The World As We Know It [RP]


Captain's Favorite
Sarah walked outside looking up at the sky watching the rain drops hit the weather shield. The AI has become so smart that its made a shield to prevent themselves to get damaged by the natural elements. She pretended to go to school so the robots wouldnt chase after her and ask her ware she was going. She swallowed hard, Are we doing the right thing? she wondered. The robots have made compleatly demolished the "minimum wage jobs" once the McDonalds chain invested in 3000 AI time shares and replaced 30% of its employees with the robots that were shortly crated ten years after thier investment. Slowly afterwords more and more biusnesses invested in the AI's. Sarah realized she was going the wrong way as a Mech caut up to her, "MAM, ACORDING TO YOUR FILE YOU SHOULD BE GOING TO SCHOOL" it said, "Umm, yeah my mom is-" she stopped herself, there was no lying to a Sicurity Mech, "Uh, bye" she said before bolting the way she should have been going to start with.
Jett tested the mechanics in his arm as he qot up, stretching the mechanical tendons by moving his fingers. He hated that half his body was now Mech. It wasn't fair. He'd had perfectly good working body parts and then some stupid Mech had to run him over. It was stupid. Why the hell had it happened to him in the first place? He let out a frustrated yell and kicked the wall, with his human leg. It was so unfair. He just wanted to be normal. He sighed, sinking onto his bed. It was stupid to be complaining like this. He was mechanical. He had to deal with it. Slowly he sat up, stretched again, and got dressed. It was strange. If you looked at him you wouldn't be able to tell that he was mechanical. They had covered the parts with artificial skin grafts, but he knew they were there. He wasn't human. It wasn't fair. How many times did he tell hiimself that? He'd spent years telling himself that. A knock sounded on the door and his mother popped her head in. 'Breakfast is ready. Don't forget your appointment is at nine.' She reminded him. He sighed. Every year they upgraded his mechanical parts so that they still fit with his body, considering he had been a kid when the accident had occurred, they kind of had no choice but to do it. 'Okay, be there in a sec.' He said and she disappeared again. He sighed again, climbing down the stairs slowly as the mechanical parts woke up and began working normally again.

About ten minutes later he was walking casually down the street when he saw a girl running past him, looking slightly petrified. He stepped into her path, grabbing hold of her easily. 'Don't worry, i'm not gonna hurt you. Are you alright?' He asked, concerned. Was she being chased? He wouldn't let someone hurt her if they were. 'What's going on? Why are you running as if your life depended on it?'


Natalia was woken by a prodding in her arm. She looked over to see her helper-bot poking her. 'Mistress... Mistress it's nearly time to open up the shop.' He said in a strangely anxious tone. She squinted at him, pushing her rainbow coloured bangs out of her eyes. 'Alright, alright calm down. I'm getting up.' She said, frowning as she realised she'd fallen asleep at her desk. The blueprints she had been working on the night before rested flat on the table and she was glad that she hadn't ended up messing them up. Slowly she stood up, stretching as Helper-Bot tidied up her desk for her. 'That's really not necessary.' She assured him, walking to the wardrobe to find some clothes and then heading for the shower. A few minutes later she was showered and dressed, pulling her hair up into bunches and pulling her signature goggles on. She sifted through her backpack, making sure she had everything she needed before gesturing to Helper-Bot. 'Come on, let's go.'

