This is the End.

Emmett watched as Winnie went all over Tom. Emmett blushed, and bit his lip, looking away. He then looked up at Kay, and nodded. "Yeah." He quickly said, an then scratched his head. Emmett stood up, stretching a bit because he was still a bit tired. Emmett stared at his feet, as questions floated around in his head. What was the strange marking? Who the crap was Kay? Would Winnie ever consider Emmett? Does Tom hate him? Alteriel seems... distant. What was with the brotherhood crap? Am I loosing my mind? Emmett sighed, and looked at Kay, waiting for her answer.
Kay was taken aback when Winnie poked her in the chest. She glared at her and quickly snatched her hand, "Don't you EVER touch me." She said angrily and pulled cells from Winnie's hand making it old and withered. She threw her hand down and let it fall against Winnie's side, "THAT is called harvesting!" She screamed, "I save your friend and all you people can do is point blame?!" She exclaimed, "Why should i even help you?!" She backed up to a tree feeling scared and outnumbered.

Alteriel watched the events transpire from the porch. His mind was still racing from the training with his brother Everyone has a connection. He remembered his brother saying One weapon that their very souls can connects to...Help them find theirs. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even see what was going on directly in front of him.
Emmett saw the two girls fight. Emmett reacted. "Stop it." He said, getting between them. "Last thing we need is for you two not getting together." He eyeballed both Kay and Winnie. Emmett rubbed his temples, thinking. He soon sighed and looked at Kay. "Winnie is surely sorry." He began. "But all we want to know is what Tom has. And what is, harvesting?" He asked, thinking of Tom being a plant and being harvested. But that probably wasn't it. Emmett looked at Kay in the eyes, waiting for her to calm down and tell him the answer. Kay didn't have to talk to Winnie or anyone else for she was probably mad at them, but she just needed to answer Emmett. "Winnie, if you need to, go talk with Alteriel." Emmett finally said, not looking at her, but still staring at Kay.
Kay sighed and held out her hands returning Winnie's health to it, "Yeah." She said in response to his first comment. Then she backed up and put her hands on her hips, "Harvesting is..." How could she explain this simply, "Well it's like stealing someone's essence, their life forces, their cells, their electro-magnetic pulses. All of that good stuff. The clan goes out and marks these people. They don't even have to be close, they are inside of your head. They can be anywhere." She said, "They go after people who are unique. People with distinct powers." She turned and pointed to Alteriel, "They've been trying to kill him for years, probably why he is such a reculsive ass." She said then shook her head and looked back at Emmett, "Well they think he is dead now, boy are they going to be angry..." She looked Emmett in the eyes, "They want to kill Tom. They want to take his cells and make a monster out of him..." Her voice trailed off, "The same way they did to someone else..." She said looking down, "To make me..." She looked back up and glared, "Thats why i left, to try to tell you before they got to you, but now he's been marked. They all know where he is and they aren't going to stop until they have him."
Winnie ignored Emmett and looked back at Kay, slightly blushing in shame. "I apologize. I shouldn't have been so rude." She murmured, looking Kay in the eyes.

(Sorry post so short, feeling blah)
Tom shot up at the girl. "Excuse me I am not acting like a ass you are acting like a ass." He then slapped her with the shadows before crossing his arms and looking at her. "Now how did you escape and how do we defeat theese people?"

(The infection it's spreading!!!!!!!!)
(Hey, i'm not going to be able to post for awhile. I have so much going on in the real life it's making me stressed. I swear, if it wasn't towards the Winter i'd run away from home and never come back. With school being a jerk, the parents fighting and taking it out on me, and everything else i need to take a break. i'll be back around two weeks from now. Reason i was so blah was the 'rents. Let's just say my Halloween sucked this year. Sorry!)
(( It's Okay @Renee , my parents did the same thing at on point. Well... it was different.. ANYWAY! It's alright, we won't forget you! Also my Halloween sucked. I stayed up all night doing homework, didn't have ANY candy or even go trick o' treating -although i didn't wan to- and didn't watch any scary movies! And was yelled at by my mom for no reason. XP))

