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Fandom Unbowed [Closed]

“The only ones who like it are probably the Lannisters.” Oberyn commented as Aemi joined their circle. And maybe Aerys because he was twisted and probably loved the story of Tywin Lannister drowning an entire house. Or maybe loved it once, as Aerys and Tywin were far from friends.

Saige’s eyes followed Tywin only briefly before they returned to the red-haired woman that joined them. Saige let her eyes roam, looking over the woman. Checking her, as she’d been rushed away quickly after the ordeal with Aerys. Saige hadn’t had time to assess the damage, or even offer help to clean her up. But as Saige looked over the woman, it didn’t seem as there was anything to clean up.

Hadn’t she been cut? ‘Yes, definitely.’

She covered it. And rather well. Saige let her face briefly convey her impression, before Aemilia asked how long she and her brother were staying.

Oberyn had a lot of questions for Aemilia. But those would all be asked later. Everything later. “Just a few more days, unfortunately. I’m only here to make sure my sisters are settled.” And to make sure this place was even good enough for them. And to make sure everyone knew that if anything happened to his sisters, he’d murder everyone. He still had a few days to press that, fortunately. “Enough time to settle my sisters and for my party to gear back up for travel.” Oberyn shrugged. “I have plans to have a drink with you and Ser Pyke sometime before I leave.”

It wasn’t much time. But Oberyn would be back for Rhaegar and Elia’s wedding. Hopefully that wasn’t too far out.

“And I’m just here until Elia says she doesn’t need me anymore.” Whenever that might be. Saige figured she’d be around until Rhaegar and Elia officially married. Maybe stick around or come back for when they have their first child.

Princess Elia nearly laughed at Saige being associated with ‘lower stations’ but managed to suppress it. The woman found herself searching for Saige at the mention of her. She found her, located next to Oberyn and Oberyn’s friend, Aemilia. She shook her head, “No offense taken.” She wasn’t offended and she knew Saige wouldn’t be offended by it either. But she knew that bastards were thought of completely different in the rest of Westeros.

“I like to think that Dorne is fairly well off,” She commented. She did keep herself informed of these things, listening in whenever her parents or Doran spoke of it. Even if some of it was boring. She needed to know, just in case. “Of course, there’s always things people are in need of,” anywhere, no matter how well they’re doing.

“Saige was hardly raised as a bastard,” She thought to comment. She didn’t think Saige was as attuned to people of ‘lower stations’ as Rhager may have thought. But sure, Elia supposed Saige would understand that more.

“Water is always an issue.” Especially for those that lived deep in the center of Dorne, no water on any side. Little within. A lot needed to be moved. “Outside resources, things that don’t grow in Dorne are always appreciated.” Wood, certain meats. “Trade is usually good, though.” A lot of resources were available to nearly all the communities.

“We do have an orphan issue.” Elia refrained from even suggesting that maybe they needed a steady supply of moon tea. But there was a lot of love making, as it wasn’t viewed as something so sacred in Dorne. And not many thought of the consequences of it.

And she supposed that the Dornish did tend to be hot headed which could be the cause of some lack of parents. It was sad.
Aemilia was always pleased to hear that Oberyn didn’t like the song. To be reminded that others disliked it. ‘I promise you one day….’ It ached to keep the secret from him then, so close to everything, and so certain he’d be all right with it. So certain he wouldn’t go running to tell. And yet, she had kept the secret for years without telling a soul. She wasn’t about to slip up then. Not so close to the prize.

Tywin could only be so ignorant.

“Oh, Pyke is making my plans now, is he?” Aemilia cast her gaze around for him, but he was gone from sight. She scowled into the room, the crowd, before shaking her head a bit as she turned her attention back to Oberyn and Saige, “I’ll join you for drinks, regardless,” she promised, “How about the King’s Key?” That was the tavern the passageway let out near, and where she planned to become accustomed to in disguise.

She had enough cosmetics and outfits, and if Pyke did his damn job, a room there as well under a pseudonym that was going to require quite a bit of chest-binding.

She might even have to test that on Oberyn to see if he could point out what might need fixed. She made a mental note to keep it in consideration.

“Sounds ritzy,” Oberyn noted by the name, “Is it some place approved by the Crown? I don’t want to go to any boring place like that.”

Aemilia shook her head, “On the contrary, last I knew it wasn’t held in high esteem.” He perked up a bit, “and if you hate it we can go to a brothel.” She turned to Saige then, to let him enjoy that thought a moment, “As for you – we’ll have to get drinks without them sometime,” bastards, right? And women in King’s Landing, unmarried at that, no ‘husband’ to protect them, as if such were needed, but people often saw it that way. “At a brothel if you like, too,” she laughed a bit, but suspected Saige was as Dornish as Oberyn, and as hot-blooded, “when you need a break from all these things and I can make the time, you don’t need to be a stranger. You’d probably be doing me a favor,” she let out a slight sigh.

Courtly games were fun, but also…tiring.

Though laughter hadn’t parted Elia’s lips, Rhaegar did see the queer change in her expression when Saige was mentioned as being of a lower station. Of course, it was cleared up as she continued on, speaking of how Saige was hardly raised as a bastard. He wondered, briefly, if Saige would contradict that – if it was the arrogance of those in positions to be magnanimous that made them decide those born technically inferior, but given many rights, did not feel their lower station.

‘There are two bastards at court to speak with, to find out.’ Saige and Aemilia – one who was a Sand, and the other, adopted into her family truly. He wasn’t sure who was more inclined to be honest, of the pair, though both were currently with Oberyn Martell. He briefly wondered if Oberyn may know more about how the women felt, more than Elia.

They both seemed rather relaxed there.

Elia was at least in tune with a few things that Dorne needed: water, of course. That came as no surprise. Their trade was good, though, no doubt thanks to the connections of the Seven Kingdoms under one leader. Even if Aerys was mad, Tywin was making sure that none suffered overmuch in the Kingdoms, and he made sure that all the Kingdoms were sufficiently supplied to survive their harsh winters, among other things.

Lannister gold paved the way for much, though Rhaegar didn’t like to think of that.

There were also orphan issues, “Dorne is not the only one to suffer there,” he could guess at the reason for Dorne, but in other places, notably the West and the Iron Isles, there were too many orphans from wars and acts of violence. Those two locations seemed the most prone to either, though occasionally the North also got into it. Rhaegar heard enough stories of the ‘Red Kings’ to never want to meet a Bolton in his life. “Unfortunately that’s not a problem I’m certain of how to deal with, creating more orphanages could assist with the current problem, but it should be a goal to try and stop it from happening at all.”

Not that they could, but he didn’t know how to lessen it, except to tell people to just stop fucking – which didn’t work. Moon tea, as well, but that was potentially dangerous to the woman. He had heard a woman commenting on it once after his mother miscarried, wondering if she’d taken it. Only then had he realized it could be so bloody and devastating, too. It wasn’t just as simple as drinking the tea. “I am glad you are aware of some of these things, though.” In tune enough with Dorne to know the affairs of her land and what things were needed. “You’ll learn soon enough what all the rest of the Seven Kingdoms require, and hopefully, we will tackle those problems together.”

His hand dropped from her shoulder, to take her own in his, as if holding it would reassure them both that they would, truly, be in it together.

Somehow it wasn’t that reassuring to himself.
“Don’t encourage his whoring,” Saige playfully scolded. “If he’s not careful he’s going to have more bastards than he does fingers. He’ll have to count them all on his toes.” Saige teased. She genuinely wondered how many children he had out in the world that he didn’t know about. Her brother was quite the whore after all.

“Oh, and you’re the embodiment of chastity? As if.”

“I never said I wasn’t a whore! I’m just not at risk of impregnating someone.” Then Saige remembered Aemilia’s offer. “I’d love to get a drink with you. Probably soon, I’m sure I’ll get tired of all these things pretty quickly,” Saige gestured around them. Saige loved her sister and that’s why she was here, but Saige rather favored the casual, improper life she’d been living. Where she didn’t have to pretend to respect nobles or act like a proper lady.

But she’d do anything for her sister.

“And perhaps entertain the idea of a brothel. I might need that sooner than a drink. Though, I don’t think it would be too hard to get laid for free around here.” Saige mused as she looked around. Plenty of decent looking men. Probably married, but that hadn’t stopped Saige or men before. Her eyes briefly grazed over Elia and her prince, seeing them holding hands. That was good, right?

Saige looked back to Aemilia. “A few more dances with Tywin and I’m sure you’ll never have to pay for anything the rest of your life,” she suggested, remembering the look Tywin gave her.

“Hm, rich. Good with his hands. Not a bad deal.” Oberyn joined in. “We know he’s capable of attraction, he said you were pretty, sister.” When he and Aemilia were playing with the lion.

“Did he? I suppose that’s flattering. He’s a little too old for me, though.”

Elia hummed. “Unfortunately, there are likely lots of things we won’t be able to solve, just aid.” The orphans, all they could do was provide more spaces for them. They couldn’t very well tell everyone to stop having sex. Especially not in Dorne. Definitely not in Dorne. And people will always harm others, so they couldn’t stop people from killing someone’s parents.

It was sad. Elia felt for the children. She couldn’t imagine not having parents, having to fend for herself. And it would be worse if she were as sick as she was.

Sometimes Elia really thought about just how lucky she was.

She smiled ever so slightly when Rhaegar took her hand in his, again reveling in the pretty contrast of their skin. “I hope so. I hope we can do what’s best for the Seven Kingdoms.” More than what Aerys has done, but she didn’t say that. And she could strive for more than what Tywin has done, but he’d done so much in the place of Aerys, everyone knew that.

She looked back up to his ever so stunning purple eyes. “You’ll be great. If anything, I’m confident in that.” She assured with a gentle squeeze to his hand.

And maybe it was vain, but Elia hoped they would be liked. Just as she hoped they’d do what they could. She hoped her sister was right. “You are very likable, I don’t know if you’ve quite realized that or not.” She chuckled. I believe Saige was right in saying we, or at least you, will be liked.” Which she thought would mean they had the potential to get more done. She was sure the fact that Aerys was disliked hindered something.
Aemilia did chuckle at Saige’s attitude, easily finding a liking for her. She was a bit more like Oberyn than anticipated, but that was hardly bad. “Well, if you do find yourself at risk, I know a bit about moon tea.” Among the other things she knew how to make, but those other things were currently irrelevant. If Saige needed to terminate something, Aemilia would see it done as carefully as possible.

Moon tea could have bad side effects, depending on how far one was in during the pregnancy, among other things. Poison and medicine were always careful things.

She just wasn’t careful when it came to herself. Otherwise she wouldn’t build immunities. “I didn’t think you’d need to spend money in the brothel – figured you could make yourself a bit, steal some customers,” she joked. Saige really wouldn’t need to pay, unless she just wanted the security of contracted business. Brothels had certain standards and rules, after all.

Aemilia did smirk a bit, though, when they decided to tease her over Tywin. ‘It would be too difficult.’ Her mind wanted to insist, while another part definitely wondered if it really would be all that hard to get Tywin to lower his guard, fall over her. He’d fallen for Joanna, and stupidly married her for love, rather than any tangible benefits. The problem would be figuring out what Tywin went for, and he already knew now she could act.