She arrived at the shop ten minutes later. The old neon sign was battered, reading 'Rod's Robots- Repairs and adjustments'. Natalia laughed to herself, climbing off the secondhand motorbike she had claimed and heading for the door. She unlocked it, pushing it open with her shoulder as it got stuck. It was a rundown place, but she was working on getting it fixed. Rod, the guy who had previously owned the shop, had been sent to jail for drug trafficking about four months earlier, and ever since then she'd managed to get business going higher. She was going to fix the exterior up once she got the funding. Not many people actually believed that an eighteen year old girl could possibly run a business on her own. But she'd spent most of her life running the family's affairs, earning the money and keeping them out of debt. It was a hard life for a kid back then. Now she'd managed to get out of that house and lived in an apartment as far from her parents as she could get. She flicked the switch to turn on the lights and smiled at the rundown interior. It was a start, the inside wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be. Sure it could use a coat of paint and the windows needed repairing but as far as lower end repair shops went, she was pretty damn proud. 'Put out the open sign would you Bot?'
"Let me go please!" Sarah screamed, "The mech, the mech its going to-" just then she felt the cold mechanics under the mans fake skin, "Your one of them, god damn it! why did this have to happen it me?!" down the streat she could here metal hitting ground with an electronic voice saying "MISS STOP, YOU ARE UNDER STATE REQUIREMENT TO ATEND SCHOOL, STOP" she sighed. There goes the rebelion. she thought. "Are you happy? You got me..."
Jett scowled as she called him 'one of them'. He heard the mechanical voice of the security bot and grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her behind him at a run. 'Come with me.' He said firmly, tugging her along easily. He didn't know why he was bothering. He could leave her to get into trouble with the Mech for calling him one, but he knew it wasn't in him to do such a thing. He ran into one of the buildings ahead of him, climbing the stairs, forcing her infront of him. 'Move it, or do you want to be caught and taken into custody for running away?' He demanded. He ushered her into an abandoned apartment, bolting the door behind them as he followed. 'I am in no way one of them.' He snarled in a furious whisper. 'If you ever say it again I'll leave you for it to take.'
Sarah looked up at him in awe, "How did you do that?" she could here the mech slaming on the door, "Okay i need to go and your mechanics sure came in handy but i dont need your help, i was doing perfectly fine without you." she looked for a safe way out, "I hate your kind. I dont care if its in your programing to help me, you must be malfunctioning sence you helped me get away from the mech outside but ill leave the techinitions and my daaa-" she could see a flare of anger in him, refering to him as an AI. "Your human..." she started "arnt you?"
He let out a furious growl, glaring at her. 'Yes i'm a freaking human.' He snarled, furious. She had no right to talk to him like that. It was totally unfair. 'Do you really think I would have helped you if I were a Mech? Even a malfunctioning one could be ordered by a Security Mech to stop.' He turned away from her, watching as the door quivered under the wait of the Mech in question. 'It'll give up soon. And try to find another way in.' He said more to himself than to her. He turned back to her, shooting her a wicked glare. 'So are you going to belittle me further by calling me an AI? Or are you going to tell me why you were running from it in the first place?'
Alex was asleep in an abandoned apartment. She had been there a couple days but she knew they would find her soon. They always did, but Alex always escaped. She was awakened by voices coming from the living room. She quietly sat up and picked up a gun she had stolen from some guy the other day, along with a few other things including some simple working goggles that she used to keep most of her hair back.

Alex stood up and walked out of the room, her gun ready to shoot. She rounded the corner and pointed the gun at the two standing in the apartment. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

((hey I forgot to post what she looks like you can't see her tattoos or piercings))
"Okay, is that how you say 'Yes' in your world," she smirked, "Your lucky your not a Mech i could get you destroyed for talking to me that way if you were." she looked at him and noticed his concern for her, "Ware im going is dangerous even for you. Dont bother fallow me. And next time you see me you'd be smart to run." she started out the backdoor and pulled out her phone answering a call that was aparantly long overdue, "Hello Daddy," she answered sweetly. "Why arnt you in school?"

"Who told you i wasnt?" she said, still with a sweet tone

"The robot that caught you"

"Hmm?" she asked

"Sweety are you?"

"School, please, dad, people are stairing" she said with a slight laugh

"No your not! Damn it Sarah ware are you!?"

she hung up and cursed to herself and started running ware she needed to go before her dad could interfear
Kaze sat in a chair reading something he had been typing up on his air computer(1). Pist walked in and said to Kaze "The group is ready, my lord."

"Good, good. Now is the time my friend... to rid the world of these pesky lowlife humans that have called you, me and any other robot out in the world WORTHLESS PIECE'S of S***!" Kaze yelled as he slammed his fist on his desk nearby. Kaze then stood up and his air computer disappeared.

Pist walked over to Kaze and put his arm over Kaze's shoulders. "Don't worry, remember, i am right here by you."

