Two Worlds Joined (Bear, Tigress, Youtchkov, Mar & Sixx)


Princess of Hell
All we as humans know is our own world, a modern day world with noisy cars and busy streets. What we don't know is that there is a world very different to ours, separated only by a thin barrier of space and time. The world humans don't know about is the type of world you expect in a story book. A beautiful land with castles, princesses and of course dragons. For this world not only has 'real' creatures as humans would refer to them but it also contains creatures of legend and myth, all stuck in a time before technology, a medieval land.

An alchemist in the other world has been able to create a device that can create a temporary tear in the space-time barrier in order to escape from his world. Why, you ask? The alchemists had made a grave mistake messing with things they weren't supposed to, necromancy. They thought they knew what they were doing but they messed up, big time. Their mistake cost pretty much every single humanoid creature their lives. They had created a zombie virus. This is why the one surviving alchemist wanted to escape, to prevent himself from ending up a brainless monster like the rest of them.

Once through the tear the alchemist made another mistake, he had come through into an empty laboratory and since he didn't know anything about modern civilization he wanted to leave the lab as quickly as possible, leaving behind his device. Once the scientists came back they started messing around with it, like all scientists do. Their mistake was that they were just idiots for messing with something thy didn't understand. They opened up the tear between the worlds but did something that caused it to remain open.

So, I guess you could say that this whole situation began with a few silly mistakes, some larger than others but all from tampering with something they didn't understand. Where do you and I come in? Well, simple, we are just normal people (Not all from the same world however) who happen to get caught up in the goings on.


Character Sheet:











Ayama Rin










Very shy but has a fun side to her. She doesn't trust anyone until she knows them very well.


Lived with her family just outside a small town on the edge of a forest in he other world. When the zombie virus spread her entire town was wiped out, the only reason she survived was because she was in the woods collecting firewood and she ran away as soon as she heard the screams. This was eight years ago, since then she had trained herself in the way of the sword, which she got off a dead knight on the side of the road. She lives in a small cave a little ways up a mountain, it is the only place safe from the zombies since they cannot climb cliffs.




PoisonedSixx's Character Sheet: (He still wants to improve it, this is just an outline.)


Bernard Szczepanik




Uknown, presumably human






Introverted, mysterious. He does not talk much.


Doctor and Alchemist, also proficient with a sword. Parents were killed on witchcraft charges.


The cause of this tragedy, all due to a series of freak accidents and an elixir meant to cure all disease and prolong human life.
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~The Huntress~

"It's not about how tragically we suffer, but about how miraculously we live"


Jinx Blair


19, born on 31st October



Would you like to know more about me?


Where she comes from, the book, her parents were both killed by werewolves when she was a very young child. That is part of the reason Jinx had chosen to become a hunter.


When she was a young girl, her parents were killed by werewolves, forcing her to 'run' away and fend for herself for years. The year she turned 15 she went to the palace and began training under the watchful eyes of the king, being one of the few that the king trained himself. Now that she is 19, she is one of the top hunters in her time and serves as the king's right hand. She is an assassin despite her odd looks and her species' generally peaceful nature.


Her personality is not something that is easy to define since it can change within seconds. She is normally very exhausted a lot of the time though considering she never gets much sleep, and is very prone to serious mood swings. However, she can be really nice to be around if she is in a good mood, but when she is frightened she feels that she needs to be close to someone, almost for comfort.


Training, being alone, fighting and hunting.


Crowds, loud noises, things she isn't used to.


Two small piercings on each of her elf-like ears.


They aren't exactly tattoos, but she has multiple red markings covering her white scales tail.



Gale van der Storm


Average height for his age. Blue eyes, dark blonde hair.








Young and curious. He is quite friendly, and due to his friendliness, curiousness about the world around him and his you gneiss, he sometimes doesn't realise fully what his actions would do or cause.


He and his parents lived happily together. He was going to be going to grade 7 next year. His parent's house was, unfortunately, nearby where the portal was when it opened, but they are still unaware of this.