That would be problematic. He’d be aware he was being led on, become suspicious….

“He did say you were pretty,” Aemilia confirmed with a slight chuckle, “Older just means they die sooner and leave you with a fortune. You should keep your options open,” she teased Saige, hardly the romantic herself – probably another reason she got along with Oberyn. Not that she’d tell him the truth that she simply wasn’t marrying because she wasn’t about to endanger any child she had. Not until she could be a Reyne…which would be never. But it was a dream she’d been unwilling to give up, a name she refused to give at the House of Black and White. “What I’m really curious about is how you know he’s good with his hands, Oberyn?” She said teasingly, leaning forward and raising her eyebrows, “What have you been up to with the lion?”

Rhaegar did enjoy the confidence Elia had in him. He enjoyed her support. Even if he did not come to love her, he imagined that he would always like her, and find in her a friend. Would that be so bad, to like and enjoy the company of his Queen? Love…he wanted love, but how many found it? And when found, how many kept it?

One look at Tywin showed what lost love could do. Perhaps it was better not to know it.

“I am told it fairly often,” he could be humble, but he still knew how many preferred him to his father. He saw it even in some of Tywin’s acts, though at times he wasn’t sure if it was because Tywin liked him, or because he was trying to safeguard his position when Rhaegar took the throne – if Tywin lived so long. It would not be impossible that Tywin outlived Aerys, of course.

“You will be liked, as well,” he reassured her. The Dornish were looked at strangely, but he had a good feeling. Elia was not as Dornish as he may have hoped, not as wild, not as active, but that would do well for Dorne’s representation. As the face of Dorne, who seemed to be a pretty woman with a gentle nature, she would seem the epitome of all a woman ought to be. Those qualities were prized all around. “I am sure my mother will help you to learn how to be seen well by the people.”

Aerys was not so liked anymore, but Rhaella still was – because of course, she embodied so many of those ‘good’ traits…which made her such easy prey for his father. He glanced over again, before he brought his cup to his lips, only to find it nearly empty. He finished it off, “Let’s get more wine,” he offered. He wasn’t losing himself, and Elia still seemed quite lucid and aware, so another glass shouldn’t hurt anything.
Was it normal to offer moon tea to someone you just met? Or even a friend for that matter? Probably not. But it was established that Aemilia was not very normal. But Saige didn’t mind. In fact, rather appreciated it. It probably would’ve been strange to anyone else, but Saige found it to be a friendly gesture, oddly enough.

Saige didn’t mind Aemilia in general. She was interesting. Maybe a little fucked in the head, who knows. No one else had ever offered to abort a baby for Saige. And no one probably would, most women valued the ability to conceive. Like her mother. Well, her half-siblings' mother. But also her mother. Saige knew Amara would have more children if she could, she only talked about it all the time.

Especially with the prospect of Elia having children soon.

But children weren’t something that would come from Saige. One reason Saige couldn’t truly follow in the footsteps of her prostitute mother, her biological one. Saige had her limits. But she had luckily prostituted herself to many rich men who were satisfied with what she’d allow.

But she wouldn’t be stealing Tywin from Aemilia. “Hm, dies sooner. But then I’d have to deal with his children.” The monster that was Cersei, she knew his two sons weren’t minded as much. “I don’t care much for the West anyway. No offense, Aemilia.” She was from the West, Saige didn't want to offend her new redhaired acquaintance.

“I’ve been secretly having an affair with him,” Oberyn said in response. “You won’t believe how betrayed I felt when he called my own sister pretty. I was convinced she’d stolen my lover from me right then and there, without even speaking a word to him” Oberyn so clearly feigned sadness, he wasn’t trying too hard. Saige just rolled her eyes. “Come on Aemilia. A man, all on his own. No wife, works as much as he does. I’m sure he’s gotten very skilled with his hands. He’s had to.”

“It’s even right there in his title. Lord Hand. Fitting.” Saige piped in.

“You should be the one to put his skills to the test, my friend. Maybe you can find something interesting, being in such an intimate position with someone with such prestige.” Access to all sorts of knowledge. Dirt on others. She could sell all she knew for a pretty penny if she wasn’t looking for political gain herself.

Elia knew it would take a while for Rhaegar to truly warm up to her, a lot longer than it would take her to warm up to him. But in truth, she didn’t mind. She knew that along the way, he’d at least be kind to her. A good friend. Which was more than most could say about the person they married.

Who had actually liked the person they married? Tywin had married Joanna for love. Her older brother, Doran and his wife seemed to like being around each other. Her own parents loved each other very much, she knew. Because even after her father’s betrayal that resulted in Saige, they still worked to repair their relationship afterward. Her mother easily could have left him and found herself a new suitor, no one would’ve cared, but she didn’t.

Elia looked to the Queen then and felt sympathy for her. She looked tired. “I’m looking forward to getting to know her better, she seems very kind.” The Queen hadn’t had a chance to find someone she loved and marry them. Her fate had been set in stone from the moment she was born, to marry her own brother. Whether she loved him or not. And their relationship was so clearly loveless. Harmful.

Rhaella deserved much better. Of course, it was far from Elia’s place to say such things.

Elia presumed Rhaegar got a lot of traits from his mother. Or maybe she hoped so. She hoped Rhaegar wouldn’t go mad like Aerys.

Elia’s gaze was torn from the Queen, who stood from her seat at the High Table after briefly mumbling to Aerys. She seemed to be heading in the direction of her siblings and Lady Aemilia, but her attention returned to Rhaegar before she could confirm.

“Oh, alright!” Elia easily agreed. She hadn’t actually drunk that much, her cup was still rather full. She didn’t need to drink as much as she thought she did. Should she be drinking more? Should she catch up with Rhaegar? At that thought, she took another deep sip of her wine. With the alcohol warming her, encouraging her, she spoke to maintain conversation. “What’s it like living in King’s Landing? Do you like it?” Was it boring? Uncomfortable? Had it always smelled so bad?
Aemilia was more than amused at Tywin’s expense as Oberyn spoke easily of the two being lovers. How could she not be? Hearing him so casually defamed was one of the reasons she liked Oberyn. His arrogance, his poison, so much of him was enjoyable and reminded her of home, more than any place in the West did, but that was no surprise, as she learned. Her mother had been a Farman, influenced by Essos. Her father, Roger, a man of music and art, besides being a Knight and Lord.

They were not the norm. They had challenged the status quo from day one, and lost. She would not find her home in the West, not truly, but there was a slight offense taken at Saige’s words, though she knew it wasn’t meant that way. She accepted it easily with a forgiving smile, before her gaze sharpened on Oberyn.

‘Damn you, Oberyn.’
It was said in a teasing look, but beneath the tease was a sharpness to Aemilia’s gaze as he jested easily of her joining with Tywin. If only it could be so easy, but this was Tywin fucking Lannister, and he’d never lower himself to be so close with a bastard, even if the bastard was legitimized. The Hetherspoons were nothing, not at all near his rank.

She had tried to tell Melara that, to stop her care for Jaime…all for naught.

But Aemilia was prestigious enough. She was of older blood than Tywin himself, and it was agony not being able to live it. To express it. She managed a slight smirk though, in spite of her thoughts and the reminder, “Have I ever told you, Oberyn, you’re a terrible influence?” She was putting the thought into consideration all the same. Seduction was a good way to get close, she knew, and there wasn’t much lower she could sink for her revenge. It would be worth getting on her knees to put a blade through his heart.

She noted Rhaella out of the corner of her eyes, and held up a single finger for them, the indication she absolutely did not want this conversation continuing in Rhaella’s presence. She turned more fully to the Queen, as Oberyn gave the fair-haired woman a smile, and an inclination of his head, “Your Grace,” he greeted,

“Lady Rhaella, are you all right?” Aemilia asked, wondering if she was prepared to go. Aemilia would accompany her, of course – it would be a good end to this conversation before it got too far into forced considerations.

Rhaegar could only nod at Elia’s assessment of his mother. ‘She is.’ But she was also very weak, and it was a trait that he wished she did not have. He wished so often that she would find a way to stand up to Aerys, to keep the man from harming her, or others around him. He wished so much for a change, but what could he ask for? For Rhaella to kill him? It would mean her own execution.

She took the pain instead. Perhaps, in a way, that was a strength – making sure others were not harmed, making sure to stay near Aerys…but he did not like it. Not at all. And what could he do? No one seemed able to do much of anything, not even Tywin, any longer. He almost wished his father would go back to being a whoremonger, at least then he would be away more often…but he didn’t wish that harm on others.

He heard the slosh of wine as he started to walk away from Elia, before she moved to join him, and he glanced back right as she spoke, asking him of King’s Landing. He pursed his lips together a moment in thought, “I enjoy Dragonstone more,” he confessed, though that was due to the company of King’s Landing. “I have considered moving there for a while, when we are wed,” he added, continuing, “It is an island, and sometimes the storms are bad, but it is relatively peaceful otherwise. Here it is so…loud and busy,” he allowed a sigh.

He preferred going off on his own. On into nature, where he could listen to it, and make music. He preferred solitude more than he ought to admit to, he knew. It wasn’t becoming of a prince, or a king, to want to go away from it all, but he so often did. “It becomes overwhelming at times, but beyond that, King’s Landing is not so bad. You can find most anything here,” and that was certainly a perk. Everyone wanted to be represented in King’s Landing, somehow. “How has the city impressed itself upon you?” He inquired, then realized, “Perhaps we should go out into it tomorrow?”
Aemilia didn’t need to raise her finger to get Saige to lock it up. Both of the Martell’s easily let the conversation go. For the moment. Saige adopted a straighter posture, dipping into a quick bow as Rhaella joined them. Hoping she hadn’t heard any of the conversation. That probably wouldn’t leave a good impression in Rhaella’s mind for any of them.

Thankfully, it seemed she hadn’t heard anything as she approached them with a small smile. A tired one. Rhaella was tired. And she felt old. Though she really wasn’t that old. She remembered when she used to be able to stay up all night. When she wanted to. Maybe it was the weight of having too many experiences in such little time that made her feel old. Raising children, all the failed pregnancies, Aerys. Being a Targaryen.

She liked the moments when she felt her age.

“Prince Oberyn, Lady Saige,” She acknowledged them with a nod before turning her attention to Aemilia, “I’m alright, Lady Aemilia.” Sure she was. “Forgive me for interrupting,” she addressed the other two before just Aemilia, “but I’m heading to bed now.” She wanted to get some rest before she’d inevitably be interrupted at some time during the night.

Aerys had been drinking and he was mad and in a particularly possessive mood. She knew that wasn’t Tywin’s intention, but his actions did set Aerys off. Even if Tywin was clearly wholly interested in someone else that night, Aerys couldn't see it.

Rhaella briefly glanced back to the table she just left to see if Tywin’s eyes still roamed in Aemilia’s direction. Rhaella wondered what the two of them spoke about when they danced that seemed to intrigue Tywin so much. “Is it alright if I steal Lady Aemilia away for a moment?” She asked the siblings, a little play in her tone.

“Of course, Your Grace. I think she needs a break from us, anyway.” Oberyn joked though Rhaella wouldn’t know exactly why.

