Three game ideas to a vote.

I had a couple of ideas for a group that's mostly solars. One was a sidereal of secrets. A lore/treasure hunter who's taken it upon himself or been takes with helping a group of solars regain their birth-right.

Another thought dawn caste solar who was once a veteran cavalryman from the south who has abandoned his old mercanary ways and searching for something more substancial.

The last one is a young lunar haunted by vivid dreams of a distant past with his soulmate. He travels with a circle of solars hoping to better his chances of nesting his past love's reincarnation.

Those are just some ideas I had that I can flesh out more but just wanted to know what you'd prefer before I did more.
Here's a little short background on my Zenith:

He was some orphan from a small village taken in a Imaculate Monastery. He recieved education as a monk but had a few problemes living to the ascetic lifestyle normaly required. He did however believe in it and did his best in his duties. He followed one dragon blooded monk who travelled around converting places and beating the daylights out of obnoxious spirits/gods. Said monk was a bit of a father figure to him and he respected him despite occasional differences of opinion.

Unfortunately, one such situation pitted them against a particuly vicious spirit and his mentor was badly wounded during a surprise attack by night. It was when things seemed lost that the unconquered sun gave him his blessing and he exalted. His new found strength gave him the ability to finish the spirit (that had been weakened in the confrontation).

Sadly, his mentor was too wounded to live much longer. Before his death (and being blinded, therefore not seing that he had an anathem close to him) he told him to continue his work for the world needed it.

So now he continues his work of correcting problematic spirits/gods, only he's not entirely sure what to do about the anathema and immaculate thing. He knows that the part of the immaculate philosophy about anathema is not entirely correct so he's decided to usehis newly found divine sponsorship to continue helping places with problems and meanwhile thinking about what to do about the religious part.
Question: How exactly does your monk know the Anathema thing is automatically not right? You've only been one for a short time. Perhaps this thing occurs over time. You're not devout, but doubt would be ringing in your ears more than the religious crisis.
Well his suspicions began when he didn't turn into the baby eating bishop of Baths and Wells. He considers himself to be a ex.... resp... adequate law abiding man. So this causes him to question the accuracy of the anathema's description.
Love game B.

If there's space left, I'd love to go for a freshly redeemed Abyssal and still a bit confused about it (black, freaky), no Dawn abilities whatsoever.

Name: Dead Cat, Night Caste Solar

Motivation: Learn to be a true hero

Shy, silent, communicates mostly through body language, I'm tempted to make him actually mute.

As an alternative, a Twilight with some unhealthy attraction for flame weapons and explosives.

Something like an ugly girl munching a big cigar and listening to Rammstein from dusk till dawn.
Glad you like the eclipse. Personality wise, I want to play him as an eternal optimist, someone who finds some fun and excitement in everything. ( I imagine he will be thrilled to find out about the whole eclipse diplomatic immunity thing) If he sees an exalt of another type use a really cool charm, he's going to do everything he can to get them to teach it to him. He will want to keep every intersting artifact and bauble he can find.

Considering what you're basing it on, he'll probably have a soft spot for unique or exotic women. (Maybe even a vice, if we can use merits and flaws).

Also, I really want to use that solar charm that makes a gun out of essence. I've always thought it was awesome, and I've never gotten a chance to use it.

If its clear, I'll probably stat him up when I get home tonight, and show you him and his backstory.
Something tells me that my Zenith and the Eclipse are going to end up as foils for each other, personality wise. Yay, comedy ensues.
As far as Solars go, I already see an Eclipse, a Zenith, a Night, and a Dawn... Personally, I'd fancy a Scavenger Lord Twilight. I had actually done a firewand-and-whip using Indiana Jones Twilight in another game that died all too soon... I might not scatter his abilities too much, but the adventuring archaeologist appeals to me.
Since it seems the Solars are pretty much taken up I wanted to flesh out a concept of a sidereal a bit more to see if you'd be interested in one for your campaign.

I have the concept of a noble child from a small city-state in the South (a tribute state to the Realm) who was a gifted prodigy from an early age. She delved into any books on lore and the occult she could get her hands on and absorbed the knowledge like a sponge.

Never satisfied with the Immaculate Order as the de-facto "official religion," she delved into knowledge of long lost religions and secret cults, until one day in her early teens that she discovered a cell of the Cult of the Illuminated.

Being near obsessed with lore from the past, she strongly believed that the best creation had to offer was long in the past and just begging to be rediscovered and before long she became a trusted member of the local cell. Helping them avoid capture and feeding them what information she could obtain on the local workings of the realm and the Wyld Hunt.

She was deeply devoted to the cause when she exalted and a natural member of the Gold Faction. In fact her greater knowledge of the glories of the past and the extent to which creation had fallen from grace reinforced her beliefs and turned her into a true believer in the Gold Faction's cause.

Now, that she has become experienced enough to go out on her own, she hopes to find a reborn circle of solars to help guide and nudge towards greater glory for the sake of all creation. She plans to use her gifts granted by the Maiden of Secrets to lay bare secrets of the past that should be rediscovered to the circle and keep away secrets that may lead them down the wrong path.

I see her having either joined one of the solars as a faithful companion who is a font of knowledge with a gift for reading the stars. Perhaps she gained the trust of one of the solars - or a circle - by helping them avoid the Wyld Hunt, insisted on sticking around and has proven her worth as a companion with her knowledge and canny ability to see dangers ahead. While she would travel in disguise, her devotion to the solars is all too real (a bit too real for her Sifu who has to gently remind her from time to time that it is the Sidereal's job to guide - not follow - the Solars).

