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Nation Building Turn of the Century, Lead your nation in the year 1900!


A Navy Man
Please post a CS here. Please post what government you wish to play as (Even if you have already reserved one, please post a CS so we can now on what statistics your nation starts on) Please use any sources you can find about your country's statistics, government, and military at the time. Remember you can change anything you want over the course of the RP, just please start your country with what it has and what it was January 1st, 1900.


Name of Country:

Government Type:

Military Size (You can be as specific as you want or general, just at least a number of how many soldiers, aircraft, vehicles, and ships):



Nation Information (Doesn't need to be more than a paragraph, just to know the roots of your country)

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Reserved Nations

Russian Empire

German Empire

Khedivate of Egypt

United States of America

British Empire

Qing Dynasty

Ottoman Empire

The Empire of Japan

Kingdom of Italy

All of these are taken or Open
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Name of Country: German Empire

Government Type: Federal constitutional Monarchy


2 million Infantry units: Equipped with Mauser Gewehr 98, Mauser C96, and Dreyse Reichsrevolver Model 1883)

200,000 Calvary units (Dreyse Reichsrevolver Model 1879)

500 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896)



Kronprinz (1)

König Wilhelm (1)

Kaiser (2)

Sachsen (4)

Oldenburg (1)

Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm (4)

Kaiser Friedrich III (2)

Siegfried (6)

Odin (2)


Furst Bismark (1)

Bismark (5)

Carola (4)

Nixe (1)

Alexandrine (2)

Charlotte (1)

Irene (2)

Kaiserin Augusta (1)

Gefion (1)

Victoria Louise (5)

Grille (1)

Zieten (1)

Blitz (2)

Greif (1)

Schwalbe (2)

Wacht (2)

Bussard (2)

Meteor (2)

Seeadler (3)

Geier (1)

Hela (1)

Torpedo Ships

D1 (2)

D3 (2)

D5 (2)

D7 (2)

D9 (1)

D10 (1)

S90 (1)

Nr. XVIII (8)


S7 (17)

S24 (7)

S32 (1)

S33 (8)

S42 (1)

S43 (14)

S58 (8)

S66 (1)

S67 (7)

S74 (1)

S75 (7)

S82 (6)

S90 (10)

G88 (2)

TSS (1)


PC (4)

Other Fighting Ships

Wespe (11)

Otter (1)

Wolf (2)

Habicht (2)

Hay (10

Brummer (2)

Iltis (2)

APG (1)

Rhein (1)

Pelikan (1)
Population: 56,367,187

Capital: Berlin

Nation Information: Recently has been focusing on increasing its sphere of influence and military might in both land and naval. Keeping watch of France and continuing to negotiate peace agreements with Austria-hungary, Italy, and the Russian Empire.
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Name of Country:

French Third Republic

Government Type:

Parliamentary Republic

Military Size:

970,000 Personnel

French Navy:


Charles Martel-1








La Galissonnière-2













Gustave Zédé-1

French Airforce: None



Nation Information:

The French Third Republic has been restructuring its Armed Forces and economy after the nation's devastating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871
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Name of Country:

Khedivate of Egypt

Government type:

Constitutional Monarchy

Military size:

400,000 soldiers


10 River monitors


Nothing at all.





Nation information:

Well....the Khedivate has been growing, after its defeat during The War against the Turks. They have been militarizing and modernizing their cities and economy, along with their industry.
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[QUOTE="general ostruppen]
Name of Country:
German Empire

Government Type: Federal constitutional Monarchy


2 million soldiers



Kronprinz (1)

König Wilhelm (1)

Kaiser (2)

Sachsen (4)

Oldenburg (1)

Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm (4)

Kaiser Friedrich III (2)

Siegfried (6)

Odin (2)


Furst Bismark (1)

Bismark (5)

Carola (4)

Nixe (1)

Alexandrine (2)

Charlotte (1)

Irene (2)

Kaiserin Augusta (1)

Gefion (1)

Victoria Louise (5)

Grille (1)

Zieten (1)

Blitz (2)

Greif (1)

Schwalbe (2)

Wacht (2)

Bussard (2)

Meteor (2)

Seeadler (3)

