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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Adira shrugged and stepped forward to pull open the hatch. She immediately stepped back, not having expected to find Marshall in there. Everything about him was horrible, his smell, his looks. Don't make me regret standing up for you. When he pulled his pistol at them, Adira pulled her phaser, which was set to a mild stun. "Marshall, lower your fucking gun, we're not here to hurt you." Luckily, Vince acted before anything happened. Adira holstered her phaser and walked over, taking the flex cuffs off of Vince's belt and cuffing Marshall tightly. She gave Marshall a little grin before saying, "This is just 'til you're sober or calm down a bit."
Immediately tensing up as Woods charged him, it was nothing short of a miracle he was quick enough to wrench the gun from Marshall's hand before it discharged a round. However, despite the warnings Marshall immediately began struggling, kicking and thrashing his arms his strength thankfully hindered by his intoxication.

"NO! NO! I'M NOT DONE YET! YOU CAN'T DO THIS, I'M NOT DONE!" he shouted as he struggled until Woods braced the baton against his jaw and Marshall immediately went limp, defeated as he averted his eyes away from the two. Far too shamed to make eye contact with the two he quietly whispered to himself.

"I'm not done yet... I'm not done... "
With Marshall's arms behind his back and flex cuffed Vince sent out a message to one of his security team members before he grabbed the merc by the arms and lifted him up. He carefully handed Adira the pistol before patting him over for more weapons. Vince pulled the knife from Marshall's belt and raised a curious eyebrow. "Might want to keep this as well.", he said as he passed it to Adira. By this time two security team members arrived, one armed with a stun rifle, and bagged the weapons before Vince passed Marshall over. "Leave him cuffed and toss him in the drunk tank. Actually you can cuff his feet as well if you want. Let us know when he sobers up." The team members nodded before marching Marshall down the hallway. Vince turned to Adira and shook his head. "That was something else."

The security team members managed to get Marshall to the drunk tank without too much of a problem. They both chalked it up to him already being cuffed and one of them being armed. They cuffed his feet as well, just a precaution, before carrying him in and laying him on the cot and locking the door.
Adira smiled and nodded. "Definitely. We'll see how he is when he's finally sober." She rounded up any other weaponry and alcohol Marshall had in the area. "Now that that's dealt with, I believe there was also an issue with Lydia about Saundary and Saami. I'm not especially worried about that. I need to arrange for Rea's memorial, though. I was thinking a grave outside the ruins. A quick little speech or something. We can't stay around those ruins for too long without risking lives."
Vince scratched at the back of his neck as he thought about the grave site. "I'd prefer not to get so close to the ruins again. I understand the desire to give her a memorial, but I would rather not risk getting close to that place if we don't have to." Vince reached out and took Adira's hand gently. "I'm not saying we can't, I'm just trying to keep the crew, and you, safe."
Adira looked at him for a moment, surprised by his taking her hand. He specified her... not just keeping the crew safe... She slowly nodded. "We don't have to get that close to the ruins. We can keep a good distance. Again, it'll be very quick." Adira gently squeezed his hand. He was just doing his job to protect everyone at every turn. She smiled a bit. "You're good at your job, did you know that?"
Vince smiled at Adira's compliment. "I don't really get compliments very often. Thank you." As they stood there Vince found himself rubbing his thumb against Adira's hand. He wasn't sure how it had become a habit of his, but he also wasn't trying to stop it either. "So, we still have to go check in on Saundry and Saami, and you said you wanted to start working on Rea's memorial, but I happen to remember a certain captain on this ship saying that today was a day off to honor the memory of our fallen crew member. In that light, I was wondering if you happen to have any plans for today?" Vince gave a sly smile, hoping Adira would catch wind and play along.
She never missed a beat. "Because I care, silly. You didn't get a chance to eat earlier, right?" No longer needing to say anymore, Saundary unwrapped the silken burgundy cloths delicately. All in accordance to reveal a semi-toasted sandwich with layers of meat folded, wrapped in a smooth layer of cheese as lettuce and tomatoes kept the sandwich afloat. Separating the warmly made delicacy from the secret sauce within. There were two sandwiches made, both very similar and although Sandy would have liked it better if she had made more than one for the both, this would have to suffice. Along with the apple she had tagged for a snack. Handing the warm, plastic wrapped sandwich to Saami, she wrapped half of it back up in the burgundy silk cloth. "Here, I hope you don't mind." After he would accept the sandwich, Sandy sat down on the navy carpeted ground, her back straight, as she reached up above her to pull her sack down with her, along with her container of water. Looking up, she would notice Saami still standing before patting the space beside her.