“Oh, Dragonstone. That would be a change of pace,” Elia mused. She was curious, admittedly. An island sounded nice, and storms. Of the wet, cold kind, those would be new to her. Hot, nearly burning sandstorms were more of what she was used to. But the peaceful? Quiet? And with Rhaegar? That sounded nice.

Elia was more so used to the loud and busy. Sunspear could be that way. The narrow streets lined with bazaars, always filled with energetic people, something always going on. It was bustling, but warm and inviting. To her, anyway. She could see how atmospheres like it could quickly become overwhelming. But Elia liked the accessibility that came with it.

Which made her wonder what living on Dragonstone would be like. Would she like it? Would the lack of access be an issue? What if she had health problems? Sure, they’d bring along a Maester, but…Elia wasn’t much used to…quiet. And what would become of Saige by that time? That was a long ways away, though. And she should focus on what would be her home for a while.

King’s Landing.

She hadn’t had much of an impression of it yet, and Rhaegar seemed to realize that. Elia did have some thoughts on King’s Landing. Nothing too nice. It smelled, fairly bad. And it didn’t have the same welcoming feeling as Sunspear did. But she didn’t say as much, and still lit up at the opportunity to explore it. “That sounds nice, I’d love to.” She jumped on it. Exploring the city with the Prince? She wasn’t sure how much freedom they’d have, but it could be nice.

Maybe actually exploring and seeing the people would give her a new impression on it?

“Do you mind if I invite my siblings? They might wander off at some point, but I feel they might like to get to know King’s Landing, too.” Or Saige anyway. She’d probably get more chances to venture off. Oberyn wouldn’t be around for long but might want to spend time with his siblings before he left.
Aemilia cocked a smirk at the joking way Oberyn spoke, “I do think I’ll retire for the night as it is, I am tired,” she felt less so right then, and did wonder if the poison had worked some of its way out. She really needed to time it, next time. There would always be a next time. She was always working to get better. That, or like any tiredness, it was forgotten when presented with good enough stimulant. “Good night, Oberyn, Saige,” she nodded to each, before stepping to Rhaella and whispering a, “Thank you,” as she stepped to the side opposite of the Dornish ones.

Rhaella wouldn’t have forgotten that she’d seemed tired, earlier. Of course, she was staying there, waiting for Rhaella. She had said that she would, and so she had. She would not appear to go against her word, no matter how small – not to Rhaella, anyways.

Rhaella’s smile was a touch wry in understanding, but her gaze was soft, as she linked arms with Aemilia so the pair of them could leave together. That would let her steal Aemilia away easily, and far from any ears, too. Well – not far. There were always ears. Perhaps in busy places it was easier to go unheard and unnoticed with all the noise around, but even so….

She kept it light as they walked off, “I have not seen Lord Tywin dance since Joanna. Not even with Cersei.” Who had sometimes asked, she knew, and been turned down. There was curiosity in her tone, and Aemilia noted it.

“I suspected he was out of practice. He was far too stiff,” Aemilia said, keeping her own tone light, a touch of play to match Rhaella’s curiosity, “He must have been bored to accept, or perhaps he really likes his song.” And no one else would really care to dance to it. “Do not tell me you wanted to talk of the Hand by stealing me away?” A more teasing tone adapted as they stepped out.

Rhaegar wondered if it truly would be a nice change of pace. The political climate would be better, almost non-existent, but he wondered if it would be good. ‘For my sanity.’ But for the Seven Kingdoms? He could figure it out later. He just had a feeling he would want to pursue it, to get out of there for a while, to let Elia be away from his father, and to be away from the man, himself.

It was a pity he could not bring Rhaella, though as he reached the wine, he saw her now with Aemilia, and Elia’s siblings, and smiled to himself at the sight. He did like the Martells, in general, and Aemilia left a good impression over all, in spite of the situation with Aerys. He doubted she would be there long, though.

No matter how it seemed she had plenty of friends in odd places.

He shook his head at Elia’s query, eyes moving away from his mother and her siblings, as he poured himself more wine, “Not at all. I have enjoyed Saige’s company, as well, and I do not believe I would mind your brother, Prince Oberyn, either. I have a feeling he may know a bit about King’s Landing already,” he was certain this wasn’t Oberyn’s first visit. It would not be his last, either.

He then offered, “Would you like more wine?” He would not force it upon her, if she did not want more, but she had seemed to down more of it quickly on the way over so he presumed she was making room for more in her cup.
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Rhaella’s smile held a bit more play to it as Aemilia teased a little bit. “No, my intentions were actually of going to bed. But we need something to talk about, don’t we?” And Tywin was the perfect topic, sitting and ready to be talked about. Because everyone wanted to talk about it.

Rhaella’s curiosity took over again, “I think Tywin’s always bored,” or at least it seemed so by his facial expressions. “And he’s heard his song countless times.” And had not danced to it then. Rhaella almost wanted to say that Tywin was trying to impress her, but truthfully Tywin didn’t need to do anything to impress anyone. All he had to do was say his name.

“Your little dance reminded me of when you have an old, tired hound and you bring in a puppy and suddenly they’re spry again. Of course, I don’t mean to refer to Tywin as an old hound, but…you understand, don’t you?” Rhaella laughed off what could be taken as an insult, even if it wasn’t meant as such. “Maybe an old cat would better fit him and a kitten for you.” Tywin was a lion and all.

“Anyway,” Rhaella gently squeezed Aemilia’s arm before releasing her arm. “I was just curious as to what might’ve happened to intrigue Tywin so much. As to make such a public display. Which lots will be talking about,” Rhaella thought to warn her as she opened the door to her room, not too concerned with keeping quiet. Viserys wouldn’t hear them and no one else was asleep yet.

“If you don’t mind telling me, that is. If it’s too scandalous, I’ll understand.” Rhaella winked. There was a quality to Aemilia that made her feel easily comfortable. It was a lot different than her other handmaids, but a welcome change nonetheless. The Queen wanted her to stick around.


Rhaegar likely didn’t know how much it meant to Elia that he liked her siblings. Maybe Rhaegar didn’t have the same concerns with Viserys since there was such a difference between them, and Elia could relate for there was that relationship with Doran, but the three younger siblings were so similar in age and grew to be so close. It made Elia smile.

“Thank you,” she tossed it out there. “Oberyn has been here a few times, he likely knows the place well enough. Once you get to know him, his bad jokes will lessen.” No, they wouldn’t. But his suggestions would become less noticeable. For the most part, she and Saige tuned him out rather easily. “Saige, however, she’s not as well acquainted.” If Saige had ever been to King’s Landing, Elia didn’t know of it.

Usually, Saige told her all about her travels.

Rhaegar offered more wine and Elia briefly questioned if she should, and she thought ‘why not’. She had to catch up with him, didn’t she? Yes, that’s how it worked. “Yes, please.”

It was then that her siblings joined them, or mainly Saige. Oberyn stood back a little, Saige was likely just dropping in to check on her. “Forgive me for intruding, but I’m obligated to check on my sister.” Saige softly interjected. “Everything alright with you two? You’re not making her drink too much, are you?” Saige saw from afar that they were going for more wine, so she wanted to make sure her sister wasn’t too drunk. She’d made a promise, after all.
‘Are you kidding me?’ Roger was definitely rolling in his grave, as Aemilia put more thought to it, the more it was suggested. Especially with the image that Rhaella painted of Tywin as an ‘old hound’, or better, an ‘old cat’. It caused her to laugh. She couldn’t help it, the image painted itself in her head and the sound bubbled over her lips too easily as she stepped into Rhaella’s room with her, lifting a hand to her lips to try and stifle it a bit.

“I have hardly had time to do anything scandalous with the Hand of the King, or say anything,” she said, deciding this could be an interesting route to pursue. Let the rumors circulate. Don’t dissuade them. Don’t outright say it, but…see.

She and Tywin were too good of actors for Rhaella’s words to be right, but Lord Hetherspoon used to tell her to fake smiles. Eventually, she’d feel that happiness, just from the gesture. She wasn’t sure if he was right, but why not test it? Keep playing, keep aware, and let Tywin stumble…wouldn’t that be something? “We talked a bit after you left us, he took to heart your request and offered a bit of advice for staying in King’s Landing, at your side,” it really wasn’t scandalous.

Nor had it been that nice, but Rhaella didn’t need to know that. “When I heard the song, I just…asked him to dance. It seemed appropriate,” well, it did, in all the ways no one but her would ever understand. “And he accepted. I did not truly think he would,” she had favored he wouldn’t, but he surprised her, “Not so scandalous – it was still rather…formal. No fun conversation, and no fun moves, either.” She quirked a smile, “I have a feeling it’s a bit scandalous here, and not just friendly, isn’t it?”

Rumors of Tywin’s frigidity were likely not overstated. Oh, this could be fun, toy with his reputation and his need to figure her out, all at once….


Rhaegar had his doubts about Oberyn Martell’s bad jokes lessening. The man had a reputation, despite his age, already, and he wasn’t known for being polite. He was known for being bold, for his skill on horseback and with a spear, and for poisoning – besides rumored promiscuity. Rhaegar had little doubt he would ever get used to him, but he at least did not dislike him. He was curious about him, curious about Saige.

More than he was curious about Elia.

It was a horrible thought, but it still came.

He poured the wine for Elia as she consented, and noticed the approach of the two siblings. He gave them a smile, but did not draw Oberyn in as he stayed at the outskirts. If the man wanted to hurry away with Saige, he could, after the check-in. Saige spoke up, addressing them about the situation, and Rhaegar nodded, “I believe things are well, unless I have horribly misread the situation,” he answered her, “We were just discussing going out to see King’s Landing tomorrow. Elia would like you and Oberyn to accompany us, that is, if it is quite all right with you?”

Elia gave them both an imploring gaze. Things were going all right, of course – but their presence would still make it easier. “It would be good for us to get out and see it, Saige,” she said, “and not the parts Oberyn has seen.” They did not need to be venturing close to the brothels.

Maybe the market or other places, but not those scandalous places. Oberyn could go there on his own.
Rhaella hummed with amusement as she began to strip herself of jewelry, setting it down on her vanity, or in a box atop it. “That’s nice of him. If I’m honest, I didn’t particularly expect him to say anything to you.” When she asked him to protect her children and Aemilia, she figured Tywin would more so be a silent protector. Or at least, silent until he couldn’t be.

It was interesting.

“And I certainly wouldn’t have expected him to dance. Maybe it was the song that put him in such a mood.” Rhaella certainly wasn’t convinced of that. It wasn’t the first time Rains of Castamere had been played at an event. He hadn’t danced before. But Aemilia claimed it to be innocent and Rhaella would believe her. And perhaps their interactions were, but Rhaella believed there to be some sort of interest on someone’s side. Maybe both.

“Even if it wasn’t very fun, it is still a bit scandalous here,” Rhaella confirmed as she freed her white hair from its confines. “Especially since Tywin isn’t particularly well known for being friendly.” He was respectful enough to Rhaella, but she wouldn’t call Tywin a friendly person. Rhaella sometimes wondered what Tywin and Joanna were like when no one was watching. Tywin must have been friendly at one point. With his former wife.

