Two Worlds Joined (Bear, Tigress, Youtchkov, Mar & Sixx)

The assassin smirked at the Neko. "My dear Neko girl..... The Lamia is an amazing species. We can do almost exactly the same things as you creatures who have legs when it comes to climbing mountains and, because of the size of our tails, we sometimes end up doing better" she said before looking up at the human male. "I'll move on my own. You're going to need someone during the hordes" she stated simply before moving away from the car so it could drive off, with her quickly following and killing off the zombies.

Once they had arrived at the mountain, Jinx listened to what the human male said before nodding. "You people take this 'cable car' that you spoke of. I'll keep the dead at bay. If I'm not with you by midnight, then I will probably have been turned. Now GO" she hissed at them a forked tongue flickering out of her mouth and her pupils narrowing. She could hear the footsteps of an unknown person, and she could see a light, but there was a chance this person couldn't be trusted.

So she slipped into the shadows and moved silently, wrapping her tail around him and holding her sword at his throat, restraining him. "Friend or foe?" she hissed into his ear. She had heard the horse as well, and restrained it too, but her grip was gentle enough so that she didn't break any of the creature's bones.
Ayama followed close behind the man, one hand holding onto the back of his shirt and the other around the young boy's wrist, pulling him along. She didn't want to let go for a second for fear he would fall behind and be eaten. She was glad that the Lamia could get to them safely, well, hopefully. She pulled lightly on the man's shirt, to get his attention. "Uhm, are you sure there are no paths up the mountain so that people can reach the top by foot?" She asked, worried that the zombies would still get to them.
Gale listened quietly to what the others said, looking around quietly. When they got out the car, he heard them talking about going on the cable cars. If it were in any other situation, he would have been excited, but now he was just worried... he wanted to be home and safe, though from what the adults said, home probably was not very safe...
"Yes, I am sure," he said under his heavy breathing,"There is no way up besides the cable car. Many times have I tried to climb this mountain, but I could never reach the top because of an impossible rocky ledge." They finally got to the valley station of the cable car. The station never closes but it was empty. They got into the first car and drove up. Half way up, they could see the herd of zombies coming in closer. There better be a way to stop the cars from coming up the mountain. Even if they would have to cut the thick wire that kept the cars suspended. This would be their last resort.
Ayama nodded, she kept up with the man easily since she was used to running and climbing, she had done so for the past few years to avoid the zombies. "As long as you are absolutely sure they won't be able to reach us." She spoke with a worried tone in her voice, if the zombies found even one thin path to the top of the mountain, they would all be able to get to the top and then there would no longer be any living humanoid creatures on the mountain.
Gale ran with the strange adults. He was keeping up. Just. He loved going on the cable car, and it had been a while since he had, but he was not excited about the crowds of also-strange people chasing them. He was scared, and wanted to go home, but guessing from what the adults had said, it was not safe.
"Friend" He whispered barely audibly as he sheathed his sword. "Look, I'm not here to hurt anyone. The dead are nearby and we can't afford to be fighting each other."
Jinx stood for a second before unbinding the new person, backing away from him. "Alright friend. Others have already made their way up to the mountain top. You help me fight and I'll help you get up to safety" she bargained, shooting down a zombie with her bow and arrow. "Deal?"
The was wash not far. The three of them reached the valley station if the cable cart. It was empty, however, the carts were still going up. The young man shouted:"Anyone there? " There was no reply. No soul was seen. "There! Get into that one!" The man pointed at a four seater cable car. "Don't be scared. Everything will be all right!" He took the young woman's hand and pulled her into the cart. After the three of them entered, the door closed behind them. Slowly the cart came around the corner and left the building. Higher and higher. The cart swayed a little in the wind.
Ayama watched the moving box with wide eyes, it was something she had never seen before, she knew she shouldn't be surprised every time she saw something new here since everything was different but she couldn't help it. She let the man pull her into the box and stared out the side window as the ground vanished below them, she squeaked when the cart swayed and fell against the man. "Sorry..." She mumbled as she righted herself, slightly embarrassed.
He drew his sword swiftly and assumed his ready stance and engaged a few stragglers from the group. "Fine by me" he tossed a few bottles of his explosive elixirs into the larger horde, blowing off the limbs of the dead and causing general chaos. He swiped at them with his sword when they got close and managed to kill a few with a single blow.
Cameroon blushed a bit when the lady fell against his body. He helped her up and looked into her beautiful eyes. He found himself staring into them. "It's okay," he eventually said. He had to force himself to remove his eye-glued eyes of hers. He looked out of the window. They were far off the ground by now. The sun was seconds away from disappearing. Down on the ground the snake-lady was seen with another person -- fighting. They would soon reach the top. Then, somehow, they would have to stop the carts from coming up. Cameroon had a plan, but this would only be their last resort: to cut the wires which were suspending the carts. And if they would do that, how would they get back down?
The assassin coiled her large tail around a group of the dead, crushing them as she swiped at a few other creatures, killing them almost instantly. She looked up at the cart as it neared the mountain before glancing over to the person she was fighting alongside. "Well need to head up as soon as they arrive at the mountain... What is that thing they are in, anyway?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.
Ayama looked down at the floor, the man was staring at her and she didn't know why. She wasn't used to guys staring at her for any reason. She took a deep breath and looked out the window, down to the zombies getting mauled by the Assassin and the other man who had joined her.
He just looked at the Assassin for a moment and continued slicing into the dead, slowly retreating towards the station. His sword was glowing slightly brighter with each zombie killed, his clothes became more and more bloodied as he expertly cut through the zombies. His retreat ended with his back to the door. He opened it and entered the small room, slicing up the few strays who followed him. He surveyed his surroundings, the box the rest of the group has traveled on is still far off in the distance and he couldn't make head or tail of the many flashing lights and machines around him. So he simply readied himself and waited for his partner to enter the room.
Finally, they reached the top. The cart was going around a wide curve. In the turning point of the curve, the cart doors opened. Cameron told his two followers to step out quickly so that they would not be heading back down again when the doors close again. He saw how the one man, who was fighting alongside the snake woman, entered the valley station. "Are they going to come up?" he asked the woman, "because if they do, they need to hurry. The zombies are right on their heels, well, ahm, tail."
Ayama nodded, "The Assassin will come up I am sure, she knows when she has to retreat, even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment. She will come up. The man on the other hand I am not sure of, I have never heard of him or met him before so I can't tell what he will do, but I think he will listen to The Assassin if she tells him to come up. I just hope they know what to do..." She hoped that the man was from this world, if he wasn't, they would have a problem.
She backed into the station with the man, slamming the door shut before looking up at the cable cart as it disappeared into the upper station. She searched through the buttons and switches, before findong the switch that said ON/OFF. She shrugged, switching it off and was relieved to hear that the engine stopped running. There was no way for the dead to get up using those odd machines now. Jinx turned to face the man, crossing her arms over her chest. "Come now, we must get onto the mountain and quickly."

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