Trapped Rp


Two Thousand Club
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Rose leaned against cement wall of her cell staring blankly at the opposite wall. How could they do this to her. They took away her child and now they expected her to work for them again. They had changed her food back to a high protein diet with supplements for her heart and muscles, signifying the restart of testing. Crossing her arms and Rose smiled for a moment remembering how Joseph used to fold into her arms. The serene memory came to a shuttering halt when she realized her son was gone. A tear rolled down her face leaving a streak of dark wet fur. The door to Rose's cell burst open two guards and a scientist walked in.
"Medusa" as... she(?) had been called, basked in a cramped glass aquarium, obviously not designed for a human sized creature to live inside it, but it was the only cell with the heating required to keep a reptilian animal like himself(?) alive. Guards teased him(?) often, pulling at her(?) hair occasionally, teasingly about Medusa's seeming genderlessness. Occasionally the scientists came to do tests, or took her(?) elsewhere for their twisted experiments. He(?) didn't talk much, never really had any reason to, but today some scientists came again, with some peculiar contraption, and when Medusa tried to escape they stuck a large, worn leather collar around the snake-person's neck, which was at the end of two long steel poles, held by a couple of guards to restrain their little toy. An attempt at protest rewarded him(?) with a kick to the jaw, which easily slipped out of joint, hanging limply there, useless, and quite painful.
A massive shadow of a ripped pale tigress was cast down the halls as Mary padded inside, ivory and ginger-striped coat a deep maroon now, sanguine fluid stained deep into the fibers. Her massive pads fell heavily against the linoleum, specks of crimson being scattered upon impacted. Her muzzle was a flurry of shades of red as she rasped her tongue blandly over the tinted fur, eyes visibly bored while she meandered towards her holding cell, taking any longer passageways to get there. She hated to be confined. With a bland yawn, she exposed her lethal yellow fangs, tongue curling at the edges as her sides gave a single shuddering heave. She'd been out this morning practicing a few new techniques on pigeons. Apparently her new format had been a success, seeing that the guards were having a fit about it and calling hastily for the cleaning crew.

Lucas paced his cell, utterly bored. He shook his ginger hair, and looked at his hand, almost expecting his fingers to be stained with something - mud, chemicals, blood - but they weren’t. They were clean. Luke sighed deeply, a sort of purr in the sound. He dropped his hand and crossed his arms over his chest, kicking the cracks in the cell’s floor as if they were rocks, half expecting them to move. Realizing this was ridiculas, he stopped and sat down on the cold floor, utterly bored. Maybe he could go into his cougar state and scare the hell out of the guards? Nah….Pace some more? Useless….Play with his hands and make shapes with shadows? What……

Rose sighed as the men came forward, she knew that if she did not drop to the floor now she would be shocked but at this point who cared. But why fight it either? Rose laid down on her back putting her hands crossed across her chest. The guards clipped shackles onto her hands and a chain leash to her neck.

The scientists smiled evilly at her, "We are trying a group experiment, you will now be living in an outdoor enclosure with other specimens. We want to see how your instincts will take over. However you will still encounter testing." He finished running an old wrinkled finger down her arm. Rose's eyes flicked towards his hand and she shuttered. They pushed and shoved her through corridor after corridor before walking her through a set of double doors. She felt like she was outside but she realized it was only a simulation. The walls were like huge unbreakable TV's and most likely if she dug into the dirt she would hit concrete floors.
..A bellowing roar echoed back at him in his cramped cell as a young Kodiak bear fought valiantly with the guard, swiping out through the slender bars with his rippling auburn forearm, six-inch black claws raking through the air only mere millimeters from the noses of the staff. Cattle-prod in hand, a scrawny Caucasian man in a white lab-coat swung at him, the buzz and hum of electricity as it hopped to another body ringing out, accompanied by yet another roar of malcontent. Nero could do this all day, usually it was just a stick, but even a cattle-prod would not deter him.