Adira smiled back, taking a few moments to think before saying, "As much as I would love to enjoy that day off, I was thinking that I'd run a diagnostic on a couple things, talk to Doc about a bit of medicine for my shoulder wound, and visit the crew... see how all of them are holding up. I might finish early, though. What did you have in mind?" If Vince was trying to ask her on a date, he'd have to be much more blunt. When it came to areas like this, she wasn't good at catching slight hints. She figured he wanted to go to the holograph room and shoot a couple of rounds, like they had done just a week ago.
That answer was both sufficient and not; it didn't quite answers question as to why fully, still not having been given a consequent purpose, yet at the same time the answer being that Saundary did it simply out of altruistic care was oddly befitting of her personality. When she sat down on the ground, and patted beside her Saami looked a bit confused from the ground to her to the table, then figured that it might be best not to ask any questions anymore, and once more he realised that perhaps the people creating him had had a point when they decided he shouldn't be able to question anything. It made things infinitely more complex.

So instead he just took the plastic wrapped sandwich and sat on his knees beside her, his form perhaps still too stiff for someone who had just been dragged to an obscure part of the ship and handed lunch by someone like Saundary. "Thank you for the meal Miss Saundary." As he spoke the corners of his mouth were still raised, and it did appear to be a genuine expression, even if faintly. She had had a point when she said he had been unable to eat before, and he was actually quite hungry, so immediately after he took a bite of the sandwich. Not having been given food that was actually made with care often, his face lit up as he tasted it. "It's really good." Not the conventional type of good, but he really liked it anyway.
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Vince shook his head as he laughed quietly. "Actually, let me rephrase my question. Would you like to spend the day with me? It's been a hectic past few days since we dropped, I thought it would be nice to take some time off and enjoy your company." Vince realized at this point that being subtle just wasn't going to work for either of them. Besides, it wasn't like they were teenagers in high school. Time to drop the childish games and be forthright with each other. "That is, if you wouldn't mind spending the day together."
Adira looked at him with raised eyebrows for a moment. It did sound nice, but, she was still the Captain, and had some things she needed to do. She didn't want to hurt him, either.As much as she wanted to say yes, she knew she couldn't without feeling somewhat guilty. She thought for a moment before quietly saying, "I would love to spend the day together, however... I can't. But I'll make you a deal. Once I finish everything I have to do, the rest of the day, we can spend together. How does that sound?" In her mind it was a good compromise.

Saundary watched as he sat down on his knees, her brows furrowed. She bit down on her lip, trying not to laugh at Saami as he settled down - laughing would be rude, and the very fact that he chose to sit down beside her rather than question her was good enough. Waiting for his opinion on the meal as he opened his wrap, she decided to pull hers out and mimic his actions.

"Thank you for the meal Miss Saundary."

The moment he bit down on his sandwich, she did the same and sighed. This was the best sandwich she has ever made, the first meal she has ever prepared if she were to be honest. When she heard Saami say, "It's really good," she couldn't help but inwardly agree before she turned her body somewhat in order to give him her undivided attention. She was proud the moment he had admitted that the meal she had made for him was, indeed, really good. "Is it really good, or really, really, really, good?" Clearing her throat, the young lady tucked a blue strand of hair behind her ear as she began, "The difference between really good and really, really, really, good, is the fact that. . . um. Never mind, ha-ha. I don't quite understand the difference myself, my apologies," and she didn't. She was just so caught up in the moment, for she never made anything besides craft work.

She's only ever watched her father and her mother cook. Their food was the best she had ever eaten, and when they had asked her if she wanted to learn, especially her mother - she would tell them, 'No,' because she was afraid she would ruin the wonderful cooking they had made for her, and her only. Thinking about it, maybe Saundary should have been more willing to learn. She would have never known unless she tried.

