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To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

Dockside Market

Water Aspect DB
Join Battle 9 (+5/5m)
Evasion 4 (+2/4m), Parry 5 (+3/6m)
Black Jade Grimcleavers: 12 dice (+5/5m); 19L/4
Clinch: 8/8
Black Jadescale Cloak: Soak 11/8

Stealth 9 (+6/6m); Senses 8 (+5/5m)
Sorcerously Enhanced Mortal
Evasion 2, Parry 4
Bronze Maul 9 dice; 16/3; Smashing
Clinch 7/10
Soak 12/6

Resolve 4
Guile 2

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer! Difficulty 3, 10 successes required.

Stength of the Earth
Massive Bronze Construct Powered by a Bound Elemental
Evasion 1, Parry 3
Trample: 10 dice; 22/5; Smashing
Gore: 14 dice; 18/4; Piercing
Soak 16/10

Resolve 5
Guile 1

Legendary Size

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer!
Extended test, Difficulty 4, requires 15 successes.
Mortal Thaumaturges
Size 1 (about 20)
Magnitude 9
Evasion 3, Parry 2
Soak 4/0
Size 2 Battlegroup of Mortal Warriors
Magnitude 9
Drill Average
Join Battle 5
Movement 4
Evasion 4
Parry 5
Soak 9
Axes 8 dice; damage 13/2
Senses 4
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1
Size 1 Battlegroup of Blessed Mortals
Drill Average
Join Battle 6
Movement 9
Evasion 5
Parry 3
Soak 6
Javelins 11 dice damage 13/1 Range Medium
Martial Arts 9 dice damage 8/1
Senses 6
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1

Slow Fall + Glide
Wind-Guided Missiles
Sorcerously Enhanced Mortal
Join Battle 8
Movement 12
Evasion 6
Parry 3
Soak 6

Javelins 13 dice damage 13/1 Range Medium
Martial Arts 9 dice damage 8/1

Senses 8

Resolve 3
Guile 3

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer! Difficulty 3, 10 successes required.

Stormfront Strike (Targets of her ranged attacks are easier to hit for allies this turn.)
Hurricane Shield (Penalty to ranged attacks against her and nearby allies; can reflexively defend other with evasion against ranged attacks)
Mortal Possessed by Mor'du
Join Battle 11
Movement 11
Evasion 4 (+2/4m)
Parry 6 (+2/4m)

Ancient Spear 14 dice (+2 sux/4m) damage 14/3
Clinch 9/Control 11

Senses 9

Resolve 5
Guile 4

Elephant's Might
Inspiring Prowess
Size 2 Battlegroup of Mortal Warriors
Magnitude 4/9
Drill Average
Join Battle 5
Movement 4
Evasion 4
Parry 6
Soak 10
Spears 8 dice; damage 12/1
Senses 4
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1
Round 3
The Blackscale 15i
Hirom 14i [ENGAGED with Saint of Valour]
Sayuri 13i
Saint of Valour 9i [ENGAGED with Hirom]
Bronze Tide Warband 7i

Wind Dancers 7i - Delayed to after Elishar
Droplets 6i
Elishar 5i
House Warriors 5i
Chanters 3i

Garret 1i
Sjet 1i

Aurochs -6i - Crashed! (2 turns to reset) [Controlled by Sjet!]

Sayuri, you draw the string of your dread jade powerbow taut, and as you let fly your arrow a backdraft of cherry blossoms swirls around you, your body limned with a soft green light. You feel the rush of essence flowing through you. The arrow strikes the great bronze fire-bleeding beast, wedging itself in a shoulder joint and causing it to stumble back to the earth with a roar. The men around you cheer your name, awed and emboldened by your prowess.

The rearmost rank of House Phenyra soldiers continue to form a shield wall over Sjet as the front ranks fight the Bronze Tide warriors or harry the stone-skinned giant, just out of reach of his great club. In the distance, Sjet and Garret can see new figures looming in the mist, and hear the cries of their officers echoing. It is unclear if they are friend or foe, but many Bronze Tide warriors turn away from Garret to form a hasty line against these newcomers. Sjet sees a flickering blossom of wood essence in the mist, before an arrow flies out of nowhere to strike with force sufficient to knock the great Aurochs off its unsteady hooves. All of this is a distraction from the more pressing threat from the wind dancers across the boulevard, who again unleash a hail of terrifyingly precise javelins that rain down on Sjet's position.

Elishar attacks with 13 dice + 1 success from Chanters: 10 hits! 11 total.
Wind Dancers attack with 11 dice + 1 success from Elishar + 1 success from Chanters: 6 hits + 2 = 8

Even with their best attempts to defend you, the House Warriors only apply a DV of 5. Elishar hits Sjet with 6 net successes, and the Wind Dancers hit her with 3 net successes and an Onslaught penalty of -1.

