[There Will Be No End] Old role play


Retired M

(Do remember I don't want a book to read. I understand if your intro paragraph is large, but mine most of the time will be bigger when I have to do posts for separate characters. Please don't try and match me

xD . If something isn't clear, please try and tell me so I can help. Don't be afraid to talk to NPC, ask them questions, depending on who they are they will try to answer the best they can. Good luck!)
(P.S. everyone is there already. You can narrate before hand, but for the sake of me starting, you are all there already.)

(Be sure to read the updates before you post!)


City of Alestan- Castle Grounds- Inside the Royal Dinning Hall

The castle was a grand and rather lavish place. To live here was likely to ensure a long and well provided life. The architecture was almost a poor copy of dwarevn architecture, but still beautiful in its own right. Nice pottery, rugs and the king's banners lay around the castle. Paintings were hung on the wall of different sights of Aria from famous painters of many different names. The furniture were all well carved and heavy wood.

Within such a lavish place was a population of servants, lords, council men and heavy guard. The king and his queen were also lived there, but in a different portion then others. Rarely did anyone, even someone with higher status, came into any portion of the king's side of the castle. Today however and this warm spring day, a group of people were invited and settled into the Royal Dinning Hall.

All who came and said that they were here to accept the kings call were quickly shown to the dinning hall. This room was just as lavish as the rest of the castle. A long table was filled to the brim with food. Fruit, meat, bread and vegetables were all spread down the wood. There were enough seats to seat at least 20 people.

Rushing up and down the tables were servants, placing down any food that needed replacing and filling cups with wine, fine meed or water. In the middle of the room was a chair, obviously meant for the king himself. It was larger then the rest and had a guard standing next to it to prevent anyone from sitting in it. Other guards were placed up and down the room, near the windows and doors. All were heavily armed.

When ever someone walked into the room, a steward greeted them, then would direct them to help themselves to all the food and wine they please and sit anywhere they would like. He recommended getting to know each other since everyone will now be becoming traveling companion.

All who came in where searched and had to leave equipment and items with the guard. They were assured nothing would be confiscated or touched, not even anything illegal. Mage's were given necklaces that they had to wear that weakened their magic. This was all because today, they would all be meeting the king in person. King Tannis.

Rikki Mauro

City of Alestan- Castle Grounds- Entering the Royal Dinning Hall

Rikki was almost nervous about meeting the whole lot of miscreants that she possibly would be leading on a world wide expedition to stop the Dusk menace. She was given orders that no mater the crimes these people have committed in the past, to let them slide for now. However if a crime was committed while she was around, they better believe punishment will happen.

Lucky for her, she had two other people from the guard that wanted to join this seeming suicidal plight.

Rikki looked to her sides, on her right was Shae'mir, a dark-half elf like herself. A wonderful mage and one Rikki had fought aside a few times. To her left was Zalon, a pure elf who can occasionally get on her nerves at times, but someone she would fight with as well. She didn't exactly know either on a personal level, but she did know them on the battle field.

Regardless, she was just glad to not be the only person from the guard. Smiling lightly, Rikki looked ahead of herself as they walked down the halls of the castle. Her armor tend to make rather loud clinking sounds as she walked around the stone floors. Not that it bothered her much since it was all she ever heard when walking.

Soon they arrive at double doors leading to the Royal Dinning Halls. Rikki turned on her heels to look at Shae and Zalon,
"Alright listen up." She barked. Her normal down to bussiness tone left no room for speech and demanded their attention, "In this room could very well be from anything to thieves, murderers or traitors. As King Tannis said... all are excused as of now from their crimes. We still need to watch them like a hawk. Any wrong move during this mission and we will take care of them properly. Got it?" Rikki asked the two.

When she got the response she was looking for from both of them, she turned around once more and pushed open both the doors to walk in. The king will not be too far behind them, but she was asked to be there before him instead of coming in with him. She was not sure how she felt about that. Maybe common perhaps?