Geier (1)

Hela (1)

Torpedo Ships

D1 (2)

D3 (2)

D5 (2)

D7 (2)

D9 (1)

D10 (1)

S90 (1)

Nr. XVIII (8)


S7 (17)

S24 (7)

S32 (1)

S33 (8)

S42 (1)

S43 (14)

S58 (8)

S66 (1)

S67 (7)

S74 (1)

S75 (7)

S82 (6)

S90 (10)

G88 (2)

TSS (1)


PC (4)

Other Fighting Ships

Wespe (11)

Otter (1)

Wolf (2)

Habicht (2)

Hay (10

Brummer (2)

Iltis (2)

APG (1)

Rhein (1)

Pelikan (1)
Population: 56,367,187

Capital: Berlin

Nation Information (Doesn't need to be more than a paragraph, just to know the roots of your country)

Good, I understand that it is a WIP, but if you could do that, that would be great.

Vegita said:
Name of Country:
French Third Republic

Government Type:

Parliamentary Republic

Military Size:

French Army:978,430 Personnel

French Navy:160 Ships

French Air Force: 675 Aircraft



Nation Information:

The French Third Republic has been restructuring its Armed Forces and economy after the nation's devastating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871
Pretty good, population is on target, I think your air force is pretty high for being non existing though, because the Aeroplane hasn't been invented yet, and the only sort of aircraft a country might have would be a few airships, probably not many more than a few dozen. Also your fleet numbers around 340, but if you want the exact number or what ships you have exactly, go to Navypedia.org, real good site.

[QUOTE="Lord TacoBell]

Name of Country:

Khedivate of Egypt

Government type:

Constitutional Monarchy

Military size:

400,000 soldiers


2 Brandenburg-class battleships (pre-dreadnaughts)

10 River monitors


Nothing at all.





Nation information:

Well....the Khedivate has been growing, after its defeat during The War against the Turks. They have been militarizing and modernizing their cities and economy, along with their industry.

Good, seems to me there is a lot of rebuilding the militaries, fine by me but watch out, this rp will be historically accurate so your neighbors will take notice, NPC or PC. And it will have an effect on your nations as a whole.

Now that your CS is ready feel free to post a turn, remember, you got until Saturday 8AM EST to post a turn.
Always a work in progress

Name of Country:

Ottoman Empire

Government Type:


Military Size:

Infantry and Cavalry

41,000 personnel

6,700 horses and camels




(4) Osmaniye

(1) Mesudiye

(1) Hamidiye

(1) Asar-i Tevfik

(1) Asar-i Sevket

(1) Hifz-ur Rahman

(2) Avnillah

(1) Feth-i Bulend

(1) Iclaliye

(1) Mukaddemei Hayir


(1) Heybetnuma

(2) Sinop

(3) Beyrut

(2) Mansure

(2) Zuhaf

(1) Lutf-u Humayun

(1) Peleng-i Derya

(2) Burhaneddin

(5) Gilyum

(3) Mecidiye

(7) Nasir


(3) Akka

(1) Musul

(1) Sahir

(2) Intibah

(1) Saheddin

(1) Izzeddin

(1) Fuad


80 airships


20,368,485 - 20,897,617



Nation Information: TBA
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I'll give it a try, whit my country.

(still in progress)


Country Name: United States of Venezuela (Estados Unidos de Venezuela)

Government Type: Federal Republic

Military Size:

Venezuelan Army:

  • 1st Infantry Division "Bolívar" (HQ in Caracas)

    8500 personnel

[*]2nd Infantry Division "Táchira" (HQ in San Cristobal)

  • 6200 personnel

[*]3rd Infantry Division "Llaneros de Apure" (HQ in Apure)

  • 4700 personnel

Total land personnel: 19400

Venezuelan Navy:

  • x1 "Bolívar" protected torpedo boat.
  • x2 "Miranda" protected gunboats.

