The World As We Know It [RP]

(OOC: I was waiting on Dis and some of the others who's characters were getting weapons from the armory.) I'll post either tonight or tomorrow.
Sarah got her shotgun that looked alot like an old timey SPAS-12. She re-engeniered it to be better for combat and more range but it was still in the same old casing of the 2006 shotgun. The boys working at the armory brought gave her her "armor". The armor was two braceletts, two ancletts, and a necklace all in a shiny platinum color. The design on them were strange blue glowing groves and every piece of jewlery had a green glowing button on the side of it. "Thank you, get yourself suited, theres no telling when the mechs are going to get here," she told the boy that helped her. She put on the "armor" and pressed the glowing green buttons on the sides of them while they tightened around her body and made a quiet beep noise. "Jett you almost ready?" she shouted across the armory. "We need to get ready to bash some heads,"
Jett rolled his eyes, adjusting the body armour and listening carefully to find the entry of attack. 'I don't know about you but I work better on the front lines princess.' he said, nto trying to be curt with her, but just letting her know what he intended to do. 'Now I know you probably won't be smart and stay back while you're injured, but could you at least try to remain unharmed? make sure you stay behind cover this time?' He asked a little exasperatedly before heading for the main entrance.
Sarah grinned at Jett, "No need with these, you know unless the mechs leave their programing and shoot my wrists and ancles but they've never left their programing, at least what I've seen and im kiiiinda the daughter of the man that made them," she went behind Jett and tightened a strap he obviously didnt see, "If your gonna ware the armor ware it right, anyhow, as long as im not under rapid intake ill be fine." Sarah handed him a metalic ball that was covered in danger stickers, one of them labled "USE ONLY IN EMERGENCYS" in eight languages. "You might need that, just be careful when you do." She left the armory, assuming Jett would fallow. She met up with the rest of her team, "Who's leading us?" she asked. A unit in glowing black armor walked up fallowed by Eriks, "That would be me," a female voice said from the armor said.
the bombardment never seemed to let up. Serenity wouldve givin up a long while ago had she not been so prideful. she refuesed to retreat despite the pain she was in. all the flying bullets and mech parts being tossed around had covered her in dust and dirt, her light blue hair was smudged black in places, aside from her stomach and leg being exposed where she had torn clothes to mend wounds, her shirt was also torn on one arm, and the other shoulder from flying shrapnel. she had a cut under her eye, one on her lower leg and the cloth wrapped around her arm was starting to soak through in one spot. she was surrounded by empty shells from the many weapons she had picked up and used. the wall was shrinking as bullets chewed away the edge. where were the rebels? didnt they want to protect their base? in an instant, her heart sank. what if they had evacuated from another exit and abandoned this base for another? was she left here with the odd rogue mech, to fight until they both died?
(OOC: Here is the delayed post)

Failure detected within cloaking systems. Cloaking failure in 13 seconds.

Seekay retreated quickly and took cover at the intersection once again, "Human, this unit believes that we have moved past the proverbial flames and fire. All processes have concluded that we will be terminated within the next five minutes unless intervention is applied from an outside source. Do you have any suggestions?"
Jett didn't say anything as an armoured woman approached. Instead he continued walking. 'I'm going to go help out. Meet you there.' He called over his shoulder, breaking into a low jog, tugging on a panel in his mech arm, keying in a code and groaning as the arm changed forms into a large machine gun. The process was always a painful one, he thought to himself. He recovered hastily, and walked into the fight, mech blazing, a gun in his free hand as he aimed for the weak points. He stepped in front of Serenity, looking down at her for a moment, pulling a weapon from his belt and tossing it to her. 'You alright there?' He asked, his gaze back on the enemy.
Back up had finally showed up, and Serenity took the gun in hand. "im still in one peice." she said coughing a few times. she leaned around the corner again and took a few shots, and a round met with her shoulder. she screamed, dropping the weapon and clutching her shoulder. the pain torn through her whole arm, and the round struck through the bone, dislocating the joint.
'Serenity!' Jett cried, ducking behind a large metal box to see if she was okay. 'I'm just surrounded by hopeless woman today aren't I?' He joked, tearinf a strip from his jeans to cover the wound. 'Hold that in place okay? Run for the medicentre, i'll cover you!' He ordered, refusing to see her get into a worse state. He fired at the Mechs again, letting out a roar of fury. Why was it that everyone was getting in his way and getting hurt?
"i-im not helpless or hopeless! ive been holding out with th-that weird mech forever, do you know how many mechs i destroyed on my own?" had she not been in pain, she would have been seething. she stood and ran with him, she coughed, and clutched her shoulder. she teared up as they ran. she hated being helpless, she should have been strong enough.
"Jett! Wait!" Sarah yelled after the mech boy that ran off. "God damnit.." she said to herself than turned to the woman in charge, "And who put you in charge Ginger?" she asked. "Last time I checked your a rank three in the rebelion and Eriks is-" she started as Eriks glared at her. "Confidental. Ginger Preswere's posision of rank three remains howver she has a plan that breaks Georges rules so she needed my word to comand this group." Sarah looked at the low ranked girl. "Well lets here that plan of yours."
Reinforcements. Finally. Seekay lay motionless against the wall as the man provided limited medical aid to the woman, Serenity. He had no desire to draw attention to himself. He diverted most of his power to his self repair function with the focus on cloaking systems. Seekay surmised that he may need it to escape if the humans acted hostile.
(([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] @scaterjuliet is anyone still up for this roleplay, its one of my favorites, i realy hope it doesnt die :'( ))
I want to continue as well, but I'm always waiting for Ali. If you want, I can poof Serenity back to the battle ground and she can interact with Sarah till Kai shows up? Her brother got stuck too.
(sorry, busy moving and all that shabang)