“And—please don’t take any offense from this—but, politically, there’s not much gain for Tywin, which certainly makes people curious about his actions.” Rhaella didn’t mean it that the Hetherspoons were so insignificant, but rather Tywin was already at the top. Or near the top.

“Do you mind?” Rhaella asked as she gestured to the corset she was wearing. Sure, it was Aemilia’s job, but Rhaella was still going to be nice about it. “I hope you don’t mind gossip because there will be a lot of it amongst the nobles.”


Saige noted Elia’s imploring look but didn’t take it as a sign that things were going horribly. Elia was simply nervous still. “Hm, I would like to see the city. And certainly not Oberyn’s favorite parts. Not with you, anyway.” She’d sort of made plans with Aemilia to go on a romp sometime. But she certainly wasn’t going to visit any brothels with her sister or the Prince.

“I’d love to go. Well, if I’m being honest I wouldn’t let you two go without me anyway.” She spoke playfully but was wholly serious. She’d always keep an eye on Elia. Even if Elia had asked her not to go, she’d still go uninvited. She’d keep her distance, of course. But she’d still keep an eye on her sister and this new man. At least, until they were acquainted.

“Still, I appreciate the invitation.”

She turned to her brother, whose intentions hadn’t been to intrude, but he was brought in nevertheless when Saige waved him over. “Rhaegar and Elia invited us to come along with them on their outing into King’s Landing tomorrow. You’re coming with.” She informed him, not giving him an option of whether he wanted to go or not. She knew he’d go.

“I am?” Oberyn’s brow quirked upwards, amused. He already knew King’s Landing, he’d been there many times before. It wasn’t his favorite city by far. He had a few places he enjoyed going to. But he also knew that he was still going to tag along. He was leaving soon, anyway, and whatever time he’d get to spend with his favorite siblings he would take.

He knew he’d see them again for Elia’s wedding, but he wasn’t sure how soon that would be. “We won’t be going to any of the fun places, I know that already,” that wouldn’t be appropriate, “but I suppose I’ll tag along.” He agreed.
The white hair that was freed was beautiful loose, and though Aemilia loved her own fiery locks, she couldn’t help but be a bit enamored with the hair of the Queen. The hair of the Prince. The Targaryens did have their own beauty that couldn’t be denied, and Aemilia did step forward when called, “Not at all,” and moved her fingers into the lacings to begin to undo it, the gradual process of loosening each lace and making sure not to break it, or be too rough.

“I do not mind gossip, and I know that Tywin has nothing to gain from me, I take no offense. I know what I am.” Or what she was meant to seem. As a Reyne, though…was she worth more? With no lands, no titles, just a name…likely not. “My sister, Melara, was infatuated with his son, Jaime,” as if it needed to be specified. The words came easily in memory, “I told her much the same, that she was too far beneath notice to ever be wed to Jaime, but of course, she was a hopeless romantic. She liked to tell me that Tywin married for love, so Jaime could,” Aemilia chuckled at the foolish thought, stepping back once the corset was significantly loosened.

“A foolish, romantic notion I did not inherit,” not in the least. She had been the killjoy in Melara’s life, until it ended all too suddenly in a well. “But gossip and scandal will at least entertain me a bit – but if it is ever too much, or I have stepped out of bounds, or there is some rumor that reflects poorly on you, please tell me. I will just as quickly work to right it,” she offered, so Rhaella wouldn’t think she was there for the gossip and rumors.

She wasn’t. She was there for Rhaella, but that did not mean she couldn’t have a little fun, did it? She had to have some stories to tell Rhaella, since she wasn’t as easily impressed as Viserys was with stories of dragons. She’d likely be more impressed with stories of lions, and stories of the Martells.


Rhaegar was pleased that Saige would be joining them, even if she noted she would so anyway. It seemed she intended to play up that protective sister card as much as possible, but if it made Elia happy…Rhaegar couldn’t say he minded. He had spent some time with Elia and just her that evening. He would have more time in the future, he presumed. Likely, too much time.

He tried to squash that thought as it came up, and was distracted from it by Oberyn being invited in, and encouraged to join them. Oberyn was the one with the reputation among them, yet Rhaegar felt as if he hardly knew the brother. He would have expected him to play more at being the protective one.

“There are fun places that are decent,” Rhaegar found himself insisting as it seemed both Saige and Oberyn wanted to go to places that, probably, a Prince shouldn’t be caught alive in. Or dead. Nor their sister. “There’s the marketplace, and there’s even a maester’s library, the alchemist’s guild, the Dragonpit, the Sept of Baelor…,” in truth, Rhaegar could find much in King’s Landing itself that he liked. The noise of a blacksmith working was preferable to much else that happened in the Keep at times.

He supposed all those things he mentioned may not appeal. Dorne likely had its own great markets, and a library or a guild were quiet places, as was a Sept, and he realized that, trailing off, as Elia giggled a bit.

“They sound beautiful, and I’ve heard much of the Sept – but my siblings are not…patient or quiet people.” Elia reminded Rhaegar, hoping then she might find a connection with Rhaegar in those quiet places. She could appreciate such things, where others may not – where others craved more active excitements. She knew she would always lack there, for her inability to participate. Even if she had all the desires that Oberyn and Saige had, she would not be able to enjoy such things as they did.

But if Rhaegar could like such quiet spaces and quiet times…perhaps this could work yet.
Rhaella lost a bit of her playfulness at the reminder of Melara. The little girl’s death was unfortunate as it was, hearing Aemilia speak of things like the little girl’s infatuation mad it even sadder. Aemilia spoke so easily of her sister, Rhaella wondered if the thought of Melara hurt her anymore. Because surely it did when the child died. Perhaps she spoke of Melara so she wouldn’t be forgotten.

Whatever the case.

“Sadly, that’s true. Tywin would never let his children marry out of love.” Tywin himself may have done so, but he knew there was too much he could gain from marrying off his children. And much to lose if he simply let them marry whoever. Particularly Jaime, the heir to Casterly Rock. Rhaella was familiar with not being allowed to marry someone she loved. The guilt ate at her that she was putting her son through such a thing. But Elia was a sweet girl, at least.

Perhaps love, romance really was a foolish notion.

Rhaella gently shook her head, white waves shifting with the movement. With the corset loose, she easily freed herself from it. “I appreciate that, Aemilia.” She offered the girl a smile, “I will let you know if anything becomes bothersome.” Rhaella would let Aemilia have her fun. She knew being a handmaiden couldn’t be very fun. And as long as the rumors weren’t hurting anyone, Rhaella saw no issue.

“If anything, perhaps this rumor will divert away from the ones saying I’m sleeping with Tywin.” Her tone was light, but really that would be helpful. There was a lot of drama involving her, Aerys, Tywin, and Joanna. Even years later, it greatly affected them. Of course, she didn’t want such rumors to hurt Aemi’s reputation, either.

Rhaella waved her hand, dismissing the subject then. “You should head to bed, get some rest. I’m sure it’s been a very long first day.”

Rhaella wanted to rest, too. Just in case Aerys decided he wanted to join her in bed later. Rhaella refrained from cringing at the thought.


Saige found amusement in Rhaegar’s insistence on decent places and continuing to rattle off places that may not have been very fitting for Oberyn and Saige, as their sister pointed out. Saige chuckled, “I’m sure the Sept is lovely,” she tried to offer. And she didn’t doubt that the Sept was architecturally beautiful. But quiet, places of worship…didn’t exactly go hand in hand with the Martells.

Or two of them, anyway.

Saige was sure Elia would absolutely love exploring the Sept and the libraries and such. And she’d fit in well in those places. Maybe Oberyn would find entertainment in the library or guild. But Oberyn had probably explored most of King’s Landing anyway. If Elia wanted to see such places, Saige and Oberyn could play nice. Well, they could keep their comments to themselves.

“I think the marketplace could be fun for all of us,” Elia offered, Saige nodding in agreement. Saige loved the marketplaces back home and in Essos, perhaps she’d like this one too.

“And the Dragon Pit sounds rather enticing,” Saige had to admit, after seeing the dragon skulls in the throne room, she was rather curious about the beasts. And she had to become a dragon expert if she wanted to impress little Viserys, who would no doubt ask her and Aemilia for more stories. Viserys was a tenacious thing, Saige found it endearing.

“A Targaryen tour guide is interesting enough for me,” Oberyn commented. He’d been to King’s Landing many times, explored many places. Mainly indecent places. But either way, he hadn’t had the Prince as a guide. He wondered what the Targaryen would say of the city, how it differed from others. He’d enjoy that while his sister’s enjoyed the actual exploration.
Aemilia felt a twist of guilt in her stomach when Rhaella mentioned the rumors of her and Tywin. To think, she’d considered using that, adding fuel to the fire, to harm Tywin. ‘You will not harm Rhaella.’ She told herself, again. She had a feeling it would be a constant reminder. The less people she liked, the easier this would have been.

If she didn’t care so much about Tybolt, she would have just found a way to stab Tywin years ago. To hell with her life. To hell with everything.

Yet, she didn’t want Tybolt to suffer the consequences.

Rhaella dismissed her then, and Aemilia gave a gentle smile, “If you need me, at any time this night, do not hesitate to wake me,” she said, saying nothing else to that matter. She was aware, somewhat, about Aerys and Rhaella’s relationship. She had not yet determined if she would truly be able to deal with it if she ever heard Rhaella cry out, but that was a problem for future Aemilia.

Also a problem she should keep in mind in general. She probably needed to probe a bit on law, and trial by combat, while she was here. She didn’t intend to need it, but King’s Landing was what it was…and she had poison. She could be innocent and accused. Guilty and accused. She should be prepared, regardless.

Not to mention if Aerys ever went into the wrong room, she wasn’t about to allow him to touch her.

That night, at least, she would stick to her room – well, unless she couldn’t endure it. Then she’d have to find Ser Pyke and get him to show her the passages she needed to know to get out of the Holdfast, and get to the inn chosen so she could move about more freely. That night, she did think she needed her sleep, though. It had taken…more interesting turns than she expected of the first night, and she needed to reassess her plans.

“Good night, my queen,” with an inclination of her head, she would turn to leave the woman to her own rest.


Rhaegar hadn’t truly thought the marketplace would be that entertaining, but perhaps that was because he imagined most marketplaces in cities such as King’s Landing to be much the same. Perhaps the market at Fair Castle would be a bit more interesting, but other than that, he didn’t think he’d care to explore a market unless he was in Essos. King’s Landing to the vast majority of interesting imports, as all wanted to bring something that would earn Aerys’s favor.

They were all at least in agreement on a few places, “It’s settled then. We’ll see the Sept, the marketplace, and the Dragonpit tomorrow, at the very least,” it would be good if nothing else to go by the Sept so that Elia could see it. It would be where they would be wed, after all, and if Elia followed the Seven, she would want to know where to pray.

He couldn’t imagine she followed any other deities. The Old Gods were worshipped in the North, and the Drowned God was worshipped on the Iron Isles. Other gods did not have a large or notable following in Westeros, though some were starting to adhere to the faith of R’hllor, which he only knew much of because of his father’s obsessions.

A Red Priest had been there a time or two before.

