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Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (IC Thread) (OPEN)

As Ocaeril arrived there alongside Joe, in his new and strange energy based form, with his orbs floating around him. A grin appeared on his face as he got the location right, giving himself a quick thumbs up. Quickly turning to Joe as he appeared, Ocaeril grinned, before around Joe, a cloak of yellow Chakra materialized, acting as a heavy armor for him.

"Glad to see you were quick enough as well, Joe! Now...How about you take those on the right, and I take those on the left? Or maybe we can see who takes the most out!" Ocaeril chuckled, before he quickly entered a battle position.

For all the gods, the image of Krass's workshop would appear in their minds, as Ocaeril's form changed.

Nine Tails and with a fox like form, Ocaeril roared, as Joe's cloak shines brightly, and the Truth Seeking Orbs started floating around the farmer in the shape of blades, protecting him, as the planet god charged quickly and started to attack the enemies with his claws.
Krassmas Special 7

The Holy Knight again seems immune to the blast, easily tanking the hit and looking no worse for it. The two directed at Harold also do no harm, but the Silent Knight reveals himself, vibrating some sort of energy to negate one of the spears while the other ones true onto the forcefield around Harold, which e is forced to disperse as the corruption begins to expand around it. Although no damage has been done, Harold’s only defenses are now the Knights, and Silent has again revealed himself.
Silent Knight
Holy Knight
Harold Angel

The two gods arrive at the North Pole near each other, and find themselves in front of a large complex. A gigantic tree sits in the middle of it, light-like objects slowly being lit around it, supervised by Krass Blue. He does not look happy to see some of the gods have arrived.
Ho Ho Ho dear. This was definitely not in the-plan-plan. Well, you just couldn’t leave well enough alone could-you-you? Fine, then, how’s this for a Krassmas-miracle-miracle? Let’s see the old world off with a bang and kill some of you pests before I bring in the new-one-one. You aren’t getting in my-way-way. This is the way this tale-ends-ends. With a happy ending, and a side of-revenge-revenge.
With a snap of his fingers, a wave of enemies charge from his workshop. Gremlins, lesser pain-deer, living toys, and Snogres rush the two gods as Krass laughs maniacally, his belly jiggling like a bowl full of jelly.
Yule Lads Defeated
Jack Frost: Killed
Randall the Red-Nosed Pain-Deer: Beat up and knocked out​

Joe turns the yellow to black. And manifests the scythe once again but even longer. Hordes of man sized locusts came out to feast on the enemy mooks. Joe himself began spinning gleefully with his scythe and occasionally sending out plant spike bombs as he did to kill Jack.
Ocaeril quickly got in a defensive position as he saw the beam coming closer to him, taking a quick step back. Massive dual hands manifested before him, made completely out of chakra. Despite the fact he was fast, he still wasn't quite used to this form, and his reaction speed wasn't massive still. But...Before he could feel the beam hitting him, a voice in front of him quickly spoke, the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, as when he saw, Inqui stood in front of him, protecting him once more, despite the fact he tried his best to send her away to safety.

A grin appeared on his face. She really isn't going to give up, is she?

...Is that the reason why he likes him so much!

"Inqui!" Ocaeril said, jumping in the air, almost like his body transforming into energy momentarily, as 9 hands appeared from his back, each forming another Rassengan, although...Different, this time. They were infused with different elements. Air. Lightning. Earth. Fire. Water. Ice. Lava. Wood. Sand. Each element made the balls of energy much more powerful then they were before, capable of beating another Rassengan completely in power. Ocaeril then send each of the 9 hands towards Randall at high speeds, in every bit of his body...But not before screaming out to Inqui.

"I love you!"
Inqui in the heat of the fight, adrenaline coursing through her veins, she had no time to filter her thoughts as she simply said what was on her mind.

"I LOVE YOU TO OCAERIL!" she said with a grinning face brimming with energy.
Randall gets the absolute shit kicked out out of him by this attack. His broken body flings towards the side of the cave, and he spits up blood.
“Not...bad *cough* guy. Not bad. Guess dis is it. Do’s me a favor tho. After ya kill me and do whatever badass shit youse gonna do, make sure to pour one out for Randall, eh? Also you better be smashing.”
Randall coughs, but prepares his nose beam again, feebly aimed in the direction of the gods.
Randall the Red-Nosed Pain-Deer
After the fight was all done and there, she took a deep breather as she looked down on Randall with her shield.

"I will not dishonor a combatant's plea, it will be do-"
Ocaeril looked at the broken figure of Randall, his expression softening a bit. A smile appeared on his face, as he quickly readied his hands once more. He chuckled, looking over at Inqui, and then Randall once more. It was unnoticeable due to his current Chakra mode, but a small blush appeared on his face as the deer said those final words. 'Smash,' huh? ...He has a feeling that if it wasn't for the Kitsune's energy in his body, he wouldn't have found out what that meant. But...

Before Randall could do anything once more, Ocaeril, with extreme speeds once more, would hit a hand on the top of his head and knocked him out cold with the last hit he needed.

"Kill you...? Nah, don't think so. I'd just become what that man wants me to become. This is going to be a season of happiness, not a season of pain, like that dick wants it to be!"

With a thumbs-up, Ocaeril grinned.

"So live on, and don't cause any troubles now, dude! We'll drink together after this!"
Inqui raised an eyebrow as she looked at Ocaeril.

"Nevermind then, to spare you is the fate you will have"
As Ocaeril rushes him, Randall lowers his head. “World...Star...”
Randall is knocked out, and clearly won’t be waking up soon. The two gods are free to search for Krass, although Ocaeril can also feel the presence of Jack and Cthistmas. But perhaps they are a distraction? He has no way of knowing, and wasn’t able to get any answers out of Randall.
Yule Lads Defeated
Randall the Red-Nosed Pain-Deer​
Ocaeril grunted, feeling the presence of the other Yule Lads in the distance. Still...He isn't giving up yet. He would put his hand on Randall's head, and push his Chakra in the depths of the reindeer's mind, and try and get any information of Krass's location from him, while at the same time, concentrating on protecting his mind from any possible corruption on his part. He doesn't know what effects might come from analyzing this being's minds. He has to be careful.

In either case, getting information or not, Ocaeril would then get up, and summon quite a bit of clones, each of them going a random direction in the world, going towards other Yule Lads in the distance, and try and help the other gods. The clones weren't as powerful as him, a but an army of mini-Oca's in his Chakra mode would certainly be annoying for them.

The real Ocaeril then looked at Inqui, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Inqui, if I survive this, let's go out together! And beat some sense into Helsa as well! Help the other gods if possible, there are other beings like this! I'll search the land to try and find Krass!"

With a grin, before he disappeared, Ocaeril gave her a 'V' sign, before going out to search for Krass.

"Got it! w-wait! hey! I'm joining you, you idiot!"
Cold and empty...? There aren't many cold and empty places on Ocaeril. Normally, most of the islands here are tropical...In fact, the entire world is tropical. The only places he can think of are the...North and South Ice Sheets! Of course, how could he forget? Krassmass has a naturally cold vibe to it, and the only places that are naturally cold and empty like that are the ice sheets on the top of his body. Otherwise? Almost nowhere on the planet, there are any particularly snowy places. As such...

Ocaeril summoned another clone, and sent him towards the South Pole, while himself went to the North, teleporting instantly there.
Inqui seethed in anger as she stomped her foot to the ground.

"Why do-gr-wh-ARGHH!!"

Inqui growled as her armor became more crinkled and garbled, the rage within her light up within her as her armor morphed and mutilated, specks of it went off like ash as her face was slowly surrounded by it before being fully encovered, blue fire welled in her as she summoned upon a great sword that spoke of vigor and battle, she will just have to prove Ocaeril she is worth fighting with.
The two gods arrive at the North Pole near each other, and find themselves in front of a large complex. A gigantic tree sits in the middle of it, light-like objects slowly being lit around it, supervised by Krass Blue. He does not look happy to see some of the gods have arrived.
Ho Ho Ho dear. This was definitely not in the-plan-plan. Well, you just couldn’t leave well enough alone could-you-you? Fine, then, how’s this for a Krassmas-miracle-miracle? Let’s see the old world off with a bang and kill some of you pests before I bring in the new-one-one. You aren’t getting in my-way-way. This is the way this tale-ends-ends. With a happy ending, and a side of-revenge-revenge.
With a snap of his fingers, a wave of enemies charge from his workshop. Gremlins, lesser pain-deer, living toys, and Snogres rush the two gods as Krass laughs maniacally, his belly jiggling like a bowl full of jelly.
In front of Krass a giant inferno emerged, immolating all of the minions around it into ashes and melted sludges, it died out as a figure came out, it raised its giant sword that emitted ashes and blue licks of fire at him.

"The great jolly man, your reign will die in it's infancy, for I deem it so" her tone was gravelly and deep, garbled and echoing within her armor.

Inqui then roared an animalistic cry as she charged straight at Krass before slashing at him with animalistic fury, unleashing large swaths of fire at him with each swipe.
Krassmas Special 8
Helsa quietly hisses to herself.

"JUST DIE ALREADY!" And then she flips out. With a snap of her fingers, several corruption-powered explosions occurred around Silent Knight, Holy Knight and Harold Angel.
Holy Knight
Silent Knight
Harold Angel
Harold is again protected by the knights, but this time Holy finally seems affected by a hit, allowing himself to be hurt to take some of the stress off Silent.
“You...You really are a monster, aren’t you? Then die like they always do, at the hands of the righteous.”
Swinging the chained dagger some more, he throws it in Helsa’s direction and whips it towards her, as Silent stands protectively next to Harold. It’s obvious the angel’s blessing is the only thing keeping him alive at this point.

Ocaeril arrived there alongside Joe, in his new and strange energy-based form, with his orbs floating around him. A grin appeared on his face as he got the location right, giving himself a quick thumbs up. Quickly turning to Joe as he appeared, Ocaeril grinned wider, before, around Joe, a cloak of yellow Chakra materialized, acting as a heavy armor for him.

"Glad to see you were quick enough as well, Joe! Now...How about you take those on the right, and I take those on the left? Or maybe we can see who takes the most out!" Chuckling, he quickly entered a battle position.

For all the gods, the image of Krass's workshop would appear in their minds, as Ocaeril's form changed.

Nine Tails and with a fox-like form, Ocaeril roared, as Joe's cloak shines brightly, and the Truth-Seeking Orbs started floating around the farmer in the shape of blades, protecting him, as the planet god charged quickly and started to attack the enemies with his claws.
Joe turns the yellow to black. And manifests the scythe once again but even longer. Hordes of man sized locusts came out to feast on the enemy mooks. Joe himself began spinning gleefully with his scythe and occasionally sending out plant spike bombs as he did to kill Jack.
Inqui in the heat of the fight, adrenaline coursing through her veins, she had no time to filter her thoughts as she simply said what was on her mind.

"I LOVE YOU TO OCAERIL!" she said with a grinning face brimming with energy.

After the fight was all done and there, she took a deep breather as she looked down on Randall with her shield.