Venezuelan Airforce:


Population: 2.542.316

Capital: Caracas

Nation Information:

The territory currently known as Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. In 1811, it became one of the first Spanish-American colonies to declare independence, which was not securely established until 1821, when Venezuela was a department of the federal republic of Gran Colombia. It gained full independence as a separate country in 1830. During the 19th century, Venezuela suffered political turmoil and autocracy, remaining dominated by regional caudillos (military strongmen) until the mid-20th century. The colors of the Venezuelan flag are yellow, blue, and red: the yellow stands for land wealth, the blue for the sea that separates Venezuela from Spain, and the red for the blood shed by the heroes of independence. In 1899, Cipriano Castro, assisted by his friend Juan Vicente Gómez, seized power in Caracas, marching an army from his base in the Andean state of Táchira.

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Name of Country:

The United Kingdom

Government Type:

Constitutional Monarchy

Military Size (You can be as specific as you want or general, just at least a number of how many soldiers, aircraft, vehicles, and ships):



280,912,000 (Total Empire)



Nation Information (Doesn't need to be more than a paragraph, just to know the roots of your country)

Name of Country:

Empire of Japan

Government Type:

Officially, the government of the Empire of Japan is a constitutional monarchy. It consist of a Parliament which makes legislation and carries out administrative duties for the whole country. The Parliament consist of an upper and a lower house. Members of the upper house consist of members of the royal family and people appointed by the Emperor of Japan. Member of the lower house are elected to their respective positions. However, only people age 25 and older can be elected and only if they pay a certain amount in taxes. They can also be dismissed from their position at any time by the Emperor.

The Emperor of Japan acts as the head of state and exercises executive powers in government. While the Prime Minister of Japan acts as the head of government, he is ultimately subordinate to the Emperor himself. While most of the political power lies in the Parliament, the Emperor can use his executive authority to exercise power over Parliament. The Emperors status within Japanese culture ensures that where ever the Emperor wishes to go, the rest of the country will follow. The constitution of the Empire of Japan even asserts that Sovereignty lies within the Emperor, not Japan.

Military Size:

Imperial Japanese Navy:

Pre-Dreadnoughts: 6



2 Shikishima Class

2 Fuji Class

Armored Cruisers: 6






Iwate (under construction, will be commissioned turn 4)

Protected Cruisers: 16


2 Suma Class



3 Matsushima Class


2 Kasagi Class

2 Naniwa Class




Unprotected Cruisers: 4





Torpedo Boat Destroyers: 11

5 Ikazuchi Class

6 Marakumo Class

Imperial Japanese Army:

300,000 Soldiers

100 75mm Howtizers


42 million



Nation Information:

Japan has recently come out of its self imposed isolation. In 1850, United States Navy Commodore Mathew Perry forced open Japan doors introducing it to the world. Japan then underwent a rapid industrialization and westernization process that saw Japan emerge as a potential world power. With the help of western countries, primarily Great Britain and Germany, Japan formed a modern Navy and Army. However, this process while rapid was also painful with Japan entering a series of civil wars that saw the old Samurai attempting to preserve the old traditions. However, Japan survived these civil wars and emerged strong and united under one central government. In 1894, Japan went to war with China and utterly defeated it signifying to the world that Japan was now the dominant Asian power. As a result, of this conflict, Japan gained a true empire gaining control over Formosa and exercising a great amount of influence over the Korean peninsula. As a result, nationalism, imperialism and militarism are high within the Japanese government and people as a whole. Japan while humbled by its supposed inferiority to the other European powers is eager to take what it sees as its rightful place among the world powers.
Qing Dynasty China

Population: 415,001,488

Government: Absolute Monarchy

Financial status: Filthy stinking rich


Imperial Army- 100,000 strong but divided into multiple ethic armies under the control of the Qing Dynasty Ex: Green Standard Army- Han Chinese, Imperial Guard- Manchu Chinese, New Army- one of China’s most modern military units, Beiyang Army- is the Chinese equivalent to the 101st Airborne. Badasses who also house the Chinese equivalent of India Gurkha, the Kansu Braves, Eight Banners- Manchu “elite” soldiers

Some are more modernize than other but they are all excellently trained (except the Eight Banners. Those guys suck)

Pistols: FN 1900

Rifles: Remington Rolling Block rifle, Gewehr 1888, Winchester-Hotchkiss 1883, Mannlicher M1886, Mannlicher M1888, Mannlicher M1895,

Armed with multiple rapid firing gun models Ex: Maxim, Hotchkiss, Gatling, Nordenfelt

Artillery consists of 7.7cm, 8.1cm, 6cm, 7.5cm, 7.85cm, 21cm Krupp artillery

Imperial Navy

World navies yesterday - China 01.01.1900

This has my current navy

No air force

Economy: there are many companies that the government has on their pay books but not many that trade with civilians and foreigners. So the economy is somewhat stagnant, but that could be easily fixed.

