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Fantasy Travelers of Eucla

Hello sir! Is it okay if I decided to drag Zal (character from you previous rp, Rise of the Exuro) into this some point in the future? Well, I might do that...

Creepy, how I got here, I know, don't freak out yet.

Let's just say it's the magic of stalking...

Wait...that didn't help isn't it?

@Throne Trinity
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Ensig said:
Question: What's the difference between a Riding Horse and a Magic Horse?
It's a horse conjured by magic.

KageYuuki said:
Wow that's a lot of spells lol
Yep :)

Dreamtique said:
Hello sir! Is it okay if I decided to drag Zal (character from you previous rp, Rise of the Exuro) into this some point in the future? Well, I might do that...
Creepy, how I got here, I know, don't freak out yet.

Let's just say it's the magic of stalking...

Wait...that didn't help isn't it?

@Throne Trinity
Currently not accepting anymore people, sorry (:'() If you want to stick around just in case someone leaves though you can do that to.
I'll have to pass, her CS has it where outside of a few abilities she can't use any magic. ^^;
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]She's a ranger so she has a different set spells available to her. Would you like to know her options?

When i was writeing my CS, I was thinking of adding a minor skill set in healing and other low level holy spells, being that she trained as a Paladin for a number of years but never finished.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]It's a horse conjured by magic.
Yep :)

Currently not accepting anymore people, sorry (:'() If you want to stick around just in case someone leaves though you can do that to.

It's okay, tho I'll like to post my CS first, hope you don't mind, thx sir!
sorry guys been a busy week X(. Gonna try to respond today!

And also thanks Throne for your post a while ago! This RP has been really fun.
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KageYuuki said:
I'll have to pass, her CS has it where outside of a few abilities she can't use any magic. ^^;
Right, forgot about that.

@Throne Trinity[/URL] :c I was going to post... @Ensig suggested that you two wait for me...but I guess I'll just change my post to fit yours ._.
My bad. The OOC note said to wait within the next 1-2 posts so I figured I would let Feevi get a rebuttal in real quick and then wait. I didn't mean to ninja you, I hate it when that happens :(
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]My bad. The OOC note said to wait within the next 1-2 posts so I figured I would let Feevi get a rebuttal in real quick and then wait. I didn't mean to ninja you, I hate it when that happens :(

It's fine...I just have to try and figure out what to do while suffering my lovely headache.
Anaxileah said:
@Throne Trinity :c I was going to post... @Ensig suggested that you two wait for me...but I guess I'll just change my post to fit yours ._.
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Yuki]I am sorry that happen to you, but I know you will rise above such adversity.

Thanks, luv. I'm working on a post that will most likely suck, but to hell with it. I'm trying.

Ensig said:
...Oh. Okay, then.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]Right, forgot about that.

Meh, don't worry about it
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]I'm sorry to hear that.

S'alright, no worries. I will use the amazing powers of selective hearing, except focus. I will focus on a post and ignore the headacheeeeee. *implodes*
Anaxileah said:
Thanks, luv. I'm working on a post that will most likely suck, but to hell with it. I'm trying.
...Oh. Okay, then.
Oh my don't say it will suck! I am quiet sure it will be phenomenal much like your others.
@Elizabeth Yuki Pick four of the following:

Bless: Allies are less likely to be struck with fear.

Bless Water: Makes holy water.

Bless Weapon: Weapon strikes true against evil foes.

Create Water: Creates 2 gallons of pure water.

Cure Light Wounds: Cures light wounds.


Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.

Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.

Divine Favor: You gain bonus damage on holy attacks.

Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.

Magic Weapon: Weapon gains brief slight magical strength.

Protection from Chaos/Evil: protection against selected alignment.

Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

Resistance: Subject can has can avoid status ailments with more ease.

Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability/minor status ailments.

Virtue: Subject gains minor health.
Throne Trinity] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20456-elizabeth-yuki/ said:
@Elizabeth Yuki[/URL] Pick four of the following:
Bless: Allies are less likely to be struck with fear.

Bless Water: Makes holy water.

Bless Weapon: Weapon strikes true against evil foes.

Create Water: Creates 2 gallons of pure water.

Cure Light Wounds: Cures light wounds.


Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.

Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.

Divine Favor: You gain bonus damage on holy attacks.

Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.

Magic Weapon: Weapon gains brief slight magical strength.

Protection from Chaos/Evil: protection against selected alignment.

Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

Resistance: Subject can has can avoid status ailments with more ease.

Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability/minor status ailments.

Virtue: Subject gains minor health.

I needed that

I feel better now
There's my piece o' shit. I am done for the night. -.- Brain hurts.

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