"I will not dishonor a combatant's plea, it will be do-"

Inqui raised an eyebrow as she looked at Ocaeril.

"Nevermind then, to spare you is the fate you will have"


"Got it! w-wait! hey! I'm joining you, you idiot!"

Inqui seethed in anger as she stomped her foot to the ground.

"Why do-gr-wh-ARGHH!!"

Inqui growled as her armor became more crinkled and garbled, the rage within her light up within her as her armor morphed and mutilated, specks of it went off like ash as her face was slowly surrounded by it before being fully encovered, blue fire welled in her as she summoned upon a great sword that spoke of vigor and battle, she will just have to prove Ocaeril she is worth fighting with.

In front of Krass a giant inferno emerged, immolating all of the minions around it into ashes and melted sludges, it died out as a figure came out, it raised its giant sword that emitted ashes and blue licks of fire at him.

"The great jolly man, your reign will die in it's infancy, for I deem it so" her tone was gravelly and deep, garbled and echoing within her armor.

Inqui then roared an animalistic cry as she charged straight at Krass before slashing at him with animalistic fury, unleashing large swaths of fire at him with each swipe.
The attacks of the gods quickly kill the gathered force, and Krass Blue stumbles back from Inqui’s attack.

Oh come on, you-sour-sour-pusses! Quit being so-serious-serious! It’s the holidays, live a little, otherwise you’ll die a-lot-lot!

A large rocket-propelled-sled crashes into Inqui as Krass races back towards a large wrapped present.
If I need a little inspiration for your deaths, I guess there’s really no place like home for the-holidays-days. Hmmm, I’m going to need a distraction while I unwrap-this-this. Good thing I was born from a-dream-dream. Because so often those can be-nightmares-mares.

Krass snaps his fingers, and out of the snow pop tens of thousands of...dark elves? No, they look slightly different. And as the gods focus on them, they realize something else, some of the creatures are blood stained or dismembered, but one thing they all share in common is being undead.

I’ll give that laughing idiot one thing, he certainly knew how to make a-legend-legend. Behold, the nightmare of the-Drow-Drow! The scores of their kind killed in the bloodshop, and resurrected through dark-necromancy-necromancy! Now, let’s see some of what I inherited from dear old K, shall-we-we?

The undead Drow swarm together coalescing into a single form and shifting and altering as they combine into one giant abomination.

It roars, and charges at the gods, it’s many limbs reaching for the gods, and its teeth gnashing.

Sugarplum the Krassmas Elf
Krass Blue
_ _

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Bosses Defeated
Jack Frost
Randall the Pain-Deer​
Last edited:
Krassmas Special 8

Holy Knight
Silent Knight
Harold Angel
Harold is again protected by the knights, but this time Holy finally seems affected by a hit, allowing himself to be hurt to take some of the stress off Silent.
“You...You really are a monster, aren’t you? Then die like they always do, at the hands of the righteous.”
Swinging the chained dagger some more, he throws it in Helsa’s direction and whips it towards her, as Silent stands protectively next to Harold. It’s obvious the angel’s blessing is the only thing keeping him alive at this point.

The attacks of the gods quickly kill the gathered force, and Krass Blue stumbles back from Inqui’s attack.

Oh come on, you-sour-sour-pusses! Quit being so-serious-serious! It’s the holidays, live a little, otherwise you’ll die a-lot-lot!

A large rocket-propelled-sled crashes into Inqui as Krass races back towards a large wrapped present.
If I need a little inspiration for your deaths, I guess there’s really no place like home for the-holidays-days. Hmmm, I’m going to need a distraction while I unwrap-this-this. Good thing I was born from a-dream-dream. Because so often those can be-nightmares-mares.

Krass snaps his fingers, and out of the snow pop tens of thousands of...dark elves? No, they look slightly different. And as the gods focus on them, they realize something else, some of the creatures are blood stained or dismembered, but one thing they all share in common is being undead.

I’ll give that laughing idiot one thing, he certainly knew how to make a-legend-legend. Behold, the nightmare of the-Drow-Drow! The scores of their kind killed in the bloodshop, and resurrected through dark-necromancy-necromancy! Now, let’s see some of what I inherited from dear old K, shall-we-we?

The undead Drow swarm together coalescing into a single form and shifting and altering as they combine into one giant abomination.

It roars, and charges at the gods, it’s many limbs reaching for the gods, and its teeth gnashing.

Sugarplum the Krassmas Elf
Krass Blue
_ _

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Bosses Defeated
Jack Frost
Randall the Pain-Deer​

The attack the rocket made on Inqui got the attention of the god in his current fox form, who jumped quickly to grab her. His feet glued to the ground, as a large ravine was formed, and snow was lifted up to the air. Grunting, Ocaeril checked if the goddess of heroes was safe, and she could see that he was currently fox-like, almost like the Kitsune. "Inqui! I thought you were going to help the other gods! I'm thankful you're here, though...!" His voice seemed deeper and bestial, although worry was present on his face.

As he watched the giant abomination raise to the ground, his teeth gritted together. Just what did they do to my children?

A Chakra Cloak was formed around Inqui as well, as half of the Truth-Seeking Balls around Joe got transferred to her, who also acted as homing swords that attacked automatically. Ocaeril, however, simply let go of Inqui, and jumped in front of her, more and more tails appearing around him, as he started to charge towards the Drow, the energy around him charging and charging...His form getting bigger and bigger, until...!

He became as big as the monster.

"EAT ON THIS!" And getting up on his two legs, the large fox form of Ocaeril would punch the giant on the face.
A large rocket-propelled-sled crashes into Inqui as Krass races back towards a large wrapped present.
If I need a little inspiration for your deaths, I guess there’s really no place like home for the-holidays-days. Hmmm, I’m going to need a distraction while I unwrap-this-this. Good thing I was born from a-dream-dream. Because so often those can be-nightmares-mares.
The attack the rocket made on Inqui got the attention of the god in his current fox form, who jumped quickly to grab her. His feet glued to the ground, as a large ravine was formed, and snow was lifted up to the air. Grunting, Ocaeril checked if the goddess of heroes was safe, and she could see that he was currently fox-like, almost like the Kitsune. "Inqui! I thought you were going to help the other gods! I'm thankful you're here, though...!" His voice seemed deeper and bestial, although worry was present on his face.
Inqui roared in animalistic pain before being rescued by Ocaeril.

She looked at Ocaeril with confusion before roaring.

"I shall do that too"
Krass snaps his fingers, and out of the snow pop tens of thousands of...dark elves? No, they look slightly different. And as the gods focus on them, they realize something else, some of the creatures are blood stained or dismembered, but one thing they all share in common is being undead.

I’ll give that laughing idiot one thing, he certainly knew how to make a-legend-legend. Behold, the nightmare of the-Drow-Drow! The scores of their kind killed in the bloodshop, and resurrected through dark-necromancy-necromancy! Now, let’s see some of what I inherited from dear old K, shall-we-we?

The undead Drow swarm together coalescing into a single form and shifting and altering as they combine into one giant abomination.

It roars, and charges at the gods, it’s many limbs reaching for the gods, and its teeth gnashing.
A Chakra Cloak was formed around Inqui as well, as half of the Truth-Seeking Balls around Joe got transferred to her, who also acted as homing swords that attacked automatically. Ocaeril, however, simply let go of Inqui, and jumped in front of her, more and more tails appearing around him, as he started to charge towards the Drow, the energy around him charging and charging...His form getting bigger and bigger, until...!

He became as big as the monster.

"EAT ON THIS!" And getting up on his two legs, the large fox form of Ocaeril would punch the giant on the face.
Inqui jumped on the giant fox form of Ocaeril as her arms became grotesquely mutilated into sharp claws, she let out an animalistic screech that could be heard far and wide as she jumped off and landed on the undead monster's top, she then slashed away, clawing into its innards and ripping and tearing from within
Krassmas Special 8

Holy Knight
Silent Knight
Harold Angel
Harold is again protected by the knights, but this time Holy finally seems affected by a hit, allowing himself to be hurt to take some of the stress off Silent.
“You...You really are a monster, aren’t you? Then die like they always do, at the hands of the righteous.”
Swinging the chained dagger some more, he throws it in Helsa’s direction and whips it towards her, as Silent stands protectively next to Harold. It’s obvious the angel’s blessing is the only thing keeping him alive at this point.

The attacks of the gods quickly kill the gathered force, and Krass Blue stumbles back from Inqui’s attack.

Oh come on, you-sour-sour-pusses! Quit being so-serious-serious! It’s the holidays, live a little, otherwise you’ll die a-lot-lot!

A large rocket-propelled-sled crashes into Inqui as Krass races back towards a large wrapped present.
If I need a little inspiration for your deaths, I guess there’s really no place like home for the-holidays-days. Hmmm, I’m going to need a distraction while I unwrap-this-this. Good thing I was born from a-dream-dream. Because so often those can be-nightmares-mares.

Krass snaps his fingers, and out of the snow pop tens of thousands of...dark elves? No, they look slightly different. And as the gods focus on them, they realize something else, some of the creatures are blood stained or dismembered, but one thing they all share in common is being undead.

I’ll give that laughing idiot one thing, he certainly knew how to make a-legend-legend. Behold, the nightmare of the-Drow-Drow! The scores of their kind killed in the bloodshop, and resurrected through dark-necromancy-necromancy! Now, let’s see some of what I inherited from dear old K, shall-we-we?

The undead Drow swarm together coalescing into a single form and shifting and altering as they combine into one giant abomination.

It roars, and charges at the gods, it’s many limbs reaching for the gods, and its teeth gnashing.

Sugarplum the Krassmas Elf
Krass Blue
_ _

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Bosses Defeated
Jack Frost
Randall the Pain-Deer​
Joe began to laugh.

“The bloodshops of Krankle. Interesting.”

He launched forward a multitude of giant beanstalks to wrap and tangle up the abominable beast.

Joe instead went for Krass Blue. Sending out spinning scythes at him, then attaching with his own scythe.

“I’ll make some fertilizer out of you as I did with Jack.”
Holy Knight
Silent Knight
Harold Angel
Harold is again protected by the knights, but this time Holy finally seems affected by a hit, allowing himself to be hurt to take some of the stress off Silent.
“You...You really are a monster, aren’t you? Then die like they always do, at the hands of the righteous.”
Swinging the chained dagger some more, he throws it in Helsa’s direction and whips it towards her, as Silent stands protectively next to Harold. It’s obvious the angel’s blessing is the only thing keeping him alive at this point.
Just as the chained dagger hitted Helsa, another chain was wrapped around it and dragged it away, a figure then dropped down in front of her, blonde hair, pointy ears, pretty much an elf, his weapon then morphed into a slimy woman who then landed beside him and made some gestures before creating a giant barrier of crystal around her, her companion.

she then looked at Helsa as she lowered her hood and mask, she then smiled brightly.

"Heya! The name's Marah! And this is my hubbie Tuldor! We're here to help you fight these fake angels! Why? Because father said so! And he's your friend last I recall, anyways, hubbie?" she looks at Tuldor as she then transforms into a greatsword that then went to Tuldor's hand, communicating to him through their link.

