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Trial By Fire - Exalted 2e IC Thread

Annika spent a bit more time listening inside the cell, before coming to the conclusion that the Sidereal was long gone. Bitterly, she ordered the guards to unlock the cell door so she could get out without having to break it.

"What happened in there?" The guard asked as she was sheathing her Daiklaves.

"I don't know, okay?! One second he was there, and the next, he just vanished!" Annika snapped. Part of her considered herself responsible for Mellar's escape, since she had been questioning him when it happened. She quickly headed to the entrance to the prison, all while listening and looking out for the escaped Sidereal, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

She opened the door to see Darian walking towards her, and then became nervous at the sight of her. What if people tried to pin the blame on her for what had happened? Her standing in Gwynnin might be put in jeopardy after this. And if this didn't happen, were Mellar's words about Darian and compulsions true?

"So, heard what's happened, have you?" She asked with a bitter smile, before it vanished like Mellar had just done. "I'm sorry. I was just talking to him...I knew the door was locked, and thought he couldn't use any of his abilities...and then he just disappeared right in front of me."
Aredin followed Darian into the prison, Daiklave in hand. When he saw Annika, he could tell what had been done had really gotten to her. He gave Darian's hand a soft squeeze, and pulled the young night caste into a group embrace in an effort to cheer her up. "Don't sweat it too much Annika. There are no dead or injured we know of and no way of knowing what contingency plans those decrepit grumps came up with. We humiliated him once, we can do it again." With a pat on the shoulders the young lord released the spy master from the group hug and added. "I know you're still probably worried about what follows, so please. Go see Aysik and let him know what happened. He should know what Mellar is capable of better than anyone here. We'll discuss how to proceed once things have settled down."
Durke rolls to the side of his bed and sits up. He furiously rubs the crust from his eyes with one hand while grabbing for the tankard on the bedside table with the other. After multiple drafts of the spirit, he pushes himself to his feet. "Gerard!" Durke growls into the darkness of the small barracks. After a few moments of clattering in the shadows, the lean figure of a man in his mid 20's appears. He is dressed in a simple yet effective reinforced breastplate and is fiddling with the strap that holds his sword to his belt. "Gerard! What in Creation is all that ruckus goin' on outside?!"

Gerard pauses, teetering slightly from fatigue (or the after effects of inebriation), before he responds. "My apologies cap'n, but it sounds to me like the town's emergency bell." He shakes his head and sweeps the hair out of his eyes before continuing. "Do you wish me to rouse the men or check on the bell?"

Durke considers for a moment, still fighting with a bit of dust lodged in his right eye. "No, best I go and check it out. Help me get my shiny stuff on." With that, Durke gestures to the golden armor on the stand next to his bed. After a few moments of girding, Durke is fully prepared to face whatever danger has presented itself. He grabs his shield and oricalcum short spear then hustles to the door. The last thing he can hear before he has left the barracks is the sound of Gerard, shouting obscenities as the men slowly rise from their beds.

Durke rounds the corner and rushes towards the nearest guard, eager to find out what the alarm is for. "You there! Guard boy! What is the ringin' for?"

The guard looks around for a second before realizing Durke is talking to him. "Sorry sir, I believe something happened over at the prison."

"...shit." Durke bursts into a full sprint, heading as quickly as he can to the jail cells.
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There is a crash as Durke throws himself shield-first through the door to the jail. He looks up and squints through the light dancing off the nearby torch, staring hard at the three solars assembled before him. "What happened?! Are y'all okay?!" Durke takes his eyes off of the three to look around the room, searching for answers.
The hug took Annika by surprise, having not expected Aredin to initiate such a gesture under the present circumstances, as if he was a parent comforting a tearful daughter. Nevertheless she lightly and awkwardly threw her arms around him and Darian.

"Er...thank you." Annika said, glad that on the surface at least, Aredin didn't seem to blame her for what had happened. "Truth be told, I'm just annoyed that he escaped under my watch, and that I underestimated him. I thought those manacles would prevent him from pulling something like this."