Sherwood Sherwood Declare your defence!

Garret and Sjet are up!
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Realizing that Seatounge doesn't have the same range of swear words that is needed to properly describe this situation, Sjet starts to dip into her knowledge of Old Realm and Riverspeak to lay out a scathing level of venom against her foes. But even that doesn't help the onslaught of spears that are headded her way. "Cover! Get to cover! I can prepare another spell to ravage their ranks, but out here I am too vulnerable!" Before she is knocked silly, she calls out, "Aurouchs! Attack the Bronze Tide and help to defend the elephant-man!"

I don't have enough Initiative to use my Dodge Charm to defend myself, and I don't have any Stamina Charms to have an Excellency for increasing my soak. Best I can do is a +1 to my Dodge DV of 4 to reduce the attacker's pool by one.

Charms/Spells in Use:
Virtuous Guardian of Flame - Crashed
Uncanny Perception Technique
All Encompassing Sorcerers Sight
Burning Eye of the Deliverer
Sorcerers Burning Chakra

Health Levels
-0 [X]
-1 [X][X]
-2 [X][X]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Essence: 1
Personal: 13 / 3
Peripheral: 33 / 14
Committed: 10
Willpower: 8 / 7

Join Battle: 5 +3i

Dodge DV: 4
Parry DV: 3
Resolve: 3
Guile: 1

Natural: +2
VGF: +1
Armored: +8, +7 Hardness
Total: +11
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Dockside Market

Water Aspect DB
Join Battle 9 (+5/5m)
Evasion 4 (+2/4m), Parry 5 (+3/6m)
Black Jade Grimcleavers: 12 dice (+5/5m); 19L/4
Clinch: 8/8
Black Jadescale Cloak: Soak 11/8

Stealth 9 (+6/6m); Senses 8 (+5/5m)
Sorcerously Enhanced Mortal
Evasion 2, Parry 4
Bronze Maul 9 dice; 16/3; Smashing
Clinch 7/10
Soak 12/6

Resolve 4
Guile 2

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer! Difficulty 3, 10 successes required.

Stength of the Earth
Massive Bronze Construct Powered by a Bound Elemental
Evasion 1, Parry 3
Trample: 10 dice; 22/5; Smashing
Gore: 14 dice; 18/4; Piercing
Soak 16/10

Resolve 5
Guile 1

Legendary Size

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer!
Extended test, Difficulty 4, requires 15 successes.
Mortal Thaumaturges
Size 1 (about 20)
Magnitude 9
Evasion 3, Parry 2
Soak 4/0
Size 2 Battlegroup of Mortal Warriors
Magnitude 9
Drill Average
Join Battle 5
Movement 4
Evasion 4
Parry 5
Soak 9
Axes 8 dice; damage 13/2
Senses 4
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1
Size 1 Battlegroup of Blessed Mortals
Drill Average
Join Battle 6
Movement 9
Evasion 5
Parry 3
Soak 6
Javelins 11 dice damage 13/1 Range Medium
Martial Arts 9 dice damage 8/1
Senses 6
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1

Slow Fall + Glide
Wind-Guided Missiles
Sorcerously Enhanced Mortal
Join Battle 8
Movement 12
Evasion 6
Parry 3
Soak 6

Javelins 13 dice damage 13/1 Range Medium
Martial Arts 9 dice damage 8/1

Senses 8

Resolve 3
Guile 3

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer! Difficulty 3, 10 successes required.

Stormfront Strike (Targets of her ranged attacks are easier to hit for allies this turn.)
Hurricane Shield (Penalty to ranged attacks against her and nearby allies; can reflexively defend other with evasion against ranged attacks)
Mortal Possessed by Mor'du
Join Battle 11
Movement 11
Evasion 4 (+2/4m)
Parry 6 (+2/4m)

Ancient Spear 14 dice (+2 sux/4m) damage 14/3
Clinch 9/Control 11

Senses 9

Resolve 5
Guile 4

Elephant's Might
Inspiring Prowess
Size 2 Battlegroup of Mortal Warriors
Magnitude 4/9
Drill Average
Join Battle 5
Movement 4
Evasion 4
Parry 6
Soak 10
Spears 8 dice; damage 12/1
Senses 4
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1
Round 3
The Blackscale 15i
Elishar 15i
Hirom 14i [ENGAGED with Saint of Valour]
Sayuri 13i
Saint of Valour 9i [ENGAGED with Hirom]
Bronze Tide Warband 7i
Wind Dancers 7i
Droplets 6i
House Warriors 5i
Chanters 3i

Garret 1i
Sjet -4i
Aurochs -6i - Crashed! (2 turns to reset) [Controlled by Sjet!]