"Okay! Let's go roll out!"
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Just as the chained dagger hitted Helsa, another chain was wrapped around it and dragged it away, a figure then dropped down in front of her, blonde hair, pointy ears, pretty much an elf, his weapon then morphed into a slimy woman who then landed beside him and made some gestures before creating a giant barrier of crystal around her, her companion.

she then looked at Helsa as she lowered her hood and mask, she then smiled brightly.

"Heya! The name's Marah! And this is my hubbie Tuldor! We're here to help you fight these fake angels! Why? Because father said so! And he's your friend last I recall, anyways, hubbie?" she looks at Tuldor as she then transforms into a greatsword that then went to Tuldor's hand, communicating to him through their link.

"Okay! Let's go roll out!"
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

The man currently wielding the weapon looked rather different, at least clothing-wise. He wore heavy red armor with black spots around the chest and legged area, as the shoulders and waist had red spots on it. This heavy armor seemed to be combined with a dark cloak as well, being under it. Around his neck, the symbol of a crescent moon with a circle inside of it stood. Scars stood on his face, and despite his heavy armor, he seemed to move just as well.

"Geh-- Marah! You don't need to tell her I'm your husband! It's embarrassing!" The man spoke, looking at Marah, before looking at Helsa. "...But, yeah, I'm Tuldor Otsutsuki, we're gonna help you out! C'mon, Marah!"

...Tuldor did seem slightly confused at Helsa's appearance and overall aura, clearly noticing the corruption within her. But, he didn't say anything. Instead, as the greatsword formed into his hands, that had the appearance of a scimitar, almost, combined with a sword from the Nekomatus. It was clearly a blade meant to cut quickly, instead of causing a lot of damage at once.

"Wood Release: Great Forest of a Hundred Acres!"
Slamming his hands on the ground, wood then suddenly came out of the ground- filled with green trees that reached the skies and seemed to wrap themselves around the three enemies, leaving a tight space, as well as making it hard to see.

KolastoRPN KolastoRPN
Just as the chained dagger hitted Helsa, another chain was wrapped around it and dragged it away, a figure then dropped down in front of her, blonde hair, pointy ears, pretty much an elf, his weapon then morphed into a slimy woman who then landed beside him and made some gestures before creating a giant barrier of crystal around her, her companion.

she then looked at Helsa as she lowered her hood and mask, she then smiled brightly.

"Heya! The name's Marah! And this is my hubbie Tuldor! We're here to help you fight these fake angels! Why? Because father said so! And he's your friend last I recall, anyways, hubbie?" she looks at Tuldor as she then transforms into a greatsword that then went to Tuldor's hand, communicating to him through their link.

"Okay! Let's go roll out!"
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
The man currently wielding the weapon looked rather different, at least clothing-wise. He wore heavy red armor with black spots around the chest and legged area, as the shoulders and waist had red spots on it. This heavy armor seemed to be combined with a dark cloak as well, being under it. Around his neck, the symbol of a crescent moon with a circle inside of it stood. Scars stood on his face, and despite his heavy armor, he seemed to move just as well.

"Geh-- Marah! You don't need to tell her I'm your husband! It's embarrassing!" The man spoke, looking at Marah, before looking at Helsa. "...But, yeah, I'm Tuldor Otsutsuki, we're gonna help you out! C'mon, Marah!"

...Tuldor did seem slightly confused at Helsa's appearance and overall aura, clearly noticing the corruption within her. But, he didn't say anything. Instead, as the greatsword formed into his hands, that had the appearance of a scimitar, almost, combined with a sword from the Nekomatus. It was clearly a blade meant to cut quickly, instead of causing a lot of damage at once.

"Wood Release: Great Forest of a Hundred Acres!"
Slamming his hands on the ground, wood then suddenly came out of the ground- filled with green trees that reached the skies and seemed to wrap themselves around the three enemies, leaving a tight space, as well as making it hard to see.

KolastoRPN KolastoRPN

Helsa blinked in slight confusion at the sudden appearance of assistance. And...something felt familiar about these two. Helsa felt a momentary pang of regret, but she completely banished it.

I am the Goddess of Corruption. I don't feel regret.

Helsa frowned, before shaking her head. "Just don't get in my way." And with that, and yet another snap of her fingers, a blast of corruption fired right at Silent Knight, along with a much larger and much more concentrated blast was sent right at Holy Knight.
Yule Lad #1- Jack Frost

For Rhubarion, it is a feeling, as the new planet appears. He receives a frantic prayer from his rider, who is under attack by a strange glass beast. It appears the discovered pathway now leads to this new location at the North Pole, and a guardian has been appointed to kill intruders and prevent an ambush through the gate.

Rhubarion Action #1.


Rhubarion, still gazing into the beautiful inner-workings of the hypercube, completely ignores the emergency.



Oh. My. God. What do I need to say to you to get your attention? Wait, wait! Modern science was established by a wheel of Prucetta cheese!

Rhubarion abruptly pans his view away from the hypercube and begins to scream at the top of his lungs, all while staring at the tiled floor.


Yes! I finally have your attention. I'm in a pretty dire situation.

Rhubarion stays quiet a few seconds and settles into his normal self.

Ok, what's the problem exactly?

So earlier I discovered a minor pathway while I was stuck in that odd region of space and time, and now I'm in the middle of a conflict with this glass-looking monstrosity.

So you kept wandering through the area and got yourself in this situation?


I can only really think of a couple of ways to help you. 1; I could transport you some high-tier weaponry to help you a bit or 2; I could teleport you back here if you're that desperate for help.

Well, boss, I'm here to serve you to the best of my ability. So I'll take those weapons ya got.

Sure thing... you cowardly dunce.

Rhubarion spontaneously conjures a small array of weapons into the tack & provisions satchel on the horse. The follower immediately takes notice of the weaponry.

Thanks, boss!

Piss off, basement dweller.

Hahaha, that's the Rhubarion I've come to know and love. Let's see what I've got in here?

The follower scurries through the various weapons. He pulls out a glistening crossbow.

Mmmm, I like this. Eat this you transparent bitch!

The follower pulls back the ammunition for the crossbow and fires.
Krassmas Special 9
Rhubarion Action #1.


Rhubarion, still gazing into the beautiful inner-workings of the hypercube, completely ignores the emergency.



Oh. My. God. What do I need to say to you to get your attention? Wait, wait! Modern science was established by a wheel of Prucetta cheese!

Rhubarion abruptly pans his view away from the hypercube and begins to scream at the top of his lungs, all while staring at the tiled floor.


Yes! I finally have your attention. I'm in a pretty dire situation.

Rhubarion stays quiet a few seconds and settles into his normal self.

Ok, what's the problem exactly?

So earlier I discovered a minor pathway while I was stuck in that odd region of space and time, and now I'm in the middle of a conflict with this glass-looking monstrosity.

So you kept wandering through the area and got yourself in this situation?


I can only really think of a couple of ways to help you. 1; I could transport you some high-tier weaponry to help you a bit or 2; I could teleport you back here if you're that desperate for help.

Well, boss, I'm here to serve you to the best of my ability. So I'll take those weapons ya got.

Sure thing... you cowardly dunce.

Rhubarion spontaneously conjures a small array of weapons into the tack & provisions satchel on the horse. The follower immediately takes notice of the weaponry.

Thanks, boss!

Piss off, basement dweller.

Hahaha, that's the Rhubarion I've come to know and love. Let's see what I've got in here?

The follower scurries through the various weapons. He pulls out a glistening crossbow.

Mmmm, I like this. Eat this you transparent bitch!

The follower pulls back the ammunition for the crossbow and fires.
The arrow sticks into the shoulder of the beast, a crack spreading across its shoulder. Otherwise, it appears a crossbow was maybe not the ideal weapon to fight a being made of glass. It roars and swipes at the follower, knocking him against a tree.
“For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!”
The Ornamanticore
Just as the chained dagger hitted Helsa, another chain was wrapped around it and dragged it away, a figure then dropped down in front of her, blonde hair, pointy ears, pretty much an elf, his weapon then morphed into a slimy woman who then landed beside him and made some gestures before creating a giant barrier of crystal around her, her companion.

she then looked at Helsa as she lowered her hood and mask, she then smiled brightly.

"Heya! The name's Marah! And this is my hubbie Tuldor! We're here to help you fight these fake angels! Why? Because father said so! And he's your friend last I recall, anyways, hubbie?" she looks at Tuldor as she then transforms into a greatsword that then went to Tuldor's hand, communicating to him through their link.

"Okay! Let's go roll out!"
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
The man currently wielding the weapon looked rather different, at least clothing-wise. He wore heavy red armor with black spots around the chest and legged area, as the shoulders and waist had red spots on it. This heavy armor seemed to be combined with a dark cloak as well, being under it. Around his neck, the symbol of a crescent moon with a circle inside of it stood. Scars stood on his face, and despite his heavy armor, he seemed to move just as well.

"Geh-- Marah! You don't need to tell her I'm your husband! It's embarrassing!" The man spoke, looking at Marah, before looking at Helsa. "...But, yeah, I'm Tuldor Otsutsuki, we're gonna help you out! C'mon, Marah!"

...Tuldor did seem slightly confused at Helsa's appearance and overall aura, clearly noticing the corruption within her. But, he didn't say anything. Instead, as the greatsword formed into his hands, that had the appearance of a scimitar, almost, combined with a sword from the Nekomatus. It was clearly a blade meant to cut quickly, instead of causing a lot of damage at once.

"Wood Release: Great Forest of a Hundred Acres!"
Slamming his hands on the ground, wood then suddenly came out of the ground- filled with green trees that reached the skies and seemed to wrap themselves around the three enemies, leaving a tight space, as well as making it hard to see.

KolastoRPN KolastoRPN
Helsa blinked in slight confusion at the sudden appearance of assistance. And...something felt familiar about these two. Helsa felt a momentary pang of regret, but she completely banished it.

I am the Goddess of Corruption. I don't feel regret.

Helsa frowned, before shaking her head. "Just don't get in my way." And with that, and yet another snap of her fingers, a blast of corruption fired right at Silent Knight, along with a much larger and much more concentrated blast was sent right at Holy Knight.
Tuldor’s attack fully encloses the three, although Silent is able to become intangible and reach Harold, guarding him protectively. He negates Helsa’s corruption blast, but the wind is knocked out of him. He clearly won’t be able to defend himself or Harold.

Holy meanwhile takes the brunt of the attack, and unable to raise his holy shield or weapons, is met with the full force of the attack, his holiness the only thing keeping the corruption from creeping across his body and killing him then and there. As it stands, his armor rusts off along with the face off his helmet, and he scowls at the goddess and the couple.

“Why do you aid her?! She is a monster! The Krassmas spirit may not have a clean heart but he promises stability, and the purity of goodwill will cleanse him and the holiday of his darker impulses! Please, I beg you, stop her before she kills them! We are on the side of good, she is a being of filth and wickedness, what side do you think you’re on supporting her?!”

Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight
The attack the rocket made on Inqui got the attention of the god in his current fox form, who jumped quickly to grab her. His feet glued to the ground, as a large ravine was formed, and snow was lifted up to the air. Grunting, Ocaeril checked if the goddess of heroes was safe, and she could see that he was currently fox-like, almost like the Kitsune. "Inqui! I thought you were going to help the other gods! I'm thankful you're here, though...!" His voice seemed deeper and bestial, although worry was present on his face.

As he watched the giant abomination raise to the ground, his teeth gritted together. Just what did they do to my children?

A Chakra Cloak was formed around Inqui as well, as half of the Truth-Seeking Balls around Joe got transferred to her, who also acted as homing swords that attacked automatically. Ocaeril, however, simply let go of Inqui, and jumped in front of her, more and more tails appearing around him, as he started to charge towards the Drow, the energy around him charging and charging...His form getting bigger and bigger, until...!

He became as big as the monster.

"EAT ON THIS!" And getting up on his two legs, the large fox form of Ocaeril would punch the giant on the face.
Inqui roared in animalistic pain before being rescued by Ocaeril.

She looked at Ocaeril with confusion before roaring.

"I shall do that too"

Inqui jumped on the giant fox form of Ocaeril as her arms became grotesquely mutilated into sharp claws, she let out an animalistic screech that could be heard far and wide as she jumped off and landed on the undead monster's top, she then slashed away, clawing into its innards and ripping and tearing from within

With Joe’s vines wrapped around the monster, it is unable to dodge the attacks of Ocaeril or Inqui. It roared in a rage that almost sounded like frightened screaming as it clawed into Ocaeril’s fox form. It’s foul blood stank in his nose, it smelled wrong. Not just because of the horror of what it is, not just because of the necromancy. Behind the stench of death there was just more death, and a whiff of something foreign. These things had never been alive, although from Krass’ ramblings maybe they had been based on things that were? Even so, it wasn’t of this world, wasn’t of him, and it smelled so strongly of this wrongness it was terrifying. It was harder to tell back at the station during the special, but now that Krass and this thing were on Ocaeril the foreigners of them, beings of another plane, ideas of another world, had a feel to them like staring at a bright light.

The thing clawed at Ocaeril, biting at his face as it’s many limbs wrapped around him. Inqui, meanwhile, from within was indeed causing damage, but the body itself was clawing at her within, the former Drow zombies reaching at her. It stank of blood, and disorienting sounds were banging on her ears, sounds of Krankle’s laughter except distorted, his usual bizarre jokes now cruel and mocking, the curses of a people as their new master made them pay for ever dreaming in a sinful paradise, their rage and fear of a mad god, each other, and the rest of a world she once called home.
Joe began to laugh.

“The bloodshops of Krankle. Interesting.”

He launched forward a multitude of giant beanstalks to wrap and tangle up the abominable beast.

Joe instead went for Krass Blue. Sending out spinning scythes at him, then attaching with his own scythe.

“I’ll make some fertilizer out of you as I did with Jack.”
Blue blocks the attacks with, what else, but a kris, knocking back Joe’s blade with it.
Ho Ho Ho! Pretty tough, aren’t-you-you? Wait, I know-you-you. You were the one at my-special-special! Oh, but that’s not all I know you from, is-it-it? One legend from that hell hole to another, I salute-you-you. Want to meet a third-legend-legend?

Krass Blue laughs as he backflips towards his large wrapped gift, and with the kris finishes cutting it out and crawling within it. It is a machine, humanoid, and almost the size of the thing attacking Ocaeril. It isn’t anywhere near an exact replica, there’s no head, there’s a peppermint-colored blade underneath the one hand as the other arm ends in a cannon, and the whole thing is almost disgustingly garish. Still, any from Joe’s world would remember the stories, Zero’s opus. The thing’s speakers ring out with Krass’ voice.

Ho Ho Ho! Not as impressive as the real deal, I’m-afraid-afraid. Not a god-killer like the real one, but I’m sure I can still do some-damage-damage. And once I turn this world into a planet of Krassmas, I’ll have enough holiday magic to make this thing the real-McCoy-coy. Still, this beaut packs a punch, it may not vaporize you but do you really want to end up broken at my-feet-feet? Come now, Joe, stand down, better yet, stand with-me-me! I can return you and Inqui home and you can be real gods, not play acting with these-charlatans-charlatans. This really wasn’t what you wanted with your wish, was-it-it? I could even rid you of that pest that’s been riding your-coattails-tails! You got lucky with the Grail, farmer, but you are no-hero-hero. Make the right-call-call.
Sugarplum the Krassmas Elf
Krassmas Special 9

The arrow sticks into the shoulder of the beast, a crack spreading across its shoulder. Otherwise, it appears a crossbow was maybe not the ideal weapon to fight a being made of glass. It roars and swipes at the follower, knocking him against a tree.
“For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!”
The Ornamanticore

Tuldor’s attack fully encloses the three, although Silent is able to become intangible and reach Harold, guarding him protectively. He negates Helsa’s corruption blast, but the wind is knocked out of him. He clearly won’t be able to defend himself or Harold.

Holy meanwhile takes the brunt of the attack, and unable to raise his holy shield or weapons, is met with the full force of the attack, his holiness the only thing keeping the corruption from creeping across his body and killing him then and there. As it stands, his armor rusts off along with the face off his helmet, and he scowls at the goddess and the couple.

“Why do you aid her?! She is a monster! The Krassmas spirit may not have a clean heart but he promises stability, and the purity of goodwill will cleanse him and the holiday of his darker impulses! Please, I beg you, stop her before she kills them! We are on the side of good, she is a being of filth and wickedness, what side do you think you’re on supporting her?!”

Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

With Joe’s vines wrapped around the monster, it is unable to dodge the attacks of Ocaeril or Inqui. It roared in a rage that almost sounded like frightened screaming as it clawed into Ocaeril’s fox form. It’s foul blood stank in his nose, it smelled wrong. Not just because of the horror of what it is, not just because of the necromancy. Behind the stench of death there was just more death, and a whiff of something foreign. These things had never been alive, although from Krass’ ramblings maybe they had been based on things that were? Even so, it wasn’t of this world, wasn’t of him, and it smelled so strongly of this wrongness it was terrifying. It was harder to tell back at the station during the special, but now that Krass and this thing were on Ocaeril the foreigners of them, beings of another plane, ideas of another world, had a feel to them like staring at a bright light.

The thing clawed at Ocaeril, biting at his face as it’s many limbs wrapped around him. Inqui, meanwhile, from within was indeed causing damage, but the body itself was clawing at her within, the former Drow zombies reaching at her. It stank of blood, and disorienting sounds were banging on her ears, sounds of Krankle’s laughter except distorted, his usual bizarre jokes now cruel and mocking, the curses of a people as their new master made them pay for ever dreaming in a sinful paradise, their rage and fear of a mad god, each other, and the rest of a world she once called home.

Blue blocks the attacks with, what else, but a kris, knocking back Joe’s blade with it.
Ho Ho Ho! Pretty tough, aren’t-you-you? Wait, I know-you-you. You were the one at my-special-special! Oh, but that’s not all I know you from, is-it-it? One legend from that hell hole to another, I salute-you-you. Want to meet a third-legend-legend?

Krass Blue laughs as he backflips towards his large wrapped gift, and with the kris finishes cutting it out and crawling within it. It is a machine, humanoid, and almost the size of the thing attacking Ocaeril. It isn’t anywhere near an exact replica, there’s no head, there’s a peppermint-colored blade underneath the one hand as the other arm ends in a cannon, and the whole thing is almost disgustingly garish. Still, any from Joe’s world would remember the stories, Zero’s opus. The thing’s speakers ring out with Krass’ voice.

Ho Ho Ho! Not as impressive as the real deal, I’m-afraid-afraid. Not a god-killer like the real one, but I’m sure I can still do some-damage-damage. And once I turn this world into a planet of Krassmas, I’ll have enough holiday magic to make this thing the real-McCoy-coy. Still, this beaut packs a punch, it may not vaporize you but do you really want to end up broken at my-feet-feet? Come now, Joe, stand down, better yet, stand with-me-me! I can return you and Inqui home and you can be real gods, not play acting with these-charlatans-charlatans. This really wasn’t what you wanted with your wish, was-it-it? I could even rid you of that pest that’s been riding your-coattails-tails! You got lucky with the Grail, farmer, but you are no-hero-hero. Make the right-call-call.
Sugarplum the Krassmas Elf

"The only charlatan here is you. You're only a shadow of yourself from the real version." Spitting to the side. "And that pest was my partner and he served well, I have no complaints of him being here with me." Twirling the scythe. "Now I believe I have a false Numidium to destroy." Joe launches himself to the mech's arm cannon to disable it. Remembering the bard's tales in his village. "The first one fell and the second shall again." Fear gas is launched out from behind and it covers Krass.
Tuldor’s attack fully encloses the three, although Silent is able to become intangible and reach Harold, guarding him protectively. He negates Helsa’s corruption blast, but the wind is knocked out of him. He clearly won’t be able to defend himself or Harold.

Holy meanwhile takes the brunt of the attack, and unable to raise his holy shield or weapons, is met with the full force of the attack, his holiness the only thing keeping the corruption from creeping across his body and killing him then and there. As it stands, his armor rusts off along with the face off his helmet, and he scowls at the goddess and the couple.

“Why do you aid her?! She is a monster! The Krassmas spirit may not have a clean heart but he promises stability, and the purity of goodwill will cleanse him and the holiday of his darker impulses! Please, I beg you, stop her before she kills them! We are on the side of good, she is a being of filth and wickedness, what side do you think you’re on supporting her?!”

Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

"SHUT YOUR FACE!" Helsa shrieks in fury, shooting highly concentrated corruption spears at Holy Knight, while, with yet another snap of her fingers, blasts shot at Silent Knight. However, these ones were different.

Instead of the general corruption blasts that she usually used, a part of her changed the blasts. They were imbued with a Sin, a property that changed the blast. This one was imbued with Sloth. If they struck Silent Knight, the quiet warrior would find himself growing more and more sluggish and tired.
Tuldor’s attack fully encloses the three, although Silent is able to become intangible and reach Harold, guarding him protectively. He negates Helsa’s corruption blast, but the wind is knocked out of him. He clearly won’t be able to defend himself or Harold.

Holy meanwhile takes the brunt of the attack, and unable to raise his holy shield or weapons, is met with the full force of the attack, his holiness the only thing keeping the corruption from creeping across his body and killing him then and there. As it stands, his armor rusts off along with the face off his helmet, and he scowls at the goddess and the couple.

“Why do you aid her?! She is a monster! The Krassmas spirit may not have a clean heart but he promises stability, and the purity of goodwill will cleanse him and the holiday of his darker impulses! Please, I beg you, stop her before she kills them! We are on the side of good, she is a being of filth and wickedness, what side do you think you’re on supporting her?!”

Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

Tuldor quickly jumps back, as he hears the words coming from Harold. His face seems to be one that resembles someone who ate something sour. Looking at Helsa behind him, he closes his eyes for a moment, before opening them again- and suddenly, they were glowing a deep green, as he spoke with heavy words.

