Twisted Minds [Inactive]

Angel smiled looking into her eyes. "I understand. I am a very patient man." He spoke then reached forwards and kissed her forehead once again. He pulled back and looked into her eyes once more. "Tomorrow night be ready at eight. I will pick you up." He smiled not mentioning what he had planned for the evening. She would have to trust him. He hasn't given her a reason not to so far. He smiled thinking of the future. He then started to back away to watch her reaction to his absence.
Wait, what just happened? Katty was pretty sure that Angel just asked her out. Oh boy, time for the trust test. She somehow, managed to smile trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. She noticed that the victim's body was loaded into the van and they just started for the lab. She walked towards Angel's car and climbed in quietly. She didn't trust herself to speak. She'd make a fool of herself. The DA had previously asked for the progress on the victim's body. Thinking about the DA made her think about the murder again. She kept thinking about the pattern and the logic behind all the killings. Something had to be there. She waited for Angel to get into the car and drive her to the station. Moreover, her legs were killing her.
Angel shook his head and followed her to his car. He got in and started it up. He turned to her and sighed. "Your legs hurting? Before you ask I noticed that you were a little wobbly walking towards my car." He spoke then turned back to the rode and started driving back to HQ. He got stopped at a light and had to sit and wait. "Lights suck. They take to long to turn to the color you want them to." He spoke shaking his head. He then turned to her. "You want some coffee? Cuz I can pick some up." He offered smiling.
"Thought you were a patient man," Katty joked when angel complained about the red lights. "No, no coffee. The doctor said I need to control my caffeine consumption for a week. I don't know the reason behind this cruel plan, but I intend to abide by it," she explained when he offered to get her coffee. She carefully loosened her boot and rolled up her jeans to have a look at the wounds. The bandage did a very good job, except one of them was turning red. She was sure that one was wounds was bleeding. She gingerly rolled down her jeans, and gritted her teeth. The painkillers were losing their action, and the pain was registering her brain. She rested her head against the seat and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself.
Angel chuckled at her talking of a plan from the doctor. He watched her roll up her pant leg out of the corner of his eye. It was red. Bleeding slightly and she rolled the pant leg back down. 'The painkillers must be wearing off.' He thought and turned his head towards her. "Sing." He spoke while still waiting for the light.
Katty snapped open her eyes and looked at Angel, confused. "What?" she asked taken aback at his sudden suggestion. She blinked her eysrning her attention towards Angel.
Angel chuckled still stuck at the light as her question was asked. "Singing as I've learned is natures painkiller. It will help you to feel better. I promise you that you will feel better." Angel spoke then turned to look at her. He smiled and then turned to the light that had finally changed. "Thank God." He spoke then changed the gear and started driving again.
Katty hesitated. She was never a person to sing, hell she hated music. She cleared her throat and answered, "I don't sing. I'm not really a fan of anything musical."

Yeah well, that wasn't going to happen. She was wondering how he knew about her recent injury, and then she thought maybe he saw her looking at them. Was there anything Angel did not observe?

She went back to her previous method of tolerance, and waited to get back to the station. She needed the reports from Sam and Adrian, and look through them until she found the link. She kept going through the possibilities about the common place from where the killer chose her victims. Coffee shops, clubs, schools. Something had to be there.
Katty hesitated. She was never a person to sing, hell she hated music. She cleared her throat and answered, "I don't sing. I'm not really a fan of anything musical."

Yeah well, that wasn't going to happen. She was wondering how he knew about her recent injury, and then she thought maybe he saw her looking at them. Was there anything Angel did not observe?

