D. Rex
Magic Eight Ball
Using some of my emassed experience.
I would like to purchase:
Merit- language old realm 3sxp
Lore 4 - 6sxp
MA charm- hearing the hearts song 8sxp
Charms (24xp)
Performance: voice hurling method (long range attacks!)
Presence: listener swaying argument
Socialize: mastery of small manners
Would this be permissible or would you like training time for these as its a big purchase?
Using some of my emassed experience.
I would like to purchase:
Merit- language old realm 3sxp
Lore 4 - 6sxp
MA charm- hearing the hearts song 8sxp
Charms (24xp)
Performance: voice hurling method (long range attacks!)
Presence: listener swaying argument
Socialize: mastery of small manners
Would this be permissible or would you like training time for these as its a big purchase?