Regardless the reason, she will follow her orders to the T. Looking over the crowed that had already arrive to the area, she turned her head lightly to speak to the two guard behind her.
"You two are dismissed for now to do as you please." With that, she released Shae and Zalon to go participate in the food or company of others, before she herself went to go get a cup of water.
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Thoran, Dining Hall

This was all too good to be true. Just the other day, when a courier came into the tavern to spread around fliers, Thoran was an inch close to knocking that boy out for the night for disturbing him from the sweet and pleasant company of his flask of bourbon and the presence of a rather buxom wench. When the frail boy spoke out the reason of his interruption and the man who hired him to do so, Thoran's mug quickly hit the floor, the dwarf staring surprised at the messenger. He couldn't believe his ears at first, but in the end he threw the kid some coins and snatched a flier from his grip.

The flier contained an invitation to nowhere else than the grand castle of the king himself, by the king himself. He knew from the start it was no jest, as all able bodied men were summoned to undertake a grand quest of sorts. The text stirred up Thoran's taste for adventure as he started preparing for the journey. That day he took a long shower, shined his armor, sheathed his axe and filled his travelling flask with the best ale the tavern had to offer, which wasn't much given the weary state it was in.

Now Thoran was seated at a grand and long table with many other misfits he did not recognise, nor did he care for them much. His primary concern was to fill himself up with the goodies that were laid upon the table in front of him. Wine, chopped liver, pork, anything a gourmand could wish for. After finishing his meal and sipping some wine, he started wondering how in the hell were they supposed to go past the sea and check out the continent of Falkell, with those damned monsters lurking beneath the water. Thoran had faced a Dusk creature once, and 'twas not a piece of cake like the one in front of him!

One thing made him feel uncomfortable, and that was the fact that he was stripped of all weapons at the entrance. Thoran felt naked like an courtesan at midnight without at least a dagger to protect himself, though he realised the chances of getting attacked in the castle were pretty dim. He relaxed and awaited for the next phase of their little "party", analising each individual at the table.

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Leceel, Castle dining hall

Leceel had had some trouble getting into the castle in the first place. Dealing with the guards out front proven more difficult than it would seem. Between the massive sword on his back and lack of speech, they seemed reluctant to even let him in the doors. This was especially true before entering the dining hall, as he apparently had to give up all his equipment. Mortal fang was placed on the ground in front of the knights, where it remained until three knights moved aside the 200 pound blade. He apparently also had to give up his hunting equipment, all of which was met with odd glances. He now sat cross-legged at one seat of the table, being the first chair in ages that he could remember which held his entire bulk with extra space and without creaking. He had pointedly chosen not to eat any of the food set in front of him, instead putting his full attention on the other characters in the room. No surprise, there were several knights around of all skills and equipment. In particular, there was one woman in heavy armor that he had no desire to cross. Especially without his sword. It was some stroke of luck that he had been allowed to keep his bracers, in case a fight broke out.
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Dining Hall

Although his motives are unknown, Kian decided to answer to the King's summons. The organization had been peaceful as of late, everyone going on with their lives quietly from the law's suspicion. However, such a peaceful life was not meant for him.

Kian sat in silence of the other's company, taking note of everyone in the room, including the guards stationed around but being discreet while doing so. With his mask pulled down, he was free to enjoy his cup of wine, though also revealing a single large scar running across his left cheek. He reached for some of the refreshments laid out, it wasn't everyday when one can dine like this. He watched as the new people walked in the room, royal guards he presumed. One person caught his interest however.

"It is not often one would see a drawf aboveground.", he remarked to Thoran, examining him thoroughly,"Quite the sight I'd say."
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It irritated Zolan to have a half breed as his superior. Once a king Zolan, reminisced the past. He truly missed the good days when he ruled the land he truly loved. Now in a foreign region, a victim of the circumstances. He surely could only remember the past as he took a little stroll in the dinning hall, taking small steps admiring the beauty of the royal carpets, the marvelous architecture, the royal banners. It wasn't long until a tear filled his eye.