"It's because you don't believe in yourself," Tuldor said simply, his words cutting like ice. "You see the wrong in it, yet you don't do anything to stop it. You say you are of good, yet you don't work towards it, instead of going to the easier route. You don't believe in your potential to change and save this world, you don't believe in the potential of mortals, of the gods who protect this world. Her heart may not be pure, but she believes in herself, unlike you. I'll tell you what side we are on- we are on the side of the evolution! One's spirit is limitless! I've staked everything on it!"

"Water Style: Water Blade!"

Then, putting a hand over it, Marah's weapon form changed into having water surrounding it at high speeds, before, raising his sword up high, Tuldor did a hundred cuts into the forest, cutting the trees with the highly pressurized water, in an attempt to knock the enemies away.

With Joe’s vines wrapped around the monster, it is unable to dodge the attacks of Ocaeril or Inqui. It roared in a rage that almost sounded like frightened screaming as it clawed into Ocaeril’s fox form. It’s foul blood stank in his nose, it smelled wrong. Not just because of the horror of what it is, not just because of the necromancy. Behind the stench of death there was just more death, and a whiff of something foreign. These things had never been alive, although from Krass’ ramblings maybe they had been based on things that were? Even so, it wasn’t of this world, wasn’t of him, and it smelled so strongly of this wrongness it was terrifying. It was harder to tell back at the station during the special, but now that Krass and this thing were on Ocaeril the foreigners of them, beings of another plane, ideas of another world, had a feel to them like staring at a bright light.

The thing clawed at Ocaeril, biting at his face as it’s many limbs wrapped around him. Inqui, meanwhile, from within was indeed causing damage, but the body itself was clawing at her within, the former Drow zombies reaching at her. It stank of blood, and disorienting sounds were banging on her ears, sounds of Krankle’s laughter except distorted, his usual bizarre jokes now cruel and mocking, the curses of a people as their new master made them pay for ever dreaming in a sinful paradise, their rage and fear of a mad god, each other, and the rest of a world she once called home.
Blue blocks the attacks with, what else, but a kris, knocking back Joe’s blade with it.
“Ho Ho Ho! Pretty tough, aren’t-you-you? Wait, I know-you-you. You were the one at my-special-special! Oh, but that’s not all I know you from, is-it-it? One legend from that hell hole to another, I salute-you-you. Want to meet a third-legend-legend?”

Krass Blue laughs as he backflips towards his large wrapped gift, and with the kris finishes cutting it out and crawling within it. It is a machine, humanoid, and almost the size of the thing attacking Ocaeril. It isn’t anywhere near an exact replica, there’s no head, there’s a peppermint-colored blade underneath the one hand as the other arm ends in a cannon, and the whole thing is almost disgustingly garish. Still, any from Joe’s world would remember the stories, Zero’s opus. The thing’s speakers ring out with Krass’ voice.

“Ho Ho Ho! Not as impressive as the real deal, I’m-afraid-afraid. Not a god-killer like the real one, but I’m sure I can still do some-damage-damage. And once I turn this world into a planet of Krassmas, I’ll have enough holiday magic to make this thing the real-McCoy-coy. Still, this beaut packs a punch, it may not vaporize you but do you really want to end up broken at my-feet-feet? Come now, Joe, stand down, better yet, stand with-me-me! I can return you and Inqui home and you can be real gods, not play acting with these-charlatans-charlatans. This really wasn’t what you wanted with your wish, was-it-it? I could even rid you of that pest that’s been riding your-coattails-tails! You got lucky with the Grail, farmer, but you are no-hero-hero. Make the right-call-call.”
Sugarplum the Krassmas Elf

With a low and primordial scream, Ocaeril held his claws into the beast, trying his best to pull them away. His tails attacked it from behind his back at surprisingly high speeds despite his size, packing quite the punch. The sense he felt coming from the thing simply felt disgusting. Beings that were born dead. Failed lives that never got a chance. He felt his stomach turning and he felt like throwing up at this thing. He felt the cries of countless beings. Something that once was, but at the same time, never was. He individually thought of the lives they could have had, their potential as mortals, their happy moments, their sad moments...All taken away. Never given a chance, even.

"I'm sorry."

With that, Ocaeril then headbutted the thing, placing his mouth on its insides, its snout opening and ripping away the flesh and the bodies, burning them because of how powerful the Chakra was. Then...Something started to swirl in front of his mouth. Pulling in the bodies into the rotation, as Chakra started to be combined with magic in an 8:2 balance...As a giant, black ball started to form inside Sugarplum's inside. The energy was incredible. If any of the gods were to watch this, they would be reminded of the attack at Helsa's island...The sheer power of the Bijuus. And the name of a single attack, capable of wiping away mountains.

Almighty Scream: Bijuu Bomb

Small hands than would reach out to Inqui and pull her out, as Ocaeril then shoots the bomb, the sheer weight of it carrying Sugarplum and burning their insides, going directly towards Krass, as the rotation kept going, mixing the abomination like...Well, a fruit mixer. And it went right towards Krass, ready to detonate.

"Here's my present for you."
Last edited:
Action three: The Clash of the Xmases!!!

Twas the night before the holidays, everyone bashing eachother to death.
The holidays festivity turned up, and the locals puked with gingerbread breath.
The time had come finally at last,
For Cardicarious had a plan he wished to enact.
The cards he made were from another world to be sure,
And tbh since everyone was in the action he'd bring some excitement, that's for fact.

Five cards he'd bring, but not join in himself,
The cards of Claus, Grinch, and ghosts of far-off.
The time had come for one awaited clash....
Between holidays of Christmas and Knassmass were about to bash!!!

The Grunch is crushed by the gold, and wearily climbs to his feet, looking worse for wear.
H-Hey! Watch it, pal!
Reaching into a bag of holding at his side, the Grunch pulls out a large gift-wrapped object and quickly tears the paper away, revealing a...weapon of some sort, labeled the Babe e. Launcher. Surely it wasn’t-
Landing at the foot of the mountain, splattered with gore and a little bit of trauma, Kurantse had to admit the weapon was indeed that.​
The Trickster tries his best to wipe the sludge-ified infant away, to little effect. "Who the hell even makes something like that?" he snarls. "Fucking disgusting!"

Still scowling, he looks back up the mountain's slope. It'd probably be a poor idea to head back up - the green-furred gremlin would be expecting it, and be waiting with another shot lined up. What to do then... Ah, he knows.

He reaches out with his Sphere once again, this time into the mountain itself. The divine power takes hold of every ore, gemstone, and valuable mineral, then begins to violently oscillate them. Within moments, the mountain is quaking, avalanches and rock slides occurring everywhere on its surface. Hopefully, this dislodges the Grunch, and batters him somewhat.
Krassmas Special 10
The Trickster tries his best to wipe the sludge-ified infant away, to little effect. "Who the hell even makes something like that?" he snarls. "Fucking disgusting!"

Still scowling, he looks back up the mountain's slope. It'd probably be a poor idea to head back up - the green-furred gremlin would be expecting it, and be waiting with another shot lined up. What to do then... Ah, he knows.

He reaches out with his Sphere once again, this time into the mountain itself. The divine power takes hold of every ore, gemstone, and valuable mineral, then begins to violently oscillate them. Within moments, the mountain is quaking, avalanches and rock slides occurring everywhere on its surface. Hopefully, this dislodges the Grunch, and batters him somewhat.
Out of the rubble, the Grunch frees himself, hurtling a glowing axe behind him.
I won’t let you get any artifacts that can ruin Krangle’s plan before Krassmas comes! Krassmas magic cures my tri-micro-cardio disease and gave me super strength! My life is better for having learned a valuable lesson about commercialism! The holidays aren’t about the presents or money, they’re about beating the guy that tries to stop you to death!
The Grunch
"SHUT YOUR FACE!" Helsa shrieks in fury, shooting highly concentrated corruption spears at Holy Knight, while, with yet another snap of her fingers, blasts shot at Silent Knight. However, these ones were different.

Instead of the general corruption blasts that she usually used, a part of her changed the blasts. They were imbued with a Sin, a property that changed the blast. This one was imbued with Sloth. If they struck Silent Knight, the quiet warrior would find himself growing more and more sluggish and tired.
Tuldor quickly jumps back, as he hears the words coming from Harold. His face seems to be one that resembles someone who ate something sour. Looking at Helsa behind him, he closes his eyes for a moment, before opening them again- and suddenly, they were glowing a deep green, as he spoke with heavy words.

"It's because you don't believe in yourself," Tuldor said simply, his words cutting like ice. "You see the wrong in it, yet you don't do anything to stop it. You say you are of good, yet you don't work towards it, instead of going to the easier route. You don't believe in your potential to change and save this world, you don't believe in the potential of mortals, of the gods who protect this world. Her heart may not be pure, but she believes in herself, unlike you. I'll tell you what side we are on- we are on the side of the evolution! One's spirit is limitless! I've staked everything on it!"

"Water Style: Water Blade!"

Then, putting a hand over it, Marah's weapon form changed into having water surrounding it at high speeds, before, raising his sword up high, Tuldor did a hundred cuts into the forest, cutting the trees with the highly pressurized water, in an attempt to knock the enemies away.
Silent, preparing to negate the effects of Helsa’s corruption, is already frazzled from the pain and doesn’t react quick enough to negate the Sloth, and he collapses. Holy screams in rage at this, and is caught off guard, tanking the hits of corruption, rusting more of his armor, and his shoulder now visible, a gross black creeping through his veins down his arm.

He and Harold are knocked back by the attack, Harold colliding with a tree.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight
"The only charlatan here is you. You're only a shadow of yourself from the real version." Spitting to the side. "And that pest was my partner and he served well, I have no complaints of him being here with me." Twirling the scythe. "Now I believe I have a false Numidium to destroy." Joe launches himself to the mech's arm cannon to disable it. Remembering the bard's tales in his village. "The first one fell and the second shall again." Fear gas is launched out from behind and it covers Krass.
Joe doesn’t seem to be doing as much damage as he might hope, but his fear has takes a noticeable effect on Krass Blue. He could see a small number of miniature furry creatures crawling all over the Krassmech, laughing and mocking Krass. He recognized them as shadows of Krankle.

uH-Oh, sOmEoNe’S gEtTiNg ThEiR KrAsS KiCkEd!

cOmE oN, SaNtA cLaWs, sHoW’eM wHaT yOu gOt! mAkE iT rEiN!

iT sNoW gOoD, hE AiN’t uP tO sNuFf tO sNufF ‘Em oUt!

BeLiEvE iN yOuR eLf, bUdDy! i’M nOt gOiNg tO cAmEo iN tHiS TrAiNwReCk jUsT tO sEe mY rEsKiN bE a WuSs!

wHeRe’S tHe jOkEs, fAt MaN?! cOmE oN, aT LeAsT qUoTe PoLaR eXpReSs!

OoO, oR GrEmLiNs! yOu kNoW wHaT, fOr tHoSe rEaDiNg aT hOmE, tHaT’s tHe sOuNdTrAcK fOr tHiS sCenE!

iF yOu cAn’T eVeN bE fUnNy, wHy tHe heLL dO yOu tHiNk yOu gOt wHaT iT tAkEs tO rEpLaCe mE?

oH iT’s A gReAt dAy~ tO KiCk sOmEbOdY’s KrAsS~

Stop it! Stop it! You’re not funny! You’re not Krassmas! I’m Krassmas! Stop laughing at me! Stop laughing you fucking dog!