Growing up in the wilderness you are no stranger to violence. You have hunted, trapped, and butchered game for your evening meal for as long as you can remember, and seen countless predators ply their trade. Today, though, is your first true taste of the horrors of the unrestrained violence of humanity turned upon itself. Today is the first day you have seen humans hunted, trapped, and butchered. Death comes swiftly and without warning to the mouse hunted by the owl, but never before have you felt it come for you.

You guard has become thinner, many drawn away to harry the stone giant or break the ring encircling the elephant man. The first spear hits a shield, weighing it down, moving it out of position. The second takes the young soldier who lifted you upon his shoulders in the throat. His blood spatters your face. He falls with a wet gurgle into a crumpled heap. The third you narrowly dodge, though it snags your shirt and leaves you pinned to a fallen beam. You can see the flows of powerful air essence shaping the wind to guide the following javelins unerringly through the gap left by the fallen soldier, his comrades swift to close gap, but not as swift as those deadly spears. The fourth you narrowly dodge, tearing your shirt free, but the fifth, though you strain with all your might-

There's a sharp sudden jerk, like being punched hard in your side. You stumble backwards. Your side feels cold, in stark contrast to the hot scarlet blooming on your shirt when you look down. The javelin weighs on you, making movement awkward. The shock and adrenaline hide the pain, but you know when it comes it will be fierce. The light from outside is obscured as the soldiers reform their line. There's yelling, distant and close. You feel two pairs of strong arms lift you off your feet and carry you into cool darkness and lay you on a stone floor. You're inside the guard tower. Someone is tearing your shirt, then applying pressure to your wound. Your blood - there's so much of it! - seems to shine beautifully with your sun-blessed vital essence to your newfound senses.

Elishar hits Sjet for 5i damage, crashing Sjet. Sjet is now at -4i, Elishar is at 15i
The WInd Dancers hit Sjet for 5i damage, but because she is crashed it becomes 5 Lethal HL damage.
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Garret spins around to be able to face the woman known as the Blackscale. He is somewhat aware of the fight raging around him, but for now, she is his focus. Hauling back a massive fist, he lets out a tremendous trumpeting roar as he swings on her, hoping to clock her with a solid punch and knock the wind out of her so he can follow up with something more deadly.

OOC using a Withering Strike to try and knock the wind out of her. Adding the Charm Divine Predator Strike: he adds (1 + attack roll 10s) dice to the post-soak damage of a withering attack, maximum (Strength).
Str 5 + DBT 5 + Brawl 2 + Accuracy 4 + Excellency 5 + Stunt 2 = 23 dice

11 successes to hit; adding +3 dice to the post-soak damage.

Assuming she doesn't change her DV, I hit with 6 successes. I don't see a Soak rating listed for her.
Sense Sharpening Change to reroll any 1's and to eliminate 1 die of environmental penalties on hearing perception rolls active.
DBT active.

Health Levels
-0 [ ] ([ ] DBT)
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - [ ][ ][ ]
-3 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Essence: 1
Personal: 16
Peripheral: 38 / 24
Committed: 11
Willpower: 5 / 3

Dodge DV: 2
Parry DV: 6
Guile: 1
Resolve: 4

Join Battle: 9 +3i

Natural Soak: 5 (14 in DBT)
Armored Soak: +11, 10 Hardness
Combined: 16 (25)
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Rolling damage:

3 successes over her DV of 8 + 10 Str + 10 from DBT + 7 damage as a light melee weapon - 11 for her soak = 19

EDIT: 9 successes for a total of 10i gained.
Market Square

Water Aspect DB
Join Battle 9 (+5/5m)
Evasion 4 (+2/4m), Parry 5 (+3/6m)
Black Jade Grimcleavers: 12 dice (+5/5m); 19L/4
Clinch: 8/8
Black Jadescale Cloak: Soak 11/8

Stealth 9 (+6/6m); Senses 8 (+5/5m)
Sorcerously Enhanced Mortal
Evasion 2, Parry 4
Bronze Maul 9 dice; 16/3; Smashing
Clinch 7/10
Soak 12/6

Resolve 4
Guile 2

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer! Difficulty 3, 10 successes required.

