more than anything now.

"Where's Paahu? Did he come out of the changeroom?" Yei as she reunited with Zinna. The waterbender nodded before bidding her own leave. Later then. They would have to discuss strategy at some point, something they had apparently lacked tonight. In the meantime there was little left to do but to tune out all the evening's embarrassments, something the firebender attempted to do as she made her own way down the corridors out of the arena. It was customary for members of the losing teams to watch the rest of the games, but tonight she did not even feel up for that. It was just another reminder, another element to reminisce on what could have been.

Further Yei made her way through the arena's corridors, away from all the hustle and bustle, but not before setting her eyes on one place that had practically become a second home to her: the training room. Oddly enough it was already in use as the thuds coming from inside suggested. Earthbending, unmistakably.

None other than Paahu himself.

Yei practically burst out laughing as she entered the room and spotted her teammate hard at work inside. Even after the disastrous game he was still working up a sweat, determined to perfect his form. He was dedicated, she could give him that.

"So this is where you ran off to. I think Zinna's pissed." Yei interjected as she shot a stream of fire towards Paahu's form, which he almost immediately dodged.

Paahu huffed in response. "Of course she is..."

"She's new, give her space." Yei replied.

"If she's going to be in this league, and especially on this team, then she has some things to learn. I kept trying to tell her..." Paahu declared.

"Just give her time, she'll come around." Yei decided, but not before a knock registered on the door. Another team eager for some practice of their own?

"Wait, are we in trouble?" Paahu perked up as the door opened and a rather official looking man adorned in a suit entered. The man only shook his head and then glanced towards Yei.

"Not in trouble, but I have been requested to speak to your teammate privately about...more official matters." The man spoke at last as he ushered Yei towards the door. She silently followed, suspecting that contesting this man's demands was probably not the most intelligent course of action to take in the moment. He wanted something and he looked important. It was never a good idea to wrestle with the authorities, and certainly not ones that could potentially bend metal across your limbs and mouth.

And awkward silence lingered as Yei followed the man out of the training room and into a smaller room, an interrogation room of some sort - or so she imagined. Was this man even here to interrogate her? Yes, someone was definitely in trouble. Perhaps cheating or some other funny business during the game had disqualified their opponents, thus allowing for the Wolf Otters' re-entry into the tournament. A girl could dream, right?

No, definitely not. This was something else entirely.

The man pushed a small envelop toward Yei as soon as they were both positioned inside the room, opposite ends of a single table. There existed very little lighting at all, save for a single lamp between them. The firebender took it all in, thinking all how eerily familiar it was to an interrogation room. What business did the arena have exactly in providing such rooms? It made for curious questions in itself that the woman knew there was no opportunity to ask, particularly as the man stared at her and opened his mouth to speak. "Sorry that I could not speak in front of your friend. This information is confidential as it has been relayed to me directly from the Republic City Council itself."

"What could they want with me? I was in a game just minutes before you arrived to whisk me away. Maybe our loss was rigged by your lot." Yei joked, in which the man rolled his eyes.

"You have been summoned to the Jade Moon Hotel for a special briefing, along with a select few others from around the world. I myself do not know all the details, but I was simply asked to give you this envelop in which you are to present the document inside at the hotel as confirmation of your invite." The man continued. Yei nodded. It seemed easy enough, but also rather suspicious. Why couldn't the council simply just fetch her themselves? Were they a bunch of busybodies even at this hour?


Even though the disappointment of the previous night's loss had barely worn off at all, Yei was prepared and ready to go. She had opted to dress up professionally for the occasion, an alleged meeting at the Jade Moon Hotel, with members of the Republic City Council. She was a well-known face across the world, at least to those that followed Pro-bending, so that made her a logical ambassador for whatever they proposed, she supposed.

As Yei approached the hotel entrance she lifted the hood of the robe she had opted to drape over her outfit. It was a clever and discreet way to hide her face, her identity from adoring fans that would undoubtedly gossip if they caught wind of her presence at the hotel today. What official business could the government possibly want with her, they would ask. A blaring question that the firebender was simply not equipped to answer today. Rather, she quietly and discreetly entered the hotel. Once inside she handed her envelop over to the attendant.

"Yei Sugi? Right this way, ma'am." The attendant said as he ushered his new guest towards the correct corridor. She thanked the man and began walking down it and into whatever fate was now laid out for her. Tension, and many butterflies, began to arise within her stomach. She soon found herself overcome with the same sensation she experienced before every championship game. Except this was no championship. It was a mystery, and not necessarily a good one.


The Informant


The sounds of soft jazz music filled the air in the restaurant as people laughed and dined in merriment. Most tables were made up of couples or families that were here celebrating one momentous occasion or the other. The only table that was different was the one Raman himself was at. He had found himself a nice pocket of the restaurant, hidden away such that he could observe without being observed. However, most in the restaurant were too busy with their food or company to pay him any mind anyway. He was meant to be keeping watch on a rumored crime lord that had been extorting low-income families in Republic City. Currently, the target was sat comfortably at a table of 5 - lawyers, by Raman's guess - and laughing away the night like he had no worries in the world. Unconsciously, Raman clicked his tongue in annoyance.

However, he got even more annoyed when someone got in his way, standing directly in his line of sight and not moving. Raman looked up, eyebrow already raised, wondering what sort of fresh madness this was. However, the face he saw was familiar to him. It was Lee, the person that Councilwoman Mei Huong used to contact Raman. With a sigh, Raman crossed his hands behind his head and leaned back.
"Whatever it is, I'm not available. Already on another mission." Lee didn't way a word, but two more people, one male, one female, both dressed as professionally as Lee came and stood behind Raman. He looked around, understanding that this was a demand and no longer a request. "Actually, on second thought, this mission isn't really that important." He stood up and left his payment on the table, even though he'd only gotten some drinks and no actual food. "Let's go; I wonder what fresh hell is being cooked up that you need me to take care of this time."

None of the three that surrounded him spoke, Lee just gestured with his head that they'd be making their way out the door and the four of them left in an orderly manner, undoubtedly earning some looks from the remaining patrons of the restaurant. The three brought Raman to a park where the Councilwoman was waiting, looking like her usual refined self, though a crease on her forehead let him know that whatever this was must be pretty serious.
"Councilwoman, I must say, our meetings aren't usually so dramatic. You're making me nervous."

"As you should be, Raman," she said with a soft sigh. Raman tilted his head in confusion. She was always straightforward but what was with this air of seriousness? "I know that you're aware of the situation with the uncharted continent."

Raman rolled his eyes, thinking that this was like all their previous conversations about that mystery.
"I've already told you everything there is to know. Nobody's getting information out of that place. You know this."

The councilwoman shook her head slowly. "Wrong on both accounts, I'm afraid. The council has made a decision concerning it. You and a few others are to meet at the Jade Moon Hotel where you'll get more information." She handed him an envelope. "You'll take this with you when you go, don't lose it."