“For now, though,” many had started to leave, with Rhaella and Tywin gone, and Rhaegar having earlier isolated himself with Elia, the party was winding down. There were still some present, of course, making small talk amongst themselves, or speaking with Aerys. Rhaegar could guess at any topic of conversation too easily, “I think it may be best if we retire, or at least, leave,” before the party got too small, and Aerys took note of them all still there.

“Ah, yes,” Elia giggled a bit, “I suppose you’re right. We will be doing a lot of walking tomorrow,” a bit more than she was accustomed to, from the sound of it. She would need her rest, and to try not to wake up with a headache. She didn’t think she drank so much, but she also wasn’t accustomed to drinking much at all in the first place.

Rhaegar offered his arm back to her, and Elia took it, “I can at least see you as far as the Holdfast, Prince Oberyn,” he offered to him, unsure if Oberyn would wish to remain longer, or if he would even stay within the Red Keep that evening. He assumed Saige would be going with her sister.
“Thank you, Your Grace, but I won’t be joining you three. Unfortunately, I’m only in King’s Landing for a short time, I intend to make the most of it.” His sisters would understand what that meant. “But please, see my sisters off to bed. They need their beauty rest. Desperately,” Oberyn was looking at Saige as he said that, a smirk on his face.

Saige glared at her brother, but other than that, she ignored his comment. She even hummed in agreement. The party was dwindling and it was late. Well, late for Elia at least. “Yes, it is past my…” Saige was going to say her sister’s bedtime, but trailed off when Elia gave her a look that said ‘Please stop embarrassing me in front of my future husband’. “My bedtime.” She winked at her sister, to which Elia rolled her eyes, but a grin was on her face.

“I’ll see you two in the morning,” Oberyn regarded his sisters, gently squeezing Saige’s arm before reaching for Elia and kissing the top of her head. Oberyn acknowledged the prince with a nod, rather than a warm dismissal. “Prince Rhaegar.” After all, Rhaegar wasn’t family just yet. Couldn’t let him get the impression that he was so easily approved. ‘Or something brotherly like that.’

“Goodnight, Oberyn,” Elia chimed in.

Saige turned to her the others in her company, nodding her head in the direction of the door. “I’ll follow right behind,” she informed. She’d let them walk ahead, give them the illusion of privacy so they can talk and say their goodnights, whatever it was engaged couples that knew nothing about each other did. Well, this whole event was for them to get to know each other. So that would be remedied, eventually, at least.

On Saige’s way out she grabbed some food off a table. She’d force Elia to eat it later. Nothing much really, just some bread she’d stumbled upon. She’d also pour some water down her sister’s throat. Elia would thank her in the morning when her headache was lessened. Her sister had drunk an unexpectedly large amount, but Saige was almost glad. It loosened her sister up. Maybe Elia had even had some fun.

Saige herself was ready to roll into bed. With all the traveling they’d done. And she wasn’t spending the night with anyone. And then she remembered her handmaiden duties. She’d still help Elia take off her makeup and get her ready for bed, all of that. This handmaiden stuff was a lot of work, wasn’t it? But Saige didn’t really mind. She’d signed up for it, it got her exploring a place she hadn’t exactly planned on going to otherwise. She got to spend time with her sister.

Not to mention she was a bastard living in the keep, her sister marrying the Prince. It was endlessly amusing to her to be in a rather fun position, close to royalty. Despite bastards often being told they were inconsequential. Unworthy. Something stupid like that.
Oberyn, it seemed, was quite able to move on his own and had no concern or fear in doing so. Rhaegar could not say he was surprised, but it still came as a bit unexpected. He had anticipated Oberyn might want to rest, but it seemed he was far from worn out, and so, the prince gave him a nod as well, mimicking the gesture, “Enjoy your evening, Prince Oberyn,” he returned, briefly finding it strange how they referred to each other by the same title, but their positions were still so vastly different.

It shouldn’t strike him, and yet it did. Plenty of other nobles likely had to deal with it. Tywin was still ‘Lord Lannister’, and so were all those of the West. Lord Farman, Lord Vikary. They held the same title, but the hierarchy was clear to anyone with even a passing knowledge of the West.

Elia and he were able to exit, as Saige volunteered to follow behind. Rhaegar couldn’t help but look back at her, though, once they’d exited the room – mostly to make sure she made it out unscathed. He didn’t need her getting pulled into more trouble back there, by any random noble, or his father. Fortunately, it didn’t seem she did, and he noticed the bread she’d grabbed.

‘Thoughtful.’ He chose not to mention it to Elia as he turned his attention straight again, and made sure his posture remained straight. He may have drunk a bit, but he wasn’t quite as gone as Elia was. She wasn’t lost, of course – but she did stumble a bit, and did lean heavily into him to try and stop that.

“I’m sorry,” He heard Elia murmur as she seemed to realize how much she was leaning against him. He gave her a smile, and shook his head.

“I am glad you enjoyed yourself,” he said instead, as they came to the Holdfast, and he made sure to see her to her room, and Saige, as well, before he would bid them both good night and retire to his own bed. He knew he had to be up early, as always, and Ser Dayne would not be letting him sleep in.

Indeed, bright and early, practically before the sun was up, Rhaegar heard the ever familiar pounding at his door of the kingsguard. His answer was the sound of bare feet on the floor, before he trekked over to the door and pulled it open to look at the knight, all dressed in white, and looking too damn smug for his own good. “Get dressed, I want to hear all about yesterday before we go tour the city with the Martells.”

‘Before we….’ Who leaked his plans? Did he tell Ser Dayne? Did Oberyn? “You are going to be accompanying us?”

“Of course, it has been a while since I have seen them, I am eager for it, but more eager to hear your thoughts – and put you into the sand, of course,” the Knight stated, and Rhaegar rolled his eyes, before shutting the door on the man to dress himself into his own armor. Ser Dayne would never let him miss a morning of training, not since the day he decided he needed to learn to wield a sword.

As soon as Rhaegar had donned his training armor, all black, he stepped out with Ser Dayne. The contrast was so normal by now, that neither thought to comment on the white hair and black armor, or black hair and white armor, as they walked out of the Holdfast together and into the dawn light, and on towards the training grounds. “Well? What do you think of Princess Elia?” Arthur finally asked.

“She is kind, gentle….” Rhaegar answered.

There was a ‘but’ there. Arthur heard it. He knew Rhaegar too well not to hear it, “She will make a fine Queen. She cares about her people, and I think she will easily come to think of the Seven as her people.”


Rhaegar shook his head at the query, “There is much yet to learn of her,” he said, rather than answer outright, as they reached the training sands, and he took up his usual blunted blade, “Come, Ser. Let us see if it is I that goes into the sand today.”

Arthur bit back a comment. He recalled Saige was with them – Saige Sand. He’d save that comment to make sure Rhaegar faltered and he did, indeed, win. He may be a Knight, but his job was to protect the royal family at any cost – and to teach Rhaegar to protect himself. That meant he had to learn to prepare for distractions and comments of any sort.


Aemilia Reyne did consider taking another bit of essence of nightshade to make sure she would sleep, but opted not to. She was already pushing it with what she’d done, but she had stayed up. That meant, that was the new limit to play with and press at, until it did nothing for her.

She was able to sleep, but it wasn’t peaceful.

It never really was. Meeting Tywin didn’t help, nor had the deep bath, paired with the nightshade, Aemilia was in for some not so pleasant dreams until too much noise and movement in the Red Keep disturbed her and brought her straight out of it.

She didn’t move. Not for a few minutes longer. She stared at the wall in front of her, and tried to sort through the dreams – what was reality, what was dream. The barriers blurred. ‘I did dance with Tywin….’ That was reality, though, not dream. She was fairly certain she hadn’t killed Aerys, though, and she apparently hadn’t been drowned with a golden hand around her throat, considering she woke up, and not in a cell.


Not that she’d stopped doing it, but taking a deep, conscious breath, helped to bring her back to the present. Thoughts sorted, she rose, and was pleased to realize that the sun wasn’t all that high up. The sky was still painted with the colors of dawn. Hopefully, she hadn’t slept too long for Rhaella, but she wasn’t certain.

She didn’t delay in getting dressed all the same, finding yet another dress that would lace in the front to keep her life easy, this one toned down so far as hues went – the Hetherspoon colors didn’t really fit with her, so she allowed herself options. It was a dark purple dress that she donned, with accents of black running through it in slight decorations and embroidery. There wasn’t much of it, this day wasn’t for showing off, no doubt.

‘You drew enough attention last night.’

She wondered about the rumors. She’d hear them soon enough, no doubt.

She pulled her hair back in a simple plait braid, leaving a few strands loose – she never liked her face unframed – and stepped out. After a moment’s hesitation, she knocked on Rhaella’s door, “My queen?” Tentative. She could leave the queen to sleep if she needed it, though she made a note to pick up some books for those mornings. She wouldn’t want to venture far, for eventually Rhaella would wake, and her duties did involve making sure the Queen was prepared for the morning.
The sun shone too bright and too early for Saige’s liking, forcing her out of her slumber. She grumbled and complained as she begrudgingly pulled herself out of the rather comfortable bed. Saige knew that there was no way Elia was up before her, not after the night she had. And she probably wouldn’t get up until Saige went in to wake her. So, instead of waking her immediately, she’d let her sleep more while Saige got herself ready for the day ahead of them. Even so, Saige didn’t spend forever getting herself ready.

Saige hadn’t bothered to unpack her things yet, not completely. After Rhaegar had so kindly escorted them to their rooms and Saige had gotten Elia into bed, she fell asleep almost immediately. And so she dug through her chest of fabrics, to decide what to wear. She opted for something much simpler than what she wore last night. Less revealing. But of course, modesty wasn’t in Saige’s vocabulary. She slipped into a sandy colored dress, it was simple and comfortable. Yet it still maintained Saige’s aesthetic with a deep neckline—if it could even be called a neckline anymore—and more respectable slit up her left leg, stopping just above her knee.

She kept her accessories simple just as well. She wore her usual serpent cuff and a thin, long chain draped down, at the end of it a sun pendant sat, an amber colored gem resting in the center. She wore it shamelessly, knowing full well it would garner attention here, good and bad.

She twisted her hair into two thick braids on either side of her head. But to finish her look, she added one final accessory. Lifting her skirt, she wrapped a leather strap around her left leg, attached was a sheathed knife. Small, but sharp. Enough to stab someone. But she didn’t think she’d need it, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Covering it with her skirt, she abandoned her room in search of the kitchens. She thought waking her sister up with some tea and something to eat would be nice.

The kitchen was busy, even so early in the morning. Saige slipped in and out, acquiring a tray and placing the things she needed on it before quickly slipping away. If anyone noticed her, which she was sure she hadn’t gone undetected, they didn’t acknowledge her.

She barged into her sister’s room without knocking, and as expected, her sister was still sleeping. Setting down the tray of stuff, Saige moved around the bed to the curtains, yanking them open and flooding the room with sunlight. “Good morning!” Saige cheered, only to get a groan in response. Elia’s head hurt, the sun didn’t help. “Come on, you have a big day today with your pretty Prince.” The younger sister sang as she moved about, pulling out clothes for her sister. Something Elia would actually wear this time.