When the zombies come through, they attack his house and *someone* kills the zombies, but not in time to save his parents.



Cameron McMurray, Prof. med.


Good looking, tall man with short, thick, dark brown hair. A three-day beard with black rimmed reading glasses.








Fresh, young at heart. Very intelligent with a high intelligence quotient. Pleasant. Helpful. Divoted.


Cameron was brought up in a wealthy home in Yorkshire, England. He studied infectious diseases at Harvard in the United States where he graduated prematurely due to his high intelligence He had always been the 'bright' one amongst the 'dull' ones. He mastered School maths when he was in grade 10. In the last two years he started with first year university mathematics.

From a very young age, he was interested in the anatomy of the human body and he always was determined to give off his life, devoting it to others in need. Thus, he started work at the Scottsdale Biomedical Research Laboratory this was also triggered by the passing of his mother, who died on yellow fever while on an expedition in Africa. His father came down with Alzheimer.


It was tea break, however, Cameron spent his time in the pathogen vault like any other day. The vault lies in the East Wing, while his normal work station lies in the West Wing. He was busy analyzing the pathogens when he suddenly felt the earth shake beneath him. He thought it was an earthquake, which was not too common in the area.

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Running, she was always running, when would it end? When they caught her? They were not going to all suddenly drop down dead one day, that's for sure. Ayama reached the cliffs and began climbing, she sighed when she reached the ledge in front of her cave. She was so sick of running, but if she tried to fight them when there were this many she would die for sure.

She waited for a while as they tried to scramble up the cliffs, it was always the same, the zombies could learn to do certain things if you left them long enough, such as climb a ladder or open a door. Climbing a cliff however was different, they couldn't get a proper hold because their fingers were, well, dead. Once they had given up and left she cautiously climbed down again, she had her katana strapped to her back and she was ready to use it when she had to. She walked through the woods in the direction of the town, it was devoid of the living now but it still contained supplies. She heard a noise from behind her and swore, the had picked up her scent again so quickly. Once again she was running, she stumbled and suddenly the world around her disappeared.
The thick white and red snake tail coiled through the snow on the mountain side. She saw a figure unning, and many fast moving, stumbling creatures after her. "You'd better appreciate my help, child" she muttered, a forked tongue slipping through her lips as she pulled back the bow, a strangled cry as the flaming arrow tore through the creature's throat. Three more arrows flew, three more creatures fell.