They all broke apart, and Aredin told Annika to go and inform Aysik of Mellar's escape. Annika nodded in agreement - she had already been planning to do this, as well as ask the Sidereal how it could have happened - but before she could leave, Durke came smashing through the door and asking what was going on, and if everyone was okay.

"We're all fine, Durke. Nothing happened to me, and Aredin and Darian weren't even here until just now." Annika answered with a smile, before it disappeared. "But Mellar - the Sidereal - escaped. Literally vanished into thin air."
Viktor and Koharu slipped inside the prison facility behind the mercenary, weapons drawn in case of an assault and listening to the others speak.

"Mellar escaped?" the blacksmith reiterated, eyebrows drawn up in surprise. "How?"
"Like I said to Durke just now, he disappeared right in front of me when I was questioning him." Annika answered Viktor's question. "I've got no idea how he managed to do it. I didn't even think he could do something like that with those Soulsteel manacles he had on. I was just on my way to get Aysik. If anyone here knows of a Sidereal's abilities, he does."
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Aredin pulled Darian close, just wanting to be done with all the commotion from the murderous trespasser's escape. "Let's all just pay Aysik a visit so we can sleep in piece without worrying about an ambush in our beds. Dear, let's also get an audience with the local spirits. We need to make friends in divine places to deter these old madmen from their rampage." Cause I swear if we get woken up again someone better be dead.
Annika nodded in agreement with Aredin's words, while also noting another example of his extreme dislike of the Bronze Faction. True, they were opposed to Solars in every shape or form - Annika had known that even before her first encounter with Mellar- but somehow it seemed like more than just a matter of opposed causes.
It takes a few moments, but soon enough Aysik does arrive and runs into the assembled Solars. It doesn't take long for him to sum up the situation, and he lets out a sigh. "Damnit, I should have been more careful. Of course he knew about that power." He turns to look at the group. "I am sorry. This was a failure on my part, not yours. There are powers that the members of the Order have access to, powers that don't use Essence. This is an example of one, letting him hide between moments in time. It is my guess that Mellar will find a cohort able to remove the manacles and will be back with reinforcements soon enough, trying to undo the good work that you have done here. I'll send a message tonight to speed along the relocation of the training camps to help bolster the defenses of Gwynnin. That will help."
Annika narrowed her eyes at the mention of Mellar having a non-essence power, hoping to non-verbally convey to Aysik how useful it would have been if he had shared that information with the circle much earlier. At least he was willing to apologize.

"If he can do that, I don't see how we can keep him locked up with what we've got at the moment." she said. "You say he'll likely be back with reinforcements soon enough...how long will that be? Months, weeks, days?" She was prepared to hear the worst.
Viktor shook his head, astonished at the news Aysik shared. "In that case, perhaps it would be best if some of us stayed back here rather than going to Rathess for the first expedition." He shrugged. "It's not like I don't have plenty to do around here, so I suppose I could remain. I could work on reinforcing our defenses before the training camp members arrive, providing larger battlements and thicker walls for them to make use of. And we need additional manses constructed in the meantime, especially defense-oriented ones to protect against large-scale assaults."