If that basic concept is acceptable I can write up a more detailed background.
apoatar said:
She was deeply devoted to the cause when she exalted and a natural member of the Gold Faction. In fact her greater knowledge of the glories of the past and the extent to which creation had fallen from grace reinforced her beliefs and turned her into a true believer in the Gold Faction's cause.
Now, that she has become experienced enough to go out on her own, she hopes to find a reborn circle of solars to help guide and nudge towards greater glory for the sake of all creation. She plans to use her gifts granted by the Maiden of Secrets to lay bare secrets of the past that should be rediscovered to the circle and keep away secrets that may lead them down the wrong path.

I see her having either joined one of the solars as a faithful companion who is a font of knowledge with a gift for reading the stars. Perhaps she gained the trust of one of the solars - or a circle - by helping them avoid the Wyld Hunt, insisted on sticking around and has proven her worth as a companion with her knowledge and canny ability to see dangers ahead. While she would travel in disguise, her devotion to the solars is all too real (a bit too real for her Sifu who has to gently remind her from time to time that it is the Sidereal's job to guide - not follow - the Solars).

If that basic concept is acceptable I can write up a more detailed background.
I trust one of those secrets is the fact that the One Hundred ordered their murder without consulting ANY of the other gods and what not? Hmm, the Gold Faction will find you as fun as a barrel full of gunpowder. HMMM. I like it. Wow me.
I trust one of those secrets is the fact that the One Hundred ordered their murder without consulting ANY of the other gods and what not? Hmm' date=' the Gold Faction will find you as fun as a barrel full of gunpowder. HMMM. I like it. Wow me.[/quote']
The Dragon Blooded did what?! :P

I'll write up the character further tonight. Look forward to it. Also if you (or other folks writing up characters) have any ideas on integrating together I'd love to hear it.
Alas' date=' xarvh, I've already got a Night Caste :/ [/quote']
I shall therefore wait silently, like a foul beast grinning and drooling in the corner, for the premature demise of one of the players.

Hope not, for it is just a matter of time... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
:P :P :P

Also, to Thac0, I've not read your PM yet. Busy last night. But I do have ground rules for character creation: I like grit. SO, characters may only have two or three abilities at four, everything else is three or lower, this will make some of you reel, but I would like to see you specialize as your castes. Also, artifacts must, MUST be brought by me. Don't even look at four dot artifacts or higher. :P Go crazy with your attributes as per normal. I have no qualms with that. I just like seeing characters grow more than "Oh, I've got an ass load of five dots right off."

Specialize, is what I would suggest. That way we have people very good at x-y job and not everyone in the party can go, "Oh yeah, I've got the same six charms" or whatever.

Edit: Read Thac0's PM. Perhaps you may want to change your Motivation? That's...really, really general and it won't take too terribly long in game to sort that one out. Abilities and what not look good. Lot of Essence 4 characters already. I find that amusing.

Take five bonus BP for your background. Looks fine and ready to post whenever I get the forum up.
Oh, awesome. I'll probably buy a small combo with some of those bp :)

As for my motivation, you're right. I thought it was cool, but this is exalted after all. I've thought of a new one, I'll have to see if its ok with you.
I've outlined my character's stats. I'll give you a detailed background tomorrow.

Aspect: Secrets

Motivation: Return Creation to its former glory.

Str: 2 Dex: 3 Sta: 2

Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 4

Per: 3 Int: 5 Wit: 2


Ride: 1

Craft: 1

Dodge: 1

Linguistics: 3

Performance: 3 - Prayer: 1

Socialize: 3

Athletics: 1

Investigation: 3

Larceny: 2

Lore: 4 - 1st Age: 2

Occult: 4 - Gods: 2

Stealth: 2

Awareness: 3

Bureaucracy: 2

Integrity: 1

Martial Arts: 3

Artifact: 2

Backing (Gold Faction): 1

Connections (Cult of the Illuminated): 2

Acquaintances (Members and Officers of CoI): 2

Celestial Manse: 2

Salary: 2

Savant: 4

Sifu: 3

The Ewer: 1

The Mask: 2

The Key: 2

The Sorcerer: 2

Compassion: 3

Temperance: 2

Conviction: 3

Valor: 1

Willpower: 6

Essence: 2

World Shaping Artistic Vision

1st Performance Excellency

Efficient Secretary Technique

Avoiding the Truth Technique

Methodology of Secrets

Of the Shape of the World

Mark of Exaltation

Telltale Symphony

Prior Warning

1st Martial Arts Excellency

Secrets of Future Strife

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Artifact: Dragon Tear Tiara (if it's not okay I'll use the points elsewhere)

Bonus Points: 18

4 Manipulation

4 Intelligence

2 Occult + Specialty

2 Lore + Specialty

1 Performance Specialty

2 Savant

1 Sifu

2 Martial Arts

I'm pretty sure the math adds up, but let me know if I got something wrong. Also, let me know if you see any glaring mistakes/shortfalls/whatever.
He, I feel a bit silly keeping my character stuff in pm's when the choosen of secrets posts his out in the open. :P

I'll chalk it up to my new-ness on the board and post it all up once we have our own section.
I've typically found that people who I've played with in pbp games can keep ooc and ic info separated. So I have no real issue with posting character info and background openly. :)

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