Krass’ hand slaps across his body in a frenzy, his surroundings forgotten.
With a low and primordial scream, Ocaeril held his claws into the beast, trying his best to pull them away. His tails attacked it from behind his back at surprisingly high speeds despite his size, packing quite the punch. The sense he felt coming from the thing simply felt disgusting. Beings that were born dead. Failed lives that never got a chance. He felt his stomach turning and he felt like throwing up at this thing. He felt the cries of countless beings. Something that once was, but at the same time, never was. He individually thought of the lives they could have had, their potential as mortals, their happy moments, their sad moments...All taken away. Never given a chance, even.

"I'm sorry."

With that, Ocaeril then headbutted the thing, placing his mouth on its insides, its snout opening and ripping away the flesh and the bodies, burning them because of how powerful the Chakra was. Then...Something started to swirl in front of his mouth. Pulling in the bodies into the rotation, as Chakra started to be combined with magic in an 8:2 balance...As a giant, black ball started to form inside Sugarplum's inside. The energy was incredible. If any of the gods were to watch this, they would be reminded of the attack at Helsa's island...The sheer power of the Bijuus. And the name of a single attack, capable of wiping away mountains.

Almighty Scream: Bijuu Bomb

Small hands than would reach out to Inqui and pull her out, as Ocaeril then shoots the bomb, the sheer weight of it carrying Sugarplum and burning their insides, going directly towards Krass, as the rotation kept going, mixing the abomination like...Well, a fruit mixer. And it went right towards Krass, ready to detonate.

"Here's my present for you."
Action three: The Clash of the Xmases!!!

Twas the night before the holidays, everyone bashing eachother to death.
The holidays festivity turned up, and the locals puked with gingerbread breath.
The time had come finally at last,
For Cardicarious had a plan he wished to enact.
The cards he made were from another world to be sure,
And tbh since everyone was in the action he'd bring some excitement, that's for fact.

Five cards he'd bring, but not join in himself,
The cards of Claus, Grinch, and ghosts of far-off.
The time had come for one awaited clash....
Between holidays of Christmas and Knassmass were about to bash!!!

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Sugarplum clutches at its many wounds, shrinking as it reconfigures into a beastial form with its smaller mass, hissing in pain. It charges at the summoned Christmas warriors, shrieking as their attacks seem to be extremely effective. Krassmas energy seems weak to Christmas energy.

tHe CoPy cAn nEvEr HoLd a CaNdLe tO tHe OriGiNaL! Ha Ha Ha!

The attack strikes the distracted mech, knocking it back. As it rises to its feet, There are noticeable cracks along its entire structure. Still, it seems stable enough as an enraged Krass aims his cannon at Ocaeril.

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die!

hEy, nOw sOmeOnE’s gEtTiNg iN tHe KrAsSmAs sPiRiT!


AnD HiS iMpEdiMEnT iS gOnE! ALLeLUiA iT’S a KrAsSmAs MiRacLE PrAiSe fAnTaSy-JeSuS!

wAiT, iS tHaT wHaT KrAsSmAs iS aBoUt?

i tHoUgHt iT wAs aBoUt sHoE-hOrNiNg iN rEfErAnCeS tO tHe LaSt gAmE aNd LeTtiNG tHe LoSeR rUn tHiS sHiT-sHoW aNd LaUgHiNg aS hE fAiLs EpIcAlLy?

nOt *tHiS* KrAsSmAs iN ParTiCuLaR! iN GeNeRaL!

oH. I ThOuGhT iT hAd sOmEtHiNg tO dO WiTh SeLLiNg GrEeTiNg cArDs.

tHaT’s it!


Cthistmas arrives to defend his master, a gargantuan being of pure Krassmas energy.

Sugar Plum the Krassmas Elf
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Silent, preparing to negate the effects of Helsa’s corruption, is already frazzled from the pain and doesn’t react quick enough to negate the Sloth, and he collapses. Holy screams in rage at this, and is caught off guard, tanking the hits of corruption, rusting more of his armor, and his shoulder now visible, a gross black creeping through his veins down his arm.

He and Harold are knocked back by the attack, Harold colliding with a tree.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

Helsa smirks widely, before shooting hyper-concentrated corruption blasts at Holy Knight. These ones were imbued with Sloth as well. Helsa, or at least part of her, wanted to knock out the Knights instead of killing them. She had no true idea why, but she did.
Out of the rubble, the Grunch frees himself, hurtling a glowing axe behind him.
I won’t let you get any artifacts that can ruin Krangle’s plan before Krassmas comes! Krassmas magic cures my tri-micro-cardio disease and gave me super strength! My life is better for having learned a valuable lesson about commercialism! The holidays aren’t about the presents or money, they’re about beating the guy that tries to stop you to death!
The Grunch
"What? You're kidding me, right?" Kurantse says incredulously. "The holidays are all about commercialism!"

As the axe comes flying towards him, he flings out a coin with blindingly fast speed. It impacts the axe-head, shattering it completely, then he leans to the side to dodge the still-sailing handle. Reaching out with his divine power once more, he holds Grunch's sack of treasures in place, fixing it in the air.

"Man, you got a lot to learn yet. You might beat a guy to death, but it's to get his money, eh? Ya capishe?" He uses a quick burst of telekinesis to slide up next the Yule Lad, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Ya know, you had me pretty pissed off, but I think I could teach you some lessons, and get some use outta those stealing skills of yours." He shrugs. "How's about ya just let me take this bag o' yours and come work for me, and I won't kill ya, eh?"
Krassmas Special 10

Out of the rubble, the Grunch frees himself, hurtling a glowing axe behind him.
I won’t let you get any artifacts that can ruin Krangle’s plan before Krassmas comes! Krassmas magic cures my tri-micro-cardio disease and gave me super strength! My life is better for having learned a valuable lesson about commercialism! The holidays aren’t about the presents or money, they’re about beating the guy that tries to stop you to death!
The Grunch

Silent, preparing to negate the effects of Helsa’s corruption, is already frazzled from the pain and doesn’t react quick enough to negate the Sloth, and he collapses. Holy screams in rage at this, and is caught off guard, tanking the hits of corruption, rusting more of his armor, and his shoulder now visible, a gross black creeping through his veins down his arm.

He and Harold are knocked back by the attack, Harold colliding with a tree.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

Joe doesn’t seem to be doing as much damage as he might hope, but his fear has takes a noticeable effect on Krass Blue. He could see a small number of miniature furry creatures crawling all over the Krassmech, laughing and mocking Krass. He recognized them as shadows of Krankle.

uH-Oh, sOmEoNe’S gEtTiNg ThEiR KrAsS KiCkEd!

cOmE oN, SaNtA cLaWs, sHoW’eM wHaT yOu gOt! mAkE iT rEiN!

iT sNoW gOoD, hE AiN’t uP tO sNuFf tO sNufF ‘Em oUt!

BeLiEvE iN yOuR eLf, bUdDy! i’M nOt gOiNg tO cAmEo iN tHiS TrAiNwReCk jUsT tO sEe mY rEsKiN bE a WuSs!

wHeRe’S tHe jOkEs, fAt MaN?! cOmE oN, aT LeAsT qUoTe PoLaR eXpReSs!

OoO, oR GrEmLiNs! yOu kNoW wHaT, fOr tHoSe rEaDiNg aT hOmE, tHaT’s tHe sOuNdTrAcK fOr tHiS sCenE!

iF yOu cAn’T eVeN bE fUnNy, wHy tHe heLL dO yOu tHiNk yOu gOt wHaT iT tAkEs tO rEpLaCe mE?

oH iT’s A gReAt dAy~ tO KiCk sOmEbOdY’s KrAsS~

Stop it! Stop it! You’re not funny! You’re not Krassmas! I’m Krassmas! Stop laughing at me! Stop laughing you fucking dog!

Krass’ hand slaps across his body in a frenzy, his surroundings forgotten.

Sugarplum clutches at its many wounds, shrinking as it reconfigures into a beastial form with its smaller mass, hissing in pain. It charges at the summoned Christmas warriors, shrieking as their attacks seem to be extremely effective. Krassmas energy seems weak to Christmas energy.

tHe CoPy cAn nEvEr HoLd a CaNdLe tO tHe OriGiNaL! Ha Ha Ha!

The attack strikes the distracted mech, knocking it back. As it rises to its feet, There are noticeable cracks along its entire structure. Still, it seems stable enough as an enraged Krass aims his cannon at Ocaeril.

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die!

hEy, nOw sOmeOnE’s gEtTiNg iN tHe KrAsSmAs sPiRiT!


AnD HiS iMpEdiMEnT iS gOnE! ALLeLUiA iT’S a KrAsSmAs MiRacLE PrAiSe fAnTaSy-JeSuS!

wAiT, iS tHaT wHaT KrAsSmAs iS aBoUt?

i tHoUgHt iT wAs aBoUt sHoE-hOrNiNg iN rEfErAnCeS tO tHe LaSt gAmE aNd LeTtiNG tHe LoSeR rUn tHiS sHiT-sHoW aNd LaUgHiNg aS hE fAiLs ePiCaLLy?

nOt *tHiS* KrAsSmAs iN ParTiCuLaR! iN GeNeRaL!

oH. I ThOuGhT iT hAd sOmEtHiNg tO dO WiTh SeLLiNg GrEeTiNg cArDs.

tHaT’s it!


Cthistmas arrives to defend his master, a gargantuan being of pure Krassmas energy.

Sugar Plum the Krassmas Elf
Joe sends out another multitude of giant beanstalks and more swarms of locusts began to emerge from him. He continued to hack and slash while the beanstalks grappled and the locusts distracted the mech.
Silent, preparing to negate the effects of Helsa’s corruption, is already frazzled from the pain and doesn’t react quick enough to negate the Sloth, and he collapses. Holy screams in rage at this, and is caught off guard, tanking the hits of corruption, rusting more of his armor, and his shoulder now visible, a gross black creeping through his veins down his arm.

He and Harold are knocked back by the attack, Harold colliding with a tree.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

The trees cut by Tuldor's highly pressurized water start to fall down to the ground, creating small shockwaves due to their incredible size and weight. These trees were similar in mass to Ocaeril's elder tree, the one he used to create the bijuus. Although, they were more entangled then anything else. Some probably fell against the enemies, and as Helsa kept attacking, Tuldor then threw Marah's weapon form up in the air, as slapping his hands together, he rose two fingers, pressed against each other, and taking a deep breath...!

"Fire Style: Continous Fireball Barrage!"
From his mouth, many fireballs exited towards the forest, definitely not shy in size. They would hit mainly the wood, but some would hit the three as well. Tuldor quickly retrieved Marah from the air after that.