Raman's eyes narrowed, hesitantly collecting the envelope from her. Since when was she not able to give him information he needed directly? What was with all the bells and whistles? There was an unsettling energy about this and Raman didn't like one bit of it. However, he also knew that she was the sole reason he had his freedom right now so he wasn't going to complain about it.

"Jade Moon Hotel, got it." He knew the place, he'd met up with the councilwoman there a few times to be briefed about missions, so he figured this would be like the other times. "I'll see you there, then."

Days passed and the time finally came to head to the hotel. Lee and the two others were downstairs waiting for him in a Satomobile. Raman dressed in his usual clothes, mainly because he didn't have any others and the staff at the hotel likely knew him well enough to know that he wasn't just some street bumpkin. When he got into the car, Lee sped off, barely stopping until they all arrived at the hotel, at which point Raman hopped out, gave a quick, informal two-fingered salute, and walked into the hotel. He made it just in time to see a women ushered down a corridor, only for him to be ushered down the very same corridor. Guess the two of them would be working together on this - whatever "this" was. As he walked, he noticed the councilwoman and other members of the council attending to something in the hotel lobby. It was rare that he dealt with the whole council. Whatever was going on certainly seemed to have the Council restless if they were making such a big fuss about it. But, he couldn't exactly blame them. That "continent" made everybody restless, even him.

Mentions: N/A

The sounds of soft jazz music filled the air in the restaurant as people laughed and dined in merriment. Most tables were made up of couples or families that were here celebrating one momentous occasion or the other. The only table that was different was the one Raman himself was at. He had found himself a nice pocket of the restaurant, hidden away such that he could observe without being observed. However, most in the restaurant were too busy with their food or company to pay him any mind anyway. He was meant to be keeping watch on a rumored crime lord that had been extorting low-income families in Republic City. Currently, the target was sat comfortably at a table of 5 - lawyers, by Raman's guess - and laughing away the night like he had no worries in the world. Unconsciously, Raman clicked his tongue in annoyance.

However, he got even more annoyed when someone got in his way, standing directly in his line of sight and not moving. Raman looked up, eyebrow already raised, wondering what sort of fresh madness this was. However, the face he saw was familiar to him. It was Lee, the person that Councilwoman Mei Huong used to contact Raman. With a sigh, Raman crossed his hands behind his head and leaned back. "Whatever it is, I'm not available. Already on another mission." Lee didn't way a word, but two more people, one male, one female, both dressed as professionally as Lee came and stood behind Raman. He looked around, understanding that this was a demand and no longer a request. "Actually, on second thought, this mission isn't really that important." He stood up and left his payment on the table, even though he'd only gotten some drinks and no actual food. "Let's go; I wonder what fresh hell is being cooked up that you need me to take care of this time."

None of the three that surrounded him spoke, Lee just gestured with his head that they'd be making their way out the door and the four of them left in an orderly manner, undoubtedly earning some looks from the remaining patrons of the restaurant. The three brought Raman to a park where the Councilwoman was waiting, looking like her usual refined self, though a crease on her forehead let him know that whatever this was must be pretty serious.
"Councilwoman, I must say, our meetings aren't usually so dramatic. You're making me nervous."

"As you should be, Raman," she said with a soft sigh. Raman tilted his head in confusion. She was always straightforward but what was with this air of seriousness? "I know that you're aware of the situation with the uncharted continent."

Raman rolled his eyes, thinking that this was like all their previous conversations about that mystery. "I've already told you everything there is to know. Nobody's getting information out of that place. You know this."

The councilwoman shook her head slowly. "Wrong on both accounts, I'm afraid. The council has made a decision concerning it. You and a few others are to meet at the Jade Moon Hotel where you'll get more information." She handed him an envelope. "You'll take this with you when you go, don't lose it."

Raman's eyes narrowed, hesitantly collecting the envelope from her. Since when was she not able to give him information he needed directly? What was with all the bells and whistles? There was an unsettling energy about this and Raman didn't like one bit of it. However, he also knew that she was the sole reason he had his freedom right now so he wasn't going to complain about it.

"Jade Moon Hotel, got it." He knew the place, he'd met up with the councilwoman there a few times to be briefed about missions, so he figured this would be like the other times. "I'll see you there, then."

Days passed and the time finally came to head to the hotel. Lee and the two others were downstairs waiting for him in a Satomobile. Raman dressed in his usual clothes, mainly because he didn't have any others and the staff at the hotel likely knew him well enough to know that he wasn't just some street bumpkin. When he got into the car, Lee sped off, barely stopping until they all arrived at the hotel, at which point Raman hopped out, gave a quick, informal two-fingered salute, and walked into the hotel. He made it just in time to see a women ushered down a corridor, only for him to be ushered down the very same corridor. Guess the two of them would be working together on this - whatever "this" was. As he walked, he noticed the councilwoman and other members of the council attending to something in the hotel lobby. It was rare that he dealt with the whole council. Whatever was going on certainly seemed to have the Council restless if they were making such a big fuss about it. But, he couldn't exactly blame them. That "continent" made everybody restless, even him.
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Β» minh bo
γ€Ž Waterbender 』

"Feel the water within the plant. Feel how it flows to every part of the plant and use that to make the flower bow." Minh walked along the row of students, watching them work. She could easily pick out the benders who had learned basic waterbending from her academy, rather than another one. The waterbending of the Foggy Swamp was different from the waterbending of the rest of the world, consisting of more rigid and straight motions rather than the fluid and graceful movements of the North and South. She didn't mind, however, every waterbender was welcome to learn the more advanced technique of plantbending from her academy regardless of where they first trained. Even she herself was a student at a different waterbending academy in the city, learning the graceful moves that the rest of the world associated with waterbending.

"Not so forceful, Iktok, you don't want to remove the water from the plant." Even as she spoke, the waterbender she had stopped in front of moved his hand down and the water ripped out of the sunflower between the two of them. The plant immediately withered, falling limply in a black mass onto the pot. Iktok angrily let the water splash on top of it, where it was absorbed into the potting soil.

A small smile graced Minh's lips at the teen's pouting. She couldn't help but be reminded of her own failures as a child to master plantbending. "It's alright. That happens a lot when you're just starting," she reassured the boy. She turned, heading to the front of the room to get another sunflower for him to work on. She had only taken a few steps when the door to the room opened. A man strode in, wearing a suit so crisp she was sure it was starched. One of her hired instructors, Lien, was quick to follow, their face slowly turning the color of a tomato as they glared at the man's back.

"I'm so sorry for the interruption," Lien said, their eyes flickering briefly to Minh before returning to glare at the man in the suit. Minh had a fondness for Lien; they had made the journey from the Foggy Swamp to Republic City with Minh, along with another member of the tribe, Bao. While Bao had returned to the swamp, Lien had fallen in love with someone from the city and they had chosen to stay permanently and now taught at Minh's academy. "I told him you were teaching a class and to wait, but he wouldn't listen."

