Two Worlds Joined (Bear, Tigress, Youtchkov, Mar & Sixx)

The woman sounded calmer Now that the barricade was up. How ever they could not stay. Cameron thought over the situation and eventually suggest: "We should go to Mouth Gothham! It is the only place that is higher up than any other building in Scottsdale and it also has a clear, distant view onto the laboratory. However, we need to drive there with a car. My car is in the under-ground." Cameron spoke hastily, he was not sure if the woman understood him but he took hold of her silken hand anyway and he guided her to the drive way of the under-ground. He fidgeted in his white overall pocket and retrieved the car key. With the push of the Button the forway flash flickered twice and the car gave a loud honk from it.
Ayama listened to the man as he spoke, Mount Gotham? Scottsdale? She was so confused as to what he was talking about but when he started talking about driving and cars she got completely confused. "Wha?" She exclaimed as he pulled her to his car, she got a huge fright when she saw it light up. "Do you have candles in there?" She asked him, "and how do you get them to flash like that?"
Jinx glanced back at the boy as she moved swiftly, faster than any human would have been able to "Where are your parents, child? ARe they still alive?" she asked with a soft sigh. She could leave the child on his own of they were part of the dead. However, if she did take him with her, she would need to teach him that death is a part of her everyday life. It wouldn't be kind of her to introduce him to a life like that though...
Cameron looked at the girl in dismay. "It is not time for jokes now. Come!" age dragged the woman behind him to the car. He opened the driver's door and got in. He put on his seat belt and put the key into the ignition. He looked to his right where he looked upon an empty seat. The woman was standing outside. He undid his seat belt and stepped out. "What the hell woman? Get into the car!" He ran over to her side, opened the door for her, and told her to sit. Then he took the seat belt buckle and stretched over her feminine body. A *click* confirmed that the buckle was in the hole. He shut the door and went back into the driver's seat. He turned the key in the ignition and reversed the car. Then he slammed in first gear and took off. Up the drive-way.
" parents are back home, it's not to far from here..." said Gale, looking confusedly at the snake-lady. He looked around the strange place. It was very different here than home.
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Ayama watched the 'car', it sort of looked like a wagon but, just like the counters in the room, it didn't seem to be made of wood. She shook her head as he shouted at her to get in the car, once she was sitting he pulled one kind of strap over her and clicked it in next to her, she had no idea what was going on. When the engine started however she got the biggest fright, "What is that noise? It sounds like the growl of a dragon." She loved dragons, but they could be scary at times, especially when they tried to eat you.

She was scared and in a strange place, she just wanted to go home. She pulled her tail out from behind her back and buried her face in its softness. It still smelt like home, if she was going to get eaten she wanted to be at home, maybe standing in the house she grew up in, maybe it would be her parents that did it. She didn't want this, being eaten in some strange place.
The strange woman shook in shock when Cameron started the car. He comforted her by saying that it was just the noise of the engine stating, nothing to worry about. Yet he was slightly confused when the woman spoke about a dragon. The woman was fidgeting with something in her hands, Cameron saw this out of the corner of his eyes. When he turned his head he exclaimed: "What the Hell it that?! What the f*ck are you woman?" But that wasn't the biggest of his worries. In the parking entrance he saw something moving. It was the creatures. He accelerated to 30 mph and with a loud 'thud' a body rolled over the chassis of the car. Then another. The creatures had broken through the barricade. The car drove up the steep driveway of the underground parking. Now the size of the plague could be seen. Hundreds of waddling creatures were in front of them. Cameron pressed the hooter of the car. This made a tremendously loud noise!
The girl nodded. "Alright child, where is your home? If they are still alive then it would be wise of me to save them." she murmured with a slight frown. The architecture here was strange, not what she was used to seeing, and there were so many loud noises that hurt her ears. A forked tongue flickered through her lips as she continued moving, darting through the dead.
Ayama looked at the man, scared, he had started shouting at her. "I-it's my tail, I'm a neko. Why are you shouting at me? What did I do?" She screamed as he drove through the zombies but calmed down a bit when she saw that the dead couldn't get to them. She put her hands over her ears as he hooted and she curled her tail across her lap."Stop!!!!!" She cried. He was drawing the zombies closer, she didn't want to die just yet, well, she didn't want to die full stop but she didn't want to die like this.
"Why the hell does she have a tail," he thought to himself. He could not focus on the tail of the woman. Yet, he felt strange. This beautiful woman has a tail. What is she? He then looked at her, he stopped hooting the honk. He lost his concentration and now focused at the womans face. "I am sorry I frightened you. I did not know that you are afraid of loud noises."

While he was speaking, Cameron did not see that the car was approaching another strange looking creature. It was different from the others. That creature was a woman, but her lower body was that of a snake. He did not see her. Another 200 meters...
Jinx spun her head around at the sound of a loud noise, only to see a large, strange machine nearing them. She grabbed her bow and arrow with a growl and shot, the arrow flying through the dead, entering the back of the neck of one of the dead and exiting through it's throat, resulting in a guttural scream from it as it staggered forward, hitting the front of the car. She glanced back at the boy. "Close your eyes child. And hold on tight." she murmured before rearing up on her tail and swiftly moving, wrapping herself around a group of six dead, quickly tightening her grip and smirking at the sounds of the bone crack as she crushed the 'life' out of the dead. As they tried to bite her, she swiftly decapitated each one with her daggers.