Upon realizing that he hurriedly wiped it away hoping that no one saw it. His gaze then fell upon the dinning table it was well decorated with exquisite dishes scattered all over it. It even had wine's from the king's own collection, some dating back 50 years. It was not long before the now tempted elf reached out for the alcohol, slowly taking a sip, it was truly a bliss. All he could say was, " magnificent ".

His eyes wandered around as he glared at all the guests, he knew a few. He knew about them from the bounty that was on their head. Most of them being criminals, they truly disgusted Zolan. After all a king would never want to dine in the presences of low life like them. " Verily a bunch of feculent vermin. ", he muttered to himself as he continued to drink the plush wine.
Kas entering the dining hall

As Kas entered, in awe, the guards stopped him and asked for his weapons, still in awe he released everything lethal in his possession mindlessly. He hesitantly walked in and glanced around, everything was so incredibly beautiful, then he realized the food on that magnificent table. It had been almost 9 days since his last actual meal, he had some scraps from hunts he had, but nothing substantial like what was at the table now. He immediatly sat in front of this beautiful feast, and began stuffing his face disregarding the other guests and even the beautiful dining hall, he sat and gorged, and drank and felt magnificent bliss, with all the flavors.

After he couldn't stuff himself more a small burp escaped his mouth, and reclined some in his chair. He sat timid and slowly sipped at his challace full of the finest water he had ever tasted. He rose out of his chair and stumbled around the fine hall simply basking in its glory, then sat again, waiting for orders.

Fervus El Montreal Sanguis

Dining Hall

Fervus had heeded the call of the King to embark on a sort of quest to slay the Dusks that had terrorized the people. Fervus ardently believed in the value of life and respect for it, but the utter lack of consideration the beasts had for any life was appalling. Fervus would not have stooped to consider the beasts unliving even if they indiscriminately killed though, it was that they had absolutely no life lines to see. What was a living creature not blessed with the gift of life flowing through its very veins? Certainly not one of significant merit. Thus Fervus took it upon himself to put all his effort into repelling the dark monsters. He had seen countless villages turned into deserted hamlets or littered with rotting bodies and stained with blood due to these monstrosities, and his innate adherence to what he believed impelled him to action.

This was quite a momentous decision for Fervus, as he had once again receded into the habits of his priesthood, which preached pacifistic views in general. However, the priesthood did say that one should always uphold duty, and purging the Dusk seemed duty worthy enough for Fervus to lift his fists against.

Fervus had travelled quite far to get to the Royal City, but he easily knew the way there by memory. He traveled by bare foot, trekking across almost a hundred miles with incredible stamina and speed. Fervus met no bandits or robbers on his way, and this was not because of luck. Anybody would be able to recognize the signature orange cloak that Fervus wore that denoted him as the famous "Cloaked Phantom" that brought utter disaster to those wishing ill - will upon the weak. As such, all bandits and thieves had no second thoughts before shirking away from assaulting Fervus. When he reached the gates of the Royal Palace, Fervus stood in admiration. The palace was absolutely huge and ornately decorated with the finest materials. It stood out completely from the rest of the city, which was a significant trait in of itself as the city itself still retained its opulent luster. The guards recognized him, and a few of them stood in a daze for a few seconds, unable to believe that the Phantom was standing right there.

They respectfully checked Fervus for weapons, and found absolutely none. They only found his leather bag that had some odd trinkets for absolutely bare survival in the wilderness.

Fervus was allowed to enter with no qualms. Fervus always wore his hood, which concealed practically all of his face. The guards probably felt a rather tentative fear when they considered removing the hood or not, and they decided to let Fervus pass without requiring him to take off his hood, although Fervus would take it off in the presence of the king anyway; Fervus had been a noble, and he still remembered and obeyed polite conduct befit of a noble.

As soon as Fervus entered the dining room, he secluded himself in a corner of the huge dining room, leaning back against the corner of one of the walls. Fervus never ate more than one meal a day, and it usually consisted of a piece of bread and water. Every three days, Fervus ate two much fuller meals. This semi - fasting of sorts was a remnant from the days Fervus spent in the priesthood, which Fervus still practiced because it allowed him to meditate much more easily and regulate his mental fortitude.

