Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

Also, if you're fine with it, I'm going to have it where they couldn't find a way to keep Yuri's powers from being used by her, though did find a way to keep her from doing anything with them that would be bad. I'd also have it where they let her roam the halls in her wheelchair while pushed by one of her nine puppets when she's seen as sane enough at the times allowed.
Hm... I was thinking I'd place her on Level 2, since she is wheelchair bound and they don't think she's harmful enough to hurt anyone....

If you don't mind me asking, how do you think they keep her from using them for bad? Or perhaps that is how the medication form of Iris' power take effect on her?
It's more of they allow her to have all nine of her puppets with her at any time she so wishes, and since she's made herself believe all of them to be the actual people, though three aren't even alive, while the other six are mere puppets at this point (though still alive), she doesn't do anything bad 'cause she's got enough things to keep her occupied and happy.
Ahhhhh I see. Hm.. Yup Level 2, so she can even be out and about when they are touring, or in a recreational room or something. Or they can be ushering her back..

So I'm curious to the effect Iris will have on her... As in would all the puppets and strings go slack if she were to touch her you know?

Haha I just realized Iris is the only girl experiment and Kieran is the only male student. Wow. Heh kinda funny. Luckily the patients are pretty even, even if I inadvertently separated the sexes O.o well except for Usagi, she's with the guys.
The strings are actually wound only on the inside of her puppets. The only way to really disable Yuri's powers is by stabbing straight through both of her knees and hands, as her powers are from an internally-external source. Doing so would severely harm her though, up until the fourth, whereupon she may actually heal from any damage caused by her powers. She can be stopped by knocking her out as well, though the puppets would continue to act of her own uncontrollable will. Pretty much you keep her happy, and she'll be like a normal, happy person.
Pretty much. Still has plenty of debuffs to make her balanced though, right? I'd also like to know what you think should be the way the twins powers work on Yuri, or if they do work on her at all, since she controls her own body like she does the puppets.
I really want to a post up too, but it's almost 1 am and I'm totally brain dead.... ^^
Well, I've actually got three characters, plus I'm working with a few codes to make it look a lil' fancy by doing Yuri's writing on paper. Plus, I had to confirm a few things with Laney in order to make sure I didn't do anything that would be impossible due to her floor, etc.
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I know the feelings, except its nearly midnight here. I'm surprised i could squeeze 2 paragraphs out in this state.
I don't even know how i got talked into such a literate rp, i've been rping for 7 years on a single one liner rp with my best friend. Everything after three sentences seems like a lot to me.
Well, I'd say that me and Laney're the ones that make it literate, and that everybody just seems to follow suit and does more than the minimum of one paragraph. I was kinda expectin' everybody to do one paragraph, two at most.
I agree with you 110%, if i saw a single one liner i would follow suit and go back into old habits. I've just been copying the lengths of the person before me the whole time so i'm not hauled in by the rp police
Well, almost done with the post. By the way, Yuri's gonna go up to Blair in her wheelchair. Hope that's alright, and that Blair's fine with readin' some messages on paper.

Laney, are you planning something with that post you're clearly writing right now? xD

@Tanshin @alexis the furry We should probably be discussing things in the OOC xD
Well you cant really say that just because you have written more than a paragraph that is is literature, sometimes there just isnt much to say and not everyone is able to crank out long paragraphs. I love to write but for the most part I dont find any reasont to drag on what ever my character is doing making people want to read it less and also make it harder to understand, just a opinon.
UltraYuseke said:
Well, I'd say that me and Laney're the ones that make it literate, and that everybody just seems to follow suit and does more than the minimum of one paragraph. I was kinda expectin' everybody to do one paragraph, two at most.
I was talking about this
You're misunderstanding the context... That didn't even mean anything but that me and Laney were the reason everything was literate, not bragging or anything... Not to mention, included 'was expectin' everybody to do one paragraph, two at most', as in I was honestly hoping for a bit less literature.

It was practically me saying that I was ashamed of myself for being so literate, tbh.
Just the way you were wording it made it seems like you were saying you and laney were the only ones that were really writing anything good. Sorry, and the way you worded that also sounds like your braging btw lol you do understand what literate means right haha, we are all literate. Sorry is just annoyed me that you were talking about other peoples writing.

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