Stength of the Earth
Massive Bronze Construct Powered by a Bound Elemental
Evasion 1, Parry 3
Trample: 10 dice; 22/5; Smashing
Gore: 14 dice; 18/4; Piercing
Soak 16/10

Resolve 5
Guile 1

Legendary Size

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer!
Extended test, Difficulty 4, requires 15 successes.
Mortal Thaumaturges
Size 1 (about 20)
Magnitude 9
Evasion 3, Parry 2
Soak 4/0
Size 2 Battlegroup of Mortal Warriors
Magnitude 9
Drill Average
Join Battle 5
Movement 4
Evasion 4
Parry 5
Soak 9
Axes 8 dice; damage 13/2
Senses 4
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1
Size 1 Battlegroup of Blessed Mortals
Drill Average
Join Battle 6
Movement 9
Evasion 5
Parry 3
Soak 6
Javelins 11 dice damage 13/1 Range Medium
Martial Arts 9 dice damage 8/1
Senses 6
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1

Slow Fall + Glide
Wind-Guided Missiles
Sorcerously Enhanced Mortal
Join Battle 8
Movement 12
Evasion 6
Parry 3
Soak 6

Javelins 13 dice damage 13/1 Range Medium
Martial Arts 9 dice damage 8/1

Senses 8

Resolve 3
Guile 3

Can be Distorted by a Sorcerer! Difficulty 3, 10 successes required.

Stormfront Strike (Targets of her ranged attacks are easier to hit for allies this turn.)
Hurricane Shield (Penalty to ranged attacks against her and nearby allies; can reflexively defend other with evasion against ranged attacks)
Mortal Possessed by Mor'du
Join Battle 11
Movement 11
Evasion 4 (+2/4m)
Parry 6 (+2/4m)

Ancient Spear 14 dice (+2 sux/4m) damage 14/3
Clinch 9/Control 11

Senses 9

Resolve 5
Guile 4

Elephant's Might
Inspiring Prowess
Size 2 Battlegroup of Mortal Warriors
Magnitude 4/9
Drill Average
Join Battle 5
Movement 4
Evasion 4
Parry 6
Soak 10
Spears 8 dice; damage 12/1
Senses 4
Resolve 2
Guile 1
Appearance 1
Round 3
Hirom 14i [ENGAGED with Saint of Valour]
Sayuri 13i
Garret 9i
Saint of Valour 9i [ENGAGED with Hirom]
Bronze Tide Warband 7i
Wind Dancers 7i
Droplets 6i
The Blackscale 6i
House Warriors 5i
Chanters 3i
Elishar 3i
Sjet -4i
Aurochs -6i - Crashed! (2 turns to reset) [Controlled by Sjet!]

[A new round begins! Everyone gains 5m]

The Blackscale crosses her axes to block, but Garret's terrible strength bats them aside and she is forced to dive backwards into a roll to avoid a punch to the face. She comes out of her roll breathing heavily, and takes in the battlefield around her. Clearly misliking the worsening tactical situation she bellows, "Fall back!", her voice carrying unnaturally through the mist.

At Sjet's command the Aurochs struggles to its feet and turns towards the Blackscale. She spots it and carefully keeps Garret between her and it as it begins a lumbering charge towards her.

Garret's keen senses pick up on the whistling spear as it hurtles out of the mist with enough time to brace against the blow, if not sidestep it entirely. The javelin chips a tusk and buries itself in his bicep, but his thick hide and corded muscle absorbs the remaining force of the blow and the wound is shallow. He barely feels it as blood trickles down his arm.

Elishar, Archon of Air, attempts a Decisive attack against Garret now that Sjet is out of sight. She's rolling 13 dice + 1 success. If Garret doesn't have a way to parry ranged attacks, he'll need an appropriate stunt or he'll have to use his Dodge. Garret will have to beat her Stealth roll with a Perception + Awareness roll or the attack will have Surprise and his DV will take a -2 penalty.

5 hits on Stealth
6+1=7 hits on her attack

She hits! And on 15 dice of damage only does 3L HLs of damage. She resets to base initiative.

Sayuri, through the mist you can sense the life force of the House Akechi warriors clash with the enemy, and hear the distorted echoes of their battle, your brother at the vanguard. The sergeant of the Akechi archers look to you to call their target.

[ Equusheart Equusheart Sayuri is up! Her turn doesn't depend on Garret's defense.]
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Sayuri grinned as her arrow found it's mark in the Aurochs' shoulder, the bull roaring in what she could assume was pain. She pulled another arrow from her quiver and notched it to deliver what she hoped would be the death blow. But as she drew the bowstring taut, Sayuri heard a shout over the cheers and sounds of battle.

Sjet? Sayuri paused, looking towards where she thought the shout had come from. It was then she noticed the Aurochs struggle to respond to the shout, moving to intercept the enemy the elephant man was doing battle with. Perhaps the Aurochs was on their side? Sayuri felt a slight wave of guilt as she feared she might've hit the wrong target.

