Red Shadow Claws
Six Thousand Club
After a bit of effort, you are fairly confident that you have ditched the pursuit that has been hounding your heels. From what you’ve been seeing, the level of security has been increased around the place in general, with the few guards that were out having been increased in number and vigilance. As of now, the portal to Autochthon has not been opened again, showing that they are taking your intrusion seriously. What do you do now?
Like a wraith in the shadows, Cuckoo will move slowly around the city, exploring it's labyrinthine layout, and trying to avoid most of these new Exalts. But if his eyes catch an Artifact that's not in use, he will attempt to steal it. Preferably something small and not an Artifact armor or weapon. The plan is to keep it for a full day, so the attunement breaks, and then attune to it and explore what it can do, and report back to Voice.