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Fandom The Zoula Region (Pokemon)

I do hope it's ok that I join. I may make more characters later

: Katie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Species: Kirlia

Held Item: Blue Scarf (although it has little use besides wearing it considering there are no contests ^.^')

Ability: Synchronize


  • - [Magical Leaf]
  • - [Heal Pulse]
  • - [Draining Kiss]
  • - [Psychic]



Backstory: Katie has always been a rather modest and shy pokemon. Despite this, she still managed to make friends and over the years, she began to lighten up a little bit. She's not nearly as shy, although she is still considered as such, but she's made it yo the point where she can get out a string of words without stuttering. Progress! She also seems to be a late bloomer, seeing as she hasn't evolved yet. To those that ask why, Katie responds with a simple answer of "I'm not sure if I am ready yet".

Personality: As stated above, Katie is rather shy although not extremely so. She is also quite modest and she isn't too fond of praise, although she will take the stray compliment here and there. Katie is rather naive to the world, unaware to much violence that goes on. She could be considered gullible, although sometimes she thinks through what she's being told.

Extra Information: Tiny, miniscule crush on Aizen the Pawniard (if that's alright)

Nature: Modest

Region: Boku

Sorry! I hadn't seen this in my notifications this morning. I'm normally fine with all entries as long as the RP doesn't get too flooded with characters. You're accepted! c:

You can make more characters, by the way, that's perfectly fine with me. I'm thinking of making two more for myself, each being in a different section. ^ ^

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Tyrantrum.jpg.06b3151a9f96c9f4eeed807a8851a0ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Tyrantrum.jpg.06b3151a9f96c9f4eeed807a8851a0ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: Around 10,000 years old... technically.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight (Really it's N/A for obvious reasons)

Species: Tyrantrum

Held Item: N/A

Ability: Rock Head


  • - [Draco Meteor]
  • - [Head Smash]
  • - [Poison Fang]
  • - [Rock Polish]

Backstory: Tyr lived peacefully with his fellow Pokémon. He hunted with them, played games with them, fought over territory with them, and even explored with them. One day he slipped into a cave and nobody could get him out. Leaving him there to die he began to explore the cave, as he did he must have fallen asleep because next thing he knows he's covered in boulders. After struggling to get the boulders off of him he Head Smashed his way through tunnels until breaching to the surface of what was now called Kaisin. It looked a lot like home so he didn't think anything of it, until he saw Pokémon that were much, much, MUCH smaller than him. At first he thought he was still dreaming until one of them attacked him and he felt pain. This was real. Now he lives in the modern age, confused as hell, and extremely ill tempered, since he seems to be the last of his kind as well as intimidating.

Personality: Easily Irritable, Stubborn, Aggressive, Confused (Due to the new era)

Extra Information:

Nature: Adamant

Region: Kaisin

Other: I had to do a fossil Pokémon... it just had to be done.



  • Tyrantrum.jpg
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There is a gender inequality between males and females apparently so I'm going to try and even it out a bit.

: Genevieve

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Gastly

Held Item: None

Ability: Levitate


  • - [Hypnosis]
  • - [Spite]
  • - [Mean Look]
  • - [Lick]



Backstory: Genevieve is still pretty young, but she doesn't have any family anymore. She figured she would do fine without a family and so far she has.

Personality: Mischievous, Loves pranks, Independent, Sarcastic

Extra Information: None really

Nature: Impish

Region: Kaisin
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Name: Venom

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Seviper

Held Item: No hands...

Ability: Shed skin


  • - Poison Tail
  • - Coil
  • - Bite
  • - Poison Fang

Appearance: A regular colored seviper, except 2 meters longer and shorter fangs (so, about a vampire fang length, visible but still short)

Backstory: During his lifetime, he learned that his fangs were as useful as his tail when poisoning so he uses both. He doesn't mind berries but likes other pokemon better. (Discount Zark) Other than that, normal life.

Personality: Deceitful, but lazy. He coils around other pokemon to go places faster if he doesn't want to move much. He likes hanging in trees and sleeping in general.

Extra Information: I will eat you.

Nature: None

Region: Boku, around the lake to get water and fish.
Name: Rino

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: hetero

Species: Pancham

Held Item: Pangoro hoodie

Ability: Mold Breaker (Abilities that hinder attacks are nullified.)


  • - Power-up Punch
  • - Drain Punch
  • - Zen Headbutt
  • - Quick Guard

Appearance: Forget the bamboo and sandals

Backstory: Rino's parents have always been two of the worst Pangoro's around. Because of this, Rino has been expected to be a failure. Even his parents do. But he only uses that to boost him to get to his goal to be the best Pangoro around. Rino his constantly training, constantly pushing himself to his limits and sometimes he passes out. But he doesn't care, as long as he can still fight, he will. Now he travels the region to find strong opponents to fight.

: Persistent, Funny, Friendly, Determined, Stubborn

Nature: Adament

Region: Boku
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Name: Bradley & Olivia

Age: 23 Both

Gender: Male & Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Slowbro & Shellder

Held Item: Wave Incense

Ability: Own Tempo


  • - Stomp
  • - Blizzard
  • - Brick Brake
  • - Flamethrower


Backstory: Bradley and Olivia had been friends since they were young. they were originally owned by a kind gym leader who released them when he retired. they have lived here ever since

Personality: Bradley lives up to his species namesake, by being very slow and seemingly always relaxed. he is known to have one-sided conversations with Olivia who never response to her mate, but that just the way they like it.

Extra Information:

Nature: Calm

Region: Boku

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