Capital: Beijing

National Information: China has suffer multiple blows to their ego and to their military. China is currently on the brink of revolution with the ruling Empress, Cixi, about to drive the nation into the ground, until some information was made light to the Imperial Army......
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Kingdom of Italy

Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

Military Size:

800,000 soldiers

2 Formidabile class

4 Regina Maria Pia class

1 Affondatore class

1 Principe Amedeo class

2 Dulio class

2 Italia class

3 Ruggiero di Lauria class

3 Re Umberto class

2 Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class (building, finished turn 2 and 3)

2 Regina Margherita class (building, finished turn 4

1 Vittorio Emanuel class

1 Maria Adelaide class

1 Marco Polo class

2 Victor Pisani class

2 Giuseppe Garibaldi class (1 building)

1 Caracciolo class

1 Flavio Gioia class

1 Amerigo Vespucci class

1 Giovanni Bausan class

4 Etna class

1 Dogali class

1 Piemonte class

5 Umbria class

1 Christiforo Colombo class

1 Calabria class

1 Vendetta class

2 Agostino class

1 Messaggero class

1 Archemide class

1 Delfino class

Population: 37,000,000

Capital: Roma

National Information: A country formed only 39 years ago and has already earned itself a small place in the sun, Italy strives to be taken seriously as Germany took the limelight of newly formed Great Powers but 19 years ago, striving to be able to match the best of the best on the waves, Italy continues to think of improvements over other nations navy, even while having numerical inferiority.
Sereda said:
Always a work in progress

Name of Country:

Ottoman Empire

Government Type:


Military Size:

Infantry and Cavalry

41,000 personnel

6,700 horses and camels




(4) Osmaniye

(1) Mesudiye

(1) Hamidiye

(1) Asar-i Tevfik

(1) Asar-i Sevket

(1) Hifz-ur Rahman

(2) Avnillah

(1) Feth-i Bulend

(1) Iclaliye

(1) Mukaddemei Hayir


(1) Heybetnuma

(2) Sinop

(3) Beyrut

(2) Mansure

(2) Zuhaf

(1) Lutf-u Humayun

(1) Peleng-i Derya

(2) Burhaneddin

(5) Gilyum

(3) Mecidiye

(7) Nasir


(3) Akka

(1) Musul

(1) Sahir

(2) Intibah

(1) Saheddin

(1) Izzeddin

(1) Fuad


80 airships


20,368,485 - 20,897,617



Nation Information: TBA

Chicha said:
I'll give it a try, whit my country.
(still in progress)


Country Name: United States of Venezuela (Estados Unidos de Venezuela)

Government Type: Federal Republic

Military Size:

Venezuelan Army:

  • 1st Infantry Division "Bolívar" (HQ in Caracas)

    8500 personnel

[*]2nd Infantry Division "Táchira" (HQ in San Cristobal)

  • 6200 personnel

[*]3rd Infantry Division "Llaneros de Apure" (HQ in Apure)

  • 4700 personnel

Total land personnel: 19400

Venezuelan Navy:

  • x1 "Bolívar" protected torpedo boat.
  • x2 "Miranda" protected gunboats.

