Three game ideas to a vote.


Black Sun in a White World
My vampire game is quickly coming to an end. Therefore I'm ready to take on another big game.

I have three ideas and would like thoughts on three ideas. And possible players.

Number One: A mixed WoD game based in the American South. Mostly plotted and ready.

Number Two: Exalted in the East/Scavenger Lands/Hundred Kingdoms, wandering that whole part of Creation, walking from adventure to adventure in the manner of Fafhrd and Gray Mouser, Conan, any number of adventure tales in high fantasy.

Number Three: WoD mortals baseed in a game of action and adventure in the modern day in the style of Indiana Jones, Uncharted, and Manly Wade Williams' tales.

I like the idea of an Indiana Jones-ish game, and would be a much cooler sidekick/team member than Shia LeBouf.

That being said, what are you talking about? there are only three indiana jones movies.
I'd like to note that while my vote still goes to Southern, I have a bitching Solar in mind for any exalted game that should occur... 8)
Also, ignore that forum request I put in. That's for a single game I'm running for a friend. Has no bearing on this.
I'd be interested in an exalted game and I love the genre you described. I've done a decent amount of pbp before but I am new to this forum.
Well, it's neck and neck with me, but my first choice would be the Exalted game (me wants Scorpion back!!!!). I have no problems with the mixed WoD game - that's my second choice - or the mortal action game, but, if I'm honest with myself, I cast my vote for choice B.
Ditto here interested in B. I hae many solar concepts in mind. (one for each Caste in fact.)
Seems Exalted kicks my beloved WoD in the teeth again! Ah, well. :P

I have me some ideas for Exalted. I need interest and character concepts posted here, I suppose. I'll be taking in probably five people, mayhap more.

So, let's hear 'em folks!

I know what Vanman and Chaka wish to play.
Do you want solar concepts exclusively or would other concepts work? Also, do you plan on a game that's a bit dark like the original conAn novels or something a bit more sanitized?
Most Exalt types work. No Abyssals or Infernals, sorry. And all Dragon-Blooded will be Outcasted.

Just give me concepts, don't go nuts with giving me stats or bizarre artifacts. While we'll be keeping the wandering adventurer feel, don't all be some barbarian who is pantherish and absolutely cunning. :P If that'll be the case, I'll close ranks and pick and choose.
Well this is an Exalted forum. One shouldn't bee too surprised.

My list of short concepts by cast:

Dawn: A stoic and slightly behaviour blind soldier with amounts of knowledge in combat but little in normal social life. Hilarity ensues.

Zenith: A cynical ex immaculate monk now under the unconquered sun. Still uses the same old techniques from his old days. Hilarity ensues.

Twilight: Naive young mage. Too cute for his own good. More hilarity ensues.

Night: Sympathatic and affable ninja assassin. A bit quirky but friendly. Still more hilarity ensues.

Eclipse: A large ham courtesan. H... oh you should get it by now.

I'm flexible so can realy adapt according to other player's choice in characters.
Ah, but there's an issue with that Zenith. I assume you mean he uses Immaculate Martial Arts? They don't teach those to the Coil monks. Not the REAL IMA anyhow.

The Zenith seems to lend himself to my merry band thus far. Tweak him some, surprise me.
I didn't mean he knew the immaculate martial arts, I meant he uses percusive conversion when faced with problems. I'll elaborate on him a little then.
My ideas are for a fire caste and an eclipse caste.

The fire caste would be a swordsman from the one feudal kingdom in the scavenger lands. (calin, I think?) He would more then likely contrast with the other characters in the game, as I would like to play him as hotblooded and brash. He would be trying to become an epic hero of some kind, and if allowed, I'd like to give him the destiny background so that he was fated for something, good or ill.

The eclipse caste would be almost the opposite, cool headed and calm almost to a fault. I imagine he'd be more interested in learning the full scope of his power then in glory. As for weapons, he would probably use archery charms with a firewand of some kind- he just isn't a melee sort of guy.

Either of those sound good?
I'd be happy to play a Chosen of Serenity/Journey's who's on his first assignment.

Well, his first assignment after that one with the exploding horses.

And the one with the angry bull of the north.

And the one with the fish people who found the first age artifact that shoots giant robotic eels.

And.... well, you get the picture.

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