..He had grown bored of staring at the blank walls of his enclosure, and this was about as close as it came to entertainment. Jeremy had been guarding his cell ever since he had arrived, and in all his time of commitment he would have never suspected that he could be so violent. When he was a lad, Jeremy was his closest thing to a friend. After his transformation, he would not so much as look upon him. Finally he settled upon a way to get his attention--through provoking him. It had become a daily task of his to pester him in human form, and when that grew tiresome he shifted, threatening and verbally annoying him with occasional swipes and snarls.

..Glistening strands of saliva wove bridges on his massive white teeth, the deep charcoal sheen of his lips curling and twitching with every snort and grunt. The jolt of the prod had faded to a dull quake as it tried unsuccessfully to pierce his thick fur. Woolen arms reaching for Jeremy's collar, he received a myriad of rasps on his calloused black pads, which resulted in hardly more than a subdued stun.

..Finally Jeremy slipped up, getting a bit too confident, getting a bit too close. Nero wrapped his arms on the man's shoulders, muscles contracting a rate unsurpassed by most and leaving him pinned against the bars of the cell, Nero's forearms locked firmly in a "bear hug." Body crushed lightly against the metal pillars, his eyes grew large as he stared upon Nero's frothing lips. The rage in his eyes was traumatizing, and growing paler in the face he called for help, pleads ringing out through the facility...and to his aid came Mary, loftily ambling around.

.."Stop playing with your food, 767676," remarked the off-colored tiger, flicking an ear as she continued to pass by, claws unsheathing to show her lack of humor towards him. She did not condone playing with one's food, either kill him or let him go. Jeremy had never been one of her particular favorites anyways.

..Nero snorted, jaws meeting and curving into a grimace. "Kill joy," he remarked, ruffling the back of Jeremy's hair with a paw before letting the gaping man go, eyeing him with amusement as he flopped about, toppling over in his attempt to bolt in the opposing direction. He wouldn't have been surprised if he resigned after that. Unfortunately, no one ever resigned. You either worked, or you died. Knowing so much came with a heavy price.
Lucas groaned and stood up, pacing again. He almost wanted them to come in. But, then again, he loathed being poked and stabbed at and injected and played with -he was not a toy, and he most certainly did not come from a chemistry kit. Just as Lucas was changing his mind, a man and a woman came in. The man was holding a leash and handcuffs, the woman's hands baring nothing but white gloves. Too white. Lucas narrowed his eyes. If he were in his cougar state, his ears would have gone flat and his teeth exposed.

The woman opened the door to his cell. "Here, kitty, kitty," she taunted. Lucas was almost tempted to run out, but if he did, he would no doubt be caught and punished. The man walked in and pinned Lucas to the wall, rattling the boy's bones. Lucas stared at him, eyes hard, as the man put the cuffs around the cougar-boy's hands and secured it. He didn't fight. Fighting would be useless. The leash was placed around his neck - to his immediate discomort. he hated anything around his neck - that was a death hold.

"Oh, the poor kitty hates his collar," the scientists commented. Lucas bared hsi teeth, which got him jostled, as the man fastened the leash. They lead him out of his cage, walking him down the hall. They wouldn't tell him where, or what they would do. Lucas peeled his lips back over his teeth further, irritated and angry.....
Mary proceeded onward, flicking her ears as she trudged through the imprisoned specimen's chambers. In a few moments she had passed a substantial number of guards. How peculiar, she purred, flicking her tail as another set of workers busied themselves, heading in the direction from whence she'd come.

Satisfied with himself, Nero sat on the far side of his cell, plush buttock acting as a pillow while he hummed, rasping his nails against the concrete in Beethoven's 5th. His tiny circular ears pivoted from side to side at the sound of approaching footsteps. Two pairs. Massive black nostrils expanding, he caught a whiff of Jeremy, and snickered, and someone else. Possibly a scientists. Standing now in his sight, Jer pulled out his key-card, holding it to the cell door until it gave a loud clatter and a series of clicks before sliding open with a hiss. His fingers trembled and his knees wobbled, evidence that he was not here upon his own accord.