Rhaella hadn’t been awake long, but she had been awake and searching through her clothes when Aemilia came knocking. But it wasn’t Rhaella who opened the door, instead, it was the youngest Prince that did, practically propelling himself off of his mother’s bed at the sound of Aemilia’s voice. “Come in, Aemilia,” Rhaella called, inviting her in as Viserys made his way to the door, reaching up for the doorknob.

Viserys had gotten up at some point in the night, or rather in the early hours of the morning before the sun came up. She’d scolded him only lightly if only because he’d come in not long after Aerys had left. Viserys had said he was scared, no doubt because of what happened that night, and for that reason she let him stay with her. He didn’t know that the safest place for him was in his own bed.

Fortunately, Aerys had been too drunk to even try anything. She’d been worried, unable to sleep before he came in. Either she distracted him long enough for him to get bored or maybe he’d been so out of it that he thought he’d done something to her. Either way, he’d wandered out after a while, to Rhaella’s relief. She didn’t care if he ever made it back to his bed or not ‘Don’t think things like that.’ She scolded herself. But her feelings were warranted.

After he’d left and Viserys had entered, Rhaella managed to get some rest. Not as much as she’d like, but she told herself she’d catch up on her sleep later. Something she was used to doing. Between her husband and her young child, a full night of rest wasn’t something common. Luckily, it was becoming a touch more frequent since her son was getting older.

Viserys pulled open the door, looking up at Aemilia expectantly. “You’re late,” he scolded her. The handmaidens were responsible for being ready before his mother was even up, weren’t they?

“Viserys,” Rhaella’s voice warned him. “She’s not late, she’s just on time. Leave her be.”

The little white-haired boy looked to his mother, then back to Aemilia. “You’re late, but I’ll forgive you.” He decided because he did like the fiery-haired woman. Even Rhaella could tell, especially last night. Aemilia had protected Viserys from his father, and neither Viserys or Rhaella forgot that. Rhaella nearly bodily cringed at the thought of her son having to be protected from his own father, but she quickly shook it off.

“I’m sorry, Lady Aemilia,” she apologized on behalf of her child. “Breakfast should be ready soon. I was thinking it would be nice to eat outside this morning,” Rhaella mused as she pulled her desired dress from the rest. It was a royal blue color with silver accents throughout the skirt. Pretty and suitable enough for the Queen. Yet a lot more understated than what she’d worn the night before.

As she set it on her bed she glanced to her handmaiden. “How did you sleep? Was the bed comfortable enough for you?” Rhaella questioned, ready to have Aemilia’s bedding or even her entire bed switched out if that’s what the Hetherspoon desired. Rhaella liked the girl and Aemilia didn’t seem…easily spooked. Rhaella truly hoped she’d be with her for a while, and so she wanted her to be comfortable.
Elia was certainly exhausted, and only wanted to protest more, even as Saige sung out that it was soon time to see Rhaegar Targaryen – the ‘pretty prince’. ‘Oh.’ She no doubt looked a mess right then, though that wasn’t the reason she was groping for covers to pull over her head, to hide beneath them. She wanted to hide from the light and sleep in a little longer.

She really did not feel well, and as she heard the shift of fabric, she had a sinking feeling that it wasn’t just a hangover. She had been so active last night, and had traveled so far. She did not travel much. Whenever she did, she seemed to get sick immediately. She had been surprised her health held so well on the journey, though that may have everything to do with the housecart.

Now…now she imagined that time was up, and she weakly pushed the covers down and opened her eyes to look at Saige’s activities of looking through the clothes Elia had brought with her. ‘You must at least try.’ She told herself as she pushed the covers further down, and tried to sit up.

She managed it, but not without a headrush. She placed one arm down on the bed to help steady herself, and tried to ignore the pounding that accompanied her swimming vision. She could smell food, and sought it out with her eyes, eventually noticing the close tray. She leaned towards it, hands shaking as she reached for the oatbread, biting into it to taste bits of date and apricot baked into it. It was good, and needed, and she ate one entirely in less than ten seconds once she had a taste for it, though she wasn’t sure that was the best of ideas.

She was paler than normal.

She felt a bit colder, too. Weak. She knew today would not be a good day, but even so, she forced a smile to her lips as she looked back to Saige, “You look pretty,” she commented, realizing then how dry her throat was, she looked back at the tray for a beverage and quickly picked that up and brought it to her lips to wash out the dryness of the bread, again, too quickly – she coughed only a couple of seconds later, followed by a bit of laughter at her own foolishness, before she carefully set the cup down.

She did not yet risk rising, “How do you manage to be up so early?”


Aemilia was about to pull the door open, when Viserys opened it instead. Aemilia looked down as the prince accused her of tardiness – which she would agree to. Rhaella seemed far too lucid for her to consider that she was on time, though Rhaella excused her. She inclined her head towards Viserys, “I am grateful for your forgiveness, my prince,” she said, before slipping into the room, “I will strive to do better by your lady mother,” she promised, as she pulled the door shut after herself.

With the door shut, she looked up with a light smile at the woman, and the chosen gown. Pretty colors, and they did bring a smile to her lips as she looked upon them, “Pretty,” fell easily from her lips. Farman colors – memorized and known well because her mother had been among them. One of the reasons she also tended to avoid members of that family. Sebaston Farman had known her in her youth, after all. She may look different now, but he wasn’t inclined to forget he’d once played with a red-headed girl named Aemilia. It wasn’t a common name, and she liked to think, not a common look.

“I think that sounds quite pleasant, I’ve enjoyed plenty of picnics,” Aemilia answered sincerely, though she had to admit, she was not certain how much fun it would be on the castle grounds. She doubted Rhaella would be going beyond them for breakfast. At least the company should be good.

At questions of the bed, Aemilia did smile, and start to shake her head at the worry, “The bed is fine, I am sure it is more comfortable than the one I have at home. It is only new,” and so, that made sleeping difficult. She stepped forward to assist Rhaella then with her attire, as the woman slipped out of her nightgown and stepped into the new dress.

Rhaella was just about to ask, but chuckled instead as she saw Aemilia already so close. “Please?”

Aemilia nodded, and Rhaella turned, brushing her hair aside so Aemilia had easier access to the laces. Aemilia took that moment to note, “If I had one request, actually, it would be to know where a smaller tub is in the Holdfast that I could use – it’s silly, but I never learned to swim, and the deep tubs here rather intimidate me.” Could she be blamed for it after Melara? Probably so – but not by Rhaella.

It might help in making sure she didn’t have many more nightmares like the one last night again, as she finished lacing up the dress, and then asking, “Would you like anything done with your hair?” She was certainly happy to help with that before they headed out for breakfast on the lawn.
Saige smiled at her sister’s compliment. “You look pretty as well. Just like always. Not even your pallor can dull your beauty.” Saige commented on Elia’s complexion without letting it become a downer. She gently squeezed her sister’s cheeks before sitting down next to her on the bed, careful not to disrupt her sister or the tray of consumables.

Saige’s hand instead moved to feel Elia’s forehead, “Once you sleep with as many old men as I have, you simply develop the same bed time habits. Including going to bed and waking up at ungodly hours,” she answered her sister’s question in a mumble, but still with a humorous tone. “You don’t feel well.” Saige declared. Her sister’s skin felt cold, and clammy. She pulled her hand away with a frown.

“Hm,” She mumbled, standing up. “I never should have encouraged you to drink so much last night.” Saige decided, shaking her head at herself.

Of course her sister would end up sick the next day. With all the traveling, and adding to that by putting alcohol on top of Elia’s weak immune system. It really was just a recipe for disaster in the form of her clammy sibling.

“I should run you a bath.” Saige mused as she decided to abandon the idea of any of them leaving the Red Keep that day. “And then you’ll come back here. I’ll get some tea. You need rest.”

“I don’t feel that bad,” well, she’d certainly felt worse, anyway. “We have plans for today, Saige. Remember?” Elia’s voice was low and hoarse, which didn’t at all assure Saige.

The younger sister shook her head. “No we don’t. I’ll tell Rhaegar that we need to postpone our little adventure. Just a day, until you feel better. He’ll understand.” It’s not as if Elia’s poor health was any secret. And as her fiancé, he should value her well-being over a trip into a town he’d seen many times before.

Of course, Saige didn’t understand the embarrassment of it. Elia had just gotten there and was already feeling poorly. What kind of statement was that? To Rhaegar? To the kingdom? To the king and queen? Elia nearly cringed at the things she imagined Aerys could say. He already saw her as unfit for his son. And Elia didn’t want to be seen only as a sickly woman, unfit of holding such a title as Queen.


“Oh,” Rhaella was a bit surprised by the request, but she didn’t find it silly. And Rhaella didn’t fault Aemilia for it, either. “Well, there’s mine. And there’s one down the hall past Viserys’s room,” she offered. Rhaella had a smaller one attached to her room for privacy’s sake and Viserys had one close to his room for he was much too small to use any of large baths in the bath houses. “I’m sure you’d much prefer the availability of Viserys’s,” Rhaella chuckled as it was the obvious answer.

“That’s mine though!” Viserys complained.

“And you’ll share. I thought you liked Lady Aemilia?”

“Yeah.” Viserys grumbled.

“And so you can forfeit your bathroom for a little while.” It wasn’t as if he was constantly in it, after all. As Aemilia finished lacing Rhaella’s dress, the queen turned to her. “I’ll look into arranging one for your own use if that’s what you’d prefer,” so she didn’t have to share with a child. Rhaella was a little hesitant to make arrangement, if only because she wasn’t sure how long Aemi would stick around. But she was also ready to if it would help keep Aemi around.

It’s not like baths were that expensive anyway.

Rhaella dismissively waved her hand at Aemilia’s offer to do her hair. “No, thank you. It’s a simple kind of day,” Rhaella decided. “I’m not trying to impress anyone, anyway.” Rhaella smiled. She was in the comfort of her own home, she didn’t need to look put together for nobles or for any man.

Rhaella gestured with her hands, playfully shooing both Aemi and Viserys towards the door. “Come, I’m sure breakfast is ready by now,” Rhaella had asked for a picnic to be set shortly after she woke up. “We don’t want the food to get cold.”

“Yes! Food!” The white-haired child cheered as he all but flung himself at the door, reaching up to twist the knob. He’d been waiting until they had the okay to get food. He was a growing boy after all.
The embarrassment of the matter was enough for Elia to reach out to catch Saige’s wrist, before she could consider walking out to run the bath or tell Rhaegar, or do anything of the sort. “Please,” the plea came first, her eyes wider now, “Please at least let me try to get through the tour,” Elia half-begged as she squeezed Saige’s wrist. “I should at least try….”

Perhaps she shouldn’t, and certainly, in Dorne, she would not have tried, but she did not want Rhaegar to know she was so ill after so short a time. What would he make of her, then? What would his family make of her?

They would certainly come to think she would not be capable of being Rhaegar’s bride. She would be too ill all the time, or fail to give birth to any children. A woman like Rhaella, with no known health issues, was already too well known for such complications. She could only imagine it would not fare well for her.

Perhaps they already knew – but there was a difference between hearing of it, and seeing it firsthand.