She had little time to ponder on it as javelins were thrown into the air. She flinched as she tried to see where they had come from. Through the haze she could just make out the forms of the Wind Dancers. She wasn't sure if she could make the distance, but still Sayuri turned her bow in their direction.

She drew a slow breath to clear her sight and steady her aim as she loosed an arrow at them.

OOC: Using a Unobstructed Hunter's Aim Charm for a, hopefully, flawless shot.
Sayuri's arrows cut a bloody swathe through the Wind Dancers, one unerring shot after another homing in on their vital essence that burns bright through the obscuring mist to her exalted eyes. There is a fierce gale surrounding the enemy, buffeting her arrows, but they hunger for the blood of the living and will not be so easily turned aside. She can see the light dim as each body crumples and falls. The moment the panic sets in, as they begin to scatter and seek cover. By the time they have fled out of sight behind the far eaves they leave almost a dozen of their dead behind. One figure, standing proud amongst them, turns to towards you, perfectly still. You can see only their glowing meridians, but you can imagine their baleful stare drinking in your features before they turn and leap behind the eaves with their surviving comrades.

[Garret and Droplets may take one final action if desired (Though Droplets is still at Long range from the enemy), then the Blackscale will attempt a stratagem to disengage her now badly outmatched forces! Either way we'll move out of combat time, as it will be a pursuit of fleeing foes and not a pitched battle.]
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Droplets looks at the fallen bodies of the attackers with a strange hunger. But then she turns to look at the remaining forces of the attackers, and realizing they are planning their escape, it was time to really put the fear of Death into them, and especially their leader. She advances forward, her zombies shambling behind her as a retinue, and she screeches with a vile tone "You have come here to burn and pillage, but you have only brought Death and Ruin upon yourself. Flee before me, and never dare set foot here again, or I shall flay the flesh off your bones, and will make sure that all your deeds will be removed from history, as if you've never existed!"

Spending 5 motes on Presence Excellency against Blackscale, I have 3 non-charm dice from Death's Unholy Visage, and 3 dice from Elegant Tyrant's Majesty, and 2 dice and one Success from stunt, for a total of 21 dice and one success.

13 Successes on the Instill Fear
The Harbour Market

The clamour and cry of the battlefield is smothered in an oppressive silence as Droplets speaks. Even the wounded hold their plaintive cries. Hardened warriors stare transfixed in horror at this walking avatar of death given form, the dark wound in creation billowing around her clearly visible through the obscuring mist in defiance of all reason. None present will sleep easily for some time, and they will likely remember it all to clearly for as long - or short - a they live.

The Blackscale turns to Garret, haunted, "What the fuck have you done? When you come to your senses and want to put that thing," she spits, "down, you know where to find us." The mist thickens and swirls until you can't even see your hands in front of your face. Sounds are muffled, distant, and seem to come from all directions at once. Confusion reigns over the battlefield, and when the mist clears the enemy is nowhere to be seen, except the dead they have been forced to leave behind and the massive bronze Aurochs, bleeding fire, lying collapsed upon the cobbles and glowering at any that cross its sight.

The Akechi soldiers grip their weapons tightly and close ranks as Droplets approaches, and Ryu, at their head, hides the fear in his voice well as he loudly and clearly calls, "What manner of ghost are you, that walks in the daylight? What is your business with the living?"

The Saint of Valour, roused from glaring at the earth into which the stone-encrusted man disappeared like a pearl diver beneath the depths, turns to Ryu. "Calm yourself Akechi. The Lady Droplets is an emissary of a powerful lord of the Underworld. Lower your weapons and accord her the honours of a dignitary." The boy's arm is broken, and he has a few bleeding lacerations, but the ghost seems to pay these no mind.

Ryu purses his lips, but nods. "My apologies, Lady Droplets. And again for the unfortunate timing of your visit. Under better circumstances, my family would offer you a warmer reception." He gestures at the bull, "And what of this demon? Is it dead?"

The Saint looks it over and looks to Garret, "Boy, did you destroy this demon?"

The demon in question snorts derisively, flames shooting from its nostrils, and speaks with a hiss of steam, "Hardly." The closest soldiers jump in alarm and ready their weapons, taking a few wary steps backwards. Ryu and the Saint of Valour gesture for their men to stand ready for battle. The aurochs does not move.