Chewing on the corner of her bottom lip, she hummed thoughtfully since she was embarrassed by the fact that she couldn't thoroughly explain what she had meant, her cheeks colored by the embarrassment she was experiencing; she felt as though she was fumbling. Looking anywhere but at Saami's face, she took a nibble off of her sandwich before she confessed. "I never made a meal before," she paused, choosing her words carefully. "It's my first time ever touching food this way and making it into something that you could enjoy. And I hadn't meant to exaggerate, but I am glad that I began with this sandwich, and that you liked it, so thank you."
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Vince chewed on his tongue for a few moments as he thought over the compromise. "It's a deal.", he finally said with a smile. "I can't hold having duties against you. Besides, I could probably use a shower anyway." Vince also needed some time to think of something to do with Adira other than just take her to the holochamber and run through drills. It didn't help that the Lullaby was a small ship, or that there wasn't anywhere outside of the lounge to take her. Oh well, he could come up with something for them to do. "So, where could I find you after this work is done?"
Adira smiled a bit and shrugged. "Just... keep your communicator on." After she finished her work she could change into some more leisurely clothing. First off, a shower did sound nice. "I'm going to get started now, so... see you later." With that, Adira headed to her quarters before they could converse any more. After she showered and cleaned up, she went to the medical bay, sitting on the edge of one of the beds while she waited for Doc.

Vince made it back to his room, though he might as well have been on cloud nine. Once he had showered and dried off he slid into some comfortable pants and a grey tee shirt before milling about his room. He was looking around for something to eat before he opened the shelf that had his collection of sedatives stashed inside. For a moment he paused, his hand hovering over a bottle as he struggled with whether or not to take one. He could feel the symbiote slithering around under his skin. The thought of what it could do to him if it decided to allow his splices to mutate scared the piss out of him. He had fought to regain his humanity, he wasn't about to lose it again. But...what would Adira do if she found out he was taking them? She could technically throw him under the holding cells and strip him of his rank. He was using a controlled substance. Vince suddenly realized he was sweating lightly. He shook his head after a moment and dropped him arm. He couldn't bring himself to take another, not at the thought of being found out. But what could he do about the symbiote?

He listened and looked as he saw Saundary struggle with her words and descriptions, and he carefully weighed his next words as to not embarrass her even more, while still staying honest. So he just took another bite and let her finish her ramblings about how she had never made a meal before. "Well, I don't think I am the right one to judge Miss Saundary. This is my first time consuming a sandwich someone made especially for me." Of course he had had bread and sandwiches before, but that had been under the guise of sustenance more than anything. "I did enjoy it, it is far more preferable than the nourishment I was given on the military facilities." 'Nourishment' meaning little more than pale sludge with chunks of which none had any clue what exactly they were. It didn't even taste like anything, so whatever Saundary made, it would always be indefinitely better unless she burnt it to a crisp. It clearly showed too, as he already was on the last bite.

Dr. Jones

"Alright cappy, according to my humble judgement you're not going to die today." Chrice spoke as she finished up checking on the bandages and Adira's shoulder. "It'll just be a bit sore, but we got painkillers for that, and as this isn't some crappy outliner budgeted ship we got good ones too." She rattled a small box of pills as she spoke, then took one pill out. It was fairly large, and an opaque red colour, the word 'Exdell' in black letters on the side. "You just need one and it'll accelerate the healing process and numb the pain, how's that for a change? Medicine that actually works. Side effect are dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and an increased chance of blood clots." The last part was said fast and quick, half of the syllables not even able to leave her mouth as she waved the negatives away like they didn't exist. Quickly she put it in Adira's hand before she'd actually realise what had been said.
"I could'a told you all of that, I patched it up. I just want it to heal faster and ache a bit less." Doc suddenly handed her a pill. Adira looked up at her with one eyebrow raised. She had worked medical storage when she was an "ensign" aka a stowaway the doctors had a soft spot for. She knew Exdell, but had heard that the formula had been changed. She didn't want to have any of the side effects when she was spending time with Vince. "There's only a chance of side effects, right?"
Dr. Jones