The blacksmith rubbed his chin in thought. "If --sorry -- when Mellar returns, I can't imagine he'll try assaulting us with a small contingent as he did previously. If I were him, I'd enlist a brotherhood of Terrestrials and a full battalion of support troops. If a sneaky pinprick of the needle doesn't work, you don't try it twice. You pull out the hammer and lay waste." He gestured to their low walls. "Which, unfortunately, would be quite effective against us at the moment."
Aysik says, "Don't forget, you'll have your numbers here quickly bolstered by my fellow Sidereals and the Solars that they are teaching, plus thanks to the cowardly efforts of Mellar running off, you'll have even more ammo in your arguments to sway the surviving Dynasts here to come to the light and serve the new Deliberative here. Then you still have Apple and Ram, myself and Dunbar, all here to keep the people safe. Also, any effort to attack Gwynnin in larger numbers will immediately raise the alert from all the various River Kingdoms, since we are so far away from any sizable military force. No, I don't see Mellar letting you go without some kind of retribution, but that will be aimed at you and me, not the town here. I would advise you all to travel together, just to help watch one another's backs."
"Seems smart, bad idea to split everyone up right now." Durke said, nodding in approval. "We will be more exposed on the road. Gonna be needin' as many eyes as possible to avoid an ambush."
In Annika's eyes, the ideal course of action in this situation would have been to run, and set up shop somewhere else. It was the classic thought process of a criminal who knew the authorities would soon come knocking on the door of their hideout, but Annika knew that there would be no point in voicing it to this group, as they'd never agree to it. They were of a very different character to her, and they felt an obligation to protect the people of Gwynnin. Still though, the words of Aysik, as he explained the issues Mellar would face if he tried to attack Gwynnin, were a comfort to her.

"I agree with Viktor's suggestion that we try and improve our defenses, in case we ever need to make a stand here." She said. "But if we are to leave, I agree with Aysik and Durke. If we split ourselves up, our foes would be able to deal with our circle bit by bit, rather than having to fight all of us at once. And I know I can hide from Dragon-blooded pursuers, but I don't know if I can say the same about the rest of you."

"I would suggest that we arrange for ourselves to be seen travelling, and for news of it to reach Mellar and the Wyld Hunt. From there, we give them enough information to point them in our general direction, but not enough for them to know for certain where we are. That way, hopefully they'll decide not to bother with Gwynnin the next time they come after us, while at the same time they'll have little chance of catching us."
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Darian lets out a heavy sigh. "Very well. We nearly have Hax convinced of the error of his ways..... perhaps the betrayal of his Sidereal friend will be enough to push him over to our way of thinking. The rest will have to wait here. The alternative is to have them travel with us. I don't like that option, but we have some time to discuss it before we are all ready to leave. I hope to be seen sailing out of here within a week."
"Well hold your horses, I didn't say nothin' about wantin' our whereabouts to be known." Durke replies with a frown.

He crosses his arms in front of himself and leans back against the wall. "We aren't settin' up our own ambush, just tryin' to avoid them attackin' us. I ain't one fer bein' sneaky and shifty, but there is no reason to go givin' em' information on what we are doin'. It will take some time for him to gather up more of those terrestradragons like he had with him last time." Durke sighs, then shrugs. "S'long as we leave soon enough, he shouldn't bother us or the town."
Hearing Darian speak about how close they were to convincing Hax to join them, Annika glanced at her, silently recalling Mellar's words about compulsions, and wondering if there was some truth in them.

Just how were you able to get a Dynast of the Realm to start embracing the Unconquered Sun so easily, Darian?

She was distracted from these thoughts by the sound of Durke contesting her idea. This on its own she wouldn't have minded, but he seemed to have missed the fundamental point of what she had said.