She could see that the person the dead were chasing after was a young werewolf child, not yet experienced enough to fight off creatures like these. Suddenly, just as she was about to let the fifth arrow loose and take down the fifth dead, she felt a tightening in her chest and the world around her darkened. "No.... This can't be happening..." she gasped, grabbing her quiver and bow, strappiing them to herself along with her other weapons before her world fell dark, the sound of the dead growing ever closer behind her echoing in her ears.
Gale laughed as he was tickled by his dad. "Dad!...Stop!...Please!" He said between laughs, after a while, he breathed deeply in relief as the assault stopped. He saw his dad smiling at him. It was a Saturday, and his parents had a day off work. He waited for his dad to lean away again, then jumped onto his dad, trying to tackle him, but to no avail. He just ended up getting tickled more. His mom sat on the other side of the couch, a big smile on her face. After his dad stopped tickling him again, Gale decided it unwise to attack his dad again. He sat down on the couch again, deciding to quietly watch TV. Gale glanced at his dad every time his dad made sudden movements.
Saturday is a weekend for most of the people, but for Cameron it as just another day at the laboratory. It was lunch break, however, Cameron, like on any other day, did not spend his break in the canteen, but rather in the Pathogen Vault. Cameron was used to the cold, fresh air that is circulated in the 2mx2m cubicle. With every breath, a little puff of hot, humid air exited his nostrils. He was sitting at the one desk just opposite the vault security door. The password to the door was top secret and only a few knew it. He glared into a petri dish with an electron microscope. He watched closely how the pathogens of the deadly yellow fever virus were multiplying. It was a strange thought: This is the deadly virus that has brought many, 6 feet below ground, however it is yet so beautiful to watch them grow. He chuckled. He stood up and brought the dish back into a little cabinet. Then he went over to the glass flasks that contained the antibodies to many, deadly, infectious diseases.
Some screaming was heard off in the distance, and Gale's parents jumped up, turning off the TV and looking through the burglar-barred windows, hoping to see the problem and either stop it or avoid it. John stayed on the couch, watching them, unsure what the scream had been about.
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Ayama looked around, where the hell was she? It looked like she was in a room but it was unlike any place she had ever seen, the walls wee completely white and there were strange counters around the room, they didn't seem to be made of wood. On top of the counters there were strange devices. She didn't have time to look around for long though, soon she heard the telltale groaning sounds that signaled the dead were coming, she quickly looked for a way out.
Cameron stood in awe. He dropped a flask when the earth shook beneath his feet. To his relief, it was only the antibodies of a disease. This would do no harm to him. It was strange, never before had he witnessed an earthquake in this part of Scottsdale. He quickly scooped up the broken glass and threw them away in a 'Hazardous Waste Bin'. He then spun on his heels and typed the 6 digit pin into the numeric keypad attached to the knob of the door. The heavy glass door opened with a loud hissing noise. The warm air from outside and the cold air from inside the vault created a mysterious fog. He stepped out and the door quickly shut behind him to preserve the cold. He took off his latex gloves and mouth protection piece and threw this yet again in another waste bin. The laboratory in the East Wing was empty. He quickly stepped into the long hallway that would take him to his workplace in the West Wing. There, he could get hold of his cell phone to see what had happened a few moments ago when the earth shook.
Ayama gave a small squeak of fear as she heard the groans getting closer, soon she could see the first few zombies shuffling into the room. She ran to the door and tried to get it open, eventually she managed it and found herself in a hallway. She kicked the door closed and started running, she knew it wouldn't hold hem for long, they would soon figure out how to work these doors and then be after her again. She ran down the hallway, trying every door she saw. She rounded a corner, and ran straight into a man. She fell over and blinked at him, "I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you! But we can talk more later, right now we have to get out of here!" She spoke quickly as she stood up. Grabbing his hand and pulling him along the hallway, "Which way is out?!"
It all happened so quickly. Cameron was deep in thoughts while he was busy walking in a quick pace towards the West Wing - to his work station. Suddenly, a woman, that almost looked as if she climbed out of a fairytale book came running into him. His tall, strong body kept ground while the woman fell. He, as a gentleman held his hand towards her. She, however grabbed it frantically and sprung up onto her feet. She did not say much. Her voice was shaken and breathless. She asked which way it was out. Cameron, yet bedazzled, was dragged behind her. She, obviously had no idea where she was running to. The scientist quickly took a sharp left and pulled by her arm. They were standing in a dark broom cupboard. He placed his big hand upon her shoulder. Then he tried to calm her down. He pushed her chin up and looked her into her eyes. They were beautiful, however, he could see terror in them. Cameron was about to open his mouth to ask her what she was doing in the research facility. He could not let out a word. He was hushed by the strange woman when she placed a finger over his lips. She woman shook her head, then she poked her head back out of the cupboard to see if it was clear to go. She got hold of Cameron's hand again and started to run. This time, Cameron took the lead. He guided the woman through a series of cuts and turns. After a few moments, they were standing at a door. The door was labeled in big, red letters: EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY. THE ALARM WILL SOUND ONCE OPENED!
Curiosity killed the cat (Title for you, Julian)

After a while, Gale's parents relaxed, then went to sit down. A while after that Gale got bored, so he asked if he could play outside. His parents looked at each other, then his mom says "Yes, just be careful."

"Ok. Love you." said Gale.

"Love you too!"

Gale went outside and fiddled around in the garden a bit, but there was not much there either. He decided that he would go visit his friends that lived nearby. His parents were usually fine with it, and his friends also did it reasonably often.