Venezuelan Airforce:


Population: 2.542.316

Capital: Caracas

Nation Information:

The territory currently known as Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. In 1811, it became one of the first Spanish-American colonies to declare independence, which was not securely established until 1821, when Venezuela was a department of the federal republic of Gran Colombia. It gained full independence as a separate country in 1830. During the 19th century, Venezuela suffered political turmoil and autocracy, remaining dominated by regional caudillos (military strongmen) until the mid-20th century. The colors of the Venezuelan flag are yellow, blue, and red: the yellow stands for land wealth, the blue for the sea that separates Venezuela from Spain, and the red for the blood shed by the heroes of independence. In 1899, Cipriano Castro, assisted by his friend Juan Vicente Gómez, seized power in Caracas, marching an army from his base in the Andean state of Táchira.
Lordvader59 said:
Name of Country:
The United Kingdom

Government Type:

Constitutional Monarchy

Military Size (You can be as specific as you want or general, just at least a number of how many soldiers, aircraft, vehicles, and ships):



280,912,000 (Total Empire)



Nation Information (Doesn't need to be more than a paragraph, just to know the roots of your country)

Windhover118 said:
Name of Country:

Empire of Japan

Government Type:

Officially, the government of the Empire of Japan is a constitutional monarchy. It consist of a Parliament which makes legislation and carries out administrative duties for the whole country. The Parliament consist of an upper and a lower house. Members of the upper house consist of members of the royal family and people appointed by the Emperor of Japan. Member of the lower house are elected to their respective positions. However, only people age 25 and older can be elected and only if they pay a certain amount in taxes. They can also be dismissed from their position at any time by the Emperor.

The Emperor of Japan acts as the head of state and exercises executive powers in government. While the Prime Minister of Japan acts as the head of government, he is ultimately subordinate to the Emperor himself. While most of the political power lies in the Parliament, the Emperor can use his executive authority to exercise power over Parliament. The Emperors status within Japanese culture ensures that where ever the Emperor wishes to go, the rest of the country will follow. The constitution of the Empire of Japan even asserts that Sovereignty lies within the Emperor, not Japan.

Military Size:

Imperial Japanese Navy:

Pre-Dreadnoughts: 6



2 Shikishima Class

2 Fuji Class

Armored Cruisers: 6






Iwate (under construction, will be commissioned turn 4)

Protected Cruisers: 16


2 Suma Class



3 Matsushima Class


2 Kasagi Class

2 Naniwa Class




Unprotected Cruisers: 4





Torpedo Boat Destroyers: 11

5 Ikazuchi Class

6 Marakumo Class

Imperial Japanese Army:

300,000 Soldiers

100 75mm Howtizers


42 million



Nation Information:

Japan has recently come out of its self imposed isolation. In 1850, United States Navy Commodore Mathew Perry forced open Japan doors introducing it to the world. Japan then underwent a rapid industrialization and westernization process that saw Japan emerge as a potential world power. With the help of western countries, primarily Great Britain and Germany, Japan formed a modern Navy and Army. However, this process while rapid was also painful with Japan entering a series of civil wars that saw the old Samurai attempting to preserve the old traditions. However, Japan survived these civil wars and emerged strong and united under one central government. In 1894, Japan went to war with China and utterly defeated it signifying to the world that Japan was now the dominant Asian power. As a result, of this conflict, Japan gained a true empire gaining control over Formosa and exercising a great amount of influence over the Korean peninsula. As a result, nationalism, imperialism and militarism are high within the Japanese government and people as a whole. Japan while humbled by its supposed inferiority to the other European powers is eager to take what it sees as its rightful place among the world powers.
Pman said:
Qing Dynasty China
Population: 415,001,488

Government: Absolute Monarchy

Financial status: Filthy stinking rich


Imperial Army- 100,000 strong but divided into multiple ethic armies under the control of the Qing Dynasty Ex: Green Standard Army- Han Chinese, Imperial Guard- Manchu Chinese, New Army- one of China’s most modern military units, Beiyang Army- is the Chinese equivalent to the 101st Airborne. Badasses who also house the Chinese equivalent of India Gurkha, the Kansu Braves, Eight Banners- Manchu “elite” soldiers

Some are more modernize than other but they are all excellently trained (except the Eight Banners. Those guys suck)

Pistols: FN 1900

Rifles: Remington Rolling Block rifle, Gewehr 1888, Winchester-Hotchkiss 1883, Mannlicher M1886, Mannlicher M1888, Mannlicher M1895,

Armed with multiple rapid firing gun models Ex: Maxim, Hotchkiss, Gatling, Nordenfelt

Artillery consists of 7.7cm, 8.1cm, 6cm, 7.5cm, 7.85cm, 21cm Krupp artillery

Imperial Navy

World navies yesterday - China 01.01.1900

This has my current navy

No air force

Economy: there are many companies that the government has on their pay books but not many that trade with civilians and foreigners. So the economy is somewhat stagnant, but that could be easily fixed.