Rocking forwards onto all fours, he lumbered towards the door just as a lead came into view. First the slender woman to Jeremy's right pushed him inside, following behind as if using him as a shield. Jeremy cringed, coaxing him over as best as his quivering voice would allow. Nero, finding this incredibly funny, reared back onto his hind legs, skull hitting the ceiling with a sharp CRACK and sending him recoiling forwards in pain, twisting onto his side and shifting back, hands cradling his head. Jeremy scoffed out a chuckle and the woman silenced him with a glare. Wrestling him into an arm-bar, he was swiftly hand-cuffed and dragged out of the cell by his neck. Having a pair of shorts thrown at him, he wiggled into them, sighing as he was unable to buckle them so they sagged forwards, barely concealing
him. Standing, he was pushed down the hall, the woman taking notes all the while and making either a vacant nod of approval or a stern look of distaste. Where was he going?

Finally his questions were answered as he came to a pair of doors, and just beyond lay a gathered mass of other test subjects, on what had been the closest thing to outside he'd seen in over a decade.
The scientists dragged Lucas down the hall. Lucas growled and stopped, recieving a sharp yank on the leash around his neck. He growled, a low sound in his chest rising into his throat, as they tugged him along. His feet scuffed the floor, slowing him down to the scientist's displeasure. He recieved another quick but painful yank to his neck. He could feel in digging in and producing a handsome cut. Idiots. They brought him to a man-made yard. More test subjects were sitting around, socializing or just sitting there. There were animals, humans with animal features, and animals. Lucas growled louder. Being infused with cougar DNA, he was, of course, very solitary. What the hell were they thinking, leaving him with others? The man grabbed his wrist, hurting where the cuffs sat, and let his hands loose. He rubbed his right wrist with his left hand as they untied the leash, his lips never relaxing and his growl never ceasing.
Rose twisted her head back and forth watching the new people arrive. Yes, she called the people, it did not matter how much animal DNA they had they were still people somewhere. The doors were closed and locked with a series of whirs and beeps, now there was another sound above her. Looking up Rose saw a small stage being projected out of the wall in front of her. The head scientist walked out a self satisfied look on his face.

