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The woods never seem to end

Alright. So maybe like a town in Oregon? They've got a good woods base there. I'm sure a small town could exist.

Name: Vincent Innsen

Nickname/Preferred Name: Vin to familiars

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Family: Mother, Father, Brother Deceased; No one else

Appearance: Mousy brown curls, strong and soft features. Deep hazel eyes, and a strong body size and proportions. Tall and lean, muscular.


Personality: Calm, cool, and collected most of the time, but he is overly protective of those close to him or those vulnerable. He doesn't think twice about throwing himself in front of someone and using himself as a human barrier against danger. He comes off as ignorant and rude, but that's because he thinks through things more than anything else-except when it comes to protecting someone. He is really sweet once you break his rock-hard shell. He cares about everyone, sometimes too much. Don't let him deceive you; he has mastered the art.

History/Background: He woke up in a hospital and totally unaware. He didn't know what has happened, or even who he was.

But he was a post-op patient, so he was immobilized, and couldn't move because he was alone. His memories slowly come back, but in flashes that take over his senses and put him in a seizure-like state.

Likes: Critical thought, helping others, and food.

Dislikes: Fire, dishonesty, and ignorance.

Quirks/Odd Facts: He has an odd smile. The bottom of his lower lip on the right side dips down further than the rest of his lips, creating a crooked 'v' shape.

(Sorry, there's my char.)

Vincent was, of course, pinned in the hospital, totally amnesiatic and mostly alone. The only person that ever came was a spent silent nurse who gave him meds, food, checked his vitals, and left. He was stuck in a hospital room with a static-filled television and nothing even to stare at. Everything was white, boring, cookie-cutter.

[QUOTE="Jay Windse]Name: Vincent Innsen
Nickname/Preferred Name: Vin to familiars

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Family: Mother, Father, Brother Deceased; No one else

Appearance: Mousy brown curls, strong and soft features. Deep hazel eyes, and a strong body size and proportions. Tall and lean, muscular.


Personality: Calm, cool, and collected most of the time, but he is overly protective of those close to him or those vulnerable. He doesn't think twice about throwing himself in front of someone and using himself as a human barrier against danger. He comes off as ignorant and rude, but that's because he thinks through things more than anything else-except when it comes to protecting someone. He is really sweet once you break his rock-hard shell. He cares about everyone, sometimes too much. Don't let him deceive you; he has mastered the art.

History/Background: He woke up in a hospital and totally unaware. He didn't know what has happened, or even who he was.

But he was a post-op patient, so he was immobilized, and couldn't move because he was alone. His memories slowly come back, but in flashes that take over his senses and put him in a seizure-like state.

Likes: Critical thought, helping others, and food.

Dislikes: Fire, dishonesty, and ignorance.

Quirks/Odd Facts: He has an odd smile. The bottom of his lower lip on the right side dips down further than the rest of his lips, creating a crooked 'v' shape.


Kristin stopped and sighed when she found a person making fun of a boy who was in the hospital and he said he had a "weird smile" so she packed her backpack up and walked to the hospital to "verify" that the boy existed.
((Oops, mistake. He's 19.))

Vincent was oblivious to it all, of course, and maybe he wouldn't even know they were talking about him. He didn't know anything but the basics: name, age, birthdate, height, all the things you'd guess.

When Kristin walked in she felt a pang of sadness. She remembered waking up in a mental hospital after she went "insane" it sadly looked just like the hospital. She walked over too he as the nurses stared. "H-hello, I'm Kristin. you know the people here think you are weird but I'm going to fix that......"
Vincent blinked, starting up at Kristin. "Do I know you?" He said without realizing what he said until he heard it coming out of his own mouth.

Wait, they thought he was weird? What did he do?

Kristin smiles at Vincent "no you don't but the cameras here do.... I have to go" Kristin brushes her hand against your face lightly before walking out.
Vincent just barely touched her hand as it slipped away, and watched her leave. He felt as if she was significant, but how, if he didn't know her?

Kristin shivered as his hand touched hers. No. She wasn't supposed to feel- she couldn't feel emotions. He was just a simple human that was a victim of her next victim. She turned one more time to look at the boy before she left.
As Kristin left her phone buzzed. She found the address of the cyberbully. She grinned walked the house the phone had shown her as she reached the house she pulled out her knife.
Vincent found himself wondering if he'd ever see her again. A stupid, naive, elementary thought, but one that came to him nonetheless.

Turns out that the boy that sent the message was home alone. Strike one. He also left the back door unlocked. Strike two. Also he was blaring music though some headphones he had. Strike three you are out. Kristin walked in and murdered the boy silently obviously he wasn't so powerful out in reality. An easy kill. Kristin walked out with barely any blood on her shirt but just in case she put on her sweatshirt before walking to the hospital. When she walked in she sat in the chair by Vincent's bed.
Vincent jumped, looking up. "You know my name." He said slowly, trying to remember if he'd given it to her. He couldn't remember doing so.

He blinked. "I didn't tell you it." He frowned slightly.


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