“It is just to be a walk around town…I am sure I can handle it, with some water, and some food, and a slow pace,” she added, and then as if to make that point, she let go of Saige’s wrist to reach for more of the food, showing she was capable of eating. Her appetite was not gone. She did not immediately feel queasy. She could do this! She must do this! At least for a bit, she could always claim exhaustion and bow out if she needed to, but certainly she could manage some of the trip before feeling that way, right?


The little prince was quite a possessive creature. Aemilia knew she should not find it so endearing – it could lead to such bad qualities in later life – and yet it amused her to no end that he was so worried about a bathtub, “I promise you shall have use of it whenever you like, my prince,” she noted, tone appreciative, and glance to Rhaella to let her know she was truly grateful to the woman for this. “I would appreciate such a tub to myself if it can be found in the future, but I do not mind sharing, either.”

So long as it was no great imposition on the prince, though she imagined he might one day complain of the scents of her oils left behind.

The simplicity that Rhaella wanted to keep for the day was accepted. Even unstyled, the long hair seemed quite beautiful all on its own, loose and down. Perhaps it was a Western thought that insisted the hair be styled in some way before even stepping out – but Aemilia did realize the Queen was quite correct. This was her home, she could wear it down if she liked. She wondered briefly if she would ever feel so comfortable here, as Rhaella playfully shooed her and Viserys on.

Aemilia let Viserys take the lead, opening the door and hurrying on ahead, sprinting several yards before turning back to look for the women as they stepped out.

There was no sign of Pyke in the halls, but Aemilia did not let it concern her as Viserys impatiently called out, “Come on!”

“We are not so fast as you, my prince,” Aemilia chuckled, though perhaps she could be without the skirt hem in the way. She did lift it a bit to make sure she wouldn’t step on, and looked back to the queen, intending to keep pace with her more than Viserys – who was clearly overeager to get to the food.

Rhaella did follow after her young son, who would know the way at least so far as exiting the Holdfast was concerned, and likely on towards the place where the picnic was set up, considering it was not the first time, nor likely the last, that she would wish to eat outside in the open air. It tended to mean she did not run into Aerys so much. Once outside, though, Viserys would hesitate in picking directions, and so Rhaella would reach for his hand to lead him on towards where things were set up. Once he saw it within the gardens, he was running off again.
Saige’s thoughts and actions were stopped when Elia grabbed her wrist. Saige mentally prepared herself to resist, continue to say no. But then Elia gave her those wide eyes and pleaded, put effort into showing Saige she was just fine, reaching for food to show she could keep something down. Saige sighed, “Fine. You can try. But if you start feeling sick, just know I told you so.” Saige hoped Elia wouldn’t get sick, however.

Saige continued to lay out Elia’s clothes, “You know, you won’t be able to push yourself like this forever. It’s not good for you, you need to rest. Whoever has a problem with it can deal with me,” Saige ranted as she moved about, grabbing a hairbrush to deal with the mess of her sister’s hair.

“I’m not pushing myself, I’m fine.” Elia took on a stern tone, trying to reinstate her position as the oldest sister. Really it just made Saige hold back a laugh, not even Elia could keep up that tone. With a small smile, she gently shook her head. “I wouldn’t try if I didn’t think I could do it. I don’t need you to baby me, Saige. I can take care of myself just fine.”

“Oh? So you don’t need a handmaiden then? Fine, I guess I’ll return to Dorne with Oberyn.” Saige shrugged as she squeezed herself behind Elia on the bed, taking her hair and brushing through it as gently as she could.

“Ha ha,” Elia grumbled a feigned laugh. “You’re so mean.”

“We can’t all be as sweet as you, Elia.” A knock sounded from the door then. “Who is it?” Saige called, knowing the proper thing to do was probably to get up and check.

“Your favorite brother,” were the words called back, obviously from Oberyn.

“Doran! I didn’t know you were coming to visit.” Elia teased after finishing a bite of food.

“Ouch.” Oberyn took that as an invitation to enter, anyway, easily slipping in. “You women take forever to get ready,” Oberyn complained, only saying such a thing because he knew it would irk his sisters. “I saw your boy Rhaegar this morning, running off with a certain Dayne. Remember when Saige had an infatuation with him?” All that earned was an eye roll from Saige. She’d been young and had a thing for pretty men. She still had a liking for such men, to be honest. “I wonder if he’ll be joining us today.”


Rhaella released a content sigh as she kept a leisurely pace, following behind her overly eager son. It was these brief moments that she really lived for. A nice day, her son happy, good company. There wasn’t too many of those. And while Rhaella could want more, perhaps a good husband or for both her sons to be truly happy, she wouldn’t dare ask for more. She wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Viserys reached the blanketed area before the two women, excitedly moving to tear open the basket and eat already. “Viserys, wait.” Rhaella warned. Viserys’s response was to groan and throw himself on the ground, briefly flailing his limbs in frustration. But then he calmed and waited for the two to join him. Teaching him patience was already proving to be a big challenge, a bigger challenge than it was with Rhaegar.

“Children really are something special,” such innocent little beings. “I mean, some really can be monstrous. But they’re cute.” Rhaella mused. There was a part of her that wanted more, but she knew that was highly unlikely. It was much too difficult for her. And having another child would mean she would have to lie with Aerys, which she wanted to avoid any chance she could.

Rhaella briefly wondered what Aemilia’s plans for the future were. Did she want children? What did she want to do with her life, because surely she wouldn’t want to be just a handmaiden forever. Aemilia was legitimized, so she could be married at some point.

The Queen brushed those thoughts aside. It was Aemilia’s life, not any of her business, really. She soon joined her barely patient son, situation herself on the blanket, gently shaded by bushes and trees, protecting them enough from the sun. Viserys had a pleading look, his sights set on a particular pastry. “Go ahead,” she allowed him once both she and Aemi were settled. Rhaella would let her company plate themselves first, she would just enjoy the scenery for a moment.

She heard a chatter approach closer. She couldn’t make out what was being said, but she still recognized the voices. “Lord Tywin, Lady Cersei,” She greeted them once they came into view.

Their attention was pulled from their own conversation at the sound of Rhaella’s voice. Their direction was altered to head towards them. “My Queen,” Tywin greeted. “Prince Viserys, Lady Aemilia,” he acknowledged. He looked to his daughter, silently urging her to be respectful.

“Good morning, Queen Rhaella,” Cersei offered, slightly bowing. Though Cersei gave a charming smile, there was still something to her look that was…judging. Most definitely aimed at Rhaella’s…casual dress. Not that Rhaella really noticed, nor cared. “Prince Viserys, Aemilia.” Cersei didn’t bother being as respectful as her father, to which Tywin both approved and disapproved, simultaneously. Cersei would learn.

“We’re just having a little picnic if either of you would care to join,” Rhaella offered. She doubted Tywin would sit and have a picnic with a couple of women and a toddler, so the offer was mainly for his young daughter.
Elia did hum a moment, as Saige brushed out her hair, before noting, “It is likely. A Kingsguard would accompany Prince Rhaegar out into the city.” The earlier request to be informal with him was forgotten with his presence not there, his easy demeanor, “It would make sense that he would bring Ser Dayne along, given his own home. Oh, it’s been forever since we’ve seen him!”

Ser Dayne had joined the Kingsguard too young. She was fairly certain many women were still distressed over his choice – perhaps even Saige.

The food was at least not disturbing her too much, and so Elia did make sure to keep eating before Oberyn. The last thing she needed was him to catch wind that she was unwell, or for Saige to make such a comment. He would be worse than Saige about her staying in. “We’ll be ready soon,” she offered to him then, before asking, “Did you see much of the pair? Are they already waiting?” Was she already too late?

Oberyn sensed the distress in her tone, the worry, and he shook his head, “No, they seemed wholly distracted with each other. Ser Dayne didn’t even notice me,” Ser Pyke had, apparently amused with why the prince was covered in sand, but he didn’t give Oberyn that story – he’d get it from him later. “I think the prince will need a bath before showing up as it is – he was soundly beaten and covered in sand when I saw him.”

Elia’s eyes widened a touch. Of course, everyone knew Ser Dayne was good – but somehow the image that popped into her head wasn’t what she expected. She heard of how good Rhaegar was, as well. He rarely lost in the jousts! Perhaps he was not as good as Ser Dayne with a sword – only better in a joust?

Either way, it calmed her a bit that she might have a bit more time before seeing either.


Indeed, Rhaegar was going to need to at least rinse himself off, as when he and Ser Dayne left the training field, he was still finding sand to brush off of him, and he was fairly certain his hair was a wreck.

“I bet there is a Sand you’d like to eat.”

The comment had followed his declaration that it was Dayne who would eat sand, not immediately, but close enough that it was an easy continuation of the conversation they’d abandoned for swords – and a startling comment all at once. He’d eaten sand when Ser Dayne followed the words with action, knowing Rhaegar would be thrown off his guard.

That hadn’t been the end, as Rhaegar was fairly determined to put Ser Dayne in the same position. He had. They were both coated in sand, but only Ser Dayne was laughing about it as they made the trek back. “It is a good thing we’re not entering the Red Keep, your father would throw us both out looking like this.”

There may have been some grappling and abandoning of swords. Rhaegar was entirely blaming Arthur for that, and so the reason they were both more a mess than usual. Rhaegar knew he needed to practice combat without weapons, but he really didn’t enjoy it.

“Lucky us,” the sarcasm dripped from his voice as they both entered the Holdfast, “Get yourself cleaned up, Arthur. You’re coming out into the city with me today, and you will keep those earlier comments to yourself.”

“I’ll behave,” he promised, “Mostly.” Oberyn was in the party. Oberyn had the uncanny ability to draw out the worst in anyone. Still, he’d attempt to seem every bit the knight he had the realm fooled into thinking he was.

They took their separate ways to find baths to get cleaned up. Arthur should have gone back to the Kingsguard’s tower, but he hadn’t thought to. He wasn’t going to be denied here, anyway.


The walk involved some musing over children – and Aemilia almost wanted to ask who she’d known to be a monstrous child, but the distraction of Viserys was ever-present, and the way he flailed made her imagine it may be him – in certain moments, at certain times. “They are cute,” Aemilia echoed with a chuckle as Viserys righted himself when the two arrived, and Aemilia easily took her place on the laid out blanket.

Viserys went right after a pastry as soon as he was given permission, and Aemilia managed not to chuckle at his haste and enthusiasm to take a particular one. “What sort is that?” She asked, reaching for a fruit tart herself of strawberries, and a second of blueberries.

“Memon,” Viserys said between a mouthful, before the distraction of Tywin and Cersei showed up. Aemilia did recall the brief encounter with Cersei from last night, and so she did not expect the young lady to address her by name, but once she did, she arched a brow. The title was obviously left off on purpose, but before Aemilia could consider ignoring it, she decided on another route.

If they joined.

“We would love to join,” Cersei volunteered. Being closer to Rhaella would be a benefit, no? She could only see the advantages, once Elia was dead. She was quick to move from her father’s side, “Thank you, your grace,” she said as she sat, adjusting her skirt a bit around herself, not exactly a fan of sitting out and eating, but she’d endure it.