Although Fervus did want to eat bread served on the table of the king, he had already eaten his loaf for the day.

Hopefully, no body would notice Fervus standing in the shadowy corner. His fame usually preceded him, and Fervus did not quite like it. It was unfitting of a former -priest to seek fame, even if it was fame that Fervus did not intend to garner.

Fervus stood as still as a statue, simply waiting for the King's address.

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Vorgak gro-Wumkbanok

City of Alestan- Entering the Royal Dinning Hall

As soon as Vorgak entered the Royal Dining Hall he was met with a quite mesmerizing sight, albeit a too busy one for him. The architecture of the room was one to match the description of Sararin Sama, the resting place for worthy warriors in Kilanos's eyes, before they continue their journey beyond life and death. Vorgak's train of thought was stopped by a guard's calling, asking him to remove any dangerous weapons from him. Vorgak complied, gave the guard all his weapons and his satchel, although he almost glared said guard for treating Volendrung rather harshly. Then he was met by a steward who greeted him, which he only replied with a nod when he was guided to the table. Vorgak then sat on one of the seats and took a fresh tomato.

As he ate the ripe vegetable, he recounted the time when a courier gave him the invitation letter at a sellswords camp. After read it throughly, he immediately packed and went to the City of Alestan, his heart was content on it. The Dusk he encountered the first time was strong and merciless, definitely a worthy enemy by Kilanos's judgement, because after a long fight and defeated it Volendrung had glowed more than it usually did.

Brought success in this mission would definitely pleased his Lord and his tribe's name would rise more. With that thought Vorgak's eyes closed, brought himself a silence in a crowd for a moment, ignoring any sound made by others. Yes, even if that meant he would die by his hammer in his hands, he would do it with all of his strength.

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Thoran, Dining Hall

As he was eating and drinking happily, Thoran was distracted by a remark came from another man sitted at the table. As the dwarf glanced towards the stranger, he could definitely figure he was a Dark Elf. Thoran didn't really have qualms with the race, but one time this Dark Elf tried stealing his axe so he could sell it on the market. In the end, 'twas Thoran who sold the thief's belongings, fetching quite a good price for them. Afterall, he had his dwarven armor, what use could he have with the rags of a garbage.

"Aye, it is quite rare to find one of me kind up here! What's it to ye'?" he inquired suspiciously.

Shae'mir, Dining Hall

"My Captain," Shae'mir said, in a voice like ice, "You have my word that my eyes will be everywhere," and will a simple nod, she mad her way down the hall to enter the dining area. As she entered, she immediately stepped to the side, holding her dress robes in her hand to keep them from dragging across the floor. In comparison to Rikki and Zalon, she looked more like a noble rather than a guard, dressed in dark blue robes that were decorated with silver stitching and silk. The only tip off that she was not, in fact, a noble, was her long staff, Beyza which clicked along off the floor as she walked and her long elf ears, which clearly revealed her heritage.

She took her spot beside the great doors, from which, King Tannis would enter. Her eyes studied each person, noting their appearance and her first impressions of them. Most intriguing to her was a Dark elf, dressed in rouge-like armor. The thought of traveling with a full-blooded dark elf irked her for a moment, thinking back to her life and how her mother abandoned her. Her eyes then went to a dwarf, who was conversing with the aforementioned dark elf. Next was a Orc who seemed to be keeping to himself. Though Rikki had mentioned that many of these people could be killers and thieves, they didn't seem all so bad... Yet. Perhaps not the people she would want to face the Dusk with, but, at least they all seemed capable of fighting.
Kian, Dining Hall

"Simply intrigued, I couldn't let up the chance to talk to one myself.", Kian replied modestly, taking a sip from his cup. His eyes glanced at the new person who entered the room, but looked no further. It could had been any hooded individual in a dark corner, the hooded-look is very popular nowadays. He looks back at all the dishes still present as old ones are being replaced. Those who weren't filling their stomachs were closely examining everyone else in the room he observed, somewhat glad that none would know his true identity. He did note that one of the royal guards had tried to stop himself from crying, and then started looking at the others, the ones with bounties on their head, repulsively. He took another sup from his cup, remembering whether Zalon was on the assassin's hit list or not. Luckily for Zalon, his political power had been revoked, but unless that changes...