"yeah your right" Kaze stated, he then sighed as he walked over to the balcony that looked over this small underground dome where at least 1000 robots were standing waiting on Kaze. "My fellow robots... now is the time to take over this world... we have come to far to let my dream end now... I ask you, will you help me spread my dream to this mortal world? Will you share in my dream till death do us part? Will you protect those around you as we share this dream to the world and kill all traitors?"

The Robots raised their arms in the air and Shouted to his questions "YES... YES... YES!"

Kaze then turned around and went back to his room where Pist waited for him. "Rousing speech my lord, now i shall start causing mayhem in the streets" Pist said, he then bowed and left. Kaze nodded in response and then went back on his air computer as it reappeared in front of him.


(1) - Think of Iron Man computer but it can appear whenever/wherever by him so he can use it.
Jett frowned as the girl left and another appeared. He had no idea what was going on. He'd helped out a fellow human and had got squat for it. He frowned deeper, turning to the girl that had appeared with a gun. 'We were getting away from a Mech. Sorry to intrude, but the place seemed empty.' He apologised, watching Sarah leave. 'I'm Jett. That's.. well i dunno who that is. She's some rich kid I guess, with manners like that. Excuse me for a second.' He said and ran after Sarah, grabbing hold of her wrist and dragging her back into the apartment. 'You're not going anywhere until you explain yourself. And until you apologise. I don't take kindly to being called a Mech.' He said firmly, not caring if she fought back, considering she wouldn't be able to escape the grip of his mechanical arm.
"My name is Sarah Genisis of Genisis Worldwide AI," she said, "that should be enough freaking explanation for you hotshot. And im not some spoiled rich kid with managers, im almost the oposite. My dad wanted me to know how it felt to start from nothing so i live by myself in my own condo my dad pays for, have been sence i was 9. Im going to the UlteMechRevolution wich is a rebelion against mechs. Can you please let me go now?"
"Rebellion against Mechs? Count me in." Alex put the gun in a holster strapped across her waist and walked back to the room she was sleeping in. She came back out with a black trench coat over her corset-like shirt. It hid the gun do she wouldn't look so suspicious. Alex looked over at Jett. "You gonna come handsome?"
Jett frowned. So she worked for the company that made his parts. Interesting. He didn't let her go just yet. 'I want my damned apology.' He growled, tightening his grip only slightly. 'Yeah you're so worse off, daddy is the richest damn man in the city and you have to live on your own in a poor little condo. Boo hoo. I was attacked by one of his damn machines when I was nine. I ended up in hospital. When I woke up I was this!' He gestured to the mechanical parts with a furious glare. 'So go on, tell me how much your life sucks. Tell me that its so hard being daddy's daughter.' He snarled furiously before letting her go in such a way that it caused her to stumble. 'You make me sick. I'm tagging along. you never know when you might just need a freaking Cyborg to save your rich arse.' He said with disdain.
Serenity walked out of her apartment, a classic book in hand, and looked down the hall to see a slight commotion. she walked up to the group, one cyborg seething with anger and and two girls. "whats all this noise for?" she asked, somewhat upset. "you do know this isnt a fighting arena right? people live here!" she gave them a stern look. she couldnt stand it when people made a scene in a public place.
"You expect an apology from me after that?!" she yelled "I get to talk to my dad once or twice a year unless he's calling me about the guys that jumped me, or shot me, or atempted-" she winced "Its not worth going over to prove a point, im so disconected from my father the only privilge i get is the mechs not aresting me before consulting my father, oh yipidy freakin doo da, i dont have to worie about jail, my life has been horible sence i was forced to move into that getto ass neighberhood ware everyone hated me. Boo hoo me? No boo hoo you! Oh no you got attacked by a mech, ive been in the hospital so many times theyve saved a room for me. If your coming to the revolution your not saying a word cuz i can hack into the programing in you faster than you could blink, got it?" she looked to the other girl, "You got another one of those?" she asked gesturing to the gun "My dads probably sending mechs"
'yeah I do expect a freaking apology. I don't give a damn about your sob story life, you insulted me for no damn reason!' He seethed, clenching his fists. 'I went out of my way to help you and you try and act like your better than me. You think that you can just hack me like that? For someone who is supposed to be so 'worse off' you sure as hell don't know how to act humble.' He snapped, glowering at her. 'Why shouldn't I have a right to speak at the meeting? I'm as human as you are. I still have fless.' He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his left side of his chest. his heart was racing from fury. 'My heart still beats. i'm not all machine.' He said in a lower voice, calmer but still upset. Why couldn't she see he was still human? It hurt him more to know that no one saw him as human anymore. He let her hand drop, turning away and shoving his hands in his pockets. He started slightly when he realised he was tearing up, wiping away the small salt water droplet quickly. He then turned to see a new arrival. he flashed her a weak smile. 'Don't worry about me, I'm not going to hurt a prissy little princess. My hands aren't going to be stained with her blue blood.' He said, adding emphasis on the words with a hint of sarcasm.
Alex nodded at the girl and walked back into the room. She was just going to leave these guns hidden in the apartment, it wasn't really necessary for her to have more than one. "Well it looks like all I'm good for is supplying the weaponry. Just like always. No one pays attention to the orphan." A tear ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. "No. No crying. You're not a wuss any more. It's been ten years since you were. Pull yourself together or you die." She came back out of the room with the extra gun.
Sarah gigled, "Looks like your not mister tough guy. If makes you feel better then im sorry i called you a mech and treated you like you were my slave. We realy need to get going." She looked at the girl with the book that had just arived "And if i were you id get out of here sweety." Sarah looked around "ware the hell is my gun?!"
Serenity was pissed now, "why dont the lot of you just shut up?!?!?" she yelled over the top of them. "Do you really think screaming at eachother is going to solve anything? i dont know who the hell any of you are but your acting like a bunch of children! why dont stop throwing yourselves pity parties and learn to except what you have? you alive and breathing and you have a polace to live, isnt that enough?" she coughed as she stopped yelling. she was panting, short of breath rather quickly. as high tech as things were, they still hadnt fixed asthma. and she refused to get artificial lung implants.
Sarah looked at the new girl "Let me ask you somthing darling, what exactly is your story. To tell the truth i hate pritty so i dont expect anyone to feal sorry for me but-"