She went back to her previous method of tolerance, and waited to get back to the station. She needed the reports from Sam and Adrian, and look through them until she found the link. She kept going through the possibilities about the common place from where the killer chose her victims. Coffee shops, clubs, schools. Something had to be there.
Angel sighed at her defiance to music. He shook his head as they arrived at the HQ. He followed her inside and watched her going through all the cases trying to find a connection between the places they all have been. Unless they didn't go to the same place and she was just hunting them. If that was the case then she would have to know them on a personal basis in one way or another. That would make sense if she was the daughter of rich people that are the same way as the people she is killing are like and she's taking out her hatred for her parents out on those that resemble them power wise. Angel stood in deep thought over the subject. He didn't want to be wrong. He never had been before, and he didn't want to start now.
Katty went through the files, not letting any fact get by her. Something had to be there. A link, a common connection. The killer has to choose her victims from some place. Clubs were a long shot. Both of the victims visited half the clubs of the city. Going through all of them was very vague. Coffee shops also had the same problem. The financial reports that Adrian dropped by few minutes ago suggest that both of them had been to the Spencers', a coffee shop at 29th Street.

"Guess that's the first start, at least something to start the Q/A with," she told Angel as she stood up to take her jacket.

Angel seemed deep in thought. She could practically see his wheels turning inside his head.

"Earth to Angel?" she said, clicking her fingers in front of his face.
He was brought out of his thoughts by the snapping en front of his face and smiled at her words. He placed his hand on his chest in a pretend offended way. "But angels are to go for earth." He stated watching her. He smiled at his own words then turned serious. He gently took her jacket from her and opened it waiting for her to come close to him so he could help her get it on. That way they could go faster. He smiled at her warmly. "Come Kitten lets get you all bundled up before we go. It's 32 degrees Fahrenheit." He spoke not having a thermometer nearby at all. The closest one would be four levels down.
The small gestures made by Angel were sweet and they irked her at the same time. He helped Katty with her jacket. Before leaving for the elevator, she said, "Wait, I need to take care of something."

She went into the spare room and got out the first aid kit from the cabinet below the coffee machine. She had to change her bandages before rushing off to catch the bad guy.

She got rid of her boots and carefully exposed the damaged leg. She slowly unwrapped the bloody bandage and cursed as a small trail of blood rolled down the ivory skin.

"Damn it," she said before cleaning it up with a cotton and some antiseptic lotion.
Angel followed her and watched as she dressed her wound. He walked towards her as she doctored herself. He knelt down before her and looked at the wound. He sighed then looked up at Katty. "Do you trust me?" He asked then looked back down at her leg. He knew he could stop the bleeding but he needed to make sure that she was going to be ready for what came next. I would hurt but it would work.
Katty looked up and stared into his brown eyes, something she wished she had. They begged to be trusted, she couldn't look away. Finally, she slowly nodded her head, not able to speak. She handed the antiseptic and cotton over to him. The bleeding continued. It wouldn't stop because of the depth of the wound, as the doctor explained. She needed to make the damn thing stop.
Angel stood and walked out of the room. He went to the elevator and went down to the third floor. He moved inside the room and grabbed a metal poker and placed the pointed end in the fireplace to heat it. He waited till it was good and hot and headed back up to where Katty was. Angel walked to her and handed her a pillow. "Bite down on the pillow. This is going to hurt." He stated and waited for her to bite the pillow. Then he put the red hot poker to the wound and pushed the hot metal against the wound to cauterize the wound so that it would stop bleeding. He looked away from her eyes because he figured that she was going to hate him for a long time after this. He didn't want to hurt her but this would stop the bleeding.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Katty almost screamed at Angel when she saw him coming with the red hot metal rod. She was contemplating whether she should punch him in the face or aim one of her heeled boots at him. She never missed her target.

Angel explained about his method and handed her a pillow. The bleeding had to stop but this was downright crazy. She wasn't even sure if this would work.

"A little? Hell, this is going to hurt like a b*tch!" she told him, again in a not so normal volume. Calming herself, Katty calculated the pros and cons of the situation. Angel hardly did anything that he wasn't sure of. And he seemed confident. Damn it, she had to comply.

Taking the pillow, she bit it hard and summoned all of her courage. This was going to hurt very bad.
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