The World of Od


Salamancer, first class
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Edit: I pulled a smart and accidentally posted the character sign-up here, went to see the actual sign-up, noticed there was nothing there and proceeded to cry over all of my "lost work". But, all fixed now :) I think.. Maybe..
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A note to all Odians: Since Od is so large, it seems a shame to cluster all of these fine characters in one area. So, feel free to team up with a friend and have them play the environment for whatever area you want to discover, maybe repay the favor for them for a few quests. If you can't find anyone, just ask me, I'm always glad to play a little Environment. It's open world and playing alone isn't all that fun, so feel free to colonize, explore, adventure, as long as everyone is having fun with it, anything goes. :D
We didn't name it yet, go ahead and do so if you want to, you can make up as much about it as you want :)  
Ey! We got all the way to 4 full pages of RP today, and this is just the first full day :D keep it up, guys, invite friends, advertise on television, put a poster on a blimp!! (Or maybe just keep going on with yourselves, we got this ;D
Ok, not trying to boost numbers or anything, but do you guys think I should put the "Need More Members" sign back up, or keep it on "Accepting"?
Sure, I'll put it up for a few days, then take it down over the weekend :)
While Harper is out a-wandering, I was planning on making a several more Characters and Locations. Don't worry, he will be back eventually, but I thought the RP was getting clogged up in one tiny area, and people were kind of running out of content :/ my goal is to get this world as big and with as much variety as big as possible, so feel free to make as many characters as you want, as many cities, dungeons, castles, creatures. Play as a dragon or a halfling, a time-traveling ogre or a stay-at-home imp, a plant-woman or a lizard-man, this is Od, anything goes. :)

-Much regards and things,

Stickdom ( ^_^ )
For some reason I did not get notifications from this rp lately, so I had not knowm that I could continue to rp Furattā. Sorry guys!
No problem, same thing has been happening to me lately. I think there's a glitch in the notifs system lately :(
Hmm, I had the same happen with another Rp, maybe check your notifications settings?
I think it's fixed now. If not I'll just check in often.

Anyways, I edited my last post so that Furattā is imcluded in it.
Ok :D I'll look and see what I can add from there :) Gj, Pastel :)
I didn't put much for Furattā because she's unconscious lol. Can't do really anything with her.
Sorry I haven't really posted anything today, guys, been busy putting together a whole bunch of stuff.. I'll have everything all sorted out tomorrow, But I may be able to get a post or two or several up tonight as well :)
Well, I don't want this to be an issue, and I don't want Od to die off because not many are active :( so far, it's just been you and me and Pastel, I'm trying to find ways to boost up the numbers so this can be running at any time, and you can always find someone to hang out or have a duel with :)
Yeah. Working on both :3 
Ok, today is the day, I'm going to put together our first real update, getting everything all set up, no more test run, this one is the real deal :D @JJennibee, @LilyofSapphires and @pastel stitchings, your posts have not been forgotten, we shall bring this RP about ANEW! 
Ok, everyone! The organizing and updating and REorganizing is DONE! (at least for now :P ) I'm hoping to have this place packed and active again, so I'm going to tag everyone one last time, just in case they somehow lost sight of this thread. Make and play as many NPCs as you want, because they're pretty much going to be public property, anyone can play as them until someone claims them by making a character sheet for them proper.

Alright, @JJennibee, @LilyofSapphires, @TerraStrifeKB, @The J, and @pastel stitchings, that should be everyone so far.

Welcome to the Slightly-Improved Od! :D
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Haha, that's not the problem, Jjenni, we just didn't have enough, well, enough RP to start with. Just give it a day, I'll have everything back up and running again ASAP. Once I compile all the new info, maybe put together some more land to explore and quests to take, it's game on :D I deeply apologize for the lack of RP at the moment, I'm trying to settle all the major issues now so we don't have this problem again in the future :)
Moop! Hallo! I heard that the roleplay was on some kind of... pause. (cue dramatic music)

Even so, I'm interested in this, and planning to make a character. ou o
[QUOTE="L u n a]
Moop! Hallo! I heard that the roleplay was on some kind of... pause. (cue dramatic music)
Even so, I'm interested in this, and planning to make a character. ou o

That's fine, Luna :) it was just a brief maintenance pause, I should have it back up and running by sometime this afternoon. I just needed a chance to catch up and organize everything we had so far, that's all :3

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