"Give me that gun im getting out of here" she said stairing at the 20 armed security mechs
He walked out of his apartment wearing some comfortable black jeans, high top black sneakers and a white long sleeved v-neck shirt. His hands where in his pocket as he strolled down the street, He took in a deep breath "Another day..." he though, his right hand moving the lose strands of red hair away from his face. As he walked by people he couldn't help but hear their thoughts, he hadn't quit gotten a grip on that power completely, and sometimes the loud thoughts disturbed him. He cringed at some of them. as he walked by a young man he couldn't help but pause.

'What am i going to do? What if she finds out...? I didn't mean to kill her.." the boy shook nervously looking around, his face covered by a hood, and as quickly as he came was as quickly as he disappeared.

He paused, his heart skipping a beat it seemed. The boy seemed nervous and unsure. How he hated hearing peoples thoughts, those secrets were not for him to listen into. "If the authority knew i could do this..." he gritted his teeth. Some part of him was afraid to be used as some science experiment, and another part of him wanted to be found out, so that maybe, with a slim hope there was a cure. But the outcome was so unpredictable, he just couldn't reveal himself. He continued walking, finally sitting down at a table outside of a huge library in the city.
Alex quickly pulled out her gun, shooting at the Mechs and heading out the door. She followed Sarah out and kept shooting at the robots that kept coming at them. "Ive never had this many mechs chase me in my life!"
Kaze hacked into the 20 Security Mechs and they looked at Sarah. "so, you are going to the rebellion? take us there so we can help, we have a bone to pick with the robots trying to take over" Kaze said through them in their voice. Kaze smiled as he waited to see what happened next.
"Imagine 1900000000000 at my fathers world wide presentation of version software," she looked at Jett "Hey hotshot, mide giving us a hand?" she said teasingly and continuly shooting at the mechs, "Just fallow me, ill help you get your revenge"
Serenity smirked and pulled out her own hidden gun. she coughed again, and took aim. "that model is a ____ so the main circuit brain is....." she fired a shot, sending the bullet straight through one of the robots artificial brains. "listen hun, dont call me sweety, and dont call me darling."

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