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Leceel, Castle dining hall

Leceel's eyes slowly panned over the ones that had gathered, taking in what he could from their bodies. Whether he would be fighting with them or against them, a measure of their power would be useful.

The dwarf was built sturdy, like most of his kind, but the large muscles built into his arms spoke for many hours of swinging a weapon. The two of orc blood were built much the same. Warriors, all three of them. None of them were without scars, much like himself, but they did not have too many. A few scars spoke of having seen many battles. A multitude of them spoke of one's inability to avoid a blade. The hooded one in the corner . . . that one was a mystery, but not an immediate threat. There were two types of creatures that attempted to hide from others. Those that wish to avoid attention, and those that wish to hunt. This man's posture did not speak of going in for a kill, but rather to remain isolated. Therefor, he was likely the former. The dark elf had strength, to be sure, but unlike himself or the other three warriors in the area, his musculature was not as pronounced, implying an emphasis on speed. He could be a duelist or fencer of some sort . . . or he could be an assassin. Without seeing him fight it would be impossible to determine which one it was. That left . . . the elf. Leceel couldn't get a read on this individual. Due to their long lifespans and seemingly eternal youth, elves were difficult to gauge at the best of times. He decided that it would be easier to figure that one out with weapon in hand. Five out of six was not a bad number for estimation
Kas' Dining Hall

As Kas' waited for the King's address to his new band of soldiers against the Dusk plague, he observed the many different cultures of race and demeanor, as he locked eyes for just shy of a second with the one who seemed like he was analyzing prey, he shook his head and whispered in Orkish to himself "We are brothers in arms now. Why must you judge us, hunter, as if we are lesser beings of the hunt?" he picked up his glass and began to sip more. Yet Kas' succumbed to what most of the others were taking part in; the analysis of the others, his new brothers in arms. With no deduction other than, "We all have our strengths, and our weaknesses, yet as a group we may stand a chance to defeat these devilish figures. High hopes, but there is no doubt if we band together we may even be able to get out of this alive." He thought to himself.
Zalon, Royal Dinning Hall

It had been a few years for Zalon living in this continent, working for the royal guard. He had Shae in his team for a while now, even though she was a dark elf she did not remind Zolan of his past anymore, but now in a room with a lot of her species. Zalon felt a chill in his spine, his instincts called for him to run, run and hid from the nasty beings.

Zalon's eyes soon peeked at other members of the band they were about to form. He could read through most people, after all a king without a few skills like this one was no good. First glancing at the dwarf, he seemed rather cocky and the one to takes everyone other them himself as a imbecile, verily these are traits common in dwarfs. It was not long till he realized there were a bunch of hunters, it seemed as if they just entered a conversation. He was not sure of what the tall dark elf was but he seemed as a assassin from his appearance, he seemed to be studying everyone. Soon the dark elf's eye glared at Zalon. Zalon could feel his feet shaking from fear, he was intimidated easily from his kind. Zalon acted as if he was taping his feet, hoping that the elf would not realize Zalon's fear.

He slowly walked towards Rikki, and tapped at her shoulder almost surprising her. " It seems there is an abundance of dark elfs in this kingdom eh?" he commented as he glared over at other. He was not sure why he went to Rikki maybe cause she was the only one who his kind, even if half but still a elf, he made him feel secure.
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Vorgak, Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak opened his eyes slowly as he faintly heard someone whispering to no one in Orkish, so he assumed that person (he recognized the owner as a male by the bass sound he received) was At least half Orkish himself, because that language was not widely known outside Orc race. He thought of the man's words.