"I apologize, but this matter cannot wait." The man's voice was as crisp as his suit. He was standing perfectly straight and still, like a plank of wood, and she briefly wondered if perhaps he had spent some time in the military. Her eyes lingered on the emblem on his jacket, the symbol of Republic City. Did he work for the Council?

Minh looked between Lien's red face and the man's neutral expression. She could feel the eyes of her students on her, and when she looked at them, only a couple quickly turned back to their flowers and pretended to be working. She glanced at the only piece of technology she had in the school: a clock on the wall. Still 30 minutes left of class, too soon to end it early, yet she had the feeling that this man would not be willing to wait patiently until the lesson was over. Besides, even if he did choose to wait, she didn't want her students distracted by him and unable to focus. "It's alright, Lien." She turned to her fellow instructor. "I'll speak with him. Can you take over the class? We're making flowers bow. Iktok needs a new one." Lien agreed, stepping fully into the room as Minh walked to the door.

"Come with me." She swept past the man and into the hall, her bare feet making no noise as she strode along. She led him to the end of the hall and into a small office tucked into the corner. The room small, with barely enough room for the desk and chairs on either side of it. In the corner was a filing cabinet and she had to close one of the drawers just so she could get past it and to the chair sitting behind the desk. She gathered up the papers on the desk and set them on top of the filing cabinet, next to a large potted plant with tendrils of vines falling over the surface of the cabinet before sitting down and motioning the man to sit in the chair in front of the desk. "What can I help you with?"

"I've come on behalf of the City Council," the man said, not bothering the introduce himself. Minh raised a brow as she laced her fingers in front of her on the desk. Had the Council finally decided to take her proposals to instate a representative for the Foggy Swamp Tribe members who had immigrated to the city seriously? No, that wouldn't make sense. They'd have no reason to tell her that directly. Sure she was the next leader of the Foggy Swamp Tribe, but her tribe had little contact with the outside world and thus held very little weight in the matters of the world. Here in the city, she was simply a skilled bender who had won some bending tournaments and ran a school.

The man paused, expecting Minh to say something or ask what the Council wanted with her, but she merely sat there, waiting for him to continue. When it became clear that she had no intention of interrupting him, he cleared his throat and continued. "I've been instructed to invite you to the Jade Moon Hotel." He reached into his jacket and removed an envelope, sliding across the desk to her. "You are to attend a special meeting at the hotel. Simply show that envelope to the staff at the hotel and they'll take you where you need to go."

Minh took the envelope, inspecting it carefully. Finally she spoke, "what is this meeting for?

The man shook his head. "I apologize, but I was not given that information."

She turned the envelope over in her fingers idly as she studied the man. A mysterious meeting in a fancy hotel? How intriguing. She could hardly pass that up. "Why was I chosen for this meeting?" If she could get that information, perhaps she could gain some insight on what the meeting was for.

"I only know that your bending skills and local reputation have attracted the attention of certain members of the Council."

Bending and reputation, interesting. What exactly was her local reputation? She knew the people in the Dragon Flats borough were she lived, for the most part, admired her and often came to her for help and advice. Was that what they meant? Or was it perhaps her interest in the local politics and demands for fair treatment for the Foggy Swamp Tribe members who had moved to the city that made her reputation? Or maybe it was something else entirely. She doubted this man knew the answer.

"Very well. I'll attend this meeting at the Jade Moon Hotel."

The man nodded, said his goodbyes and left the office. Minh's eyes were trained to the envelope in her hands, still turning it over and over again.

Three days later, Minh stood outside the Jade Moon Hotel. She caught the eye of the doorman, who looked her up and down, his gaze lingering on her clothes and bare feet. She hadn't considered her attire when she left her apartment. She didn't have any clothing that could be considered formal or fancy, and hadn't put on shoes out of habit. Around her ankles were green pieces of fabric that covered part of the tops of her feet, but it was still clear she was barefoot.

She half-expected the doorman to turn her away, but his gaze finally drifted from her feet to the envelope in her hand and he opened the door with a polite "welcome to the Jade Moon Hotel." She slipped inside and approached the desk, handing her envelope to the attendant there.

"Come with me, Miss Bo," the attendant said, before leading her through the hotel and to the correct corridor.

At the end of the corridor she went through a door, entering a large meeting-type room. Two other people were already in there and, from the set-up of the room, they were expecting quite a few more. So this wasn't to be a private meeting with the Council, then. Something big was happening here. "Hello. I'm Minh Bo, of the Foggy Swamp Water Tribe." Though Minh had lived in Republic City since she was 16, she still saw herself as a member of the Foggy Swamp Tribe rather than a citizen of the United Nations. She smiled at the other two, figuring she might as well introduce herself before they got started on whatever this meeting was about.
code by @Nano
Fumiko sighed as she sat back on her seat as she looked out of the passenger side window, watching the city go by as she was driven to the Jade hotel. She would usually drive herself there, but the stump that once made up what was left of her left arm was particularly painful this morning. She hated being in a car as passenger, it allowed her mind to wonder, which some of the time was a good thing, her best idea came when she let her mind wonder. However, her mind was a special sort of machine, chucking along with thought after thought, never letting one percolating long enough before going to the other. One random thought after the other which left unchecked led her to places that were unpleasant or left her stressed and unable to relax.

She needed an activity to focus her mind on or a nice big glass of wine to slow it down. Sadly, she needed to remain sober for the task at hand and the only activity remained to her was scratching the back of Ling Lings ear. The tiger monkey had perched herself over the dossiers she had on her lap and demanded attention, something Fumiko could not deny. Ling Ling burred contently under her hand. "Some personal support animal you are..." She complained jokingly in a low to her. "Seems i am always servicing you."

"Hmmm.....What was that?" The old man next to her wearing the dark blue robes and silver mantle of the white lotus seemed to have finally woken up. He set up from his seat and cleared his throat and grunted. The ones finest metal benders, Zaofu produced, was barely into his sixties but might as well been in his seventies. The once muscled man and pro bender turned to pot a couple of years after retirement with thinning greying hair and began their meaning, reminding himself of his own name. "Bi-Han... Platinum Sabretooth Moose..." He muttered his name under his breath as tried to remember what he was meant to do. It was suspected that Bi-Han suffered to many earth discs in this probending days.

Fumiko just rolled his eyes, trying to imagine what it would be like for the avatar to be trained under this man. "Nothing, we were finalizing details about the Expedition, sir." Bi-Han was sent by the order to oversee the expedition leaving. Due to her reputation, they did not quite trust Fumiko even though she was part of the organization as well and helped organize it and bring in a couple of members in the first place. She wondered why they send Bi Han in the first place, the council was fully aware of his issues. They were plenty of other council members who would have been better micromanagers and overseers. Maybe it was a sign of the bureaucratic and factionalism in the order, the expedition was received with mixed responses by the order, some thought it was a fools errant and that the Avatar will come out of the Earth kingdom eventually, others saw the necessity while others wanted to move beyond the avatar and trust in themselves to maintain balance. In a vote, the council mandated a senior member to oversee Fumiko and the expedition while her supported got Bi-Han because he would be ineffectual. Ineffectual did not mean it was not annoying, like talking to a brick wall during briefing when he was even awake.

