Red Shadow Claws
Six Thousand Club
Droplets tried her best to make sure Conrad wouldn't realize she's watching and analyzing him, but she knew she wasn't very good at it, so she did her best to ide it by holding Thousandfold Wings, and trying to use it to hide most of her face, while watching from the corner of her eyes at him, as she was trying to determine what it was he was trying to do.
Using Dex + Stealth to try to be inconspicous about it (with 0 Stealth), and spending 5m on the Socialize Excellency to Read Intentions and see what he's trying to achieve. Assuming a one-die Stunt here. So, 4 successes on Stealth, pretty neat, and 9 successes on Read Intentions. If Conrad fails to notice her attempt, he gets a -3 Penalty to his Guile against the Read Intentions.