Emmett gritting his teeth. Another problem. He just couldn't have a day to relax and recover from everything he's been through. He stayed quiet, as Kay talked, and he thought about everything she was saying. He rubbed the back on his neck, an ran his fingers though his messy hair. He needed to cut his hair badly, but he would do that later. Emmett glanced up, and Tom was yelling. And about being an ass. Wonderful. "Hey, last thing we need is for everyone to yell at each other," He said, "But what we need to do, is figure all this out. We need to help Tom before he's killed." He said, glacing at Winnie for a moment. He then looked at Tom. "We need to protect you, and I need you to let us." He said, soft spoken. He wasn't yelling or ordering or anything. He was just talking. Emmett then looked at Alteriel, and walked to him. "I need to talk to you for a moment." Emmett whispered, walking away as if he'd said nothing. Emmett walked outside, breathing is the fresh air. There, he awaited for his friend.
((if you guys need to talk aout stuff lemme know. I have a lot of experience in that way. I know how tough it can be to be a kid these days :D ))

Alteriel nodded and walked just behind Emmett. He was a little out of sorts, but his friend needed him. He slowly approached Emmett and took a deep breath, "Yeah bud, whats up?" He asked.
((Okay then @Dedecus . Here's a topic: You try to get someone to notice you? What do you do? Hmmm??? LoL))

Emmett turned to Alteriel. "Do you think it's safe to you know..." He sighed. "have Kay here?" He paused. "I mean, she's a bit mysterious and all. We don't know her, and all of a sudden she telling us Tom's going to die? I mean, what if she made the mark go on Tom? Tom never had the mark until she came along." Emmett and threw his arms around while he was talking. "I'm not trying to blame her or anything, but I mean..." He began, looking into the woods. "I mean... uh. Alteriel? Do you see where I'm coming from?" He asked, looking up at Alteriel, since Alteriel was about two inches taller than Emmett.
((Just know who you are and be who you are. Take initiative, talk to them first and don't pretend to be something your not :P Make sure you have a cap and control yourself, but definitely dont pretend to be something your not just for their attention. :) )) 
Alteriel nodded, "I know, i know. But something about her seems of doesn't it?" He said pondering for a moment, "She wears the same mark on her bow as the ones who attacked and killed me. But she saved me." He said then put his hand on Emmett's shoulder, "I need to tell you something." He said, "You might not look at me the same, but you need to know." He took his hand off of his shoulder, "Five years ago, right after i abandoned my parents, i was taken in by someone. His name was Vladimir and he told me that he was a scientist. What i didnt know..." He said breathing out heavily, "Was that he was exploring human science. Killing people in experimentation and trying to mold them and change them." He turned away ashamed, "I helped him for four years..." He turned back, "But then i couldn't take it anymore, i had to stop him. So i destroyed his lab while he was 'collecting specimens" one day. I killed everyone there and i was in hiding ever since. I killed people, just because he told me to...and i have spent the last year trying to find a way to kill him." He said then looked Emmett in the eyes, "But then i met you guys, i got my letter, i got these powers..." He said running lightning through his fingers, "And i realized that now i could stop him. But he killed me first. While i was dead, my brother came to me. He has been dead for ten years. He trained me, he taught me how to use this." He said lifting his kusari-gama, "He told me that everyone has a weapon the their very souls can connect to. For years, i thought it was the knife i gave to you. But then i realized you could do more with it than i ever could." He said then took a breath, "We need to stop matter what. Valdimir could kill us all, but when we get our soul weapons, we could stop him." He looked at the blade on Emmett's hip, "That knife, it is yours. When you un sheath it, you will have my powers. You can use them through the knife. You can make it into any weapon you want, and it will strike with not just your strength and fire, but with my spirit lightning too." He sighed an then thought for a moment, "Kay could be our only way into his base, for now at least, we have to trust her." He said then took a deep breath. It took a lot for him to spill like that.
Tom realized his mistake and his expression softened. "I'm sorry I just thought...." He then looked at Winnie and back at her. "Do have any idea how we can defeat these guys?" He then signed to himself, can't the world just let them sleep before they have to save the world again?!?!
(( @Hunnyhelp , you're back!!!!))

