Unbelieveable IQ [1x1] (Me & write.explore.imagine.)


Onyx Dragon
Tyu is happily walking back to his house from school since he just got a good grade, then he sensed that someone is following him. He turns back.

" Anyone back there?" He looks around to see if anyone's there. But he doesn't see anyone. He shrugs and continue walking back to his house.

Name: Tyu Neiryu

Age: 20



Biography: Lives alone now, invents a lot of things.

Personality: Clever, Agile, Quick-minded, Friendly, Brave, Creative, Calm, Calculative.

@write.explore.imagine 's: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/harmony.1456/
Harmony sighed, stretching and making her way home as well. It had been a long day, at least it seemed like it. She sighed, noticing a boy in front of her. She clicked her tongue, he looked familiar but she couldn't remember where from... She hesitated before running forward to get his attention. "Hey... you look familiar." She told him as she caught up.
"H-Huh? Oh. We are in the same class. No wonder you don't know me. So, what is it?" Tyu turned around and replied to the girl asking him, then he scratches his head, thinking why would the girl talk to him.
Harmony smiled a bit, listening. "Oh... that's right, you always sit in back. You never pay attention but always seem to know the answers." She laughed a bit, sliding her hands into her pockets. She shrugged at his last question. "Oh... nothing I was just trying to figure out why you look so familiar...
"Heheh. Glad you got your answers. Well, if there's nothing more, i will be going home." He shrugs while laughing. Then he turned around, waiting for the girl's answer, hoping he can go home.
Harmony watched him, "Yeah... I suppose..." She sighed, stretching a bit. "Do you live in the area? I only ask because I live right around the block... just curious." She told him as she continued walking.
"Huh? Really? Where is your house? Mine is also around the block too." Tyu says as he continues walking back to his home, feeling more curious and curious as he walks.
Harmony smiled a bit and nodded, "The blue apartment building." She told him, walking beside him now, hands still in her pockets. "Where do you live? I don't remember seeing you in the morning."
"It's the big white mansion." He talks as he puts his hand behind his head, looking at the sky, seems like he is spacing out.
"Yeah. I have a lot of money by inventing and selling my products. I'm currently the unly one there and it quite calm from the quiet, really." He continues walking back to his mansion as well as he continues spacing out.
Harmony raised an eyebrow, "An inventor. Sounds like you don't need to go to college, why are you?" She asked curiously. "Sounds nice though... better than a noisy apartment." She laughed.
"It might not sounds like it but although i'm a genius as you might say but i like to learn a lot. I usually read books and invents in my free time, since i'm like a nerd of some sort, i don't have much friends but i have a lot of enemies, jealous of my grades. I don't know how and why did i got this inteligent, it's just like it came to me." He still spaces out as he speaks and walks.
Harmony watched him curiously. "Really?" She asked him, listening carefully. "Well you seem nice enough, it must be nice... to have plenty of money. I do pretty well in school so I guess that's what counts." She shrugged, "One day I'll get out of the apartment." She laughed.
"Hey. Why not come join me in my mansion? It's pretty big with a lot of rooms and i was kinda lonely there." Tyu snaps out from spacing out and look at the girl, happily inviting her to his house.
Harmony blinked in surprise. "Join you... oh well... sure, i don't really have anyp lans for tonight, just a bit of homework." She shrugged. "I mean as long as you don't mind." She added.
"I won't mind, my mansion is kind of big anyways." Tyu shrugs, continues walking to his mansion.
"Can i help with packing your belongings or you can do it?" Tyu stops at the gate of the building, waiting the girl to respond.
Harmony smiled, blushing a bit. "I don't have much." She admitted quietly. "I can pay for rent if you want... it's not a problem... I have a job too so..." She trailed off.
"I won't take money. It's a little spacy anyways and i have enough money to last my life time. Well, i'll be waiting you here." Tyu stands near to the wall and leans at it. Then he takes out his touchscreen phone and play with it.
Harmony hesitated, "Really... it's not a problem of anything..." She started before nodding slowly. "Alright then I'll be back." She told him with a smile before hurrying back to pack her stuff. Some stuff was too big to take out in one trip so she figured she could come back for it before coming back out.
"Let me handle that." Tyu puts his phone back into his pant's pocket, then he offers to carry the girl's bags to his house, don't want himself to be free handed while she is heavy lifting.

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