Jett carried Serenity to the medicentre, holding her carefully, just as he had done with Sarah. 'I know you aren't, I'm sorry that I said that. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just so sick of being dragged into other people's fights.' He explained before lowering her to her feet. 'I don't want to see you back out there until you are patched up.' He instructed before giving her a slight wink. 'See ya on the battlefield Ace.' With those words he dashed back out, passing Sarah along the way. 'You coming or what Princess?' He said, grabbing her arm and dragging her along.

([MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION] [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] [MENTION=3299]Lupus Verum[/MENTION] i wish you'd join again, my absence is fixed and i wont let it get like that again)
Serenity coughed, feeling dizzy. she assumed it was from blood loss, but reached for inhaler just in case. she found that it wasnt there, and felt apprehensive. she had taken her medicine, and had used her inhaler only a short while ago in the dusty cavern, so she should be fine for awhile. she hoped that the fighting would be over soon, because she had a feeling she had dropped her inhaler during the battle. there was also the possibility that it would be crushed in battle, but Serenity tried not to think about it.

((i forgot you were moving Ali, sorry.))
Eriks stopped Jett has he was dragging Sarah into battle, "Hey, slow down man, she has a specific role in Rank 7 Ginger's plan. And those grenades on her belt could be problems for you if their hit too hard." Sarah got herself back into check with a shaken on her face, "No, its okay Eriks, I could do more damage inside and with my armor I should be fine." Eriks sighed as he gave Jett a sign to continue. "Alright but if he gets you hurt don't come crying to me," Eriks said. She most of the time knew what she was doing. Even if it meant running into the heat of battle, "We need a replacement for unit Sarah Genisis." he said aloud.
Jett winked at Eriks. 'Trust me, she's more likely to hurt herself than I am to hurt her.' He assured the tech, making a slick clicking noise with his tongue, tugging on Sarah's arm. 'And seeing how I don't know anything about a plan, I vote we just blow some shit up, excluding ourselves of course, and blast those jerkoffs into space.' He grinned wickedly, looking to Sarah, 'You ready Princess?' He asked, that attractive gleam in his eye again. He'd all but forgiven her for the AI insult earlier. Now he just wanted to get this over with.
"I'm not worried about you getting her hurt, more worried about her hurting herself." Eriks smiled as he repeated the rest of Jett's comment in his head. "Sound like a plan. Be carefull out there," he said walking away. Sarah's heart started beating faster when Jett looked at her with that new nickname. "Sure thing, hotshot," Sarah said with a smile, holding her shotgun closely. She wasn't ready to just run into the middle of everything but if Jett was, she might as well have been.
Serenity rolled over in her infirmary bed, her wounds were patched up, but she was still tossing a hoarse cough here and there. The door clicked open and she saw her brother. "Where did you run off to?" She asked. He ran over to her with sudden surprise, "were you fighting again? Oh my god Seri!" He looked at her shoulder, where the blood was slightly seeped through. "Shut up Kai, you're going to give me a headache."she let out a few coughs, "I'm fine, but the fight isn't over yet." kai nodded, "then I'm going to help." Serenity gri maced," you're going to. get yourself killed!" She had a fit of coughs. "Seri where's your inhaler?" She gave a guilty look. "I dropped it in battle" kai looked worried, "now I have to go. You're on the verge of an asthma attack." Without hearing Serenitys reply, Kai got up from her bedside and ran off, getting armed and running towards the battlefeild.
Jett charged into the fray, firing rounds from his mechanical arm as he did so, shielding Sarah with his own body as best he could. 'Die b*tch* he shouted as he blasted one of the Mechs square in the sensor, causing it to malfunction and begin to make a loud whining noise. Recognising the sound he quickly threw himself and Sarah to the ground, lying on top of her to shield her from the blast. Barely a moment later, the AI exploded and triggered a reaction with some of the others.

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