"Ah yes... Of course... The expedition… Bloody waste of time... Avatar cycle says... Earth Kingdom... Lu Bai will find the little pipsqueak..."

"Lu Bai passed on a couple of years ago, master Bi Han." She reminded him for the tenth time in this car ride. "Besides, the expedition is happening regardless. Might as well see if they get lucky." Lucky would be a thing, she did her best to get the ship ready to face anything that might meet in the journey. Even designed new radios in the hope they will work during the interference reported by other attempts. However, information is limited and was not sure what to expect. It was troubling, she had to trust in the people that joined the expedition. They were all good people with considerable skill but none have done anything like this before. Something so important, a left to chance.

Bi Han groaned and waived his hand dismissively, showing some irritation. "I know... I know... Haven't lost it just yet... Still think it is a waste of time..." He began to say. Fumiko groaned and went to retort but saw the old man had gone back to sleep. She looked back at her tiger monkey.

"If i get like that, please eat me." She said. The tiger monkey meowed in answer, lifting its hand to touch her cheek in an affectionate gesture, her tail tapping Fumiko chest as it moved back and forth. The car soon stopped outside the hotel and the driver opened the boot and her door. Fumiko stepped out and adjusted her black skirt and red blouse. "Ling Ling, arm red brown!" She ordered and Ling jumped out of the car on to the roof before moving to the back grabbing one of the prosthetics. It was one of the dress models rather than her combat ones, made of red wood which match her blouse. Despite being a dress model, it still had some self-defence features, such as a teaser. "Good girl" She said taking a treat out of the pocket of the tiger monkey handing it over before taking the prosthetic and putting it on. Once she was done, the driver had taken out her suitcases, handed them to the bell boy. She took out a couple of coins and handed them to the driver. "Take him on the first ship to the air temple, let them handle him." She instructed the driver as ling ling perched on her shoulder, chewing on her treat.

She took her handbag before climbing the steps to enter the hotel and made her way toward the meeting room.
Suzu (#cc3366)

β€œCsssk chssss…”

The radio hissed off to the side while Suzu practiced. Running from one end of the ships deck to the other to the rhythm of the static she was a colorful blip amongst the scenery of the sea.

In. Out. Up. Down.

The paper butterflies Suzu used to mark off the area bobbed up and down with each breath she took as she bent the air away from herself to them to keep the colorful origami creatures aloft. While a more intense method than some others may use to train their bending Suzu enjoyed it since both her bending and stamina could be improved at the same time.

β€œBa ba ba,” The radio sang out a jaunty tune. Seems like they made it close enough to land to finally picking up a signal which in turn was Suzu’s signal to get cleaned up and ready for landfall. A quick trip to the cabin she had claimed on the fire nation merchant ship was all it took to get everything in order. Hauling out her carry-on suitcase Suzu couldn’t help but think it was a shame she had to hitch a ride on this one. Not because it wasn’t a passenger ship but because of some matters she had to attend to at the palace she missed the chance to ride on the same one as Fire Lord Dosu. Squinting at the distance it seemed she still had a bit of time before the start of her act so she riffled through her suitcase for some postcards.

β€œGreetings Zenjiro,

How have you been? I hope this finds you well if I am not able to catch you in person. While I will be in your area, I am unsure if I will have the time to stop in for a visit but wanted to pass long a gift I brought with me from the fire nation. It is some plum wine that I made myself! People have described the taste as trash and something they wouldn’t wish upon their worst enemy so I thought it would fit right in with the other alcohol you have at your business. If you ever need to have someone politely leave and never return a cup of this will most likely do the trick.



P.S. keep it out of sunlight. It won’t ruin the flavor or anything but the jar is just the right shape to harness the suns energy to make a fire.

P.S.S. I have been well.

P.S.S.S. I did not find out it makes a fire though experiencing it myself.”

Being close to Zenjiro wasn’t Suzu’s goal as much as it was useful to maintain a connection with someone in the city with property in case she needed to hide out there for a while or have a base of operations for work. A post card and a visit now and then was the least she could do to keep the connection going.

For the next letter she used her air bending to manipulate her pencil to sketch a nice picture on it. While Suzu didn’t expect to need to show off some sort of entertainment skill on the mission it was good to keep in practice. Adore with a tasteful thirst trap of Fire Lord Dosu the Ha-chaa~ radiating off it would set a good tone for the postcard. Kicking her feet girlishly she wrote the message,

β€œHey Shu,

Guess what? I’m heading to the republic tee hee! I doubt you’ll be around so I’ll cram this in with the other letters that must be waiting for you lol. How have you been? As you can see, I’ve been doing well practicing my drawings but I still lack your perchance to abandon your duties for wanderlust to leave the fire nation for very long so surprise I am here for work! I know who would have thought I would be leaving the palace to travel like you do. The weather right now is breezy because I am on the sea….I guess tis the sea-son : >!”

Suzu continued to write pointless things until every single inch was crammed with text. Shu had enough going for her that even with her frequent travels Suzu would make sure to try and have good relations. If something went wrong in the earth kingdom, she was sure she could manipulate Shu into helping her out since the best way to manipulate the woman was an illusion of friendship…but the question was Shu’ld she? Yes lol.

With those done Suzu laid on the deck letting her chi spread into the air around her sensing both everything and nothing. The ocean breeze, the cries of the birds, and the rhythm of the waves joined with the radio to set the backdrop for her thoughts.

Given she was one of those chosen for the mission by Lord Dosu’s over others in his service it must mean that he had reason to do so rather than asking those who better represented the fire nation or held more of his trust. Surely it wasn't due to her skill or love of the radio. Suzu was realistic enough to know she wasn’t famous for her performances so it couldn’t be to flex social clout either. Since others specialized in her…field of work the only logical explanation was being the strongest expendable person. Since Suzu had to travel to republic city it was most likely a joint venture between nations. Politically she had enough going for her to not slight anyone else in whatever agreement Lord Dosu was planning and if things went south Suzu would have no value as a hostage. Didn’t some people die on that new island or something? Maybe they would be competing to stake a claim in it by solving the problem that could give some political clout since even defeat could spin a good sob story to manipulate the masses. It would have been nice if Lord Dosu explained it more when he sent along the paperwork Suzu needed for it...

Well at the end of the day it didn’t matter. So, with a jingle jangle Suzu disembarked from the boat once it pulled up to the dock casting a wide curious gaze like some common tourist would. As fun as it was to observe how the hustle and bustle of the city had changed since her last visit she needed to focus on the sights, smells, and sounds of the area in case she needed to vanish within the crowed as part of her work. It seemed like an attendant was waiting for her so Suzu left them to handle transporting her luggage so she could make haste. Sadly since it was an official duty she would need to wait until after things were settled to drop of her postcards. Elegant haste graced her steps since maybe if she was quick enough to make it to the Jade Moon hotel Suzu could spot Lord Dosu and if she was lucky enough, she could see him miscalculating the distance to sit in a chair or something. Such a sight would surely fill her with mirth tee hee.