Emmett stared at Alteriel. "I...I.." He said, blinking madly. The think was, Emmett thought of Alteriel completely different. Someone strong, someone who didn't fall apart like Emmett tended to do, someone always with a plan and always ahead of the curve, someone who was smart and amazing. But now... now Alteriel was something else. Mysterious an maybe even a little dangerous. Someone who... had secrets. Emmett gulped and stared at Alteriel. "I didn't think you had it in you." Emmett said, ignoring the soul weapon stuff. Emmett smiled. "But you're still my friend." Emmett chuckled, and then looked at his knife on his hip. He took it out, staring at the blade. He looked at Alteriel again. "So you're telling me this is my weapon? This is my, I don't know, my other?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
As Emmett pulled the blade from his hip he saw it ignite. He also saw the spirit lightning within the flame. The knife grew with Emmett's emotion. It changed shape with his willpower. He could make it into any weapon he wanted, "You adapt well, you can turn that blade into anything you want. The same way my kusari-gama helps my spirit lightning do more." He said and pulled the kusari-game from his hip." He swung the end of the weapon with the kama on it into a tree and sent spirit lightning through it. It blew a hole in the center of the tree and he pulled it back in, "You see?" He said, "I am glad we are still friends." He said with a smile, "I am sorry i hid this from you..." He said his voice trailing off.

Kay nodded, "Yeah, the only way to stop him is to get into his office in the center of his complex. There are three trials before we get there though, we have to make sure we are ready." She said, "Have you found your weapon yet?" She asked Tom noticing he didn't carry a weapon on him. She might be able to help him locate his soul weapon, but she wasn't sure if he actually had one or not.
Emmett watched as Alteriel demonstrated his weapon. Emmett blinked like an owl, and nodded. "Okay." He said, starring at the remains of the tree. Emmett then looked at his weapon. It was shaped sort of weird, like the blade was trying to be some type of wicked sword. The blade was surrounded by fire, one of Emmett gifts. Emmett felt as if the sword was not an item, but an addition to his hand. Emmett stabbed the air with it. The blade turned into a sword, thick and wide, and curved into a nasty form. It looked wicked. :P Emmett whispered, "Wow." He smiled for a moment, and then looked at Alteriel. "What about the others?" He asked, imagining what the other would do with a weapon... He glanced back in the cabin, to see Kat talking to Tom, and Winnie just watching.
Tom looked to the girl. He then teleported the other side of the room as he smiled and and shadows creept up on him until they wrapped around and and only realesed him when he was covered in protective armor and had a shadow blade in his hand. "Honestly I don't think I need a weapon."
Kay shook her head, "It's not just a weapon, it is an extension of your soul." She said, "It will be more effective than any shadows you may conjure and will be more devastating than any other power."

Alteriel smiled as he watched his friend's power unfold, "Excellent." He said and patted him on the shoulder, "You see? You don't always need me, your power is within you, all the time." He winked and started to walk back to the others, "We should get back, the others might worry."
((Oh my goodness, I keep thinking that Alteriel shall be dead in like twenty years. What he said totally makes sense now!))

Emmett grinned. "Well, I think I would need you for others things my friend." Emmett patted him back, an chuckled. He then went inside to be followed by Alteriel, an saw Tom surrounded by shadows. Emmett froze. "This isn't an attack I hope." He muttered, his pulse quickening a bit. But Emmett soon realized that Tom was in no danger what so ever, and was just using his powers. Emmett held his hand to his forehead, sighing a sigh of relief. "Thank god." He muttered again. He looked up. "I think we all need a day or two of relaxation. No saving the world for a bit. We'll do that later. Right now, we need to relax." Emmett announced, knowing most everyone would love that. Emmett's belly growled. He realized he hadn't eaten in a bit. "I need food." He said to no one specifically. He walked to the kitchen and searched for something to eat.
Yeah sorry about that. Not to be mean but if you want to really get in an other RP, it would be best to expand your posts a little bit.

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