Capital: Beijing

National Information: China has suffer multiple blows to their ego and to their military. China is currently on the brink of revolution with the ruling Empress, Cixi, about to drive the nation into the ground, until some information was made light to the Imperial Army......
Blazefire2000 said:
Kingdom of Italy
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

Military Size:

800,000 soldiers

2 Formidabile class

4 Regina Maria Pia class

1 Affondatore class

1 Principe Amedeo class

2 Dulio class

2 Italia class

3 Ruggiero di Lauria class

3 Re Umberto class

2 Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class (building, finished turn 2 and 3)

2 Regina Margherita class (building, finished turn 4

1 Vittorio Emanuel class

1 Maria Adelaide class

1 Marco Polo class

2 Victor Pisani class

2 Giuseppe Garibaldi class (1 building)

1 Caracciolo class

1 Flavio Gioia class

1 Amerigo Vespucci class

1 Giovanni Bausan class

4 Etna class

1 Dogali class

1 Piemonte class

5 Umbria class

1 Christiforo Colombo class

1 Calabria class

1 Vendetta class

2 Agostino class

1 Messaggero class

1 Archemide class

1 Delfino class

Population: 37,000,000

Capital: Roma

National Information: A country formed only 39 years ago and has already earned itself a small place in the sun, Italy strives to be taken seriously as Germany took the limelight of newly formed Great Powers but 19 years ago, striving to be able to match the best of the best on the waves, Italy continues to think of improvements over other nations navy, even while having numerical inferiority.
All great. Fill in the WIPs and we all good.
Name of Country: Ecuador

Government Type: Constitutional Republic

Military Size: 5,000 Infantry, 2,000 Cavalry, 15-20 Cannons, 1,500 Engineers

Population: 1,271,000

Capital: Quito

Nation Information: Ecuador is currently ruled by Eloy Alfaro, former Dictator of Ecuador turned President. Peace has reigned for several decades, yet the threat of the Peruvians is still a present one. Ecuador has never been a stable nation, it's gone through six different heads of state in the past decade. It's population and army are both quite small when compared to their neighbors, yet Ecuadorians are stubborn and will fight to the death defending the country so many before them died for. Maybe this is the century in which Ecuador's reign will no longer be questioned, when it rids the world of its enemies and lives up to the place in the world that is their birth right.

Country Name: The Princely State Of Mysore

Government Type: Monarchy , under Maharaja Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV

Military Size:

  • HM Regimental Cavalry "Mysore Lancers"(HQ at Mysore with outputs in the frontier of Jagalur and Pavagada)

    1000 to 2000 personnel


3 Infantry units [Each Battalion constituted around 400 to 1000 personnel]

  1. st Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Bangalore and Kolar)
  2. nd Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Shimoga and Hassan )
  3. rd Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Mysore and Tumkur )


1 transport corps


About 6 million in a 1911 census [

closest date I could find]



Nation Information:

After the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war and the deposition of Mysore's then Monarch Tipu Sultan , The south eastern Kingdom of Mysore was transformed into a Princely state and the 5 year old scion of the ancient Wodeyar family , Krishnaraja III, was installed on the throne. The British from then on would take complete control over Mysore's foreign policy and also collected an annual tribute towards the British treasury from Mysore.

Despite all of this Mysore's Monarchs were given a high status under the British Raj and were entitled to a 21 gun salute whenever they entered Calcutta or were greeted by the viceroy , the gun salute not only meant greater prestige for the monarchs but it were also a measure of autonomy with the highest i.e 21 signifying the highest level of autonomy.

