Three game ideas to a vote.

Characters in a cafe in Nexus

Player 1:"Dude, you're totally a Sidereal! I saw your character sheet! You so are!"

Player 2: "Er, what are you talking about, friend? I'm a cooper."

P1: "Bullshit!"

ST: "You realize NO ONE in Creation knows what the fuck you're going on about and you've just painted a massive target on your ass."

P1: "That's shit! I totally know what Sidereals are!"

Ah, retarded players make my job so much easier and far less guilt-ridden when the murder begins.
Heh, you mean my character doesn't no everything that's in the books? But I have a lore of three! :P

That's cool though. I'd rather be out in the open anyway!
See, I have reservations about those arguments sometime. Because while Occult 5 means you know practically every base thing about the occult and a LOT that many other people don't...there's shit you've never heard of all over. A LOT of stuff that you can comprehend still.
I agree. Whilst a skill at 5, particularly Lore or Occult, may represent vast knowledge, it does not represent omniscient knowledge. If your character has never encountered a Yozi, his knowledge of Yozis, and all of the appropriate miscellanea surrounding said Yozi, will be sketchy at best. Sure, you may know something about Yozis, but you won't know it all....
See' date=' I have reservations about those arguments sometime. Because while Occult 5 means you know practically every base thing about the occult and a LOT that many other people don't...there's shit you've never heard of all over. A LOT of stuff that you can comprehend still.[/quote']
Well, I was kidding- I forget that tone doesn't carry well over text. No matter how high your stats are, there are limits to what you know. Like you said, there is always something you've never heard of.
No, no, I knew you were kidding, I just always felt the need to state such things, because I had players back when I ran live tabletop who used said argument that they should know it all.
No' date=' no, I knew you were kidding, I just always felt the need to state such things, because I had players back when I ran live tabletop who used said argument that they should know it all.[/quote']
Man, this actually came up in my game- so I know how you feel.

In the end, I think common sense should always rule above anything written in a book.
I figured people would realize that a rating 5 didn't cover everything just based on the fact that ratings go higher.
Btw, could we get an idea of whether we'll be starting out knowing each other and on friendly terms or whether you'll be introducing us to each other once the game starts?

It'll help with the background writing.
Forum is live. And we'll take a vote here. How many of you WANT to know one another in the beginning? I have no problems with a few of you knowing one another and dropping the others in, primarily Chaka and maybe Vanman if he wishes.
I'd prefer to know and be on good terms with one of the solars under a well established resplendant destiny. But I'm fine with it if I get out voted.
Well, it'd be reasonable to assume apotar's character and Rain know each other at least in passing, since Sidereals aren't exactly common. We'd probably know each other at least by sight. And we're going to love each other.... :P

As for the other characters, if they want Kwan Shu, the "Dawn Caste" to be travelling with any of them, that's cool with me. Otherwise I'm sure he'll find you some way... :wink:

Speaking of which, Rain is now posted up and fully fleshed out for those who want to take a gander at the Chosen of Battles in the party.
I think at least a few of us knowing each other is a good idea. That way, we have an established group that new people join, as opposed to one springing up randomly. I could easily be following around Matsu...

Whether he appreciates my company or not is a different story.

As for my new motivation, maybe he simply wants to find his full potential? I figure that's something I could easily chip away at for an entire game.

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