You make for quite a scene, collectively. You can see a towering elephant-man, limned in a brilliant silver flame. Golden light spills from the windows of the nearby guard tower. Bodies are strewn across the market square, and a hulking bronze statue of an Aurochs lies near the guard tower, leaking fire from its many wounds. A finely fletched arrow is lodged in its shoulder joint sticking straight up. A young woman with a bow of fine jade as tall as she stands with a group of archers in the near distance. Most alarming is the Lady Droplets, an old woman bleeding from several terrible - perhaps even mortal - wounds, including upon her brow where the blood forms a perfect dark circle. Around her dance purple-black flames, like a wound festering in reality. A ichneumon wasp, roughly the size of a dog, rests on a cart nearby, drying its wings.

Sayuri, you recognize the dread Lady Droplets as Sjet's mother. For Garret and Droplets, what passes between you when you first lay eyes on each other is... strange. There is a recognition without memory. A knowing without knowledge. A feeling, fierce and insistent, without source. It is unquestionable you are connected - tell us how it feels.


Nott, you are holding a bloodstained cloth over a nasty wound in what is quite obviously a Twilight Caste Solar, her anima still blazing. The other soldier who helped carry her inside the tower is reciting a prayer to ward off disease spirits and tearing some cloth to tie the compress in place. This wasn't in the briefing, but options do spring to mind. This island is full of secrets of interest to a young Solar. You're aware of several unlooted ancient tombs, lost wonders, powerful spirits, and forgotten libraries. Secrets your order has kept for millenia. The Cult of the Illuminated and similar such schemes has no presence here, but the records suggest there is a heterodox sun cult. First, though, she has to live.

"You'll be right, m'lday," the soldier says reassuringly. "We'll get you something to bite down on, and I'll push that javelin right through. It'll hurt, no gettin' 'round that, but it's for the best. Spirits willin' you won't be joinin' the Ancestors today, bless 'em. You too, while we're at it."
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Droplets' voice was steady when she talked, but if anyone looked closely at her eyes, they would see that she's looking for something, and then, when she saw the golden light coming from the tower, her gaze fixed. With barely a look she called "Sayuri! Your services are needed, for Sjet seems to be hurt, in the tower over there, as she makes her way there, barely noticing anyone else at the moment." It took a lot from her not to call that it's her daughter that's hurt, and to bellow out the cries of a mother, but she needed to show strength amongst those who first see her, and after learning that the whispers in her head could stir up a storm inside her if she did it, she had to walk a careful line.
The recognition of the strange elephant-man, even though she's certain she's never met him, or had a chat with him, troubled her, but even just thinking about him caused the whispers in the back of her head to raise their voice, so she shunted it to a deep dark corner to be dealt with later. There was the matter of her dau... no, a matter of a Solar that needed healing. Everything else will have to wait.
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Garret stands there, taking a few deep breaths from the exertion of the fight,, before he seemed to realize that he was wounded. He reaches down and carefully pulls the javelin from his chest with a grunt, and as you look on, the bleeding stops and the wound began to close up.

Now that he has that irritation addressed, he stops to take a good hard look at the strange woman that looked like a walking corpse. A quick glance up at the sky confirmed that yes, it is still daylight, which makes her being a ghost or other kind of passed ancestor somewhat unlikely. He doesn't say anything as he watches the woman move off towards the glow coming from the tower nearby, but he makes a mental note to address this strange feeling that he has every time he looks at her, the feeling that he knows her somehow, a relationship that has been in place for untold years in his past, even if he has no idea who she really is. Time enough to look into this mystery later. Right now, we have to prepare for the chance that the Bronze Tide will strike again.
Nott, you are holding a bloodstained cloth over a nasty wound in what is quite obviously a Twilight Caste Solar, her anima still blazing. The other soldier who helped carry her inside the tower is reciting a prayer to ward off disease spirits and tearing some cloth to tie the compress in place. This wasn't in the briefing, but options do spring to mind. This island is full of secrets of interest to a young Solar. You're aware of several unlooted ancient tombs, lost wonders, powerful spirits, and forgotten libraries. Secrets your order has kept for millenia. The Cult of the Illuminated and similar such schemes has no presence here, but the records suggest there is a heterodox sun cult. First, though, she has to live.

"You'll be right, m'lday," the soldier says reassuringly. "We'll get you something to bite down on, and I'll push that javelin right through. It'll hurt, no gettin' 'round that, but it's for the best. Spirits willin' you won't be joinin' the Ancestors today, bless 'em. You too, while we're at it."
Sjet manages to choke back a scream of pain as the arrow is pulled free from her skin, causing a new flood of bright blood to spill out. After a few deep breaths, she starts to realize that she is not going to die this day, and a wave of relief hits her, followed by shame. She was too arrogant, depending too much on the fire sword spell to protect her. Yes, she was able to stop the Aurouch, but she had wanted to be more effective and use her spell on the enemy battle group. Her lack of caution nearly killed her today.

