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Trial By Fire - Exalted 2e IC Thread

From the description of what happened to the woman when she tries to talk, it is most likely the Terrestrial Circle spell of Corrupted Words. The effect on her will be permanent unless dispelled by the caster or through the use of a countermagic spell.
Viktor stepped out of the prisoner room, then looked to his partners and sighed. "Well," he directed to Annika and Heaven, "if accurate, these seem like tell-tale signs that the very words she avoids speaking have been cursed. I believe I read such sorcery could be worked through the spell Corrupted Words, a spiteful curse that allows casters to cause discretionary phrases on the target's tongue to become worms in their mouth. It gags them until they cease speaking in order to prevent the discouraged words from being given voice."

He frowned. "Unfortunately, from what I remember, there are only two ways to remove it. Either the caster releases their thrall, which I'm sure is quite unlikely under the circumstances, or we hit it with an ample dose of countermagic and hope for the best."

Viktor shrugged, and turned to Annika. "I believe Aredin left you in charge of the interrogation process, so I'll leave that decision up to you."
Annika acknowledged Victor's words with a nod of her head. "Aredin said we could try breaking the curse earlier, so go ahead, I say."
Heaven hops up to his feet and stretches, his clothes catching the light and shimmering slightly. He turns to Annika, his brow raised. "So in the end, we're going with that plan anyway, huh? Hope I've still got enough essence in me to pull it off."
Viktor gives Heaven a playful slap on the back. "I'm sure you can handle it without a problem. If you do decide that you are too worn out though, I can always step in for you."
Seeing Dunbar's enthusiasm made Aredin draw a faint smile across his face. I wonder just how many interesting things he's managed to stumble upon in the last year. Must be paradise for a man from his line of work. Aredin thought as he plopped onto a nearby bench along the cobbled pathways. He drew a few small glass tumblers from his pockets and a marked bottle of local brew from his hometown. We always did pester dad for his whiskey didn't we brother? Aredin filled a glass for himself and left the bottle by the other glasses in case the others wanted something to fill the void of waiting.

I hate having to consider meeting with that Assassin's master, but there's no way we are ready to take that level of force head on yet... I have to protect them, even if it means telling my self-righteous impulses to get bent for a bit. Aredin took a large pull from the glass then exhaled slowly to stifle a grumbling mood. His gaze would shift to the Lions then to Darian, realizing how amazing everything must seem to her right then. With that he could drown his petty grumpiness in seeing his friends rise to the occaision and see new things. Not over yet, at least.
"Fair enough. Well then, shall we get started?" Heaven says cheerfully, looking towards each of his fellow solars and winking at Sirocco as he made his way into the room. "Hello again. I'm sorry, I think I lost your name somewhere. You feeling okay?" He asked, crossing his legs and sitting in front of the Abyssal.
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Sirocco walked besides Heaven. That Abyssal, whatever that means, was bound securely with those Artifact cuffs, or so these Solars have told her, but she took no chance. Besides, if this master of hers could somehow reach here, she would be ready by Heaven's side to turn aside any attack he might throw at him.
In the Tower

The Abyssal looks up at Heaven with a sour look on her face. "I'm lying in chains on the floor with several arrow holes in me, about to be interrogated again. So you stand there and you ask how I'm doing? Just peachy. Couldn't be better." One of the Raptoks lets out a angry hiss at the sarcasm in her voice, but doesn't approach her. She looks around at the audience watching her and let's out a chuckle. "As you can see, I'm making friends all over."
"Yeah, I figured you might be like that." Annika said pleasantly, as she pulled up a chair and sat down, having expected such a reaction from their prisoner.
Heaven pouts. "Yeah, I can see that was the wrong way to start this conversation...Well, I just want you to know that I'm personally glad my friend didn't take your head off. And that if you could just take a few deep breaths, and relax, while I...well, you know." He finishes, as his hands begin the process of casting. Essence builds between his hands, growing stronger and stronger as he continues.
"We decided to remove your curse now." Annika said to the Abyssal as Heaven began to shape his sorcery. "If I were you, I'd consider spilling everything you know about your master. It might increase our chances of dealing with them, and thereby increase your chances of living. Or merely dying, and therefore avoiding whatever horrific punishment your master has in mind for you."
Heaven, without another moment's hesitation, brought his hand down, the gathered essence whipping in and around and everything and everyone nearby, wispy bands of energy erasing all of the negative magical effects in the room, all those directed at their prisoner, especially.
The Abyssal's eyes widen in obvious fear as Heaven begins to Shape his Essence into the counterspell. "No! He'll know! He'll reach out and punish me for being captured! Just kill me instead! Make it quick! Nooooo!" With the completion of the spell, a bright flash of light fills the room as the Corrupted Words is shattered.

