[Tremors] What it says on the tin


Water Sprite
Kicking off the OOC thread. Feel free to discuss all that game related stuff that falls on the other side of the 4th wall.

Post up your characters or character drafts in the Characters forum. Give yourself a post for backstory/picture, character sheet, combat stats, and xp log. And any other posts you want to make sure to have room for. Once you are ready for me to review it let me know. I might pop in to ask or answer questions so that's the reason for making sure you create the posts you know you want first. (not that we can't delete cruft as necessary)
I will add that house rules have not yet been etched in stone. I still need to review some rewrites people requested and such. If you have suggestions or requests you can drop them off here and I'll see what I can do.
Another suggestion, if you want to look at it.

You mentioned thinking about writing custom craft charms for speed reduction. Revlid actually wrote some pretty good ones (as revisions of existing ones) in his crafting errata, and the charm section is way at the end. Basically, his version has crafting artifacts have intervals of (artifact rating) months for the roll. His charms give interval reducers, which takes the roll from months to weeks, from weeks to days, from days to hours, etcetera. Just something to think about, if you want to use them, or just the idea of interval reducers. There are some really good charm ideas there for other stuff as well, if you want to look at it.
Cool thanks, I will take a gander. I don't think we'd do a full change over sort of thing, but I'll probably steal some ideas for some custom charms.
Insomnia has claimed me, so here is a teaser for one of the custom things I am working on....

Churning Nativity Laboratory

Cost: - ; Mins; Essence 3; Type; Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Great Mother’s Wame, Tool Transcending Constructs

Showing that her understanding of birth transcends the simple idea of biology, Infernal takes the life spawning cysts of Kimbery and combines them with the telekinetic factories of She Who Lives In Her Name in order to hatch terrible wonders.
Anyone out there considering DBs, I may be making a couple relevant house rules, but I am not 100% yet. Under consideration is removing out of aspect mote penalties and possibly DBs and Sids getting another favored ability. Like I said not 100% yet, but it's under consideration.

Also, I want to make sure the non-solaroids know that as a non-starting character you can allocate dots in abilities up to 5 before BP.
Ah that I didn't know and wasn't sure of. Thanks for the clarifications. This makes my crunch and fluff nearly done. ^^
I had a question for us Infernals. Does Eldritch Secrets Mastery (Ebon Dragon's alter your supernatural properties charm, its an illusion effect) go so far as to hide/alter one's Anima, or does that remain a problem?
Here is my take on it:

Your caste mark and motes would appear as whatever you are impersonating. The banner would appear as a what you are impersonating version of your normal banner, but like with infernal sorcery an observer could roll well enough to note infernal imagery. If you go totemic your own banner prevails.
I think I'm going to be changing my concept, because as far as I can tell, Cirno already has that angle in the works. Not wanting to tread on others' toes, I'll see what else I can come up with.

*rummages around in his character concept folder*

Likely options:

-Cathak Hesperus: Fire aspect DB, Realm Legionnaire and Fire Dragon practitioner

-Raging Archon: Slayer infernal, Former Delzahn warrior, betrayed by his companions, now twisted by his Green Iron Heart, and Malfean fire

-Uthan Tomuul: Chosen of Battles, swordsman exemplar, seeking truth by his blade
Eep. Sorry about that!

Norts said:
The concept I have at the moment is rather like robert downey jr's sherlock holmes: highly perceptive investigator, calculating and meticulous planner, and able fist fighter. Not sure what he is yet, though i'm leaning toward solar.
If this was the concept, I think we diverge on enough points. Kunto's meant to be heavy into crafting, and she's not good at fist-fighting. The martial arts is for flame pieces. The reason her Virtue Break is Rigorous Mastermind is because she usually isn't one. So she over-compensates when things go south bad.
Quick question: If I were to take all the stuff given to us in the character creation thread, convert it to Experience and then use that to build my character, would this be a problem? Anathema 4.0 doesn't let you do spiffy things like modify the character creation process D:
Hmm. Since this has been nearly 100 years since Infernals have come about, does that mean that everyone knows about them, or have the Yozis (somehow) managed to keep a lid on the secret?

On a similar track, has there been any world shaking events in those years, or has everything sort of been in a detente?
JayTee said:
Quick question: If I were to take all the stuff given to us in the character creation thread, convert it to Experience and then use that to build my character, would this be a problem? Anathema 4.0 doesn't let you do spiffy things like modify the character creation process D:
Yes. I very purposefully didn't use straight XP to make sure people balance things out a little.

Incendius said:
Hmm. Since this has been nearly 100 years since Infernals have come about, does that mean that everyone knows about them, or have the Yozis (somehow) managed to keep a lid on the secret?
On a similar track, has there been any world shaking events in those years, or has everything sort of been in a detente?
Argle Blargl.. for infernals I may have to change that line. I just copy pasta-ed the solaroids, but the answer is no. The infernal lid is still pretty tightly on. Some people might have suspicions of something scarier out there in the demon world, but nothing concrete or defined. We can chalk it up to the infernals basically working on over drive or something. The essence limit won't change, and you're still probably some of the most established infernals out there.
Feantari, are you using Established Solar rules from Lords of Creation? Errata gives them more bonus points if you are.
Feantari said:
Yes. I very purposefully didn't use straight XP to make sure people balance things out a little.
Rats, that'll make things tricky. Ah well, I'll deal with it.

Lochar said:
Feantari, are you using Established Solar rules from Lords of Creation? Errata gives them more bonus points if you are.
Especially if this is in effect, makes Chargen much less stressful.
Lochar said:
Feantari, are you using Established Solar rules from Lords of Creation? Errata gives them more bonus points if you are.
Negative. I just stole some rough proportions. I gave BP and XP as I intended to. I know how the dance of BP goes. :-P
Had to try. :P


You realize with 18 BP and starting Essence of 3, without flaws we can't hit Essence 6? Was that purposeful?
Well cirno, if you think it can work, i'll go back to it.

Only question I have left then is whether I can make use of jon chung's alterations to solar hero?
JayTee said:
Just to clarify, this game takes place in the South, specifically Chiaroscuro?
The game is starting around Chiaroscuro. You should not expect it to stay there.
Got it, thanks! I should have my character up by tomorrow, if not earlier. Just need to write up 100+ years worth is history. :D

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