With a rasp, she says, "Mother? Where is she? Did she make it through the fighting?"

The susurrus of whispers that twine themselves into your thoughts so you cannot tell where one begins and the other ends... quiet. They recede to nothing for a brief moment, like the outgoing tide before a tsunami. When the voices come crashing back, they are not a cacophony but a single coherent voice, a scalpel wielded by a fragment of a mind the size of a Direction as it momentarily lashes out in its fitful slumber, and it hits you like a physical blow. Like a spear through the heart. Fresh blood joins the dry in soaking your clothing.

"Does your cruelty know no limits? Why would you bring a not-daughter into this uncaring world of suffering? Why did you wish her to know pain, fear, hunger, and violence? Why do you hate her so? Because she reminds you of your failure? Did you seek to punish her as you were punished? Is this why you seek to prolong her suffering? To keep her prisoner in this iron maiden you call Creation? Then let me demonstrate my infinite mercy, o merciless hand. Suffer with her, that you might know her pain, and from it glean wisdom."

From within the tower, you hear a not-daughter sob around a gag and choke back a scream.

[Roll 3 dice for Limit! You've acted purposefully to save a life.]


The offered thick cord of rags tastes of sweat and ash when you bite down on it, but it allows you to choke back your scream. You nearly pass out from the pain, but as you spit the bit from your mouth and press the warriors watching over you for news of your mother you can see the patronising pity in their eyes.

"I'm sure you'll see yer mum soon, m'Lady," one offers gruffly but not unkindly. He clearly thinks you've become delirious with pain and are speaking nonsense. "D'you remember where y'are?" He eyes you warily for any sign of madness.


The rather one-sided standoff continues between the house warriors and the Aurochs, which seems not to care at all. The Akechi noble demands the Aurochs account for itself are met with silence as it glares at you. Everyone looks increasingly frustrated and on edge.
Sjet looks to the man that spoke to her, saying, "Yes, I remember where I am. My mind is not wounded, just my side. Now, help me up. If I remember correctly, I should be able to heal from this fairly quickly compared to what I used to, but for the near future, I am going to hurt like hell." She looks down at her torso at the blood-soaked dress she is wearing and again mentally curses herself for being a fool. Let this pain be a lesson to you. It could have ended up much worse.

If she is able to do so, Sjet rises on shaky feet and looks around her. "What is the status of the battle? Is the fighting over, at least for the moment?"
Garret eyes the Aurochs with curiosity, wondering what magic was worked on it to both bring it to life and, more importantly, how it was made to stop attacking. The defection of the Aurouchs seemed to be the straw that broke the yeddim's back, triggering the retreat of the Bronze Tide.

Turning to look at the uneasy people watching it, he calls out in a loud voice, "We stood together, and as one, drove back the Bronze Tide! Rejoice in our victory, because we have done something that few cities have been able to do. But the threat still lurks out in our harbor, and I would hazard a guess that we have not seen the last of our foes. Right now, we need to tend to our wounded and prepare for the next attack."
Sayuri breathed a small sigh relief as the enemy turned to retreat. They had beaten them back for now. Lowering her bow she looked around her, trying to take stock of those that remained.

"See the wounded to medic tent," Sayuri said turning to the men around her. They'd need to see to the damaged buildings as well, but lives were at the forefront of her mind. She then turned in the direction where she thought she had heard Sjet's voice.

"Sjet!" Sayuri called out as she made her way in that direction, hoping her friend hadn't been hurt in the battle. Then another voice reached her ears, one that she recognized as Droplets, Sjet's mother. Sjet was hurt the voice called out, the words spurring Sayuri on faster to her friend's side.
Seeing Sayuri rush to help Sjet has brought some comfort to Droplets, so she took a moment to look at the elephant man, and felt a shudder running through her. She shook it off, not before dropping her gaze, and moved towards Sjet.
Sayuri, the soldiers rush to follow your orders as you rush passed the bloody woman wreathed in purple and black flames towards the tower where you heard the voice of your friend. You burst into the tower to see her at once radiant and bloodied. A spear has clearly just been pushed through her shoulder by two soldiers - you recognize one from your tent earlier - and they are struggling to staunch the bleeding. One of them is clearly nervous reaching his hands into the golden flames.


Sjet, as you struggle to rise you see Sayuri in the collapsed ruins of the archway, gracefully picking her way through the rubble to reach you. The two soldiers treating you forget your question entirely and bow at her approach. "Lady Akechi!" Almost immediately behind her is your mother, still bleeding from terrible wounds, but seemingly unbothered.


Garret, your speech draws a mixture of curious looks and a few ragged cheers. "What manner of spirit are you?" calls the Akechi officer in his finery. Your relaxed manner around the bronze demon does something to calm the soldiers, though they still give it a very wide berth and don't take their eyes off it.