Entering the hotel Suzu gave her polite greetings to those she needed to before being lead down a hallway by another attendant.

It seemed like some people had already arrived before her. Suzu didn’t know if she should introduce herself right away or not so it was best to play it safe. She gave a bow to those in the room causing her hat to slip off. Whoopsie! She caught before it fell to the floor and held onto it since she would have been taking it off for the meeting anyways. Wearing an innocent curious expression, she observed the room to see how people reacted to her entrance and presence.
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Tashi was a little sad to be leaving the town she had been staying in for weeks now, the people here were so friendly and helpful to her research! She planned to make this town a prominent chapter in her memoirs down the road, but she was young yet, and still had many adventures to set out on while helping good people along the way. Compared to life in the Southern Air Temple, the world was vast and mysterious, full of beauty and danger, complex and intriguing all at once. She took in the clean air with a deep breath, right into her lungs, a smile on her face as she walked the path out of the town and down a winding road. Letting out an exhale, she paused for a moment then grabbed her satchel to take out her log as well as her fancy pen that she got as a souvenir from Republic City. She began to write some notes down to her future self:

The Wind guides me on the path to knowledge, and I shall not falter. There is much to learn outside of my temple home, and come what may, I must not forget what I've set out to do. History will be remembered for generations to come through my works, but above all the memories of the good people I've met along the way will never be forgotten. That is why I am out here, that is why I must record and document everything that happens. Because to forget History, is to forget ourselves, and our heritage.

Putting her book and pen away, she took out her glider when a fellow female Airbender, older than Tashi herself, flew down on a glider and landed about a foot before her. Tashi jumped back a bit with a yelp, then let out an exasperated sigh while rubbing her temple with an index finger and thumb. "For goodness' sake, Amala, you practically crashed into me! Be more careful next time?"

"Apologies, Tashi!"
The overly excited Airbender said while panting for breath, seemed she was in a right hurry but kept a friendly smile despite her frazzled state. "I've been sent to come find you, I was told you were staying at this town. Sho Pei needs you in Republic City, it's time for the expedition."

Tashi's eyes widened a bit in surprise, but her grin was wide. "Excellent! At last, we're finally going to investigate that mysterious new land that came from nowhere. This is going to be the most exciting adventure I've been on, and no doubt the research will be fruitful! I'm dedicating an entire book to this, Amala, I can't tell you how eager I am to set foot there, as dangerous as it is." She smiled sheepishly at that, "But! We must not be deterred by risk in the name of research and documentation."

Amala stared at Tashi for a moment with a quirked brow and sighed a bit with a worried smile, "You make it sound like I'm coming with you, and I'm not! I'm too scared to go there, anyway, you're very brave, Tashi."

"What's an expedition without a little danger, or life in general for that matter? Regardless, it's time to travel to Republic City."
Tashi beamed, and with her glider, she took to the skies along with Amala towards Republic City, which thankfully wasn't too far from the town Tashi had been staying in.

Upon arrival, Tashi and Amala both landed in front of the Jade Moon Hotel where the others were meeting up, and taking lead, Tashi walked in while folding up her glider and putting it on her back, Amala doing the same for her own. The two greeted the attendants who lead them to a meeting room, and with her head held high Tashi walked in with Amala trailing behind. She looked around at the other benders, from water to fire to Earth, and she pouted slightly for a moment. "Surely I cannot be the only Airbender here, right?"

"I'm here too, y'know."
Amala huffed and looked to Tashi with squinted eyes.

"I mean aside from the two of us, silly!" Tashi defended, rolling her eyes. "We'll just have to wait and see who else arrives. In the meantime, we'll just relax."

Airbender and Scholar


  • filler tab!

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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Zenjiro Hayashi

A mound of flour slammed against a smooth wooden kitchen countertop, just before getting filled with water and kneaded with experienced hands. Crafting hand-pulled noodles required the right amount of discipline, timing, and in this case, teamwork. Another set of hands swapped out the kneaded dough with one previously left to stand. All of this just before the main man stretched out the dough at its most elastic state, roughly tugging the end of the dough upward with a wide arm span and letting momentum twist it. His seamless repetition continued till he rested the thick braided rope of dough against the table and sliced it into foot-long portions.

"Keepin' up?" The gray-eyed chef glanced at his apprentice who intently nodded in observation.

The chef smirked as he swiftly took a portion into his hand, rolled it in a thin layer of dough, pulled both ends apart, and brought the ends together. Repeat. His fingers masterfully maneuvered between multiple ropes of dough, multiplying with every repetition till he fully split 128 noodles after 10 seconds.

Now for the best part. The man threw his homemade noodles into hot water before shifting them into a bowl of steaming broth and finally garnishing with green onions, chili sauce, cilantro, and 6 thin slices of beef. "Beef noodle soup!" His apprentice called out, ready to help out however she could. "Eat it before I do!" Zenjiro gruffly followed up, stepping into the open kitchen window's line of exposure as he placed the warm bowl of goodness by its frame. His hair was tousled after a long day of work, mainly from his quick transition out of a police uniform into a ming shirt topped with a black apron lined with brown leather straps. But all that didn't stop him from flashing a smile at a customer seated by their bar.

CLANG. Pfft. A cloud of flour poofed upward from out of frame, lightly layering the lower left side of Zen's face as he tightly shut an eye on reflex. "Sorry, boss!" The apprentice's voice echoed from the kitchen as a giggle emitted from the customer.

Zen shifted his attention back to his apprentice who stood there grimacing under a red tint. "Flourbending, huh? . . new," He lifted the small towel draped over his left shoulder when the door swung open, revealing someone almost running into him.

The entering lady stopped herself from stepping further into Zen as he indifferently rubbed the towel downward against the left side of his face. Silence. She power posed in front of him with her official uniform after a moment of breaking character. Meanwhile, Zen's steady gray gaze remained unaffected as he simply wondered what someone like her was doing in his kitchen. This wasn't exactly the first time something along these lines happened . . Shu. The visiting woman peeked over at his apprentice, a view immediately covered by Zenjiro's frame shifting closer to hone in focus between them, "And you are-?"

"Zenjiro Hayashi," She interrupted, stating his government name as his helper scurried back to work on the roast duck at the far end of the surprisingly massive kitchen. "Remarkable name, maam," Zen nodded at his dismissed question. "I am here with sensitive information on behalf of the Republic City Council," She continued prior to handing him an envelope. Zenjiro received the envelope sealed with an official mark. He worked with official marks before, but this representative was much younger than the typical middle-aged messenger. Hm, she also left no room for questions. "Jade Moon Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Bring the envelope to the front desk," Then she paused, mildly squinting her eyes after realizing she ended up leaving a few seconds for questioning- "Your knife-cut noodles with roast duck will be out shortly," Zenjiro glanced over his shoulder at his apprentice running around before diverting his attention back to her, "Takoyaki on the side, topped with katsuobushi per usual." Her serious look slightly cracked at his recognition. She was part of the crowd that frequented his tavern. Naturally, he'd seen her off duty many times before. Who could forget a client with an amazing appetite?