"But a man must know his siblings in arm, so That we can fill those weakness with other's power, brother." Vorgak replied with a calm voice, albeit he too, didn't find any comfortable with all the gaze.
Kas' Dining hall

Finding a common ground with Vorgak, Kas' was compelled to pour a chalice of wine and offered it to him to set in motion a bond between Orkish brethren, at this moment Kas' asked "What compelled you brother to join this fight?" placing the chalice in front of Vorgak and turning his chair slightly to accommodate better eye contact. "You look of nobility..."
Vorgak - Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak looked at the wine placed in front of him, understanding what the motion mean and feeling glad by his blood-kin's action. Vorgak nodded in a deep bow, took it in both hands and drank it by one gulp. "Vorgak gro-Wumkbanok from Margaz-bur stronghold, brother." He introduced himself at the other Orc, "Yes, in my vein run a chief blood, but it is tainted by his treason, one act that shame our tribe. So I am no worthy to that title." Vorgak then prepare the wine to the man, "I join this mission in hope to rise my tribe's name again, and to spread Kilanos teaching, with the dusks death." He murmured in Orkish as he placed the wine in front of the other man, mirroring the gesture he made just now.

What is your story, brother?" Vorgak asked, a small but serene smile on his face.
Kas' Dining Hall

Kas' mirrored Vorgak's nod and deep bow and gulped from the offered cup. "Kas' as far as I know. My memory is in fog, I remember only very few things, and sometimes I see them in my dreams; or if something feels familiar. However just as you ask my story, I ask to the earth mother, hopefully this expedition gets my head clear." Slapping his shoulder, Kas' reassured Vorgak " Vorgak just because your father had treasonous blood, does not constitute you having to sacrifice everything for redemption. You live a different path than he did." small nod followed and he looked into Vorgak's eyes and saw pain. "Brother, there is more than a treasonous father in your past. It seems too painful to speak of in open quarters." Kas' slapped him again on the shoulder and poured both their chalices full of wine, and began to gulp again.

(The King's address will happen in about 8 hours or so later tonight)

Rikki Mauro

City of Alesta- Dinning Hall

Rikki watched as her subordination moved around, both managing to glare at a few people. Her thoughts began to wounder about how to pull the group together. No mater what these people's background, she would need to lead them into battle successfully. It was imperceptive that she did so. Not only for the success of their mission, but for their survival as well.

A tap on her shoulder caught her attention, she gaze turned lightly to look at Zalon. She listened to him for a moment, before she followed his gaze to Shae'mir and the other dark elf in the room. There were two halves and a whole. One of the halves looked like an orc as well. Full orc, what seemed like a few human, and surprisingly a dwarf. To Rikki however, race had never mattered much. It was just what you were born as.
"The group is not as...menacing as I was thinking. But still...." She said, still looking the group, judging them.
Kahli, Dining Hall

Simply looking at all the food before her was a feast to Kahli's eyes; never had she expected to find herself in such a grand place as the King's castle, being merely an orphaned girl from a fisherman's family. It had taken only a day from arriving in Alestan before she caught wind of the open invitation of the quest to Falkell, catching her interest the the chance of redemption. If she could get herself into it, this was her opportunity to get back into being apprenticed as a mage, to have everyone forget that incident following her brother's death...

Her brother. She felt out of place without his dagger in her belt; apparently arguing with the guards that she didn't really know how to use it was just a waste of her breath and resulted in a lot of taunting about how she should go home to her parents. This was too good an opportunity for her to pass up over something so fickle though, so she bit her tongue and seated herself alongside the many races gathered. She'd exchanged nothing more than nods with people so far, sitting and picking apart a bread roll as she observed everyone, trying to figure who was best to become acquainted with. If she chose her friends wisely, perhaps she'd have more of a chance on getting in on this quest - she knew that compared to these bulky warriors and master mages she had little to offer making her feel almost out of her depth. I have to do this for my brother though, she reminded herself, helping herself to some mead.
Zalon, Royal Dinning Hall

To Zalon blood line were of high antecedence. To him, having a feast with such half breed was an act of disgrace. He did respect Rikki and her skills as a warrior, but he never appreciated her as a half breed or even a elf for that matter. Elves are recognized for their agility and their grace. Rikki on the other hand was slow and sturdy, not at all quick in her bulky Armour. Zalon never expressed it, but he always despised Rikki's battle style and looks down at her as a elf. " Not much menacing but not disciplined either " he added to what Rikki said. After all in battle, discipline was a crucial skill for a legion. Zalon had his doubt on how Rikki would turn them into a effective team.