"Of course, of course." Adira didn't ask if it was a big chance though, so Chrice decided to leave that in the middle. Besides there would always be a chance of side-effects, and the positives of Exdell weighed against the negatives. Adira would be healing within the hour, and it was of importance to make sure the captain didn't have any wounds that would distract from her tasks. If she got the side effects it'd be for a few hours at most, because Exdell didn't work that long. It was fast and ridiculously effective for a short burst of time.
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Adira nodded and took the pill. That was one task down. Adira left the medbay, heading down to engineering. She spoke with a few of the engineers who were on the job, taking some notes. She joked around with them too, glad to see that they didn't seem especially nervous despite someone dying at their first planet. As she spoke with them, she noticed her shoulder ache disappeared and was replaced by the warmth of accelerated healing. She left the engineers alone and was in the empty hallway heading to the science department when she felt an odd pain. She shook her head and kept walking, but mere moments later the pain returned with a fury, in her head and chest. She stopped walking when she realized the hallway was spinning. "Fuck, not again...." Adira fell to her knees, struggling for breath. Just have to wait it out, just have to wait.... It felt like her blood was on fire and her head was being hit by a hammer. After a few minutes the pain finally eased off, and she started being able to properly breathe again. When she was sure she could stand she did, though her skin was tingling. She leaned against the wall for a few moments until she was sure she looked okay, before moving on to the science department.
Saundary still had a ways to go to when it came to finishing her sandwich, and she was halfway done by the time Saami was done. Slightly relieved to hear response, Sandy decided to address a different subject, biting into her sandwich before doing so, while covering her mouth with her dominant right hand. "Why are you sitting on your knees, Saami?" He looked stiff, and although she knew the answer, she was only just teasing him. Be it sitting on the floor, or dancing in the night, he was still very formal; and Saundary is very familiar with such endeavors, her mother being very fond of making sure her daughter was formal, yet Miss Saundary preferred to be carefree. At most, that is; "I mean to ask, are you comfortable that way?" Sandy was very interested in his interests, his comfortability and the like, so she intended to do a lot of asking rather than answering. Nothing about her was as remotely interesting the way Saami was, at least in her eyes.

Saami took a drink of water before answering the question, knowing the answer perhaps wasn't as spectacular as she had hoped. "I don't want to crumple my uniform Miss Saundary." Was it perhaps odd to admit that somehow he was a little bit vain? Of course none questioned it when his appearance was impeccable, it being in the nature of him as a machine to be exact and precise, but there also was the factor that he actually liked looking that way. On the surface none would know, as he looked exactly the same anyway, and he wasn't quite sure if maybe it wasn't as much shallowness as the result of him being kept to a tight dress code within the military.

"As to if I am uncomfortable; as a sniper I am expected to be able to stay completely immobile for hours. I have been folded up in far worse positions." Like that one time he had hung upside down from the roof with only his feet caught in between a metal rails preventing him from falling. He'd been there for two hours before his practising target popped up.
She was surprised to hear him admit that crumpling his outfit was the reason why he was sitting in such a reformed position, she chuckled softly, it came out short and gentle. "I wonder," Biting into her sandwich, she paused and finished eating. She had nothing else to say, but she could only imagine the positions Saami had to have been in, for he had admitted that he was in the military at some point, either he had said so himself, or she heard it through the voices of nosy, rude, and indignant people. What was it like, she thought. Sandy had looked outside the one sided walls, just two bites away before finishing her sandwich, and she wasn't sure what she was thinking about by then. She practically dove into la-la land without a pliable way out.

Though she stayed silent, it didn't quite feel like there was any suspense or awkwardness between the two. Instead Saami just quietly returned to calculating his orbits, taking drinks of water and enjoying her company, the sound of her breathing, heartbeat and the smell of her perfume oddly nice. Ocassionaly he was drawn in by her, his eyes somehow always falling on her, without him even fully aware of it. Still he couldn't help but doubt a bit, was he doing the right thing by letting her so close?

For now, this moment right there, it was wonderful and inebriating to be near her, but that was just a short impulsive moment. The moment he traced the future he knew he couldn't stay her friend; there was always the chance of them failing and all dying, and even if they did make it it would be impossible for him to stay close to her. There was no way he could give her what she truly deserved, back on earth he was no more than an enslaved machine; and as much as he wanted to, he knew that there was no way he could still love, the nature of his being and his environment preventing that. He could be cold and calculating, or face death, there was no place for love or friendship in a fate as brutal as that.

He knew that if he truly cared for her, it was perhaps better to keep her blissfully unaware of what could be; to stop himself from being close to her, so she would never have to feel the pain and confusion that would come with him being torn away from her again. It would be cruel to get close to her only because he wanted to feel good for a while, and yet... no matter how much he knew, no matter how rational or logical thought told him not to; with every second he was drawn more to her, by a part of him even more fundamental than ratio or instinct. His humanity.

Only to come to realise that while he thought all that he had been staring at her again.
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Once he'd been cuffed, Marshalled offered no resistance. He almost went deadweight but would walk wherever he was guided, he almost seemed like a corpse as he was escorted out of the Cargo Hold. On his way to his cell, Marshall kept his head down hung low as he shambled about. Eventually he made it into the cell and remained lifeless, if it weren't for his chest rising and falling he'd almost seem as if he were dead. He merely stared down at his hands as they rested on his knees and silently whispered to himself as he awaited his fate.

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