Both nodded in mutual understanding as the representative exited the kitchen door and returned to her seat. Zenjiro turned his focus back to his apprentice in time to see the widest noodle cuts in the world- "Ey knife-cut, not sword-cut." The head chef smoothly intercepted his apprentice's clump of dough, demonstrating an angled cut of his blade as he tilted the dough accordingly with each shave, "Gotta rush this set. Take a backseat and toss us up some fireflakes, will ya?" The panicked apprentice nodded in appreciation before fumbling with a tube of fireflakes and almost expertly throwing an even amount up for her and Zenjiro.

After a brief moment from the outside listening in, all anyone could hear was Zen's voice breaking the barrier just past the hustle and bustle beyond their kitchen, "CHEEHOO! These flakes are kickin'!"


Vroom. Bratatat.

A motorcycle slid into a clean parallel park alongside a curb just before its engine switched off. Zen routinely flicked his withdrawn key to the more populated side of its ring as he stood from the vehicle and wore his jacket all in one smooth motion, then made his way into the hotel. The establishment was familiar to him as a prior meeting point with friends who, on the rare occasion, didn't crash at his place. A chill place to be.

He walked into the lobby and handed the envelope to the desk dude in exchange for a room key and a gesture for him to head in a direction. Room key, huh? Zen flipped the item in his hand at the thought of his messenger never telling him to pack. Meh, what did it matter? His place was nearby anyway. After exchanging a few more casual remarks with the desk dude and trading a few jokes, Zen was off to the meeting room. He kept the interaction short, only for the desk dude to let loose a bit. That, and the fact that this waterbender had no idea what he was getting himself into . . . again.

Eventually, Zen casually paced into the room. More than a handful of people were already present, and seemingly just as ready as him to figure out what was going on. Hm, or maybe it was just his luck to have a two and a half sentence exchange from his recruiter. Zen's tongue clicked as his gaze scanned the area. "Afternoon," He nodded to the group in a brief introduction. "Name's Zen. How's it goin'?" He tilted his head toward them, angling his features in a better light till his attention stopped at a few familiar faces. The absolute most random duo in the world if you asked him. Minh and Suzu in the same spot. Zen stepped in between them, adjusting the cuff of his sleeve at his wrist. He was prepared to get started on whatever was happening. With that thought in mind, his brows slightly furrowed in determination at the brief silence between the two. Now for the most important question, " . . Where's the food?"

IcarusEm IcarusEm galvanismgal galvanismgal @whoever else would like to join in




Jade Moon Hotel




(If you don't want to read "A Few Days Prior", then "The Day of the Meeting" is below it!)

A Few Days Prior

Shu was in the far reaches of the Earth Kingdom, making her way back from a Northern Water Tribe visit. She had visited a friend who would let her in on some gossip, and provided some good food for the road trip back; a variety of jerkies that were her favorite, Pitsik, Pollock and Haddock - that she would give to Zen, and Lapskaus for her travels out of the north. As she stopped into town Shu shared her jerky with some children who were playing nearby. The children had instantly become curious to see a traveler, and swarmed her like bees to honey. She chuckled as she didn't mind interacting with children, and giving them some of the trinkets she collected. After spending time with the children she made her way into town to find an Inn. Originally her plan was to keep going to see if she could make it to the next town, but Shu decided it be best to stay overnight after noticing cumulonimbus clouds in the distance paired with the direction the wind seemed to blow. Luckily, while asking a few locals she discovered the town also had a post office, grocery shop, tavern, and a few other buildings. Because she traveled often, only having a rough idea of her pit stops then the letters she received from Suzu and Raman could be up to a year old. Nonetheless, the letters made her day, and when she went home she stored all of them away in a safe place.

Shu remembers traveling to this town before, but only once with her family as a child. the landscape was similar to her minus a few new structures from the towns growth over the years. That's good, she thought to herself. She checked into the Inn earlier in the day, and as the evening was approaching she sat alone in the taverns bar with some adobo chicken wings and a Gin/Tonic mix. The drink was an easy refreshing mix, and the meal was fulfilling. She asked the bartender for another drink, and that's when they started to engage in small talk as the bar was yet to be busy. She caught up with the events of the area, the latest bandit crime, and any detours she may need to make once the storm clears.

"-You may have to take a bridge, and the bridge may not be secure as it once was but it'll get ya to the next town."

"Thanks uh, what's your name?"

"I go by Guo 'round here."

"Yes sir, Guo it is!" Shu pauses. "how old are ya?"

"27 ma'am."
He answers while placing the next drink by the empty glass shu had already used.

"Wow, not to far from me." Shu glanced down at the drink, and watched as Guo took the empty cup to wash. "Do ya live nearby?"

He simply said while moving to another side of the bar to wash the drink. "My wife an' our 4 kids live just up the road."

Shu sensed Guo was telling her he was clearly taken, and raised her hands as she chuckled. "I don't mean it like that. I'm not looking for anyone to get with tonight," She quickly clarified. "I'm just lookin' to make a friend in the area, since ya know the area well and I plan to come by more."

Guo grinned, and slid closer to her. "Well, glad that's out in the open." He laughed.

Shu laughed along with him, and they continued talking as someone swung the doors of the tavern open.

A male in the typical Earth Kingdom military outfit walked in with an arrogant strut to him, not looking at anything else in the place but Shu. He made his way through the Tavern to the bar area with his 2 assistants trailing behind that seemed almost exact replicas of him, and stood a mere 2 feet away in front of Shu. She had her body half towards the bar area and half towards him, curious to see what was about to unfold. Abruptly, the male officer fell down to one knee as the others 2 followed, offering their respects to Shu. "Major General Ming, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He says a loud.

Oh no...Shu thought as her casual demeanor disappeared, and was followed by a glare in his direction. she readjusted in her seat to directly face the male officer, scowling down at him as she responded. "It is NOT a pleasure to make yours." She said plainly as each word filled the room. "Get out." She stated loud and clear, those 2 words sharply stabbing him. Without saying another word the male and his 2 assistants left the Inn to wait outside. Shu looked back at the bartender, and gave a small smile. "I apologize for that..."

The bartender slightly nodded, and bowed to her. That action alone upset Shu as it was indirectly stating she had lost his connection, and possibly the towns friendliness. Nodding once to herself she stood up, placed the money carefully on the table, and gave the bartender a glance as he stayed in a bowed position. She then walked out of the Tavern to the Inn she was staying at, not acknowledging the male military officer as she passed him.

