Three game ideas to a vote.

Well, I could really be with anyone- all the characters so far are interesting enough/know a lot of stuff that I don't, that I'll probably keep them company based on principle. I just have to make sure that character would tolerate mine. :P
Rain has orders to monitor you. He'll take any in he can get. So anyone who wants to meet a friendly "Dawn Caste" will do so. :P
I think I'd get along with either Matsu or Asdair as long as they were willing to adventure with a "heroic mortal" astrologer/scholar, and I'm sure she and Rain will get along just fine. Had a long event in the office this morning so I'm going to write up my character (and change a few things) and post it in the new board.
Oh yes, we'll love each other.

"You do realise that if they're insane my orders are to put them down, right?"

Chaka said:
Oh yes, we'll love each other.
"You do realise that if they're insane my orders are to put them down, right?"

I might have to try to convince you to redefine insanity.
Well, people could get on with Matsu as long as they don't mind a chain smoking and drinking cranky monk who is most certainly not an anthema, and definitly not one of the blasphemous.

Are we going to end up with a team entirely composed of people pretending to be mortals ?
No, I will cease pretending to be mortal once I figure out what I am!

Apotar, I think I would get along with you just fine. I mean, astrology and all that is useful. On top of that, I don't know any of it at all. We could probably start with the whole group, or at least most of it, acquainted with one another already.
I don't expect you to pretend you're anything. But if you go around gloating shiny power and not making up SOME excuse like you're god bloods or doing something beyond even them, then issues will crop up. You're the largest gathering of Solars since the Bull and the First Age. And the Bull and his Circle are dead. Keep that in mind.
Well, there's another rather large gathering of Solars out in the West, but we don't know anything about them....
My character's official story is that he is on a pilgrimage around the world. (the truth being he's trying to find more knowledge on anthemas and all that). So he'll accept fellow travellers in search of enlightenment.
I think it could be entertaining if my character was given orders to watch Adair and report on his progress which would put me in an awkward situation with Rain who has a similar but more important mission fitting a sidereal of higher standing and salary.

Meeting Adair would also reinforce my beliefs about the solars at first, which would be somewhat tested after meeting the chainsmoking impolite monk after.

What do you think?
I like it. It certainly sounds like something that clusterfuck of a bureaucracy would pull off. :P
My character will be recently met up and travelling with Scorpion, Vanman's Night Caste character.
Matsu would probably be, disagreable personality asside, an ideal candidate for recruitment by the Illuminated cult. Religious background, charisma, crisis of faith.

So it would make sense for Mirri to try and reel him in. Of course, there's that whole Immaculate brainwash to overwrite with illuminated brainwash instead.
I can use the old recruitment tactic of playig queens princes of the universe song for you and telling you that that's what we think of solars. Bam!
Looks like it is a bit late to ask, but is there room for a Sorceror/Eclipse or Sorceror/Fire DB? If the latter is available as an ally to one of the players that is fine. I like the RP value and the power difference is not even a consideration. As to the prior, I like the ideas and the twisted stuff that Eclipse and sorcery offers. I seriously hate to ask this late into the recruitment, but just found the threads.

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