Soon Zalon's gaze came upon a human girl who seemed to have had a quarrel with the guards not too long ago. He was amazed to see a young lass like her invited to the feast. He could only wonder what skills might she possess, he was surely intrigued and curious about it. He stared at her hoping to understand who she was or what skilled she acquire. Zalon's guess at the time was that she might be a young mage, but there was still a doubt in his mind.
Kahli found herself surprised when she noticed a dwarf a little further down the table - the first she had ever seen! As curious as she was though, it was the elf across from her who caught her attention, the weight of his judging gaze making her feel uncomfortably warm. She knew she stuck out like a sore thumb with her youth and lack of visible strengths, but she also knew this first impression was everything so she returned the gaze and stared the elf down in the hopes that she'd give off an air of something like confidence.

His armor was light but clearly something only a wealthy individual would possess - not too dressy though and she appreciated the practicality of it. He also looked very agile which was intimidating alongside those experienced eyes and she had no doubt that he would beat her in seconds in combat, but he didn't know that and Kahli would be happy to call her bluff if needed.
Zalon was surprised on how she beamed back into his eyes, maybe she was trying to be intimidating. A grin came over his face, he surely was startled up her robust gaze, but also inquisitive of who she really was, after all you do not see a young lass in the king's feast. A girl who possessed the courage peer into the eyes of a high elf like Zalon, not to mention a member of the the king's royal guard.

He curiosity took over, as he began to walk toward her. Zalon did not break the eye contact for a occasion, verily to him this was a contest. His steps were silent yet graceful, even his light Armour made no sound. In moment he reached the girl and none around noticed. To Zalon humans were just a bunch of curious beings, who were possessed by envy and greed, greed to gain more power. Soon Zalon's eyes moved as he glared over the girl, judging where she was from, sentencing her an occupation. The girl gave somewhat of a magical vibe, but otherwise the wise elf was blank about the girl's origin.

He felt a strange sensation to investigate who might she be, in a gentle tone greeted the girl, " Hello, oh! little lass, I am Zalon of the king's guard. Who might u be?" he asked. hoping to finally achieve an answer."
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Kahli, Dining Hall

The elf reached her with such speed and silence combined that it took all she had to keep a calm head about her, as well as not breaking eye contact. When he introduced himself as a member of the King's Guard, she took a short sharp breath, wondering if she was already in over her head.

"I am Kahli Kassura." She rose as she spoke to him, lowering her head out of respect. If only she had some way to sound more impressive than 'just Kahli'... On a spur, she added "Of the school of Destruction and minor in Restorative magic." She wasn't a master, but it wasn't a lie that she could work with destructive magic, as long as she could make this impression a good one.

She met his eyes again, waiting to see how he would respond and hoping her learnt charisma would serve her well now she needed it most.
Zalon, Dining Hall

Zalon was in awe knowing that such a young lass might be a learned of destructive spells, but well again according to Zalon humans had a tendency to gain more and more power. He sighed before asking the girl, " Are you not a little young for such high level spells? But then again one should not judge on the mere looks of one, doing so could be branded as a naive act after all." His words came out swiftly and fluently, his tone never harsh or high, but verily soft and gentle, it was due to excessive years of speaking elvish. He was surely a little impressed by the lassie.

He got a little confused due to the girl's clothing attire, mage are known for over sized cloaks and generally a staff, but she carried none, it was not long before a doubt pooped in Zalon's mind, 'was she a imposter? '. Zalon felt a need to investigate further, not cause he is obliged to as a member of the guard but because it was his attempt to bring his mind at peace.
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