It would take no more than an hour for everyone in town to find out that she was once a military officer, and in 2 hours she would requested to leave from the Inn. The smaller towns did not take a liking to military personnel as many officers tend to cause problems, and disrupt the way of things. Though, officially the military provides income to the small towns as officers pay for services like the tavern or the grocery shop, and protection from any possible harm or disaster that may befall them. However, because of this complex system Shu avoids mentioning any affiliation to the Earth Kingdoms Military altogether, to avoid small towns obligations to respect her. All she ever wants is to be nothing but a traveler. That's it...

Before news spread to the Inn keepers Shu checked out of the room, went upstairs, grabbed her hiking backpack, and made her way out of the Inn to meet the officer who caused her problems. She is not happy at all.

"Report. NOW." She said through clenched teeth as she tried to maintain composure. If it was up to her she would have let loose, but there were townsfolk watching, and she wanted to maintain the smallest amount of respect she had left in this town. The male officer introduced himself as he saluted Shu. "Major General-"

"Do not call me that." She snapped. "Call me Ming. Continue."

"Er, Ming, yes. I am Captain Liu of the 32nd company. I was entrusted to find you, and to bring you back to Republic City on an upmost urgent matter."

"Who gave you this order? Unless it is Major General Chen, who has specific orders on summoning me, I will go nowhere."

"Yes Major-er, Ming, I have this here." he pulled out a letter from his pocket. Shu snatched the letters from his hands, and tears the one with Chen's official wax seal on it. She reads through the contents, and confirms it is from Major General Chen. She scoffs, and puts the letters in her pocket. "Fine."

Turning away from the officers Shu notices a shiny Satomobile nearby. "Is that yours?"

"Yes Ming!" Captain Liu says aloud as Shu gives him an annoyed side eye. "I will be escorting you back-"

Shu raises her hand for Liu to quit speaking as any word that comes from his mouth is irritating her.

"Wonderful. Well, it seems I don't need an escort as I am a big girl." Shu says as she starts to walk away, with Captain Liu and his 2 assistants walk after her.

With another raise of her hand they stop, and she turns back around. "I will be taking that," She points her thumb in the vehicles direction. "And you will make your way back to your base on foot." She said casually as Captain Liu froze in place, his face beginning to turn a red color. Knowing he can't respond unless spoken to, Shu turns back around and walks over to the vehicle. Taking one turn around the satomobile she whistled at its beauty, and opened the door to the back of the vehicle. tossing her large backpacking pack in the back seat Shu closed the door, and hopped into the front driver seat. Officers didn't care to leave the car keys in the ignition, as any idiot who took the chance to steal a military vehicle be apprehended if possible, or killed on sight.

cranking the satomobile on Shu made her way to base. How did she know where the base was? She didn't. The signs along the main road was a clear indication of where the base was in the area. As she made it to base Shu arranged for an air balloon to Republic City, and sent a letter back to Major General Chen on her frustrations and disappointment towards Captain Liu. There was a reason she demanded Chen only as he was very casual whenever summing Shu for anything. The way Captain Liu appeared before her was unacceptable. One of the officers let her know it would be a day or 2 at the earliest before an air balloon would be available for her to take considering her unexpected visit, so she made herself comfortable in the meantime. In this time she read what the other letter had inside of it per Chen's request, and then placed the letter away in a safe spot as she would need to provide it when reaching the Jade Moon Hotel. Instead of staying in her provided room, Shu kept busy by conversing with the officers if not making them nervous by being around, taking over one of the platoons afternoon training for fun, and racing other officers up a mountain with her winning. Unlucky for her an air balloon came in 2 days later, but the timing was perfect as that's the day the meeting would take place.

The Day of the Meeting

Shu had made it to Republic City with enough time to spare in the day, so she detoured over to Zen's Tavern to drop off the fish. recognizing the cook for the day Shu sparked a conversation with him, and asked where Zen was as she had a surprise for him. Though, the cook let her know Zen was out for the day, which saddened Shu. She gave the frozen fish bags to the cook to store and let him know to relay a message for Zen. "Tell him I'm going to stop by tomorrow, if you see him anytime today. If I come by and he's not here, could you make my favorite dish?" The cook let her know he could, so Shu thanked him again and left to the hotel.

Today she decided to wear a more formal travel ready outfit then what she normally wears on her adventures around the world. the outfit was the most comfortable as well as flexible in case she needed to use her bending in the near future, and was also the best option for looking presentable. She paired her outfit with some trousers, and craft made sandals she bought in one of the small towns she was in. Completing her outfit was a pair of earrings bought from the same town, and her hair combed down as it naturally fell below her waist. In her large backpack she had other clothing options in case she dealt with different nature elements on her travels, since she liked to travel in style.

The hotel was a distance away, but Shu didn't mind walking. Taking moments to pause and let the city scenery sink in Shu slowly made her way to the hotel. She was early, and felt no need to rush to the event. In that time frame she considered what could be important for Chen of all people to request her presence in the manner he did. It seemed as though the mission was time sensitive, and came from even above him....

Their agreement from the time she retired was for Chen to find her, and appear before her himself without the uniform on as Captain Liu had done so boldly. She made it abundantly clear to Chen that she wanted only significant missions to come her way. Doing so, she would know that the missions he provided were important enough to be worth her time. One of the main reasons for being discreet was because Officially she was retired from the military, but unofficially she still did reconnaissance, surveying, and Intel gathering for Chen. There wasn't a time she actually needed to engage in combat, but more so engaged in small skirmishes due to people not liking someone prying into their business. These missions kept her busy, and provided her the money she needed to continue her travel adventures. She could technically use her family's funds, but they would monitor her every move if she did. Plus, Chen was a good friend of hers, and she'd do what she could to help him and him only. Once she completed his requests then he would pay her in cash, and that was normally the end of it. So, what would be so important for Chen to break their agreed on protocol to give her this mission? She has no idea.

Making it to the lobby of the hotel Shu whistled as she walked up to the front desk. The hotel was a luxury hotel, and there had been some renovations done since the last time she was here. Placing her envelope on the lobby counter she flashed a smile to the staff worker. After providing her name and identification she was given a key and a room number. Interesting, she thought. Shu wasn't expecting a room for her visit, but was glad she was given a luxury room to stay in for the night. Making her way to her designated room she placed her belongings on the entry floor, and surveyed the room with her eyes while closing the door behind her. In situations like this she wanted to know if her every move was being watched, and if so, then Chen would definitely be hearing from her sooner than the letter could reach him. Taking roughly an hour to turn the room upside down Shu nodded to herself as there was nothing to indicate she was being monitored. Once she was done Shu took a few small items out of her bag, and placed 1 on the ground near the door that would activate once she left. The other 1 was placed near the window, and 1 more was placed on the wall near the vent in the room.