"Welcome," he said sarcastically. "You are all involved in an experiment to see how your animal DNA will take over when left on your own. Every few days we will come and take you away for testing. You will than return to the Eco-room, food or animals will occasionally be released. All of your vitamins will be in these animals so you will be able to maintain your health at its peak. Everything is monitored so don't even think about escape, even though it would be practically impossible since you aren't actually near the outside of the building." The scientist finished his speech and looked down his subjects with a condescending eye.
Lucas snarled as the man spoke, rubbing his wrists. This was ridiculas. He looked around at everyone he would have to live with for who-knows-how-long. The cougar-boy was given a shove by the female scientist, as of to "encourage" him to move and meet everyone. Only here, there was no encouragement - there were threats and chains. Lucas walked in a bit more, his eyebrows knitting each other and his eyes narrowed. The idea of socializing and living with these "people" apalled him. Maybe it was his cougar DNA, or maybe it was the fact that he had never been around anyone else who hadn't poked him with needles or taken blood samples or played around with his freaking DNA.
Rose eyed the distrustful people before looking back up at the scientist. Flipping him off, she stood up,turned around , and walked calmly towards the treeline. She pulled her long brunette locks onto her shoulder running her fingers through her hair over and over again. These people did not seem to have any desire to get to know each other but in reality the more they worked together the better. The scientists were the enemy not each other.
Lucas wondered if anyone here would want to escape. Maybe someone would rise up and try to secretly compose a plan with everyone to get them out. He realized that this probably woudn't happen - it may have to be him to do this. With a scowl and another growl he looked around again, guessing everyone's mutation. The terrible things these scientists were doing...It disgusted him. He didn't know it yet, but all he needed was one person to show him just a little kindness - a smile would even suffice. He hated it here, and was starting to hate what they made him into. The things they were capable of...It was inhumane - not that he would know much about that.
Rose sighed and turned around as the head scientist returned into the wall, his weird stage retracting. She had always told Joseph to be kind to others no matter what. Maybe she should take her own advice and try to talk to these people. Plastering a smile onto her face, something she had not done since Joseph was taken from her, she scanned the group. Maybe if she got out of this hell hole she would find her son but until than she would stop feeling sorry for herself and use his memory as her strength.
Lucas sighed deeply and walked over to one of the room's corner. He just had to think. He looked up and scanned the room, spotting a girl drinking in her surroundings, as if she was rating and studying each "person". He sighed again, narrowing his green eyes. Lucas pressed his back against the wall and slid to the floor slowly, bringing his knees in to his chest and dipping hsi head back. Okay....Breathe...Just breathe...You'll think of something, Luke....
..Nero grunted as Jeremy undid his cuff, pushing him forward by his head and causing him to stumble into the enclosure as the announcement was made. Grumbling and rubbing at his sore joints, he glanced around, visibly more docile than the others. Just another hell hole, same as any other day. His lips shriveled back in a frown and he kicked at the fake grass, scuffing his feet and burying his toes into the blades. He never realized how many other's were like this--like him. He inhaled through his mouth, exhaling slowly and dropping his heart-rate considerably. Ears and nose straining, he began to classify the mutants, having not much trouble in distinguishing scents and appearances. Blandly he gave them names, stupid child-like names that were easy to remember. Shifting his gaze to one whom seemed equally as intrigued, whom he had dubbed Wiggles but was in actuality Rose, he paced silently towards her, hands moving to zip his fly and them rest across his toned abs. "'Scuse me, ma'am?"
Medusa arrived late, barely in time for the speech, to the new room. It was difficult for a couple of untrained men to drag a serpent of her(?) size. It was easy for the guards to toss him(?) away in the fake outdoors, but it was the first time that Medusa had ever seen anything outside her(?) little glass box. He(?) looked like a young teen, but was barely cresting four years old, and wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Medusa was one of the few experiments that hadn't formerly been human, (s)he'd been manufactured, one of the first test tube babies made by the scientists. There were many others, others that Medusa didn't recognize, but was too nervous to approach, (s)he'd only ever met four others before, and none of them had been very nice...
Lucas looked at another who just entered the artificial yard - a reptillian mutant of some sort. He couldn't give it a gender, and wondered if the scientists screwed that up, too. The cougar-boy sighed and stood up. No use leaning on things for support - everything will eventually crumble away. Somehow, it was this pessimistic attitude that had helped him survive thus far...Lucas took a breath and wondered how long it would take for everyone to pick their groups. Maybe all the canines....All the avians...All the felines - except, fo course, him. Cougars - and many more felines - are solitary. Lucas cocked his head and set his jaw, wondering why they would even bother to use him in this experiment. Dumb-asses....
Rose looked over at the doors as two more people were pushed into the room. One was some kind of shifter while the other had so much Reptilian DNA it was impossible to see almost any human features. Rubbing her hands together she heard the soft rustle of her bare skin rubbing against each other. That was one of the only places were the short sleek fur did not cover her body. The skin was scaly and looked like the pad of an animals paw. The bare chested shifter walked towards her, she held his gaze as he spoke to her, "Yes?" Rose said arching her eyebrows.

