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Realistic or Modern Twitter Roleplay for Character Development

Semblance Semblance I like the idea of them meeting for a mutual reason! Maybe we decide a collective reason as to why they'd all end up on Twitter? Like, perhaps they all have some kind of personal issue/dilemma that'd make them turn to the internet in search of friends? Like, maybe this is a 'chatroom' and they all end up on it for a particular reason? And they find out they all have a common interest, which brings them together?
That's pretty good and vague enough for it to apply to any personal issue. Would this just be a general online chatroom for people to share personal dilemmas anonymously and get advice from people who don't know them in real life? And the problems can totally range in seriousness

Once we all agree on a backstory/background for this, I might make a new thread to keep updates on. So, if a new person joins a little late, they can read it and understand the gist of what's going on.
That's a good idea! When you make the new thread, could you also make a post with everyone's usernames and corresponding twitter names/handles? It'll be hard to keep track of who is who haha

AThiefOfSpades AThiefOfSpades Don't be, I'm excited too, and could've forgotten if you didn't point that out! I'll add him now (:
Adrian isn't on the list either!
Semblance Semblance I like that idea, that way it could be something major, but it doesn't have to be. I like the idea of them coming here for anonymity, like, I can imagine our characters almost being secretive about their accounts towards their peers in real life!

Tomorrow morning, I'll make a new thread and add everyone's handles, as well as who they are here, so it's easy to keep track of. I'll also add a little blurb about the origins of this Twitter plot, so everything is sorted out. (:

And do you mean a list on Twitter? I'm going to make that one now and add everyone. (:
Semblance Semblance I like that idea, that way it could be something major, but it doesn't have to be. I like the idea of them coming here for anonymity, like, I can imagine our characters almost being secretive about their accounts towards their peers in real life!

Tomorrow morning, I'll make a new thread and add everyone's handles, as well as who they are here, so it's easy to keep track of. I'll also add a little blurb about the origins of this Twitter plot, so everything is sorted out. (:

And do you mean a list on Twitter? I'm going to make that one now and add everyone. (:
Yeah exactly! We should give this general online chatroom a name just so that it's easy to refer to

Would our characters have any preexisting relationships? Or do we assume that they all just met through small talk in this chatroom and now they've transferred over to twitter?

Ah yes I meant Twitter!
Hi! I'm interested in joining this, though a couple of questions.

1) How realistic does a character's backstory have to be? I don't mean like dragons or anything just. Can I use a character who's human and all that jazz, just has events that have happened in their past that might not be the most realistic? They're a guilty pleasure character but this seems so fun and casual so...

and 2) Would it be okay to have them post selfies that are drawings I've done of them?

Sorry, these questions are kinda silly but I just. Wanna make sure I guess aha
Semblance Semblance Definitely, maybe the name is something like Ask Away or Anon-Advice, or something along those lines?

And maybe the characters all had small talk in the chatroom, realized they hit it off and because of this, they decided to all get on Twitter so they could further their talking?

And the list is up! (:
mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties I don't mind if the character has a background that's not the most realistic at all! If anything, it makes for a more interesting roleplay sometimes. The first time I took to Twitter to roleplay, my group was absolutely crazy, and it was a blast!

A drawn profile picture is totally okay as well. (:

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