By the 1900's Mysore had already become one off the most powerful of the Princely states so much so that it was described by many as India's first modern state , the greatness of Mysore culminated in the reign of Maharaja Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV now just a boy ascending to the throne after a 14 year regency , little did this boy know that his actions would soon have him described by Gandhi as a "saintly king" ... Who knows this boy might even stand to pose a threat to the British Crown , i guess we will just have to wait and find out.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96bcb025_CoatofarmsofMysore.jpg.82bdd64fd26a98f397118eb59c3d933c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96bcb025_CoatofarmsofMysore.jpg.82bdd64fd26a98f397118eb59c3d933c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/432px-Flag_of_Mysore.svg.png.e7f23e449a29cec6af24eb9e43c6c3cd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/432px-Flag_of_Mysore.svg.png.e7f23e449a29cec6af24eb9e43c6c3cd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96bd11a8_-Palace_of_the_Maharajah_of_Mysore_India.jpg.12f91ddc7404e00971d160d7523ab7e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121056" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96bd11a8_-Palace_of_the_Maharajah_of_Mysore_India.jpg.12f91ddc7404e00971d160d7523ab7e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Maharaja_Sir_Sri_Krishnaraja_Wodiya.jpg.985ca35fe435217a0f896b6c15360946.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Maharaja_Sir_Sri_Krishnaraja_Wodiya.jpg.985ca35fe435217a0f896b6c15360946.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Coat of arms of Mysore.jpg
    Coat of arms of Mysore.jpg
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  • 432px-Flag_of_Mysore.svg.png
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  • -Palace_of_the_Maharajah_of_Mysore,_India,.jpg
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  • Maharaja_Sir_Sri_Krishnaraja_Wodiya.jpg
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Bairen said:
Name of Country: Ecuador
Government Type: Constitutional Republic

Military Size: 5,000 Infantry, 2,000 Cavalry, 15-20 Cannons, 1,500 Engineers

Population: 1,271,000

Capital: Quito

Nation Information: Ecuador is currently ruled by Eloy Alfaro, former Dictator of Ecuador turned President. Peace has reigned for several decades, yet the threat of the Peruvians is still a present one. Ecuador has never been a stable nation, it's gone through six different heads of state in the past decade. It's population and army are both quite small when compared to their neighbors, yet Ecuadorians are stubborn and will fight to the death defending the country so many before them died for. Maybe this is the century in which Ecuador's reign will no longer be questioned, when it rids the world of its enemies and lives up to the place in the world that is their birth right.
[QUOTE="The Elusive Shadow]

Country Name: The Princely State Of Mysore

Government Type: Monarchy , under Maharaja Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV

Military Size:

  • HM Regimental Cavalry "Mysore Lancers"(HQ at Mysore with outputs in the frontier of Jagalur and Pavagada)

    1000 to 2000 personnel


3 Infantry units [Each Battalion constituted around 400 to 1000 personnel]

  1. st Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Bangalore and Kolar)
  2. nd Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Shimoga and Hassan )
  3. rd Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Mysore and Tumkur )


1 transport corps


About 6 million in a 1911 census [

closest date I could find]



Nation Information:

After the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war and the deposition of Mysore's then Monarch Tipu Sultan , The south eastern Kingdom of Mysore was transformed into a Princely state and the 5 year old scion of the ancient Wodeyar family , Krishnaraja III, was installed on the throne. The British from then on would take complete control over Mysore's foreign policy and also collected an annual tribute towards the British treasury from Mysore.

Despite all of this Mysore's Monarchs were given a high status under the British Raj and were entitled to a 21 gun salute whenever they entered Calcutta or were greeted by the viceroy , the gun salute not only meant greater prestige for the monarchs but it were also a measure of autonomy with the highest i.e 21 signifying the highest level of autonomy.

By the 1900's Mysore had already become one off the most powerful of the Princely states so much so that it was described by many as India's first modern state , the greatness of Mysore culminated in the reign of Maharaja Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV now just a boy ascending to the throne after a 14 year regency , little did this boy know that his actions would soon have him described by Gandhi as a "saintly king" ... Who knows this boy might even stand to pose a threat to the British Crown , i guess we will just have to wait and find out.

Both accepted, good job
Since it has been a week, and the player who reserved the United States of America has not posted a CS or turn by now, the United States of America is now open to be chosen as a nation. But if you have already made a CS and it has been accepted, you cannot switch to the USA now.
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