Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

Kurome has to deal with a non-functioning body, that's extremely painful, yet she can't kill herself, and her powers won't let her die from the debuff, making her suffer.
\(._. )/ Aoi suffers from depression, so she constantly harms herself. Of course, when she's alone. But she will not kill herself, she doesn't want some random creature eating her corpse and getting electrified right after. :P
I think Kurome and Aoi would be best friends, so long as Aoi stays away from calling Nana, Maya, and Sera puppets, or getting close to Nana.
I agree. As long as Kurome doesn't talk about family and ask "Are you okay?" When she's in a depressed mood, then it should be fine, lol.
I think Kurome's a little too... Let's just say she won't ask anybody if they're fine aside from her three puppets that she's deluded enough to think as real. Then again, they do look realistic to the point anybody'd be able to mistake 'em for real until they find out in some way, such as touching them, observing they never change expression, etc. Y'know, it'd be a pain to make puppets like that, then lose 'em. Especially with them being' the only things keepin' her from suicide.
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Yeah, Aoi has only one thing keeping her from committing suicide. It's her childhood friend Usagi. Of course, I want to make her a character, but I don't know if Laney would approve. If Usagi dies, then Aoi dies. Though, It's not suicide that's gonna end up killing her. Aoi and Usagi have a special bond, it's like they are connected. So, they suffer from the same things, take pleasure in the same things, and feel the same things. (Emotions) Usagi's ability is Ice manipulation, though she is made of Ice/water. If she goes anywhere above the temp. of 90 degrees,(f) She will start melting. (She can recover by touching cold water or ice, but it's rare to be near an ice cube when fighting :P )
I'm going to add in six more puppets, just so when she uses puppets, there's a mental image while she's actually using puppets, rather than flooding with human-size dolls with no detail whatsoever every single time.
I'm also thinkin' about changing Kurome's name to something else. Any ideas?

By the way, for the sake of her six puppets fighting, would it be proper to include that they can be controlled by strings that are wound through the body, rather than external strings? OF course I'd include quite a few weaknesses to make them actually able to be beaten.
Any kinds of names?

let's see...




I dunno.

Sure, I guess.







Any of these work?
Hahaha Iris has swag? Never pictured that.

Hm if you think about it, Iris' debuff doesn't seem so bad since her blood sugar drops, but if it drops enough she will pass out since there isn't much giving her energy and since she has to use her own blood sometimes to allow her power to take effect that means severe blood loos which can lead to death and again passing out which Leaves her vunerable.

(I wanted to join in...)

Iris is practically crazy.
Lol Laney your too late :P

Lol kay'. You gonna post them? Oh, Laney, can i add Usagi as one of my characters?
On Alexis' powers, her power is fire and heat. So no lava or anything like that. What I take from it is that she can 1. Manifest fire 2. Manipulate it. 3. Thermokinesis (aka temperature control) but only in the sense of making it hotter rather than cooler.

You say her weakness is that she can't control it and only when she is angry can she unlock it. Kind of like the Hulk in that sense but true once she finds a way to stay angry and control her powers she will be unstoppable minus a direct injection from Iris.

Since she can't control it, I picture her getting occasionally burned by her powers when she uses them. And she may not feel it in the moment but she has to afterwards. She can have singed marks and minimal burns on her hands. But the more she uses the more burned she gets. You don't have to make them third degree burns or anything (unless you place a whole building on fire..) and she can heal faster than others when it comes to burns but those are my thoughts and verdict.

Comments? Questions?

@devon armadues
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I'll actually be editing the sheet to add the puppets, rather than posting them separately, unless you'd want them posted separately, in which case I'd have to change the format of presentation due to the way I set them up.
PoisonousCupcake said:
Lol Laney your too late :P
Lol kay'. You gonna post them? Oh, Laney, can i add Usagi as one of my characters?

Who is Usagi? But sure. Again as long as you can handle it.
Let's see who can finish first. Me and my puppets, or you and Usagi?

Finally finished, saving the edits here in just a second after I change Kurome's name to something a bit better.

Changes've been saved.

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