For several long moments, the woman lies on the rocky floor, sobbing, visibly terrified. She looks up at the assembled Exalts watching her. "Just kill me now. At least you'll make it quick and clean."
Heaven stands, walking over to the Abyssal. He kneels and outstretches a hand to her.

"Listen, we're not going to kill you, and we we're not about to let your old boss take you, either. Whatever your reason, it doesn't seem like you served them out of loyalty, so if you want the best chance of making it through this, you should work with us. You have my word, I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe and alive." He finishes, smiling as his anima blazes behind him.

"If you'll work with us, then just take my hand."
At the graveyard, Dunbar is found his best to reassure the Celestial Lions to aid you in taking on Han-Tha as the Solar that the spirit seems to be possessing., saying that there is no desire to plunder the graves of the fallen hero's from Ages past. "In fact, if this Circle of Noble Exalts is able to secure Rathess, a public works project to clean up and maintain the graveyard is certainly on the agenda."

This seems to help tip the balance over, and the two Kinds there share a nod. "Very well. We will aid you, but your promise of keeping the tombs intact and not violated must be kept. When are you going to make your attempt to secure the criminal?"

In the Tower, Voice looks at Heaven's have like it was a live snake. "If I do, He will know! My punishment will be agony. You cannot protect me from the wrath of the Master."
Aredin folded his arms for a second, looking at Dunbar and then to the Lions. Details like this always seemed to make his skin crawl, especially when he felt like he was getting roped into a deal he might not be able to keep, "Woah there. I'm not going to take on the job after all this is said and done. However, I can dedicate some assistants to help you keep the grounds and patrol after we've gotten Rathess functioning as a proper city once more." Aredin's mentor was sure to drill the importance of negotiation into him. Expectations seem to be stretching a bit far for his liking. "I have living people to manage too, after all. As for Han-Tha, Aysik told us three days from today. We will convene then and prepare to apprehend him, annihilated or otherwise. I trust you all have sufficient means of dealing with rogue spirits, yes? None of my circle do, in so far as I'm aware."
Heaven sat back, sighing at the abyssal's response. "Listen to yourself. Have you seen him kill others at this distance? If he was going to kill you, why not do so when we caught you? Or now, even? You're certainly more of a threat to him right now than at any other point. And if you're right, and death is coming your way, then why not try to fight back? At the very least, help us to deal with him, and perhaps you'd no longer have to worry..."
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At the graveyard

The Lions nod. "Yes, we have the means to deal with spirits; we would be poor guards in the Celestial City without that ability. We will be here, and in three days time, you may come and find is one more and we will be there to help you deal with Han-Tha."

In the Tower

The woman on the floor is doing her best to curl up into a little ball as tears steam down her face. She mumbles something through her sobs, and when you lean in to hear her better she suddenly screams, "He is the Walker in Darkness, and I despise him to the very core of my being! He has used my own family as building materials for the Soulsteel in my view and armor! The ones that are left live in fear of his anger with me if I fail him in my missions. Now that you have broken the spell on me that had bound my words, he will know. Release me so I can send the rest of my family a warning to hide, to run away as far as as fast as they can."
Darian looks over at her husband and places a tiny hand on his shoulder. "We have our answer from the Lions; if there is nothing else, we should be on our way back to the others."
Heaven's eyes widen. "Your family!? Ugh, why didn't you say something about that before..." The young solar snaps to his feet and turns to Annika. "Her family is being used as leverage to make her work for our mystery man, Walker in Darkness. We can't let innocent people get hurt, if she's right and he does decide to take the breaking of his spell as reason enough to end them. Is there any way we could mount a rescue?"
She looks up at Heaven. "I wasn't able to. It was one of the parts of the spell on me. Just let me go and I can send them a message. I just can't do it when I'm bound in these chains."
Annika gave a nod. "If I knew where they were, I could certainly try and attempt to warn them." She said to Heaven, before looking at the Abyssal.

"And just how are you planning to get a message out to them? Where are they, anyway?" She asked, giving her another check with the Gem of Surface Thoughts for good measure.
Aredin nodded in agreement, "Indeed, we have a long three days to keep watch. Let's hurry back as best we can." Judging from his direction and walking pace, he'd assumed it was still unwise to use the globe, lest he give the enemy a hint of their plans.

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