(I have decided to make a change to my character where she can also shift to a cheetah but she hardly ever does it because it is painful and she feels awkward in her animal form. If anyone wants to make a change please ask me about it before posting underneath one of your posts. Thanks :)
..Mary curiously tailed the guards who were in the process of moving a serpent. Her paws fell silently as she trailed loftily behind, no one paying her much mind as she oversaw what was going on. In the main hall that led to a dome came a groove in the facade, and upon investigation, it was evident that something else lay beyond its metal exterior. But what? She nosed it at first, then lifting a paw, she pushed against it. With a shudder and a groan, the door slid aside on its axis, presenting a narrow passage that lead somewhere... but where she could not anticipate. Swiveling her ears forth, she slowly set off into the shadowed staircase, gargantuan paws flexing accommodatingly against the solid steps as they gradually inclined. At the far end the was clearly another door. The light beyond it glimmered through the crevasses in the metal and illuminated the tunnel she was currently in. The air was stale, she proclaimed to herself as she parted her jaws, inhaling and bringing the myriad of aromas to pass over the scent-glads on the roof of her mouth. Not many people have come through since its construction, however, the settling of molecules was a sign that someone had, in fact, recently taken the passage and had left only moments ago. Once she was a paw-length from the vault-like door, she paused, examining it briefly before pawing against the steel, reinforced nails scrawling deep wounds into the surface and producing a high-pitched squeal. Other than that, the door hardly budged. She reared back onto her hind legs, pushing against it and grumbling as her sinewy body rippled beneath the layer of fur, pronouncing her strength as the bolts whispered in complaint. The door, to no avail, did not heave or give in the slightest. She was puzzled.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Mm, what's going on here?" he inquired grouchily, still rubbing uncomfortably at his wrists and allowing his tiny black pupils to rest on her obscure face. She was so unfamiliar. Had he ever seen her before? Most likely not, which was odd since he'd been here for nearly a decade. Sweat transpired from the heat lamps that worked tirelessly to recreate a natural environment, the glistening beads dotting his forehead and neck.
"We are being used in yet another experiment. Thy want to see our animal instincts take over or some other crap along those lines," she said pulling a thread off of the eerily white, square of a dress they had stuck her in. Her eyes wandered across the enclosure and she noticed sprinklers. Of course there were sprinklers they wanted to simulate rain and see how we would react. It was like some messed up doll house where the kid placed all of the dolls in the house and than locked them. The child would than go to another room and turn on a TV where it could watch what it was doing to the dolls and see how far it could push the toys before they broke.
Lucas heard two people talking and got a little closer, listening in with his cougar-like senses. He almost went over there, demanded to know their names, how long they were here, what the scientists have done to them...But he didn't. He wasn't sure if this was his puma's instinct of solitude, or if he was just shy. Afterall, Lucas had never been around another "experiment". Hell, he'd never been around anyone that was...Like him. Luke shook his head, deciding not to bug them. Although, people watching never hurt anyone....It could hardly count as eaves-dropping, and wasn't even in the same category as stalking. If he was to live with these people, then he shpuld study them - get to see who was decent and who wasn't. Like puma and prey, in a way....
Rose's eyes flicked to the boy who had been in the corner of the enclosure. He seemed to be listening and trying to decide if he should come over. She shot him a small smile before looking back to the boy standing in front of her. "We should think about looking through the enclosure to see if there is any form of shelter around here," she said a little louder.
Lucas inclined his chin. The girl saw him. She knew what she was doing. And, she.....Spoke louder just for him. Lucas set his jaw. Now, he had more of a reason to go over.....But, what if -? Hold on. They had probably never been around others, either; why would it be just him? He was either unlucky, or one of many. Lucas lowered his head, and before he gave himself a head ache by thinking about it more, shoved up and off the wall. He walked over lankily and stood about five feet from where tehy stood talking, just listening. Listening is good, right? If he was spoken to, then and only then, would he speak. It's good to listen....
Rose figured it was her husky DNA that made her more likely to talk to people. She naturally had a kind demeanor but that could yield to a vicious predator instinct in seconds. She absentmindedly twisted the hair on her shoulder and over again. She knew that she would most likely have to shift in order to hunt for food but she did not want to think about that right now.

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