"I see some of my boldness rubbed off on your soul, boy," observes the Saint of Valour, his voice a hollow whisper that carries unnaturally. "This is no spirit, Lord Akechi. This boy is a herald of the moon spirit Cuosi, but yet to prove himself worthy of the mantle. You did fine work out there, boy, but fearsome as you are with nothing but a rock, you'll be more fearsome still with my old arms." He walks over to offer you the hand of his unbroken arm, the other dangling at his side. "If you're cunning enough to take them, that is."
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Droplets, her face still stern, and uncompromising says "See to her wounds. I don't know if this battle is truly over, and we'll need everyone at best capacity if we are to exact vengeance upon our enemies." But if you could pierce her gaze, you'll see the conflict raging inside her.
So much blood, yuck. Nott wasn't much of a doctor, but one didn't need much skill to press cloth to a wound. Fortunately, with Sjet able to at least stand and, more importantly, the arrival of Sayuri, his 'skills' will be neither required nor asked for. Borrowing Rex's senses for a moment, through the feline's eyes on the rooftop Nott could see most of the forces retreating. Such a spectacle! And so much paperwork...
"Fighting isn't completely over, but the battle is won for now I believe. Remnant elements, no retreat is perfect." He gave a bow, but spoke in a unfazed, almost jovial tone. "As much as I love a good vengeance-story, may I suggest a rearrangement of priorities? Perhaps rendezvous with Mr Muscles out there, and we get Golden Girl here back to her studies. After we've made sure she's okay, of course." He glanced at Sayuri when making that last remark.
The other soldier looks aghast at Nott. "P-pardon, m'lords. The fellow was hit in the head during the battle. Hard, y-y'see. He doesn't know... he means no offense." He elbows Knott. "What d'ya think you're doin'?" he hisses, clearly worried you'll get yourself whipped for impertinence.
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Garret, your speech draws a mixture of curious looks and a few ragged cheers. "What manner of spirit are you?" calls the Akechi officer in his finery. Your relaxed manner around the bronze demon does something to calm the soldiers, though they still give it a very wide berth and don't take their eyes off it.

"I see some of my boldness rubbed off on your soul, boy," observes the Saint of Valour, his voice a hollow whisper that carries unnaturally. "This is no spirit, Lord Akechi. This boy is a herald of the moon spirit Cuosi, but yet to prove himself worthy of the mantle. You did fine work out there, boy, but fearsome as you are with nothing but a rock, you'll be more fearsome still with my old arms." He walks over to offer you the hand of his unbroken arm, the other dangling at his side. "If you're cunning enough to take them, that is."
Garret raises up an eyebrow at this comment. He says, "What exactly are you offering, my good man? And assuming that I want to take what you have, how do I show you my cunning? I would be a fool to face off against you right now, especially when we have such a need for all able-bodied fighters to face off against the Bronze Tide when they come back."
The pale boy shakes his head, a few wisps of his hair having escaped their braid. "No, this boy has suffered enough." He looks down at the broken arm, as if noticing it for the first time. He grunts, a strange sound in that whisper voice. "He'll need enough of the Lady Sayuri's time as is."

He looks back at you, "My tomb, boy. When this is all done, I'll show you where I'm buried, with all the wonders of my age. If you're daring, and cunning, and strong, they're yours. I designed it to test my successor."

At that moment a cry goes up across the square, and the great doors of the Cothon begin to rumble open. "The ships!" a distant sailor yells, spilling out, breathless, "My lords, the treasure ships!"
Sayuri gave a nod of acknowledgement to the two soldiers that had been attempting to help Sjet as she reached them. "It's alright," she said softly. She touched the arm of the one soldier, hoping to soothe his nerves before kneeling at Sjet's side. "Keep her still." Sayuri's eyes went to Sjet's face and she gave her friend a smile that was warm, yet chiding.

"You're not supposed to put yourself in the line of fire you know," Sayuri said. Her gaze left Sjet's face as Sayuri reached out to inspect the point. The wound was deep, blood threatening to seep out passed her fingers. Sayuri glanced over her shoulder as Droplets spoke, her eyes briefly glancing at the older woman's wounds. She nodded, acknowledging that she would help Sjet. But... "Stay close, My Lady. I'll see to your wounds as well once Sjet's are stable."

Sayuri turned her full attention back onto Sjet as she placed both hands over her wound. Closing her eyes, Sayuri muttered something in a whispering breath, a incantation she had learned years ago when had begun her training in the healing arts.

Casting Charm: Grievous Wound Alteration Energy

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