“It is good to finally meet you, Cersei.” Aemilia also left off the title, and Cersei’s head shot up in immediate offense, to be met not with a hostile expression from Aemilia, but a…friendly smile? “Melara always told me so much about you, I thought I practically knew you. I am glad the sentiment seems returned with your familiar address. I admit, I had been concerned that you did not recognize me last night, but I suppose your lord father has informed you by now.” A glance up to Tywin, a silent greeting, before her gaze returned to those already seated, and to Rhaella, “Anything I can get you?”

Rhaella almost laughed, and leaned across herself now that Aemilia was plated, “I think I can get my own pastries, but thank you,” she noted, adding to the others, “You may have what you like as well, I am certain there is an excess amount here,” it seemed that way already, even with the two pitchers of lightly flavored water.
“I bet I could beat him,” Saige mused as she sectioned Elia’s hair into three parts, with the intent of braiding it. It would hopefully keep Elia cool and comfortable while they were outdoors in the sun.

Oberyn snorted, “Who, Rhaegar?”

“Well, him too. I meant Arthur. I bet I could take either of them in a fight.” Saige shrugged as she reached the end of Elia’s braid. Of course, she didn’t really think that she could beat them in a real fight. But she imagined she could take them for a little bit. Perhaps her status as a woman would give her an advantage. Well, they had to be the sorts that didn’t beat women for that to work. “Could you make yourself useful, Oberyn and hand me that,” Saige pointed to a little box on Elia’s vanity. Containing ties and accessories.

“You’re not serious, are you?” Elia asked, trying to turn her head to face Saige, but the younger woman didn’t allow that.

“Right, of course. You can’t even beat me in a fight, little sister.” Oberyn reminded as he grabbed the box for her, handing it off.

“Well, they’re not you, are they?” Saige supposed that she was complimenting him. After all, she couldn’t think anyone could be much better than Oberyn. Even if he did cheat with poison, he was still good in combat. “Hm, maybe I should challenge Rhaegar. Make him earn Elia’s hand in marriage.” She joked as she tied off Elia’s hair, pulling pieces around her face. She finished it by adding a jeweled clip to her hair. Simple, but still added a put together element. “Are you ready to get dressed?” Saige asked her sister, wording it so it didn’t let on that she was feeling unwell.

Saige wanted what was best for Elia, but Oberyn would enforce what was best for her.

Elia swallowed the last bite of her food and nodded. Her body really wasn’t ready, but it probably wouldn’t be if she just kept sitting. Maybe once she stood and got dressed, she’d feel better.


Tywin was admittedly amused by Cersei and Aemilia’s interaction. He could at least see that Aemilia was spiting her, though it didn’t seem Cersei had caught on quite yet. He could tell by the way her eyes immediately went to him, as if he would do anything about it. He only allowed her a stoney gaze before his eye briefly flitted down to Aemilia, catching her silent greeting.

He wasn’t sure if he was impressed by the woman or completely enraged. Both, most likely.

Tywin was curious as to how Cersei would handle Aemilia. His daughter did tend to think she knew all there was to know, that she knew how to play the game. But she was still a child, with a lot to learn. She still looked to him for assistance, and that said enough. Perhaps Aemilia would teach Cersei a lesson in patience. Tywin wouldn’t admit it but Aemilia really had tested his patience the night before. Her and Oberyn.

Cersei reached for a pastry after the Queen dished herself up. Lemon, Cersei believed. It earned a glare from the little Prince Viserys. The lemon treats were his, after all. Or so he believed.

Cersei saw that her father would be of no help and she didn’t want to look like a fool in front of the Queen. “You’ll have to forgive me for last night. Melara spoke very much about her natural sister, but I couldn’t put a face to the name.” Cersei’s face returned the smile. Well…Cersei’s smile looked more like a sneer than anything. Disingenuous. Cersei could say nothing more than what she’d already said.

She couldn’t be too hostile in front of Rhaella. Not to her handmaiden.

“Of course, my father has informed me now. It’s a shame Melara couldn’t be here to introduce us herself.” The cons of being dead.

“Well, it’s best not to dwell on such things,” Rhaella interjected as she poured water into some cups, one for her and one for Viserys. Her intent was not to brush off Melara, but rather to avoid any less than positive feelings being brought up.

“Who’s Melara?” Viserys wondered, crumbs falling from the corner of his mouth.
As Elia forced herself to rise, she spoke on the matter of her sister’s boasting, in the hope it would keep the conversation moving and away from her – at least, a little bit away from her, “Please don’t challenge Prince Rhaegar for my hand. Either of you,” she gave Oberyn a pointed gaze, and he lifted his hands up innocently.

“I would never dream of it,” that was a lie, and it showed in the smile that curled upon his lips. However, he added, “I would hardly think it fair to fight a man that our Ser Dayne can defeat. Perhaps when he has improved. Maybe it is better that he fights you first, Saige,” he couldn’t help it, and it allowed Elia to show exasperation – weakness – without it appearing as that as she took up the attire that had been gathered for her.

“Turn away,” she said to Oberyn, who rolled his eyes at the modesty, but did as asked, with a bit of a flourishing gesture of his arm as he turned from the pair of sisters. He then proceeded to fold his arms over his chest as he heard the rustle of fabric as Elia changed behind him.

Elia was careful – slow – so as not to disturb either her health or the clip in her hair with her movements. Eventually she was sheathed in it, and she brushed her hands over the skirt, only to jolt as she heard a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it! I’ll be sure no one sees anything,” Oberyn teased, taking to the door and opening it to find Ser Dayne, and His Grace, Rhaegar, outside. Arthur’s hair seemed a bit damp still, and he had opted not to don a helmet, while Rhaegar’s longer hair was somehow perfectly dry, and there was no more sand to him.

“Men, I’ve been exiled to the hall, so I’ll entertain you until they’re done!” He decided that was the best way to go about it when he saw the shocked expression on Rhaegar’s face – clearly he wasn’t expecting Oberyn to answer.

Rhaegar gave a polite nod and stepped back to allow Oberyn room to step out into the hall. The Viper pulled the door shut behind him as he did so, but not without asking somewhat loudly, “So how was the taste of sand, Rhaegar?”

Blissfully unaware of how he was embarrassing him – only intending to embarrass him for his loss, but the way Rhaegar’s face went red and the immediate laughter from Arthur told him there was another story to it all as Rhaegar stumbled over the words, “Like grittier soil,” while Ser Dayne died besides him.


Cersei did not answer immediately, but looked to her father. It was a brief reminder that Cersei was, in fact, a child. Perhaps a malicious one, given her greeting, or perhaps just one with a rather…ridiculous ego. Both seemed likely, given she was born of Tywin Lannister, but Aemilia would not let it define her, too much. She’d try not to become hostile.

Spiteful, potentially. But, well, children did need to learn, didn’t they?

It seemed Cersei was willing to play off her error and play along. She feigned them close, and Aemilia wondered if it would grate on her nerves, every time Aemilia left off her title from that point on. She’d done it to herself. Melara was spoken of, and the topic could have been easily dismissed, were it not for Viserys’s question.

Aemilia answered, “My sister – Melara Hetherspoon,” not her sister, no, but close enough. She’d known Melara longer. “She’s younger than me,” she did not know how much Viserys knew, or understood, of death, so she did not intend to elaborate on it. “She and Cersei were friends, but Cersei and I never met until quite recently,” she explained, noted, “She thought those lemon pastries were too sour, though – she would have let you have them all.”

Viserys beamed at that. Anyone who would let him have all the lemon pastries was good in his book, “She should come here.”

Aemilia nodded her agreement, “She can’t.” The cons of being dead, indeed.


Before Aemilia could say it, Cersei did, “She died.” Viserys’s brow knit together, “She drowned,” Cersei specified, as if that would make it easier to understand. It did not. He looked to Rhaella, expression showing his confusion.
Oberyn left them with a loud exclamation, shutting the door behind him. Loud laughter soon followed after. “I wonder what’s so funny,” she mused as her eyes moved over Elia’s outfit, letting out a hum of approval. “I suppose Oberyn can be entertaining. Sometimes.” She offered a joke, which Elia chuckled along with.

“Sometimes,” the older sister reaffirmed.

“Now sit,” Saige insisted, grabbing her sister’s sandals to assist her in putting them on. Just to give Elia as much time to rest as possible, since she insisted on going along this journey. As much as Saige still disapproved of.

“I’m not a dog,” Elia grumbled, “I can do this myself.” Elia insisted, grabbing the shoes from Saige. Some days she wouldn’t have minded the assistance, but others she got sick of feeling like she needed help from anyone. Besides, she wanted to prove that she wasn’t so ill that she couldn’t spend the day out. Even if the act of slipping her sandals on was tiring.

“Fine,” Saige held her hands up in defense. Elia laid back on the bed for a few more moments. “I know you’re going to insist you can make the trip, but I’ll say it again. We can call it off anytime, just tell me.” She explained again as she went to find a simple bag to carry, in case any of them decided to buy something while out. Elia waved her hand dismissively at Saige’s worried words.

“Yes, I know.” Elia slowly sat up, reaching her hands out for her sister to pull her up, which she did. “Thank you. I’ll be fine,” she assured. “Come on, let’s go relieve Rhaegar and Arthur of Oberyn.”

“Very well,” Saige led the way, opening the door for her sister.

Elia offered some soft ‘good mornings’ before Saige spoke in greeting. “Sorry about the wait. Usually, it’s Oberyn we’re waiting on. I believe he got an earlier start today.” Saige teased as they joined the men.


Rhaella took in a deep breath, a tad irritated that such things were being brought up, especially when it was such a lovely peaceful day. And she was a tad sad. She wished to have stopped the subject from being brought up, but alas. Cersei was not her child to correct and Aemilia was a grown woman that could talk about her lost sister if she wanted to.

Unfortunately, now she had to explain in a way that her son would understand that Melara was dead. Something she hadn’t wanted her son to be concerned about. He was much too young to have to wrap his little head around such things. Rhaella knew of course that he’d have to understand one day. She just hadn’t planned it to be that day in particular. But no matter.

Rhaella would explain in the simplest way she could to end the subject. “You see, my love. Aemilia’s sister is with her gods now.” Rhaella wouldn’t assume what Aemilia’s family may have worshipped, even if it was safe to say the Seven. “Just like my parents, your grandparents are. They’ve lived all their years and are celebrating now, waiting for the rest of us to join once we’ve lived our lives.”

“Hm,” Viserys grumbled. “What is drowned?” He asked, mispronouncing the word drowned.

“Well, drowning is when someone is underwater for too long. Now, eat. Momma will tell you more later when you’re older.” Rhaella dismissed.

“Nooow,” Viserys whined, only to pout when his mother gave him a look. When Viserys went back to munching on a lemon pastry, Rhaella turned her gaze to Aemilia, her eyes relaying her apology. This conversation didn’t seem like a good way to start out the day.

Tywin couldn’t say he agreed with Rhaella’s parenting methods. Viserys would need to learn about death, it would be easier if it were sooner. Particularly with a father like his. But Tywin would not comment on the Queen’s choices. “Excuse Cersei. She didn’t intend to stir up such ill thoughts this morning.” In other words, he was telling his daughter that there was a place and time and this was not it.

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