Joe doesn’t seem to be doing as much damage as he might hope, but his fear has takes a noticeable effect on Krass Blue. He could see a small number of miniature furry creatures crawling all over the Krassmech, laughing and mocking Krass. He recognized them as shadows of Krankle.

uH-Oh, sOmEoNe’S gEtTiNg ThEiR KrAsS KiCkEd!

cOmE oN, SaNtA cLaWs, sHoW’eM wHaT yOu gOt! mAkE iT rEiN!

iT sNoW gOoD, hE AiN’t uP tO sNuFf tO sNufF ‘Em oUt!

BeLiEvE iN yOuR eLf, bUdDy! i’M nOt gOiNg tO cAmEo iN tHiS TrAiNwReCk jUsT tO sEe mY rEsKiN bE a WuSs!

wHeRe’S tHe jOkEs, fAt MaN?! cOmE oN, aT LeAsT qUoTe PoLaR eXpReSs!

OoO, oR GrEmLiNs! yOu kNoW wHaT, fOr tHoSe rEaDiNg aT hOmE, tHaT’s tHe sOuNdTrAcK fOr tHiS sCenE!

iF yOu cAn’T eVeN bE fUnNy, wHy tHe heLL dO yOu tHiNk yOu gOt wHaT iT tAkEs tO rEpLaCe mE?

oH iT’s A gReAt dAy~ tO KiCk sOmEbOdY’s KrAsS~

Stop it! Stop it! You’re not funny! You’re not Krassmas! I’m Krassmas! Stop laughing at me! Stop laughing you fucking dog!

Krass’ hand slaps across his body in a frenzy, his surroundings forgotten.
Sugarplum clutches at its many wounds, shrinking as it reconfigures into a beastial form with its smaller mass, hissing in pain. It charges at the summoned Christmas warriors, shrieking as their attacks seem to be extremely effective. Krassmas energy seems weak to Christmas energy.

tHe CoPy cAn nEvEr HoLd a CaNdLe tO tHe OriGiNaL! Ha Ha Ha!

The attack strikes the distracted mech, knocking it back. As it rises to its feet, There are noticeable cracks along its entire structure. Still, it seems stable enough as an enraged Krass aims his cannon at Ocaeril.

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die!

hEy, nOw sOmeOnE’s gEtTiNg iN tHe KrAsSmAs sPiRiT!


AnD HiS iMpEdiMEnT iS gOnE! ALLeLUiA iT’S a KrAsSmAs MiRacLE PrAiSe fAnTaSy-JeSuS!

wAiT, iS tHaT wHaT KrAsSmAs iS aBoUt?

i tHoUgHt iT wAs aBoUt sHoE-hOrNiNg iN rEfErAnCeS tO tHe LaSt gAmE aNd LeTtiNG tHe LoSeR rUn tHiS sHiT-sHoW aNd LaUgHiNg aS hE fAiLs ePiCaLLy?

nOt *tHiS* KrAsSmAs iN ParTiCuLaR! iN GeNeRaL!

oH. I ThOuGhT iT hAd sOmEtHiNg tO dO WiTh SeLLiNg GrEeTiNg cArDs.

tHaT’s it!


Cthistmas arrives to defend his master, a gargantuan being of pure Krassmas energy.

Sugar Plum the Krassmas Elf

Ocaeril grinned as he saw the damage being done to Krass's mech, and even more so when he saw how damaged Sugarplum was after his attack. But his commemoration was cut short, as before he knew it, Krass had summoned one more of his Yule Lads to aid him in battle. At that, the god mumbled something, as still up on his two feet, (paws?) Ocaeril would grab Inqui who was still being held on the top of his head after being rescued from the Bijuu Ball attacked.

BlackCat-055 BlackCat-055

"Inqui! GET IN THERE!" His mighty hand gently grabbed Inqui, as her Chakra cloak grew stronger, and she could feel the Truth-Seeking Balls start to circle around her at high speeds, and then...Ocaeril threw her towards Surgaplum, the Balls forming rotating blades in front of her, making her own body a projectile, ready to pierce at the beast!

After that, Ocaeril would then get back on all of his fours, and start to circle the enemies, sending many mini-bijuu bombs at them, in a constant wave! It wasn't as powerful as a concentrated one, but it would still do quite a bit of damage!
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"Inqui! GET IN THERE!" His mighty hand gently grabbed Inqui, as her Chakra cloak grew stronger, and she could feel the Truth-Seeking Balls start to circle around her at high speeds, and then...Ocaeril threw her towards Surgaplum, the Balls forming rotating blades in front of her, making her own body a projectile, ready to pierce at the beast!
Inqui screamed as she forced her divine energy to make her go faster and faster as she then took a giant lance and holstered it against Sugarplum, she screamed its true name as it then turned her and her surroundings into a giant drill of light that would pierce the heavens.

Space Buddha Space Buddha

Zeruel rose, and swooped towards the city. Dark light glowed, and the towers of Camelot burst into fiery crosses.

The kingdom immediately went into high gear as the people immediately vacated the towers and surrounding scenes, people in gas-masks and fire-resistant armoring went and shot out bolts from their arms as they doused off the fires around Camelot.

A messenger in silver armor knocked heavily in the royal study room of Executive Tanya.

"Lady Tanya! Lady Tanya! The kingdom is being under attacked!"

The giant brass-framed steel doors opened inwards as Tanya in her armor came out, she had a large tome tucked under her, she looked at the messenger with judging eyes.

"What's the situation? Who's attacking us? Details! Details!"

The messenger bowed on his knee.

"I apologize my lady, we do not know the attacker, but simply that the highest points in the kingdom have been suddenly ignited, as if some mystical force caused it, we haven't seen any assailants or any signs that it's Mordred's Insurgents, so it may not be them"

Tanya let out a small scowl.

"Very well then, let me be with my men"

a runic circle appeared underneath her as she then teleported to the various defense points in the various walls in her city, she helped douse the flames and summoned flying figures resembling knights with wings of light and wielded lances at ready.


Her troops roared in approval and rallied together in response, working harder and doing what she ordered.

She scowled underneath her helmet as she looked at the horizon.

"Is it possible? Father? Are you here?"
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Krassmas Special 11
Helsa smirks widely, before shooting hyper-concentrated corruption blasts at Holy Knight. These ones were imbued with Sloth as well. Helsa, or at least part of her, wanted to knock out the Knights instead of killing them. She had no true idea why, but she did.
The trees cut by Tuldor's highly pressurized water start to fall down to the ground, creating small shockwaves due to their incredible size and weight. These trees were similar in mass to Ocaeril's elder tree, the one he used to create the bijuus. Although, they were more entangled then anything else. Some probably fell against the enemies, and as Helsa kept attacking, Tuldor then threw Marah's weapon form up in the air, as slapping his hands together, he rose two fingers, pressed against each other, and taking a deep breath...!

"Fire Style: Continous Fireball Barrage!"
From his mouth, many fireballs exited towards the forest, definitely not shy in size. They would hit mainly the wood, but some would hit the three as well. Tuldor quickly retrieved Marah from the air after that.
The blasts, unlike with Silent, do seem to cause some damage to Holy, likely due to his nature, although not much. He does get groggy, and while fighting valiantly to stay awake his movements become lethargic, and he takes the fire blasts for the whole team, collapsing into unconsciousness as a tree knocked him out. Harold, the only still-active of the three, raised his hands.
I seek not violence. Spare us and I shall surrender.

He places his hands on the knights, stabilizing them with the absence of his song, but does not heal either or start his singing again. Although Harold still sticks out like a splinter in her mind, Helsa no longer feels the thrum of his influence expanding across the world. It can be supposed he is no longer supporting the other Yule Lads.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight
"What? You're kidding me, right?" Kurantse says incredulously. "The holidays are all about commercialism!"

As the axe comes flying towards him, he flings out a coin with blindingly fast speed. It impacts the axe-head, shattering it completely, then he leans to the side to dodge the still-sailing handle. Reaching out with his divine power once more, he holds Grunch's sack of treasures in place, fixing it in the air.

"Man, you got a lot to learn yet. You might beat a guy to death, but it's to get his money, eh? Ya capishe?" He uses a quick burst of telekinesis to slide up next the Yule Lad, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Ya know, you had me pretty pissed off, but I think I could teach you some lessons, and get some use outta those stealing skills of yours." He shrugs. "How's about ya just let me take this bag o' yours and come work for me, and I won't kill ya, eh?"
Ha! With the powers of giving and love, all things are possible! Your dark capitalism holds no candle to the might of-
Without Harold’s song, the Grunch’s last strength fades, and he collapses, blood pooling out of his mouth from a burst heart, his shoes ripping as the circulation finally reached his feet in a rush. There is a glow and a *crack* from within the bag, and the Grunch suddenly gasps, vomiting blood.

Guh-ugh. I knew these artifacts would come in handy! Wow. I can’t believe I died for this stupid holiday. I mean seriously?! Bleh, stupid Krassmas magic and stupid hypnotization. Yeah, whatever. Screw Krassmas. Bah Humbug. That artifact cleansed my system when it revived me.

The Grunch reached into the sack, pulling out a broken glass heart.

Well, whatever. You got a job offer? Sure, why not. Let’s give this holiday two big ol’ middle fingers through the eyes. Tell ya what, Goldie. Ya know why I was supposed to do this? Not just as a distraction, also to steal away any artifacts that could stop the fat bastards plan. For example, this little number.

He lifts the shattered axe, and after digging in the sack some more, withdraws a hammer. Hitting the ace, it reforms, and resumes glowing.

This will cut his stupid tree down in one fell swoop and wreck his holiday completely. ‘Course, right now your buds are probably getting their noses bloodied by him and his goons, maybe you want to avoid that noise and jump in when the fighting’s over and play the hero. There’s also the psycho twin going around getting his jollies with a little bloodshed. And I don’t even *know* where the creepy braud is. But she certainly can’t be good news. Of course, you could always do the smart choice, say ‘screw it’, and not let this shit ruin your day. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough bullshit. You don’t die every day, you know? I think I need to process this a little.
Joe sends out another multitude of giant beanstalks and more swarms of locusts began to emerge from him. He continued to hack and slash while the beanstalks grappled and the locusts distracted the mech.
Ocaeril grinned as he saw the damage being done to Krass's mech, and even more so when he saw how damaged Sugarplum was after his attack. But his commemoration was cut short, as before he knew it, Krass had summoned one more of his Yule Lads to aid him in battle. At that, the god mumbled something, as still up on his two feet, (paws?) Ocaeril would grab Inqui who was still being held on the top of his head after being rescued from the Bijuu Ball attacked.

BlackCat-055 BlackCat-055

"Inqui! GET IN THERE!" His mighty hand gently grabbed Inqui, as her Chakra cloak grew stronger, and she could feel the Truth-Seeking Balls start to circle around her at high speeds, and then...Ocaeril threw her towards Surgaplum, the Balls forming rotating blades in front of her, making her own body a projectile, ready to pierce at the beast!

After that, Ocaeril would then get back on all of his fours, and start to circle the enemies, sending many mini-bijuu bombs at them, in a constant wave! It wasn't as powerful as a concentrated one, but it would still do quite a bit of damage!
Inqui screamed as she forced her divine energy to make her go faster and faster as she then took a giant lance and holstered it against Sugarplum, she screamed its true name as it then turned her and her surroundings into a giant drill of light that would pierce the heavens.

