Other The Word of the Day


(When I brought this up in my Psychology class back in high school everyone collectively went "Ewww!" and I had to be like, "Guys, come on, it's just a song that gets stuck in your head!" I love that there's actually a word for this, but it's kind of annoying when almost every time you use it people get the wrong idea...)
gomi. trash in japanese. because i use the word trash a lot... it just slips out my mouth. *-*
Yeah, I just realized we haven't been posting definitions to go along with the words, rendering them useless.  

Petrichor - the smell of rain

Something made of or looking like crystal.

Yeah, I just realized we haven't been posting definitions to go along with the words, rendering them useless.  

Petrichor - the smell of rain

I'm afraid I got to petrichor first - sorry!

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