They were all wooden trinkets that she made while learning different crafting techniques from villages that were not on the Earth Kingdom map; villages that maintained old Earth Kingdom traditions, bending styles, and trade. They sustained themselves, and never relied on help from anyone outside their village. Here, she learned how to make many things including what she was using currently. Making her trinkets was difficult work, and took weeks to make 1, but they worked every single time. They activate similar to a lock mechanism, so Shu would use her bending to lock the inside of the trinket in place while she was away from a room or area. Once someone stepped into the very narrow area of the trinket then it would unlock, and within 3 seconds would spray a paint that would only come off after a few days. Shu is the only one able to lock the trinket again before that happens, which is why she uses them when she doesn't feel safe somewhere.

Heading back towards the front Desk Shu let the same attendant who assisted her with the room know she was ready for the meeting. "Yes, the meeting is this way Ms. Ming."

Following the attendant Shu went to a corridor that led to 2 large open doors, and she could briefly make out a few figures already inside. As she entered Shu scanned the room without moving any further inside, and was completely taken aback by the familiar faces she saw. Zen, Suzu, and Raman were among the ones she was closest to, but on top of that she noticed a wide variety of other benders. Seated at the table were also a few key figures she had met in the past, some of them looking at her to see why she stopped abruptly. Figures she hoped to never see again for as long as she lived.

What the fuck has Chen gotten me into...She thought, while maintaining her exterior composure.

Clearing her throat Shu gave a smile as she made her way in. Hearing Zen speak, Shu responded while making her way to an empty seat. "Zen!" she said aloud to catch his attention. "This doesn't seem like a meeting where we'll be having any food." She chuckled, albeit attempting to maintain composure in a situation that she was extremely unsure of. "How about we grab some food after?" She grinned his way as she sat down, and made a mental note to ask Suzu and Raman if they would like to join, seeing as they were now all involved in something big.

nine lives

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Ayane Tanaka
Music flowed through the air, almost dancing with its listeners as they drank and whirled around the small outside performance area, shoes occasionally kicking up light clouds of dust. Wooden crates and recycled benches found new purposes as seating for the attending townsfolk, and various popup shops were crafted out of similar material. Standing upon the stage, if one could even call it that, was none other than the traveling musician herself. "Alright everyone, what a great way to end the night. Let's give one more big round of applause for Thauma and the High Notes!" The emerald-eyed girl gave a brief curtsy with her companions and the crowd erupted into cheers. While they made their way backstage, adrenaline coursing through her veins, Ayane couldn't help but feel a rush of satisfaction.

Kiriko walked beside her, her usually calm demeanor broken by her quiet form of excitement. She absentmindedly tapped the side of her leg as though she were still pressing down on the notes of her keyboard. "Someone's in a good mood," Ayane nudged her lightly with an elbow, a giggle escaping her lips. Just up ahead was Kiriko's brother, Yuto. The lute player's stoic and cold expression greatly contrasted the two girls' positivity, seemingly lost in his thoughts regarding the night's performance. Haru brought up the rear, his already overwhelming ego bolstered after tonight's success. "Looks like someone else isn't," He remarked as he ran past, cutting off Yuto to play a little victory song from his serpent.

"Would you shut that thing up, Haru? I'm trying to think."

"You're always thinking, Yuto. Lighten up, we did great out there! And it was for a county fair, it's not like we're playing for the avatar themselves." He shrugged, rushing past the group to begin packing his equipment. Ayane couldn't help but chuckle at their banter. She's gotten pretty close with them after doing so many shows together, and she's not finding their arrangement regrettable. It was sad to think that their little band would ever end. She took her place next to Haru and began carefully putting away her flute. "You know, he isn't wrong, Yuto. We did well. Try to lighten up a little!" She gave the dark-haired waterbender a playful nudge. A sigh escaped his lips as he played with the strings of his instrument. "Yeah, maybe you're right..." He trailed off. "I just-"

"Ayane Tanaka."

The pair jumped back in unison as the rough, authoritative voice cut through the air. Towering over them was a well-dressed woman staring directly at Ayane with an unwavering intensity. Before she could even reply, the woman spoke once more. "I've come on behalf of Councilman Sho Pei. Please follow me to a more secure location." A look of confusion made it's way to the musician's face which quickly replaced itself with curiosity. 'What would Sho Pei want with me? Why couldn't she tell me here? This must be serious...' She waved away her thoughts and looked back to her bandmates before giving the woman a small nod. "O...kay? Lead the way."


"I have to go."

"Why, though? What the hell do they want with you in Republic City anyway!?" Yuto's words were filled with anger and resentment. Ayane tried to ignore them, packing up the remainder of her items as quickly as she could. 'I don't know.' She wanted to say, but she knew that would only anger him more. She had to choose her words carefully. "So, you're just bailing on us? What about our agreement? What are we gonna do without you, we need you." Wide, blue eyes pierced into her own, water forming in their tear ducts. "Kiri, I-" Ayane stopped and turned to console her friend. Before she could even take a step, Haru pulled her away. "We had an agreement, Tanaka." The group stood in front of her, all waiting for a response. Their eyes pierced into her soul and their words into her heart.

"Look...this was a hard decision for me. I love playing with you guys, and I don't want to back out of our arrangement. But this isn't just anybody, this is the Council. If they need me, it has to be important and I can't ignore them. You all sound great without me anyway, you don't need my bending! And I promise when I get back-"

"Just go," Yuto cut her off. "Leave already."

Surprised, Ayane looked to the other two for any retaliation. Instead, their heads went down in silent agreement. With a nod, the airbender turned, sachel at her side, and took a few steps.

"I'm sorry."

And with that, she was gone.



Ayane bursts through the doors, a gust of wind making its way through the building carrying scraps of paper and leaves in with it. Frantically, the girl brushes down the loose ends of her hair and fixes the hem of her dress all while she quite clumsily makes her way over the front desk. "H-Hello, welcome to the Jade Moon Hotel. How may I be of service?" The startled, yet welcoming staff member greets her. "Uhm, yes! Hello, hope you're doing well today. I'm here in regards to...one moment." Her hands find their way to the brown, tattered satchel at her side, digging through its contents before emerging again with an envelope. The once pristine letter now bore crinkles and a few small tears, the pure white color stained yellow on its right side. "Ale. So sorry about that." She places it on the counter.

"Ah, yes. Well, as long as you have it I suppose. Right, well...here is the key to your room. Though, I would suggest waiting until after the meeting to settle in. It seems they're starting soon."

"Thank you so much! See you later, then." As she makes her way to the room he gestured towards, her imagination runs wild. 'I wonder how many people are here. Hopefully. they're nice. If there are other people, though...I wonder if this mission is dangerous.' The more her mind wanders, the more excitement builds up within her. But she's late, she can't stand around like this! She bursts through the doors, narrowly missing a couple of other mission-goers that stood nearby. "Oh geez, I am so sorry. I-Uh..." She freezes, a flush of embarrassment making its way onto her face before taking a bow. "I'm Ayane Tanaka. So sorry to keep you all waiting!" She quickly navigates to an open seat. Upon looking at her fellow attendees, she spies a familiar face amongst the crowd. "Zen? Oh, hey Zenjiro! Suzu! Oh my gosh-" She jumps up and waves to the pair, eager to catch their attention.


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