On the way there, he saw something rather odd in the empty field that was usually used for things like soccer and rugby. There was something like a picture board that had been stood up in the middle of the field, but as he moved, the picture moved as if it was real, but it was just a slice of a different place to the place it was taken out of. He walked towards it, curious. When he reached it, walking through it, the world around him shifted seamlessly to that of another, his own becoming the slice out of thin air. He walked around the new world, try not to loose track of the 'slice'.
The snake girl woke up to the sounds of the dead moaning around her, as if they had been attracted by something else. She saw a child in a field, apparently oblivious to the six dead approaching him. This child looked human, which was a problem.

She cursed under her breath, slithering down quickly and wrapping her large tail around one of the dead, crushing it. "Child. You are in danger. You will see people walking towards you, do not go to them. They will kill you" she hissed urgently, taking out a bow and arrow, quickly shooting three arrows into the head of another dead.
Ayama read the large letters on the door confused, "Alarm? What's that?" She quickly turned her head in shock when she heard the moans. They were back, she quickly opened the door, gasping when she heard the high pitched wails of the alarm. She tried to ignore the noise as she ran through the door, dragging the man along behind her, she closed the door quickly and turned to him, "We need to find a cave or something relatively high up a cliff, it is the only place the dead can't reach. They can open door and climb ladders though." She spoke quickly and the worry was evident in her eyes.
The townspeople were knocking on his door again, he sighed and opened it, just a slight, so the unscarred part of his face was visible. A hand shoved its way through his door, which he shoved closed. A loud crack is heard as the door slams shut, the severed hand lying on the floor. "Gods, I didn't expect them to appear in this realm... What is going on?" he hastily made his way to his attic where his new laboratory was. "Well, looks like this is going to be a long trip..." he pulled on his coat and mask from the old world, effective protection against bites from the dead.
Cameron had no time to think. Now he was aware of what the strange woman was talking about! looking into the laboratory, Cameron could see what she was running away from. Next to the door was a fire hose. Cameron grabbed it and tied dexterously around the door handle and the railing of the stairs leading down to the ground. This would barricade the door temporarily. The ear splitting alarm was sounding on the entire research facility. Cameron and the woman ran down the steel stairway to the ground level. A last look back revealed that the 'creatures' had reached the barricade. Now quick thinking was the key. How about Mount Gothham? This is an unreachable cliff that could only be reached by a cable car. However, this was a mere 20 minute drive from the laboratory and it would take a good hour to reach it by foot!
Gale look back at the lab he had just come out of. The change in scenery was quite odd. He was so engrossed in looking around the scenery, he didn't notice the other people there. When a person came up to him, moving weirdly (yes, he didn't look at where her legs would have been) and she said something about six other people. He looked at them. They also didn't seem right. People here were odd. He decided to believe the lady, since she hasn't tried to kill him, and asked "Ok. Where do we go?"
Ayama watched as the man made a barrier, "Good idea, maybe that will keep them at bay for a while." She felt safe talking now since the zombies wouldn't be able to hear them above the alarm, of course hey could still smell them which wasn't good. She looked around, she was very worried that the zombies would either break through the barricade or find away out. "Okay, we have to leave. Now!" She was starting to stress again, she just needed to get somewhere safe, she wished she was back at her cave.
The girl slithered in such a way the the dead carcass in her tail fell to the ground and she picked the boy up before placing him onto her back, avoiding the multiple weapons strapped to her side. She glanced back at him "Don't worry child, just hold on tight and don't fall." flicking the end of her tail in front of them and grabbing one of the remaining dead around the neck, she tightened her grip until she heard a satisfying crunch and saw the spurt of blood. She grabbed the dagger off of her waist, beheading the creature before moving after making sure all the others were dead.
Gale then noticed the odd thing about the lady as she put him on her back. She had a long snake like tale instead of legs, but he had no time to think about that. The other people had arrived. They looked hideous and made groaning noises, and he buried his head in the snake-lady's back/hair, not wanting to see. He was glad he had when he heard a sqeulching sound. He did not want to know what that was.

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