"I wasn't suggesting we make it easy for them to find and attack us." Annika replied to him, trying to remain patient. "I was saying that we should indicate to them that we're not in Gwynnin, and give them just enough reason to believe that, so that they don't try and sack the place while we're gone. And yes, it might take Mellar time to put together a large attack force, as Viktor suggested he might try and do, but that's assuming he doesn't have any reserves, or backup plans in case we managed to repel his first attack."
Aredin let his thoughts brew for a moment before responding. "His focus on us didnt stop him from killing innocents before, I see no reason he wouldn't have our home reduced to ash and corpses if we leave it undefended. You are all part of an organized fellowship yes? Has he not acted in any way you can see to bring oversight down upon him?"
His frown deepening, Durke stares into Annika. "I understood what you said, but what you said is...ugh...I'm gonna be nice and say 'foolish'. You think the man underestimated us, used his back-up escape plan, and still has plenty of resources to engage in all-out war? Naw, he used 'overwhelming' force and failed, so he jumped ship. Besides, it's like good ol' Aysik said, he wants us and not the regular folk. If we leave the town and tell him we aren't guarded, he'll think Calibration came early and..." Durke gestures his right fist impacting his left palm, causing a smacking noise to ring through the small prison. "And you can bet he won't think too 'lil of us next time. Better he has no idea we left town."
Viktor folded his arms across his breastplate, contemplating the group's discussion. He gave a curt nod of thanks to Annika when she voiced support for further improving Gwynnin's defenses. The blacksmith also followed along with grudging acceptance as Aysik, Durke, and Annika hashed out the fallacy of splitting up the group, and making themselves easier targets for the Sidereal's reprisals. I suppose that's true, though I'd like to think that Koharu and I could hold off an ambush. Mellar handed Aysik a pretty even fight however, and they've got lifetimes more training than I do, so that might just be my ego talking.

Thinking Darian was joking, the Twilight caste laughed when she recommend bringing Hax, and perhaps the other Terrestrials, along on their journey to Rathess. His laugh faltered when he realized she was being serious, and his face took on a look of concern. "With all due respect, what in Creation led you to that decision? They are all enemies of the state. Mellar's solo-escape might help show them that they were only pawns to the ancient Exalt, but it doesn't mean they are going to drop everything and take up our cause."

Viktor smirked, trying to show non-verbally that he meant no disrespect. "Your tongue might be much more silver than mine, but I promise you no one is convincing them of that."
Annika sighed. This was fast developing into an argument with Durke that she didn't think anyone here would appreciate. She took a deep breath and decided to try again, but then Viktor chimed in with his own issues, namely that he thought it was a bad idea to bring Hax along. Annika decided not to say anything, not wanting to add her voice to another argument, and not seeing either side as being in the right here. It all depended on how well Darian could bring Hax around to their side, and convince him not to betray the Solars.

Viktor could have done without that smirk though; not only was Darian unable to see, she might have taken it to be a mocking grin if she could look upon it. With that in mind, Annika decided not to comment on it.
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Aredin stood by his wife. "I believe in her ability to break the chains of lies. So should you. I have seen the progress first hand and we will see them past the fog of Bronze tricks." It's either that or execution. Better to break them of lies then let them die a wasted death. Aredin shifted his weight, tired of the lengthy argument. "As for current plans, we will not be projecting our movements to the enemy either. I cannot abide a projection of weakness on my people. Should they strike again as assassins, they will be treated the same as any other criminal. We are the lawgivers, we will live by it or change it. That is how we must proceed from now on." Again, Aredin turned to Aysik. "Once more I ask, is there naught to be done about his malfeasance in the realm of heaven and the gods?"
Aredin had evidently had enough of the arguing, judging by the way he tried to put a stop to it, and Annika felt her respect for him rise. In her view, it was essential for a leader to know when to shut down pointless bickering between his advisers and subordinates. She made no attempt to contest his decision to not go with her idea; it had just been a suggestion rather than an insistence, and if it led to Gwynnin being destroyed by people under the impression that the circle was there...well, Annika wasn't completely invested in Gwynnin emotionally. The people in the town who were of the most importance to her were her thieves. If Gwynnin fell, Annika and her gang would shrug their shoulders and move on.

Satisfied that he had stopped the arguments between everyone in the group, Aredin would ask Aysik if there was anything that could be done about Mellar on his end. Annika turned to look at the Sidereal expectantly, waiting to hear his answer.
Even though Aredin affirmed Durke's suggested course of action, the frown stays fixed upon Durke's face. If anything, his face is now tinged with a slight look of confusion and worry. Live by it or change it? Aren't we tryin' to change it and follow the changes? I dunno...

With a small shake of his head, Durke dashes those thoughts from his mind then stands at attention. He takes his right fist and slams it into his chest again, saluting his lord. "If those be your orders, m'lord."

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