She slithered towards the car, noticing a neko and a human-looking creature beside her. She swiftly opened the door where the neko was sitting and nodded her head slightly. "Neko. Look after the child. I'll clear a path for you" she said simply, her voice surprisingly calm despite the dead that were nearing her. She passed the boy to the Neko and slammed the door shut, lunging towards the dead with her twin swords, clearing the path in dead silence. The way of an assassin.
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His sword cut through the dead as he ran toward the urban part of this world, he had spent many months there, treating the townsfolk of a small settlement. Using a small elixir to make all of his patients' memories of his appearance disappear. He always treated them in exchange for ingredients and food, never in the money of this world. He got to a farm and stole a horse, galloping into the city, quickly evading the dead townsfolk. As he entered the city, he saw a vehicle he had seen the townspeople use rush past him at blinding speed, the dead dropping in front of it with arrows protruding from them. He pulled up his reigns and threw a few of his explosive potions into the horde.
Ayama shook her head, "It isn't the loud noise itself that I am afraid of..." She muttered, her ears flattened against her head as she watched the dead come closer. She looked up and gasped, it was a Lamia, finally someone who came from where she did. Her eyes widened when she saw more of the girl, she had a white tail with red markings. It was the assassin. She nodded and took the child from her as she went off to fight.
"What the f*ck happened to the world while I was in that pathogen vault?! First a strange woman with a tail. Then these damn zombies and now a woman with a her lower limbs missing and a snake's tail replacing them?!" Cameron shouted. The little boy was sitting on the lady with the tail's lap. Cameron ordered the lady to shut the door again so that they could follow the snake woman. "You better explain this whole thing to me later, but first, I will get us to Mount Gothham." The snake-like woman fought her way through the dead while the car was following her. It was a bumpy ride, she car shook hectically when driving over the corpses. "What are we going to do? How can we stop this?"
Gale closed his eyes when the snake-lady told him to. When he was put into a car, given to another lady, he looked out the window, confused. Then he saw horrible looking people like the ones that he had seen earlier. He knew from before, that he shouldn't look while the snake-lady 'got rid of them'. He preoccupied himself with stroking the soft fluffy thing in front of him, which happened to be a tail, but he didn't realise that.
Ayama shook her head, "That's the thing, we can't stop this. I don't know what happened, or how I got here but what I do know is that the zombies are going to feast off of you remaining humans until this place is also only made of the dead." She took a deep shaky breath and hugged the young boy close to her, she didn't want such a young innocent child to become food.
Jinx cleared off the last of them in the area, slithering over to the car with a huff, her forked tongue flickering through her lips and her blood red, serpent-like eyes narrowing slightly. "You. Human. Where is the nearest mountain we can get you too? That's the only place the dead won't reach you" she stated in a calm voice, boredly shooting at one of the dead that appeared over the crest of the road, quickly killing it even from the distance they were at.
Ayama turned to the assassin, "He is taking us there at the moment. Some place called Mount Gotham or something like that. I live in a cave back home." She said, amazed that she was in the same space as the famous assassin. She just hoped that she would stay on the same side as them because she knew that if she decided to turn against them they wouldn't stand a chance.
Jinx nodded and glanced ahead. "Alright then, hopefully we'll get there alive" she said, pushing her fringe out of her eyes and revealing a jagged scar that ran down the right side of her face. "And we'd better get there soon. The sun will be going down any minute and even I, the king's top assassin, have some difficulty killing my prey in the darkness."
He charged into a pharmacy, grabbing the various chemicals from the back section of the store. He placed them in his backpack and went back outside. He practically jumped onto his horse and followed the car, as they appeared to be the only living beings left. He galloped as fast as he could but it was evident that the horse was getting tired, he started to fall behind, slowly but surely as the horde approached. He drew his sword. He refused to go down without a fight
"It seams as if we are the only ones left alive. Trust me, I will bring you to Mount Gothham. It is still quite a far way, but we should reach it before the sun sets," said Cameron. He looked at the child who was sitting on the lady's lap. 'Hey buddy, it's going to be all right! I promise you I will get you out of here! Just trust me and everything will be fine. I promise! Now, we should get moving before it is too late. Snake woman, do you want to continue walking... ahm... I mean slithering? Or do you want to take a ride in the back of the pickup truck?"
His horse collapsed after a few zombies managed to get a hold of it, he vaulted off and ran, ran for his life, waving toward the vehicle pulling away from him...
Ayama smiled at the man who was helping them get to the mountain, "As long as we get there before dark we will be fine. It is too hard to try climb a cliff in the dark." She gasped as she realized something. She turned to the Lamia Assassin, "How can you climb? You don't have legs!" She began to worry, they couldn't leave her behind, but how would she come with them? She turned back to the man, "There are caves on the mountain right? Ones that you can't get to by walking, we need somewhere to stay that protects us from both the weather and the zombies." Her eyes showed her worry and she hoped that everything would work out.
He approaached a large mountain, there was the vehicle he had been running towards, the only one parked there. The horde couldn't keep up with him and had split off to look for other prey. He approached the vehicle cautiously, holding up a small lamp.
They finally arrived at the mountain! "Now, this has to go quick, we have another 5 minutes of daylight left. Listen, this is the plan. As soon as we get out of the car, we are going to that building," Cameron points to a building in the distance, "that is the station of the cable car. It will bring us up to the top of the mountain. There, we will be save from the zombies, because we will be able to stop the lifts from coming up. In the worst case scenario, we will also be able to cut the wire, however, this will stop us from coming back down again." Cameron nodded at them, then he counted down from three. "Three, two, one! Go!"

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