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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

People start to leave it was grtting quiet late. The inspectors laugh loudly then look at the time. "I suppose we zhould go..." Saruwatari. "Alright it was nice talking to you. You should come back sometime both of ya." Yhey agree and leave.
Keito grins.


"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to leave now. Prepare yourself for tonight and don't be late." He finished his coffee and left the cafe without another word.
Ayoko's freind slides out silently leaving. Saruwatari starts preparing to close up shop their are still like 3 people around.

Threlm arrives at the destination.
Crow waits for a good time to tell Ayoko that she has to leave. When she stops talking Crow says "It's getting late, and i have to clean up shop, so you should go home now. See you tomorrow?" He says with kindness in his voice
"Greetings friend." (Me and ryu are gonna sleep for a few hours it is 5:54 am so we will be on in a bit sorry m8 :) )
Saruwatari "no no, you have done enoigh today I will clean up shop." Ayoko blushes. "It is late and their are inspectors out tonight..." Saruwatari "why dont you walk thr lady home?"

(Lol :P )
"Well of course I will! I just thought i had to close shop tonight." Crow looked at Saru thankful and confused "Let me just change into normal clothes." Crow went into the bathroom to change

(okay, i'm puckered out. Night bro)
Saruwatari Tomohisa](Shall we rp? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11497-ryu-kenshin/ said:
@Ryu Kenshin[/URL] @Izumi Okimoto )

Rae: She walked down into the shop.

Ryuu: He walked around the town, not caring that he was surrounded by humans, greeting random people as he passes them.
Saruwatari is at the counter of the shop and sees Rae. "So where have you been?"

Kohan walks by Ryuu holding hands with a random human they are both laughing.
"Wow your talkative their is a bedroom upstairs have fun sleeping." He takes an order from a customer.

Kohan smirks at him as she walks by and they continue down the street for half a block before turning down a dark alleyway.
"Well if you are tired than you won't be that useful. But I could use a help with the dishes." He says smiling at her trying to maintain a good public face.

She stops him and pushes him against the wall making out with him. She slowly unleashes her Rinkaku and stabs him four times in the stomach smiling as she does it taking pleasure in watching the horror and shock in his face as he slides down the wall and dies. Ryuu could smell the bloodied body from where he is in the shop but humans wouldn't be able to.
"Sure I'll help."

Ryuu smells the blood and shivers slightly at the smell. He stands up, curiosity found his way through him, and follows the delicious smell.
"Thanks." He says happily and continues to talk to people.

By the time Ryuu arrives Kohan would have started to eat when he turns the corner and looks towards them she would be crouched over the corpse biting into his shoulders and neck. She looks over at Ryuu and giggles. "Want to join me for dinner?"
She starts cleaning, nodding 'you're welcome' back to him.

"No thanks." He smiled in gratitude. "I just ate, and I'm probably trespassing. But thank you for the offer."

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