The little shadow Krankles seemed to have an effect on the locusts, the swarm multiplied and got more frenzied as it covered the Krassmech, the Krankles giggling within audible throughout the North Pole. Krass could still sense the gods, but could not see the rest of his surroundings, and the beanstalks quickly restrained and through off his aim, the cannon blast missing Ocaeril and punching a hole through one of Cthistmas’ wings, which seemed to do more damage than Ocaeril’ Bjuu bombs. Those did have an impact on the Krassmech, though, along with Joe’s constant assault. The cracks were spreading, out of the bits visible through the locust swarm it didn’t appear there was an undamaged spot on the mech, although unfortunately the cannon was quite durable. The mech popped off its blade and frantically cut itself free, aiming the cannon point blank on Joe.

Sugarplum, meanwhile, with the Bjuu bombardment and the Spiral energy attack, collapsed into pieces, Cardicarious’ summoned minions burning the remains with their magic into a true death for the creature. Cthistmas did promptly grab Inqui and begin to slam her against the ground over and over at high speeds, however. A miniature earthquake shook the ice with each hit.

ARGH! Enough of this! Where are you, girl! I need you! COME HERE NOW! Kill them!

Tee-hee! Hello everybody! Are we having fun, yet?”

Icoal stood in the gods’ midst, a long spear in one hand, and in the other a mallet, the head made out of pieces of fractured reality.

rEaLLy? tHiS iS oUr rEpLacEmEnT? mAn, LiGhTNinG DiDn’T StRiKe tWiCe fOr oUr gUy, DiD iT?

tO bE fAir, cOuLd aNyOnE hOpE tO mAtCh uS?

LoOKinG aRoUnD, i sEe a BiT oF a DrOp iN qUaLiTy aLL oVeR! gUeSs tHe sEqUeLs aLwAyS dO DiSsApOiNt. tHe LaW-mAkEr tO tHe PsYcHo-fArMeR, ThAt’s a sWeRvE.

wHaT, LiKe tHe FiRsT wAs aLL tHaT gOoD, aNyWay? dO yOu eVeN rEmEmBeR tHe wAr oF tHe gOdS aRc?!

nO, ThAt’S tHe PrObLeM! aLL wE gOt wAs tHaT aLaRvAL fAnFiC gArbAgE, aNd tHaT sHiT iS tHe mOsT AwFuL tRaSh i’Ve LAid eYeS oN!

hEh, yEaH. bUt ReaLLy, wHeN hAs C eVeR hAd a GoOd iDeA? heLL, LoOk aT uS nOw, SiNcE wHeN wAs i dEaDpOoL? He UsEd To HaNdLe tHiS fOuRtH waLL sTuFf WiTh a LiTtLe mOrE gRaCe, bUt tHiS wHoLe eXcHaNgE iS tHe cRinGiEsT tHiNg bY fAr! wHaT dO yOu tHiNk, dEaR?

I think you are rather ruining the mood. If you would kindly die, I would much appreciate it.”


I dont think so.”

OkAy, tHe CoMiC ReLiEf pOwErS mAy hAvE bEeN ToEiNg tHe LiNe a BiT, bUt aT LeAsT wE nEvEr PuLLeD tHiS KiNd oF buLLsH-

Icoal slammed the mallet into the ground, and the Krankles evaporated.

Hey. Who wants to hear a Krassmas carol?”

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Krassmas Special 11

The blasts, unlike with Silent, do seem to cause some damage to Holy, likely due to his nature, although not much. He does get groggy, and while fighting valiantly to stay awake his movements become lethargic, and he takes the fire blasts for the whole team, collapsing into unconsciousness as a tree knocked him out. Harold, the only still-active of the three, raised his hands.
I seek not violence. Spare us and I shall surrender.

He places his hands on the knights, stabilizing them with the absence of his song, but does not heal either or start his singing again. Although Harold still sticks out like a splinter in her mind, Helsa no longer feels the thrum of his influence expanding across the world. It can be supposed he is no longer supporting the other Yule Lads.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

Ha! With the powers of giving and love, all things are possible! Your dark capitalism holds no candle to the might of-
Without Harold’s song, the Grunch’s last strength fades, and he collapses, blood pooling out of his mouth from a burst heart, his shoes ripping as the circulation finally reached his feet in a rush. There is a glow and a *crack* from within the bag, and the Grunch suddenly gasps, vomiting blood.

Guh-ugh. I knew these artifacts would come in handy! Wow. I can’t believe I died for this stupid holiday. I mean seriously?! Bleh, stupid Krassmas magic and stupid hypnotization. Yeah, whatever. Screw Krassmas. Bah Humbug. That artifact cleansed my system when it revived me.

The Grunch reached into the sack, pulling out a broken glass heart.

Well, whatever. You got a job offer? Sure, why not. Let’s give this holiday two big ol’ middle fingers through the eyes. Tell ya what, Goldie. Ya know why I was supposed to do this? Not just as a distraction, also to steal away any artifacts that could stop the fat bastards plan. For example, this little number.

He lifts the shattered axe, and after digging in the sack some more, withdraws a hammer. Hitting the ace, it reforms, and resumes glowing.

This will cut his stupid tree down in one fell swoop and wreck his holiday completely. ‘Course, right now your buds are probably getting their noses bloodied by him and his goons, maybe you want to avoid that noise and jump in when the fighting’s over and play the hero. There’s also the psycho twin going around getting his jollies with a little bloodshed. And I don’t even *know* where the creepy braud is. But she certainly can’t be good news. Of course, you could always do the smart choice, say ‘screw it’, and not let this shit ruin your day. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough bullshit. You don’t die every day, you know? I think I need to process this a little.

The little shadow Krankles seemed to have an effect on the locusts, the swarm multiplied and got more frenzied as it covered the Krassmech, the Krankles giggling within audible throughout the North Pole. Krass could still sense the gods, but could not see the rest of his surroundings, and the beanstalks quickly restrained and through off his aim, the cannon blast missing Ocaeril and punching a hole through one of Cthistmas’ wings, which seemed to do more damage than Ocaeril’ Bjuu bombs. Those did have an impact on the Krassmech, though, along with Joe’s constant assault. The cracks were spreading, out of the bits visible through the locust swarm it didn’t appear there was an undamaged spot on the mech, although unfortunately the cannon was quite durable. The mech popped off its blade and frantically cut itself free, aiming the cannon point blank on Joe.

Sugarplum, meanwhile, with the Bjuu bombardment and the Spiral energy attack, collapsed into pieces, Cardicarious’ summoned minions burning the remains with their magic into a true death for the creature. Cthistmas did promptly grab Inqui and begin to slam her against the ground over and over at high speeds, however. A miniature earthquake shook the ice with each hit.

ARGH! Enough of this! Where are you, girl! I need you! COME HERE NOW! Kill them!

Tee-hee! Hello everybody! Are we having fun, yet?”

Icoal stood in the gods’ midst, a long spear in one hand, and in the other a mallet, the head made out of pieces of fractured reality.

rEaLLy? tHiS iS oUr rEpLacEmEnT? mAn, LiGhTNinG DiDn’T StRiKe tWiCe fOr oUr gUy, DiD iT?

tO bE fAir, cOuLd aNyOnE hOpE tO mAtCh uS?

LoOKinG aRoUnD, i sEe a BiT oF a DrOp iN qUaLiTy aLL oVeR! gUeSs tHe sEqUeLs aLwAyS dO DiSsApOiNt. tHe LaW-mAkEr tO tHe PsYcHo-fArMeR, ThAt’s a sWeRvE.

wHaT, LiKe tHe FiRsT wAs aLL tHaT gOoD, aNyWay? dO yOu eVeN rEmEmBeR tHe wAr oF tHe gOdS aRc?!

nO, ThAt’S tHe PrObLeM! aLL wE gOt wAs tHaT aLaRvAL fAnFiC gArbAgE, aNd tHaT sHiT iS tHe mOsT AwFuL tRaSh i’Ve LAid eYeS oN!

hEh, yEaH. bUt ReaLLy, wHeN hAs C eVeR hAd a GoOd iDeA? heLL, LoOk aT uS nOw, SiNcE wHeN wAs i dEaDpOoL? hE uSeD tO hAndLe tHiS fOuRtH waLL sTuFf WiTh a LiTtLe mOrE gRaCe, bUt tHiS wHoLe eXcHaNgE iS tHe cRinGiEsT tHiNg bY fAr! wHaT dO yOu tHiNk, dEaR?

I think you are rather ruining the mood. If you would kindly die, I would much appreciate it.”


I dont think so.”

OkAy, tHe CoMiC ReLiEf pOwErS mAy hAvE bEeN ToEiNg tHe LiNe a BiT, bUt aT LeAsT wE nEvEr PuLLeD tHiS KiNd oF buLLsH-

Icoal slammed the mallet into the ground, and the Krankles evaporated.

Hey. Who wants to hear a Krassmas carol?”

Joe looked at the cannon that was aimed right at him and giggled. He waved his arms to a side and swept over himself, vanishing. A pile of cereal was all that remained of his previous location.

And then he reappeared right above the mech with a scythe that would rival its size.

"Remember to eat your veggies! Or you start dying!"

A horrid wheezing cackle was let out and Joe struck the mech's cannon arm with the behemoth to lop it straight off. Before finally spitting plant seeds at Cthistmas that would burst into several gigaplunts.
The blasts, unlike with Silent, do seem to cause some damage to Holy, likely due to his nature, although not much. He does get groggy, and while fighting valiantly to stay awake his movements become lethargic, and he takes the fire blasts for the whole team, collapsing into unconsciousness as a tree knocked him out. Harold, the only still-active of the three, raised his hands.
I seek not violence. Spare us and I shall surrender.

He places his hands on the knights, stabilizing them with the absence of his song, but does not heal either or start his singing again. Although Harold still sticks out like a splinter in her mind, Helsa no longer feels the thrum of his influence expanding across the world. It can be supposed he is no longer supporting the other Yule Lads.
Harold Angel
Silent Knight
Holy Knight

Hmm...I could interrogate him to find out where Krass is, but-oh wait, Ocaeril messaged everyone about the location. So, I don't really need Harold to live...but...ah, might as well. I can use them later if I so desire.

Helsa provided an image of thinking about it for a second...before smirking and nodding. "Very well. You may live. But just to make sure..." She smirks even wider, walking over to Harold Angel, eyes glowing emerald green.

“I’m miss Twisted Krassmas, I’m miss corruption, I’m miss sinful girl, I’m the evil cannon...”

With a snap of her fingers, tendrils imbued with sloth energy appear and wrap around Harold. While the tendrils don’t hurt, Harold begins to find it hard to stay awake…

“People call me Sin Miser, whatever I touch, becomes monstrous in my clutch, I’m too much!”

Helsa cackles as Harold’s eyes slowly close. The last thing he sees before falling asleep is a grinning Helsa. And with that, the Corruption Goddess leaves, heading straight for the North Pole in a cloud of black smog.

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